Exemplo n.º 1
    def init_kafka(self):
        if self.testing:
            self._messages = []
            bootstrap_servers = getenv("KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS",
            kafka_args = {"bootstrap_servers": bootstrap_servers}

            if self.ssl_security_protocol:
                    getenv("KAFKA_SSL_CAFILE", type=str),
                    getenv("KAFKA_SSL_CERTFILE", type=str),
                    getenv("KAFKA_SSL_KEYFILE", type=str),

            logger.debug(f"bootstrap servers: {bootstrap_servers}")

            self._producer = KafkaProducer(value_serializer=msgpack.dumps,

            self._consumer = KafkaConsumer(
                group_id=getenv("KIRBY_SUPERVISOR_GROUP_ID", type=str),
Exemplo n.º 2
def topic_sender():
    args = {
        "client_id": "topic_sender",
        "bootstrap_servers": getenv(
            "KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS", type=list, separator=","
        "value_serializer": msgpack.dumps,
    if getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool):
                "security_protocol": "SSL",
                "ssl_cafile": os.environ["KAFKA_SSL_CAFILE"],
                "ssl_certfile": os.environ["KAFKA_SSL_CERTFILE"],
                "ssl_keyfile": os.environ["KAFKA_SSL_KEYFILE"],
    producer = KafkaProducer(**args)

    def send(topic_name, data, submitted=None):
        if submitted is None:
            submitted = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        timestamp_ms = int(submitted.timestamp() * 1000)
        producer.send(topic_name, value=data, timestamp_ms=timestamp_ms)

    yield send
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_getenv_default(self):
     If environment variable does not exist:
         ensure getenv returns None if default value is not specified,
         ensure getenv returns default value if it is specified,
         ensure getenv does not cast default value to desired type.
     self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name), None)
     self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, default='default string value'), 'default string value')
     self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=int, default='default string value'), 'default string value')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_getenv_type_bool(self):
        If environment variable exists and desired type is bool, ensure getenv returns bool.
        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'true'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), True)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'True'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), True)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '1'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), True)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'absolutely not a boolean'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), True)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = ' '
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), True)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'false'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), False)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'False'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), False)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '0'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), False)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = ''
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=bool), False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def kafka_topic_factory():
    from smart_getenv import getenv
    from contextlib import contextmanager
    from kafka import KafkaAdminClient
    from kafka.admin import NewTopic
    from kafka.errors import UnknownTopicOrPartitionError
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    bootstrap_servers = getenv(
        "KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS", type=list, separator=","
    if bootstrap_servers:
        args = {"bootstrap_servers": bootstrap_servers}
        if getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool):
                    "security_protocol": "SSL",
                    "ssl_cafile": getenv("KAFKA_SSL_CAFILE"),
                    "ssl_certfile": getenv("KAFKA_SSL_CERTFILE"),
                    "ssl_keyfile": getenv("KAFKA_SSL_KEYFILE"),

        admin = tenacity.retry(**kafka_retry_args)(KafkaAdminClient)(**args)

        def create_kafka_topic(topic_name, timeout_ms=1500):
            except UnknownTopicOrPartitionError:

                [NewTopic(topic_name, 1, 1)], timeout_ms=timeout_ms


        yield create_kafka_topic


            f"There is no KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS. "
            "Creation of kafka_topic skipped."
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_topic(name):
    debug function to consume the messages in a kafka topic
    :param name: name of the topic
    from kafka import KafkaConsumer
    import msgpack
    import json
    from pprint import pformat

    bootstrap_servers = getenv("KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS",
    consumer = KafkaConsumer(

    for idx, message in enumerate(consumer, start=1):
        message = message.value
            message = json.loads(message.decode("utf-8"))
        except Exception:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_getenv_type_float(self):
        If environment variable exists and desired type is float:
            ensure getenv returns float,
            ensure getenv excepts if value can not be casted to float.
        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '123.4'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=float), 123.4)

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'absolutely not a float'
            getenv(self.test_var_name, type=float)
            self.fail('Calling getenv_int on a environment variable with'
                      ' non-castable to float value should fail with exception!')
        except ValueError:
def runIsoOrder(analysis, sample, channel, count, num, mid1, mid2,cutMapper,numFilesPerCycle) :

