Exemplo n.º 1
def runDER():
    # 2 objects. all variables ending with _AN should be an array of objects
    OAN = 2

    # number of vertices
    nv = 32

    # max time step
    max_dt = 5e-3

    # min time step
    min_dt = 1e-4

    # limit f*dt per step
    limit_f_times_dt = 0.0025

    # initial center of circle
    x0_AN = [[-0.5, 0.75], [0.5, 0.75]]

    # initial bulk velocity
    u0_AN = [[1.25, -2.5], [-1.25, -2.5]]

    # initial inflation pressure (N/m)
    InflationPressure_AN = [2.5, 2.5]

    # circle radius
    CircleRadius_AN = [0.15, 0.15]

    # circumference length
    CircumferenceLength_AN = [2 * pi * i for i in CircleRadius_AN]

    # Density
    rho_AN = [1000.0, 1000.0]

    # Cross-sectional radius of rod
    r0 = 3.25e-3

    # Young's modulus
    Y_AN = [1e7, 1e7]

    # gravity
    g = [0.0, -9.81]

    # dynamic friction coeff.
    μ = 0.4

    # Tolerance on force function. This is multiplied by ScaleSolver so that we do not have to update it based on edge length and time step size
    tol = 5e-7

    # Maximum number of iterations in Newton Solver
    maximum_iter = 100

    # Total simulation time (it exits after t=totalTime)
    totalTime = 5

    # Utility quantities
    EI_AN = [Y * pi * r0 ** 4 / 4 for Y in Y_AN]
    EA_AN = [Y * pi * r0 ** 2 for Y in Y_AN]

    dm_AN = [pi * r0 ** 2 * CircumferenceLength_AN[oa] * rho_AN[oa] / nv for oa in range(OAN)]  # mass per node

    nodes_AN = []
    for oa in range(OAN):
        nodes_oa = np.empty((nv, 2))
        x0_oa = x0_AN[oa]
        for c in range(nv):
            nodes_oa[c, 0] = x0_oa[0] + CircleRadius_AN[oa] * cos(c * 2 * pi / nv + pi / 2)
            nodes_oa[c, 1] = x0_oa[1] + CircleRadius_AN[oa] * sin(c * 2 * pi / nv + pi / 2)

    ScaleSolver_AN = [dm * np.linalg.norm(g) for dm in dm_AN]  # i don't know why. maybe just take it as granted

    # mass
    m_AN = [np.full(2 * nv, dm) for dm in dm_AN]

    # gravity
    garr = np.tile(g, nv)

    # Reference length and Voronoi length
    refLen_AN = []
    for oa in range(OAN):
        refLen_oa = np.empty(nv)
        nodes_oa = nodes_AN[oa]
        for c in range(nv - 1):
            dx = nodes_oa[c + 1] - nodes_oa[c]
            refLen_oa[c] = np.linalg.norm(dx)
            refLen_oa[nv - 1] = np.linalg.norm(nodes_oa[0] - nodes_oa[nv - 1])

    voronoiRefLen_AN = []
    for oa in range(OAN):
        voronoiRefLen_oa = np.empty(nv)
        refLen_oa = refLen_AN[oa]
        for c in range(nv):
            voronoiRefLen_oa[c] = 0.5 * (refLen_oa[c - 1] + refLen_oa[c])

    # Initial
    q0_AN = []
    for oa in range(OAN):
        q0 = np.zeros(2 * nv)
        nodes = nodes_AN[oa]
        for c in range(nv):
            q0[2 * c] = nodes[c, 0]  # initial x-coord
            q0[2 * c + 1] = nodes[c, 1]  # initial y-coord

    # Reference Area
    refA_AN = [area(q0, nv) for q0 in q0_AN]

    # Constrained dofs
    mapCons_AN = [np.zeros(2 * nv) for _ in range(OAN)]
    ForceAll_AN = [np.zeros(2 * nv) for _ in range(OAN)]

    u_AN = []
    for oa in range(OAN):
        u_oa = np.zeros(2 * nv)
        u0_oa = u0_AN[oa]
        for c in range(nv):
            u_oa[2 * c] = u0_oa[0]
            u_oa[2 * c + 1] = u0_oa[1]