    #if svFitPost == 'true' : SVF = True
    #else : SVF = False

    save = '%s_%i_%s' % (sample, count, channel)
    #print "save",save
    print "%5i %20s %10s %3i: ====>>> START Iso Order <<<====" % (num, sample, channel, count)

    ''' 2. Rename branches, Tau and Iso order legs '''
    print "%5i %20s %10s %3i: Started Iso Ordering" % (num, sample, channel, count)
    isoQty = renameBranches( analysis, mid1, mid2, save, channel, count )

    ### FF values for data events
    doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
    if doFF and channel == 'tt' :
        from util.applyFakeFactors import fillFakeFactorValues
        fillFakeFactorValues( analysis, mid2, save, channel )

    #output.put( '%s%s/%s.root' % (analysis, mid2, save) )
    print "%5i %20s %10s %3i: Finished Iso Ordering" % (num, sample, channel, count)

    #output.put((num, sample, channel, count, initialQty, postCutQty, isoQty ))
    print "%5i %20s %10s %3i: ====>>> DONE Iso Order <<<====" % (num, sample, channel, count)
    return (num, sample, channel, count, isoQty )
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get(self, key, _type=None):
        kwargs = {"name": key, "default": self._config.get(key)}

        if _type:
            kwargs["type"] = _type

        return getenv(**kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def fetch_jobs(self):
     url = getenv("KIRBY_SCHEDULE_ENDPOINT", type=str)
         response = requests.get(url)
         return response.text
     except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
         logger.exception("unable to fetch jobs: ")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_getenv_type_list(self):
        If environment variable exists and desired type is list:
            ensure getenv returns list,
            ensure getenv default separator is ',',
            ensure getenv supports custom separator.
        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'abc'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=list), ['abc'])

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'a,b,c'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=list), ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = ',a,b,c,'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=list, separator=','), ['', 'a', 'b', 'c', ''])

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'a:b:c'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=list, separator=':'), ['a', 'b', 'c'])
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __getattr__(self, item):
     signature = get_signature().get(item, {})
     attr = getenv(item, **signature)
     if attr:
         return attr
         raise MissingEnvironmentVariable(
             f"The environment variable {item} hasn't been initialized."
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_getenv_type_tuple(self):
        If environment variable exists and desired type is tuple:
            ensure getenv returns tuple,
            ensure getenv default separator is ',',
            ensure getenv supports custom separator.
        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'abc'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=tuple), ('abc',))

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'a,b,c'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=tuple), ('a', 'b', 'c'))

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = ',a,b,c,'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=tuple, separator=','), ('', 'a', 'b', 'c', ''))

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'a:b:c'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=tuple, separator=':'), ('a', 'b', 'c'))
Exemplo n.º 14
def app_maker(config=None):
    app = Flask("kirby")

    app.config["TESTING"] = getenv("TESTING", type=bool)
    app.config["SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS"] = getenv(
    app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = getenv("SECRET_KEY")

    if config:  # pragma: no cover

    if not app.config.get("SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"):
        raise ConfigException(
            "Database is not defined. Please specify 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'"

    security._state = security.init_app(app=app,

    def security_context_processor():
        return dict(

    def create_models():

    return app
Exemplo n.º 15
    def ensure_environment(self, venvs_directory=None):
        if not venvs_directory:
            venvs_directory = getenv(
        venv_path = os.path.join(venvs_directory, self.venv_name)

        logging.info(f"creating venv for {self.venv_name} at {venv_path}")
        env = VirtualEnvironment(venv_path)

        return env
Exemplo n.º 16
 def create_kirby_topic(topic_name, *args, timeout_ms=1500, **kargs):
     if bootstrap_servers:
             use_tls=getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool, default=True))
         with kafka_topic_factory(topic_name, timeout_ms=timeout_ms):
             with Topic(topic_name, *args, **kargs) as kirby_topic:
                 yield kirby_topic
         logger.warning(f"There is no KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS. "
                        "Topic will be created in testing mode")
         with Topic(topic_name, *args, **kargs) as kirby_topic:
             yield kirby_topic
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_getenv_type_dict(self):
        If environment variable exists and desired type is dict:
            ensure getenv returns dict,
            ensure getenv supports custom separator.
        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '{"key": "value"}'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=dict), {'key': 'value'})

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '{    "key":    "value"      }'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=dict), {'key': 'value'})

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = '{    "key":    "value"      }'
        self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=dict), {'key': 'value'})

        os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'absolutely not a dict'
            getenv(self.test_var_name, type=dict)
            self.fail('Calling getenv with desired type of dict on a environment variable with'
                      ' non-castable to dict value should fail with exception!')
        except TypeError:
        except SyntaxError:
Exemplo n.º 18
def kirby_topic(kirby_app, kafka_topic_factory):
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    bootstrap_servers = getenv("KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS",
    if bootstrap_servers:
        with kafka_topic_factory(TOPIC_NAME):
            with Topic(kirby_app, TOPIC_NAME) as topic:
                yield topic
        logger.warning(f"There is no KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS. "
                       "Topic will be created in testing mode")
        with Topic(kirby_app, TOPIC_NAME, testing=True) as topic:
            yield topic
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_it_can_create_a_queue_integration(kafka_topic_factory):
    start = datetime.datetime(year=2019, month=7, day=18, hour=15, minute=39)
    offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)

    with kafka_topic_factory("kirby-test-integration"):
        q = Queue(
            init_time=start - 4 * offset,
            use_tls=getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool, default=True),

        q.append("too early", submitted=start - 2 * offset)
        q.append("hello world", submitted=start)
        q.append("too late", submitted=start + 2 * offset)

        messages = q.between(start, start + offset)

        assert messages == ["hello world"]
Exemplo n.º 20
def topic_sender():
    use_tls = getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool, default=False)
    topic_config = TopicConfig(
        name=None, group_id=None, use_tls=use_tls, raw_records=True
    producers = {}

    def send(topic_name, data, **kargs):
        if topic_name not in producers.keys():
            producers[topic_name] = Producer(
        producers[topic_name].send(data, **kargs)

    yield send

    for p in producers.values():
Exemplo n.º 21
 def start_session(self):
     if not is_authenticated(current_user):
         return redirect(url_for("security.login", next=request.url))
         session_id = self.get_session_id()
         self.sessions[session_id] = {
     return json.dumps({
         "status_code": 200,
         "message": "The session has been started."
Exemplo n.º 22
def run_supervisor(name, window, wakeup):
    server = Redis()
    queue = Queue(name=getenv(
        "KIRBY_TOPIC_JOB_OFFERS", type=str, default=".kirby.job-offers"))
    scheduler = Scheduler(queue=queue, wakeup=wakeup)
    with Election(identity=name, server=server, check_ttl=window) as me:
        while True:
            checkpoint = perf_counter()
            if me.is_leader():
                content = scheduler.fetch_jobs()
                if content is not None:
                    jobs = scheduler.parse_jobs(content)
                    for job in jobs:
                logger.debug("not the leader, do nothing")

            drift = perf_counter() - checkpoint
            next_wakeup = wakeup - drift
            logger.debug("waking up in {:.2f}s".format(next_wakeup))
Exemplo n.º 23
def kirby_topic_factory(kafka_topic_factory):
    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    bootstrap_servers = getenv("KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS",

    def create_kirby_topic(topic_name, *args, timeout_ms=1500, **kargs):
        if bootstrap_servers:
                use_tls=getenv("KAFKA_USE_TLS", type=bool, default=True))
            with kafka_topic_factory(topic_name, timeout_ms=timeout_ms):
                with Topic(topic_name, *args, **kargs) as kirby_topic:
                    yield kirby_topic
            logger.warning(f"There is no KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS. "
                           "Topic will be created in testing mode")
            with Topic(topic_name, *args, **kargs) as kirby_topic:
                yield kirby_topic

    yield create_kirby_topic
def makeDataCards( analysis, inSamples, channels, folderDetails, **kwargs ) :
    assert( type(inSamples) == type(OrderedDict())
        or type(inSamples) == type({}) ), "Provide a samples list which \
        is a dict or OrderedDict"