    # set dt as max at the beginning
    dt = max_dt

    def objfunBW(q, oa, mapCons):
        nonlocal ForceAll_AN

        mMatInv = np.diag(1 / m_AN[oa])
        Ident2nv = np.eye(2 * nv)
        imposedAcceleration = np.zeros(2 * nv)

        q0 = q0_AN[oa]
        u = u_AN[oa]
        m = m_AN[oa]

        # Figure out the imposed acceleration
        for c in range(nv):
            xPos = q0[2 * c]
            # Case 2: one dof is constrained
            if mapCons[2 * c + 1] == 1:
                dY = q0[2 * c + 1] - slopeWall(xPos) * q0[2 * c]
                dRDesired = dY * math.sin(thetaNormal)
                q0Point = np.array([q0[2 * c], q0[2 * c + 1]])
                u0Point = np.array([u[2 * c], u[2 * c + 1]])
                qDesired = q0Point - nWall(xPos).T * dRDesired
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c : 2 * c + 2] = (qDesired - q0Point) / dt - (nWall(xPos) * np.dot(u0Point, nWall(xPos))).T
                mMatInv[2 * c: 2 * c + 2, 2 * c: 2 * c + 2] = np.dot(invMass(xPos), np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0], [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]]))
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c : 2 * c + 2] = np.array([0, 0])
                mMatInv[2 * c: 2 * c + 2, 2 * c: 2 * c + 2] = np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0], [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]])

        # Newton-Raphson scheme
        iter = 0 # number of iterations

        # Initial guess for delta V
        dV = (q - q0) / dt - u

        normfRecords = []

        while True:
            # Figure out the velocities
            uNew = u + dV
            # Figure out the positions
            q = q0 + dt * uNew

            # Get forces
            Fb, Jb = getFb(q, EI_AN[oa], nv, voronoiRefLen_AN[oa], -2 * pi / nv, isCircular=True)
            Fs, Js = getFs(q, EA_AN[oa], nv, refLen_AN[oa], isCircular=True)
            Fg = m * garr
            Ff = getFf(q, u, nv, mapCons_AN[oa], μ, ForceAll_AN[oa])
            pressureRatio = refA_AN[oa] / area(q, nv)
            Fp, Jp = getFp(q, nv, refLen_AN[oa], InflationPressure_AN[oa] * pressureRatio)

            Forces = Fb + Fs + Fg + Fp + Ff

            # Equation of motion
            ForceAll_AN[oa] = m * dV / dt - Forces  # actual force
            f = dV - np.dot(dt * mMatInv, Forces) - imposedAcceleration  # force used for Baraff-Witkin mass modification

            # Get the norm
            normf = np.linalg.norm(f) * np.mean(m) / dt

            if normf < tol * ScaleSolver_AN[oa]:
                print("Converged after %d loops" % iter)
            if iter > maximum_iter:
                print("Normf before exit", normfRecords)
                raise Exception('Cannot converge')

            Jelastic = Jb + Js + Jp
            J = Ident2nv - dt ** 2 * np.dot(mMatInv, Jelastic)

            dV = dV - np.linalg.solve(J, f)
            iter += 1

        return q, ForceAll_AN[oa]

    # Time marching
    ctime = 0

    outputData = [{'time': ctime, 'data': [q0.tolist() for q0 in q0_AN]}]

    def checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary(ForceAll):  # check whether max force is too large. if so, go back in time and reduce step size
        nonlocal dt, ctime
        maxF = np.amax(ForceAll)
        if (dt > min_dt) and (maxF * dt > limit_f_times_dt):  # du too large!
            relax_ratio = limit_f_times_dt / maxF / dt  # we may contract dt by this ratio. but to be efficient, we don't contract that much
            dt = max((0.3 * relax_ratio + 0.45) * dt, min_dt)
            print('Reducing dt and recompute')
            return True
            return False

    steps_attempted = 0
    while ctime <= totalTime:
        print('t = %f, dt = %f' % (ctime, dt))
        steps_attempted += 1

        q0_work_AN = q0_AN.copy()
        u_work_AN = u_AN.copy()
        mapCons_work_AN = [mapCons.copy() for mapCons in mapCons_AN]

        redo = False

        for oa in range(OAN):
            q0 = q0_AN[oa]
            mapCons = mapCons_work_AN[oa]