    # Get expanded list of samples with gen appended names
    samples = dataCardGenMatchedSamples( inSamples )
    #for key in samples :
    #    print key, samples[key]

    ops = {
    'useQCDMakeName' : 'x',
    'qcdSF' : 1.0,
    'mssm' : False,
    'category' : 'inclusive',
    'fitShape' : 'm_visCor',
    'sync' : False,
    'redBkg' : False,
    'allShapes' : False,}

    for key in kwargs :
        #print "another keyword arg: %s: %s" % (key, kwargs[key])
        if key in ops.keys() :
             ops[key] = kwargs[key]

    print ops

    with open('meta/NtupleInputs_%s/samples.json' % analysis) as sampFile :
        sampDict = json.load( sampFile )

    # Change or alter samples based on flags
    if analysis == 'azh' :
        samples['ZZ4l'] = 'ZZ'
        for era in eras :
            samples['RedBkgShape-%s' % era] = 'RedBkg'

    # Use FF built QCD backgrounds
    doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
    # value saved to renormalize the FF shape uncertainties
    jetFakesNomYield = -999.
    if doFF :
        eras =  []
        for s in samples :
            if 'dataTT' in s : eras.append( s.split('-').pop() )
        if 'QCD' in samples.keys() :
            del samples['QCD']
        for era in eras :
            samples['QCD-%s' % era] = 'jetFakes'

    # Build list of names/samples which will be used
    # for a given final channel. This differs for some HTT
    # channels
    nameArray = []
    for samp in samples :
        if samples[samp] not in nameArray : nameArray.append( samples[samp] )

    # the shape names are changed to reflect the fact that they have the
    # jet -> tau fakes removed
    if doFF :
        ffRenameMap = {
            'W' : 'W_rest',
            'ZJ' : 'ZJ_rest',
            'TTJ' : 'TTJ_rest',
            'VVJ' : 'VVJ_rest'
        for samp, val in samples.iteritems() :
            if val in ffRenameMap.keys() :
                print "Val in ffRenameMap", val
                samples[samp] = ffRenameMap[ val ]
                if val in nameArray :
                    nameArray.remove( val )
                    nameArray.append( ffRenameMap[ val ] )

    print "Samples to use and their mapping"
    for key in samples :
        print key, samples[key]

    extra = ''
    checkDir( '%sShapes' % analysis )
    if ops['mssm'] : 
        checkDir( '%sShapes/mssm' % analysis )
        extra = 'mssm'
    if analysis == 'azh' :
        extra = 'azh'
    else : 
        checkDir( '%sShapes/htt' % analysis )
        extra = 'htt'
    for channel in channels :
        if channel == 'tt' :
            for sample in samples.keys() :
                if '-ZLL' in sample :
                    del samples[ sample ]
            if 'ZLL' in nameArray : nameArray.remove('ZLL')
        #if channel == 'em' :
        #    for sample in samples.keys() :
        #        if sample[-3:] == '-ZL' or '-ZJ' in sample :
        #            del samples[ sample ]
        #    if 'ZJ' in nameArray : nameArray.remove('ZJ')
        #    if 'ZL' in nameArray : nameArray.remove('ZL')