            # step 1: predictor

            qNew, ForceAll = objfunBW(q0, oa, mapCons)
            if checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary(ForceAll):
                redo = True

            # step 2: corrector

            changeMade = False  # flag to identify if another step is needed

            for c in range(nv):
                xPos = qNew[2 * c]
                yPos = qNew[2 * c + 1]
                boundaryY = slopeWall(xPos) * xPos

                if (not mapCons[2 * c + 1]) and yPos < boundaryY:
                    print("Adding constraint @ %d" % c)
                    mapCons[2 * c + 1] = 1
                    changeMade = True

            # detect and delete constrained dof

            for c in range(nv):
                xPos = qNew[2 * c]
                yPos = qNew[2 * c + 1]
                boundaryY = slopeWall(xPos) * xPos

                # Delete unnecessary constraints
                if mapCons[2 * c + 1]:
                    fReaction = ForceAll[2 * c: 2 * c + 2]
                    fNormal = np.dot(fReaction, nWall(xPos))

                    # Based on reaction force, release the constraint
                    if fNormal <= 0 and yPos >= boundaryY - 2e-6:  # reaction force is negative
                        print("Removing constraint @ %d" % c)
                        mapCons[2 * c + 1] = 0  # unconstrain it
                        changeMade = True

            if changeMade:
                qNew, ForceAll = objfunBW(q0, oa, mapCons)

            if checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary(ForceAll):
                redo = True

            u_work_AN[oa] = (qNew - q0) / dt

            # Update x0
            q0_work_AN[oa] = qNew

        if redo:

        # detect collision with each other
        for target in range(OAN):
            q_target = q0_work_AN[target]
            for surface in range(OAN):
                if target == surface:
                q_surface = q0_work_AN[surface]
                polygon = Polygon([(q_surface[2 * c], q_surface[2 * c + 1]) for c in range(nv)])
                for c in range(nv):
                    if polygon.contains(Point(q_target[2 * c], q_target[2 * c + 1])):
                        # we have a problem here

        q0_AN = q0_work_AN
        u_AN = u_work_AN
        mapCons_AN = mapCons_work_AN

        ctime += dt

        output = {'time': ctime, 'data': [q0.tolist() for q0 in q0_AN]}

        relax_ratio = limit_f_times_dt / max([np.amax(ForceAll) for ForceAll in ForceAll_AN]) / dt
        if (dt < max_dt) and (relax_ratio > 1):
            dt = min((0.6 * relax_ratio + 0.4) * dt, max_dt)
            print('Increasing dt')

    print('Steps attempted: %d' % steps_attempted)
    print('Steps succeeded: %d' % (len(outputData) - 1))

    return {'meta': {'radius': r0, 'closed': True, 'ground': True, 'groundAngle': math.degrees(thetaNormal) - 90, 'numberOfStructure': OAN}, 'frames': outputData}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def objfunBW(q, oa, mapCons):
        nonlocal ForceAll_AN

        mMatInv = np.diag(1 / m_AN[oa])
        Ident2nv = np.eye(2 * nv)
        imposedAcceleration = np.zeros(2 * nv)

        q0 = q0_AN[oa]
        u = u_AN[oa]
        m = m_AN[oa]

        # Figure out the imposed acceleration
        for c in range(nv):
            xPos = q0[2 * c]
            # Case 2: one dof is constrained
            if mapCons[2 * c + 1] == 1:
                dY = q0[2 * c + 1] - slopeWall(xPos) * q0[2 * c]
                dRDesired = dY * math.sin(thetaNormal)
                q0Point = np.array([q0[2 * c], q0[2 * c + 1]])
                u0Point = np.array([u[2 * c], u[2 * c + 1]])
                qDesired = q0Point - nWall(xPos).T * dRDesired
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c : 2 * c + 2] = (qDesired - q0Point) / dt - (nWall(xPos) * np.dot(u0Point, nWall(xPos))).T
                mMatInv[2 * c: 2 * c + 2, 2 * c: 2 * c + 2] = np.dot(invMass(xPos), np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0], [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]]))
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c : 2 * c + 2] = np.array([0, 0])
                mMatInv[2 * c: 2 * c + 2, 2 * c: 2 * c + 2] = np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0], [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]])

        # Newton-Raphson scheme
        iter = 0 # number of iterations

        # Initial guess for delta V
        dV = (q - q0) / dt - u

        normfRecords = []

        while True:
            # Figure out the velocities
            uNew = u + dV
            # Figure out the positions
            q = q0 + dt * uNew

            # Get forces
            Fb, Jb = getFb(q, EI_AN[oa], nv, voronoiRefLen_AN[oa], -2 * pi / nv, isCircular=True)
            Fs, Js = getFs(q, EA_AN[oa], nv, refLen_AN[oa], isCircular=True)
            Fg = m * garr
            Ff = getFf(q, u, nv, mapCons_AN[oa], μ, ForceAll_AN[oa])
            pressureRatio = refA_AN[oa] / area(q, nv)
            Fp, Jp = getFp(q, nv, refLen_AN[oa], InflationPressure_AN[oa] * pressureRatio)

            Forces = Fb + Fs + Fg + Fp + Ff

            # Equation of motion
            ForceAll_AN[oa] = m * dV / dt - Forces  # actual force
            f = dV - np.dot(dt * mMatInv, Forces) - imposedAcceleration  # force used for Baraff-Witkin mass modification

            # Get the norm
            normf = np.linalg.norm(f) * np.mean(m) / dt

            if normf < tol * ScaleSolver_AN[oa]:
                print("Converged after %d loops" % iter)
            if iter > maximum_iter:
                print("Normf before exit", normfRecords)
                raise Exception('Cannot converge')

            Jelastic = Jb + Js + Jp
            J = Ident2nv - dt ** 2 * np.dot(mMatInv, Jelastic)

            dV = dV - np.linalg.solve(J, f)
            iter += 1

        return q, ForceAll_AN[oa]
Exemplo n.º 3
def runDER():
    # number of vertices
    nv = 32

    # max time step
    max_dt = 5e-3

    # min time step
    min_dt = 1e-4

    # limit f*dt per step
    limit_f_times_dt = 0.002

    # initial center of circle
    x0 = [0.0, 0.2]

    # initial inflation pressure (N/m)
    InflationPressure = 0

    # circle radius
    CircleRadius = 0.15

    # circumference length
    CircumferenceLength = 2 * pi * CircleRadius

    # Density
    rho = 1000.0

    # Cross-sectional radius of rod
    r0 = 3.25e-3

    # Young's modulus
    Y = 1.5e6

    # gravity
    g = [0.0, -9.81]

    # dynamic friction coeff.
    μ = 0.5

    # Tolerance on force function. This is multiplied by ScaleSolver so that we do not have to update it based on edge length and time step size
    tol = 5e-7

    # Maximum number of iterations in Newton Solver
    maximum_iter = 100

    # Total simulation time (it exits after t=totalTime)
    totalTime = 12.5

    # Utility quantities
    EI = Y * pi * r0**4 / 4
    EA = Y * pi * r0**2
    dm = pi * r0**2 * CircumferenceLength * rho / nv  # mass per node

    nodes = np.empty((nv, 2))

    for c in range(nv):
        nodes[c, 0] = x0[0] + CircleRadius * cos(c * 2 * pi / nv + pi / 2)
        nodes[c, 1] = x0[1] + CircleRadius * sin(c * 2 * pi / nv + pi / 2)

    ScaleSolver = dm * np.linalg.norm(
        g)  # i don't know why. maybe just take it as granted