        print "Name Array"
        print nameArray    
        print channel
        newVarMapUnsorted = analysisPlots.getHistoDict( analysis, channel )
        newVarMap = returnSortedDict( newVarMapUnsorted )
        baseVar = ops['fitShape']
        #if 'data' in sample : print "Fitting",baseVar
        appendMap = {
            'm_sv' : 'svFitMass2D',
            'pt_sv:m_sv' : 'svFitMass2D',
            'mjj:m_sv' : 'svFitMass2D',
            'm_visCor' : 'visMass2D',
            'Higgs_PtCor:m_sv' : 'svFitMass2D',
            'Higgs_PtCor:m_visCor' : 'visMass2D',
            'mjj:m_visCor' : 'visMass2D',
            'Mass' : '4LMass',
        #if '0jet2D' in ops['category'] : 
        #    if ops['fitShape'] == 'm_sv' :
        #        Append = '_svFitMass2D'
        #    else :
        #        Append = '_visMass2D'
        #else :
        #    Append = '_'+appendMap[baseVar]
        Append = '_'+appendMap[baseVar]
        if ops['mssm'] :
        #    if not var == baseVar+'_mssm' : continue
            mid = 'mssm'
        else :
            mid = 'sm'
        nameChan = 'tt' if analysis != 'azh' else 'zh'
        shapeFile = ROOT.TFile('%sShapes/%s/htt_%s.inputs-%s-13TeV%s.root' % (analysis, extra, nameChan, mid, Append), 'UPDATE')
        # We have two pathways to create tt_0jet and need to maintain their seperate root files for 1D vs 2D
        # so we need this override that renames 0jet2D -> 0jet and places in the unrolled root file
        if '0jet2D' in ops['category'] : 
            cr = '_qcd_cr' if '_qcd_cr' in ops['category'] else ''
            shapeDir = shapeFile.mkdir( channel + '_0jet'+cr, channel + '_0jet'+cr )
        else :
            shapeDir = shapeFile.mkdir( channel + '_%s' % ops['category'], channel + '_%s' % ops['category'] )
        assert( shapeDir != None ), "It looks like the directory already exists, remove the old root file and start again: rm httShapes/htt/htt_tt.inputs-sm-13TeV_ ..."
        for var in newVarMap.keys() :
            print var
            if not baseVar in var : continue
            if ops['fitShape'] == 'm_sv' and ':' in var : continue # Get rid of the 2D shapes in 0jet
            if ops['fitShape'] == 'm_visCor' and ':' in var : continue # Get rid of the 2D shapes in 0jet
            print "\n\n=============================================================="
            if ops['allShapes'] :
                print "All Shapes Applied: %s" % var
                if doFF :
                    if not (('_energyScale' in var) or ('_zPt' in var) or \
                            ('ffSyst' in var) or ('ffStat' in var) or ('_topPt' in var) or \
                            ('_metUnclustered' in var) or ('_metClustered' in var) \
                            or ('_JES' in var) or ('_JetToTau' in var) or \
                            ('_Zmumu' in var) or ('_ggH' in var) or ('_topQuarkggH' in var) \
                            or ('_ffSub' in var) or (baseVar == var)) :

                else :
                    if not (('_energyScale' in var) or ('_zPt' in var) or ('_topPt' in var) \
                        or ('_JES' in var) or ('_ggH' in var) or ('_topQuarkggH' in var) or ('_JetToTau' in var) \
                        or ('_metUnclustered' in var) or ('_metClustered' in var) \
                        or ('_Zmumu' in var) or ('_tauPt' in var) or (baseVar == var)) :
                        print "Did we fail?"
            else :
                if not var == baseVar : continue
            # Defined out here for large scope
            print "\nVar: ",var
            binArray = array( 'd', [] )
            #if ops['mssm'] :
            #    #if doBTagging == True :
            #    if 'ZTT' in folderDetails :
            #        print "Inclusive"
            #        binArray = array( 'd', [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )
            #    elif 'NoBTL' in ops['folderDetails'] :
            #        print "No-BTAGGING"
            #        binArray = array( 'd', [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )
            #    elif 'NoBTL' not in ops['folderDetails'] :
            #        print "BTAGGING"
            #        binArray = array( 'd', [0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200,250,300,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )

            #elif var == 'mt_tot' :
            #    binArray = array( 'd', [0.0,10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0,50.0,60.0,70.0,\
            #            80.0,90.0,100.0,110.0,120.0,130.0,140.0,150.0,160.0,\
            #            170.0,180.0,190.0,200.0,225.0,250.0,275.0,300.0,325.0,\
            #            350.0,400.0,500.0,700.0,900.0, 1100.0,1300.0,1500.0,\
            #            1700.0,1900.0,2100.0,2300.0,2500.0,2700.0,2900.0,3100.0,\
            #            3300.0,3500.0,3700.0,3900.0] )
            if ops['sync'] :
                binArray = array( 'd', [i*20 for i in range( 11 )] )
            # This is the proposed binning for ZTT 2015 paper
            elif doFF and ('m_sv' in var or 'm_visCor' in var) :
                if ":" in var : binArray = array( 'd', [i for i in range( 49 )] )
                else : binArray = array( 'd', [i*10 for i in range( 31 )] )
            else :
                if ":" in var : binArray = array( 'd', [i for i in range( 49 )] )
                elif ops['category'] in ['1jet_low', '1jet_high'] :
                    binArray = array( 'd', [0,40,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,150,200,250] )
                elif 'vbf' in ops['category'] :
                    binArray = array( 'd', [0,40,60,80,100,120,150,200,250] )
                else :
                    #binArray = array( 'd', [i*10 for i in range( 31 )] )
                    binArray = array( 'd', [0,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,\
                        260,270,280,290,300] )
            numBins = len( binArray ) - 1
            #print binArray
            #print numBins

            histos = OrderedDict()
            for name in nameArray :
                title = name
                if ops['allShapes'] :

                    if '_' in var and ('Up' in var or 'Down' in var) :
                        systName = var.split('_')[-1]
                        histos[ name ] = ROOT.TH1D( name+systName, name+systName, numBins, binArray )
                    else :
                        histos[ name ] = ROOT.TH1D( name, name, numBins, binArray )
                else :
                    histos[ name ] = ROOT.TH1D( name, name, numBins, binArray )
                histos[ name ].Sumw2()
            for sample in samples:
                ''' Skip plotting unused shape systematics '''
                if skipSystShapeVar( var, sample, channel ) : continue
                if '_topPt' in var : print "Top Pt still in Var: "+var+" sample: "+sample
                # Skip looping over nonsense channel / sample combos
                if skipChanDataCombo( channel, sample, analysis ) : continue

                #if sample == 'DYJetsLow' : continue
                #if 'HtoTauTau' in sample : continue
                #print sample
                if sample == 'dataEM' :
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_em.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample), 'READ')
                elif 'dataTT' in sample :
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_tt.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample), 'READ')
                elif 'QCD' in sample :
                    if ops['useQCDMakeName'] != 'x'  :
                        print "Use QCD MAKE NAME: ",ops['useQCDMakeName']
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile('meta/%sBackgrounds/%s_qcdShape_%s.root' % (analysis, channel, ops['useQCDMakeName']), 'READ')
                    elif doFF :
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                        #print " \n### Using Fake Factor QCD Shape !!! ###\n"
                    else :
                        print " \n\n ### SPECIFY A QCD SHAPE !!! ### \n\n"
                elif ops['redBkg'] and 'RedBkgShape' in sample :
                    tFileYield = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample.replace('Shape','Yield'), channel), 'READ')
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                else :
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                dic = tFile.Get("%s_Histos" % channel )
                if not doFF :
                    hist = dic.Get( "%s" % var )
                if doFF :
                    if 'QCD' in sample :
                        hist = dic.Get( "%s_ffSub" % var )
                    else :
                        hist = dic.Get( "%s" % var )
                        # This is where we subtract off the fakes from MC from jetFakes
                        if '-ZJ' in sample or '-TTJ' in sample or 'WJets' in sample or '-VVJ' in sample :
                            if not '_ffSub' in var :
                                ffSubHist = dic.Get( var+'_ffSub' )
                                #print sample," FF Sub int",ffSubHist.Integral()
                                if ":" in var :
                                    ffSubHist2 = unroll2D( ffSubHist )
                                else :
                                    ffSubHist2 = ffSubHist.Rebin( numBins, "rebinned", binArray )
                                ffSubHist2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( binArray[0], binArray[-1] )
                                #if "DYJets" in sample and "ZTT" in sample :
                                #    ffSubHist2.Scale( zttScaleTable[ops['category']] )
                                histos[ 'jetFakes' ].Add( ffSubHist2, -1.0 )
                hist.SetDirectory( 0 )
                #print "Hist yield before scaling ",hist.Integral()