    # mass
    m = np.full(2 * nv, dm)

    # gravity
    garr = np.tile(g, nv)

    # Reference length and Voronoi length
    refLen = np.empty(nv)
    for c in range(nv - 1):
        dx = nodes[c + 1] - nodes[c]
        refLen[c] = np.linalg.norm(dx)
    refLen[nv - 1] = np.linalg.norm(nodes[0] - nodes[nv - 1])

    voronoiRefLen = np.empty(nv)
    for c in range(nv):
        voronoiRefLen[c] = 0.5 * (refLen[c - 1] + refLen[c])

    # Initial
    q0 = np.zeros(2 * nv)
    for c in range(nv):
        q0[2 * c] = nodes[c, 0]  # initial x-coord
        q0[2 * c + 1] = nodes[c, 1]  # initial y-coord

    # Reference Area
    refA = area(q0, nv)

    # Constrained dofs
    mapCons = np.zeros(2 * nv)
    ForceAll = np.zeros(2 * nv)

    u = np.zeros(2 * nv)
    for c in range(nv):
        u[2 * c] = 0.0
        u[2 * c + 1] = 0.0

    # set dt as max at the beginning
    dt = max_dt

    def objfunBW(q, uProjected):
        nonlocal ForceAll

        mMatInv = np.diag(1 / m)
        Ident2nv = np.eye(2 * nv)
        imposedAcceleration = np.zeros(2 * nv)

        # Figure out the imposed acceleration
        for c in range(nv):
            xPos = q0[2 * c]
            # Case 1: both dofs are constrained
            if mapCons[2 * c] and mapCons[2 * c + 1] == 1:
                uProjectedPoint = uProjected[2 * c:2 * c + 2]
                uPerp = np.dot(uProjectedPoint, nWall(xPos)) * nWall(xPos)
                normU = np.linalg.norm(uPerp)
                if normU < (CircumferenceLength / 9.81) * 1e-3:  # very small
                    normUinv = 0
                    normUinv = 1 / normU
                dY = q0[2 * c + 1] - slopeWall(xPos) * q0[2 * c]
                dRDesired = dY * math.sin(thetaNormal)
                tpseudo = dRDesired * normUinv

                q0Point = np.array([q0[2 * c], q0[2 * c + 1]])
                u0Point = np.array([u[2 * c], u[2 * c + 1]])
                qDesired = q0Point + tpseudo * uProjectedPoint

                imposedAcceleration[2 * c:2 * c +
                                    2] = (qDesired - q0Point) / dt - u0Point
                mMatInv[2 * c:2 * c + 2, 2 * c:2 * c + 2] = np.array([[0, 0],
                                                                      [0, 0]])
            # Case 2: one dof is constrained
            elif mapCons[2 * c + 1] == 1:
                dY = q0[2 * c + 1] - slopeWall(xPos) * q0[2 * c]
                dRDesired = dY * math.sin(thetaNormal)
                q0Point = np.array([q0[2 * c], q0[2 * c + 1]])
                u0Point = np.array([u[2 * c], u[2 * c + 1]])
                qDesired = q0Point - nWall(xPos).T * dRDesired
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c:2 * c +
                                    2] = (qDesired - q0Point) / dt - (
                                        nWall(xPos) *
                                        np.dot(u0Point, nWall(xPos))).T
                mMatInv[2 * c:2 * c + 2, 2 * c:2 * c + 2] = np.dot(
                    np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0], [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]]))
                imposedAcceleration[2 * c:2 * c + 2] = np.array([0, 0])
                mMatInv[2 * c:2 * c + 2,
                        2 * c:2 * c + 2] = np.array([[1 / m[2 * c], 0],
                                                     [0, 1 / m[2 * c + 1]]])

        # Newton-Raphson scheme
        iter = 0  # number of iterations

        # Initial guess for delta V
        dV = (q - q0) / dt - u

        normfRecords = []

        while True:
            # Figure out the velocities
            uNew = u + dV
            # Figure out the positions
            q = q0 + dt * uNew

            # Get forces
            Fb, Jb = getFb(q,
                           -2 * pi / nv,
            Fs, Js = getFs(q, EA, nv, refLen, isCircular=True)
            Fg = m * garr
            Ff = getFf(q, u, nv, mapCons, μ, ForceAll)
            pressureRatio = refA / area(q, nv)
            Fp, Jp = getFp(q, nv, refLen, InflationPressure * pressureRatio)