                """ Scale reducible bkg shape by yield estimate """
                if ops['redBkg'] and 'RedBkgShape' in sample :
                    redBkgYield = tFileYield.Get('%s_Histos/%s' % (channel, var)).Integral()
                    if hist.Integral() != 0 :
                        hist.Scale( redBkgYield / hist.Integral() )
                ''' Scale Histo based on cross section ( 1000 is for 1 fb^-1 of data ),
                QCD gets special scaling from bkg estimation, see qcdYield[channel] above for details '''
                #print "PRE Sample: %s      Int: %f" % (sample, hist.Integral() )
                if sample == 'QCD' and ops['useQCDMakeName'] != 'x' :
                    #print "Using QCD SCALE FACTOR <<<< NEW >>>>"
                    qcdScale = ops['qcdSF']
                    assert( qcdScale > 0. ), "\nQCD Scale is wrong, you probably need to rerun all channels together\n"
                    print "Skip rebin; Scale QCD shape by %f" % qcdScale
                    #print "QCD yield Pre: %f" % hist.Integral()
                    hist.Scale( qcdScale )
                    #print "QCD yield Post Scale: %f" % hist.Integral()
                #if 'QCD' not in sample :
                #    #hist.Rebin( 10 )
                #    #print "hist # bins pre: %i" % hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
                #    hNew = hist.Rebin( numBins, "new%s" % sample, binArray )
                #    #print "hist # bins post: %i" % hNew.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
                #    histos[ samples[ sample ] ].Add( hNew )
                #else :
                #    #print "hist # bins pre: %i" % hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
                #    hNew = hist.Rebin( numBins, "new%s" % sample, binArray )
                #    #print "hist # bins post: %i" % hNew.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
                #    histos[ samples[ sample ] ].Add( hNew )
                if ":" in var :
                    hNew = unroll2D( hist )
                    #print "nbinsX",hNew.GetNbinsX() ,hNew.GetBinLowEdge(1),hNew.GetBinLowEdge( hNew.GetNbinsX()+1 )
                else :
                    hNew = hist.Rebin( numBins, "new%s" % sample, binArray )

                # If using the qcd CR, we want a single bin for all
                if '_qcd_cr' in ops['category'] :
                    nBins = hNew.GetNbinsX()
                    hNew.Rebin( nBins )
                    # If histos haven't been Rebinned, do it
                    nBinsHistos = histos[ samples[ sample ] ].GetNbinsX()
                    if nBins == nBinsHistos :
                        histos[ samples[ sample ] ].Rebin( nBins )

                histos[ samples[ sample ] ].Add( hNew )
                #XXX LOTS OF PRINT OUTS if ops['mssm'] and not 'ggH_htt' in sample and not 'bbH' in sample :
                #XXX LOTS OF PRINT OUTS     print "SampleName: %20s   Hist yield %.2f" % (sample, hist.Integral())
                #XXX LOTS OF PRINT OUTS else :
                #XXX LOTS OF PRINT OUTS     print "SampleName: %20s   Hist yield %.2f" % (sample, hist.Integral())
                #hist2 = hist.Rebin( 18, 'rebinned', binArray )
                #histos[ samples[ sample ] ].Add( hist2 )
            # All files looped through, now renormalize jetFakes
            # background if doing Fake Factor method
            if doFF :
                if var == baseVar :
                    jetFakesNomYield = histos[ 'jetFakes' ].Integral()
                    print " -- FF Normalization: var == basevar %s %s yield: %.2f" % (baseVar,var,jetFakesNomYield)
                elif ('ffSyst' in var or 'ffStat' in var) :
                    assert( jetFakesNomYield > 0. ), "Why didn't you loop over the base variable yet?"
                    preYield = histos[ 'jetFakes' ].Integral()
                    histos[ 'jetFakes' ].Scale( jetFakesNomYield / preYield )
                    postYield = histos[ 'jetFakes' ].Integral()
                    print " -- FF Normalization: var is a ff shape: %s %s pre: %.2f post: %.2f" % (baseVar,var,preYield,postYield)

            print ".............................................................."