            Forces = Fb + Fs + Fg + Fp + Ff

            # Equation of motion
            ForceAll = m * dV / dt - Forces  # actual force
            f = dV - np.dot(
                dt * mMatInv, Forces
            ) - imposedAcceleration  # force used for Baraff-Witkin mass modification

            # Get the norm
            normf = np.linalg.norm(f) * np.mean(m) / dt

            if normf < tol * ScaleSolver:
                print("Converged after %d loops" % iter)
            if iter > maximum_iter:
                print("Normf before exit", normfRecords)
                raise Exception('Cannot converge')

            Jelastic = Jb + Js + Jp
            J = Ident2nv - dt**2 * np.dot(mMatInv, Jelastic)

            dV = dV - np.linalg.solve(J, f)
            iter += 1

        return q, ForceAll

    # Time marching
    ctime = 0

    outputData = [{'time': ctime, 'data': q0.tolist()}]

    def checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary(
    ):  # check whether max force is too large. if so, go back in time and reduce step size
        nonlocal dt, ctime
        maxF = np.amax(ForceAll)
        if (dt > min_dt) and (maxF * dt > limit_f_times_dt):  # du too large!
            relax_ratio = limit_f_times_dt / maxF / dt  # we may contract dt by this ratio. but to be efficient, we don't contract that much
            dt = max((0.3 * relax_ratio + 0.45) * dt, min_dt)
            print('Reducing dt and recompute')
            return True
            return False

    steps_attempted = 0
    while ctime <= totalTime:
        print('t = %f, dt = %f' % (ctime, dt))
        steps_attempted += 1

        mapConsBackup = mapCons.copy()
        uProjected = u.copy()

        # step 1: predictor

        qNew, ForceAll = objfunBW(q0, uProjected)
        if checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary():

        # step 2: corrector

        changeMade = False  # flag to identify if another step is needed

        for c in range(nv):
            xPos = qNew[2 * c]
            yPos = qNew[2 * c + 1]
            boundaryY = slopeWall(xPos) * xPos

            if (not mapCons[2 * c + 1]) and yPos < boundaryY:
                print("Adding constraint @ %d" % c)
                mapCons[2 * c + 1] = 1

                uProjected[2 * c] = (qNew[2 * c] - q0[2 * c]) / dt
                uProjected[2 * c + 1] = (qNew[2 * c + 1] - q0[2 * c + 1]) / dt

                changeMade = True

        # detect and delete constrained dof

        for c in range(nv):
            xPos = qNew[2 * c]
            yPos = qNew[2 * c + 1]
            boundaryY = slopeWall(xPos) * xPos

            # Delete unnecessary constraints
            if mapCons[2 * c + 1]:
                fReaction = ForceAll[2 * c:2 * c + 2]
                fNormal = np.dot(fReaction, nWall(xPos))

                # Based on reaction force, release the constraint
                if fNormal <= 0 and yPos >= boundaryY - 2e-6:  # reaction force is negative
                    print("Removing constraint @ %d" % c)
                    mapCons[2 * c + 1] = 0  # unconstrain it
                    changeMade = True

        if changeMade:
            qNew, ForceAll = objfunBW(q0, uProjected)

        if checkMaxAndHackTimeIfNecessary():
            mapCons = mapConsBackup

        ctime += dt
        u = (qNew - q0) / dt

        # Update x0
        q0 = qNew

        output = {'time': ctime, 'data': q0.tolist()}

        relax_ratio = limit_f_times_dt / np.amax(ForceAll) / dt
        if (dt < max_dt) and (relax_ratio > 1):
            dt = min((0.6 * relax_ratio + 0.4) * dt, max_dt)
            print('Increasing dt')

    print('Steps attempted: %d' % steps_attempted)
    print('Steps succeeded: %d' % (len(outputData) - 1))

    return {
        'meta': {
            'radius': r0,
            'closed': True,
            'ground': True,
            'groundAngle': math.degrees(thetaNormal) - 90
        'frames': outputData