            # We need to check for any total bkg bins which have 0
            # Recall ROOT TH1 bin numbers start at 1 for the useful bins
            # Don't worry about this in QCD CR
            setVal = 0.00001
            if not '_qcd_cr' in ops['category'] : 
                #dataArray = []
                bkgArray = [0] * numBins
                for name in histos :
                    if 'ggH_htt' in name or 'qqH_htt' in name or 'ZH_htt' in name or 'WH_htt' in name :
                        continue # we don't care about signal here
                    elif name == 'data_obs' : continue # can use this later if need be
                    #    for bin_id in range( histos[ name ].GetNbinsX() ) :
                    #        dataArray.append( histos[ name ].GetBinContent( bin_id+1 ) )
                    else : # All backgrounds
                        for bin_id in range( histos[ name ].GetNbinsX() ) :
                            bkgArray[bin_id] = bkgArray[bin_id] + histos[ name ].GetBinContent( bin_id+1 )
                #print dataArray
                #print bkgArray
                #assert( len(dataArray) == len(bkgArray) ), "Zero bin check is not working, are you missing data_obs?"

                # Find problem bins
                problemBins = []
                print "Checking for problem bins"
                for bin_id in range( len(bkgArray) ) :
                    #if dataArray[bin_id] > 0. and bkgArray[bin_id] == 0. :
                    print bin_id+1, bkgArray[bin_id], " QCD val: ",histos[ 'QCD' ].GetBinContent( bin_id+1 )
                    if bkgArray[bin_id] == 0. :
                        problemBins.append( bin_id+1 ) # +1 here gets us to ROOT coords

                # Apply correction and set an empyt bin to QCD = 1e-5
                if 'QCD' in histos.keys() :
                    for problemBin in problemBins :
                        print "Setting QCD bin_id %i to %s" % (problemBin, setVal)
                        histos[ 'QCD' ].SetBinContent( problemBin, setVal )
                        # Poissonian error for 0
                        histos[ 'QCD' ].SetBinError( problemBin, 1.8 )
                elif len(problemBins) > 0 :
                    print "\nQCD Bkg not included so zero bins are not being corrected properly"
                    print problemBins
                    print "\n\n\n"

                # Check QCD 
                #for bin_id in range( 1, histos[ 'QCD' ].GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
                #    print bin_id, histos[ 'QCD' ].GetBinContent( bin_id )

            for name in histos :
                #print "name: %s Yield Pre: %f" % (name, histos[ name ].Integral() )
                # First, if we are doing Fake Factor and jetFakes is negative
                # zero it
                if histos[ name ].Integral() < 0.0 and name == 'jetFakes' :
                    for bin_ in range( 1, histos[ name ].GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1 ) :
                        histos[ name ].SetBinContent( bin_, setVal )
                # Make sure we have no negative bins
                for bin_ in range( 1, histos[ name ].GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1 ) :
                    if name == 'QCD' : # Set all QCD 0.0 and negative vals to 1e-5
                        if histos[ name ].GetBinContent( bin_ ) == 0. :
                            histos[ name ].SetBinContent( bin_, setVal )
                            # Poissonian error for 0
                            histos[ name ].SetBinError( bin_, 1.8 )
                            print "name: %s   Set bin %i to value: %s" % (name, bin_, setVal)
                        elif histos[ name ].GetBinContent( bin_ ) < 0. :
                            # Don't change the uncertainty on the bin
                            # it was set by the negative content, leave it as is
                            histos[ name ].SetBinContent( bin_, setVal )
                            print "name: %s   Set bin %i to value: %s" % (name, bin_, setVal)
                    if histos[ name ].GetBinContent( bin_ ) < 0 :
                        # Don't change the uncertainty on the bin
                        # it was set by the negative content, leave it as is
                        histos[ name ].SetBinContent( bin_, setVal )
                        print "name: %s   Set bin %i to value: %f" % (name, bin_, setVal)
                if histos[ name ].Integral() != 0.0 :
                    print "DataCard Name: %10s Yield Post: %.2f" % (name, histos[ name ].Integral() )
                #if not ops['mssm'] :
                #    histos[ name ].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, 350 )
                # Proper naming of output histos
                if ops['allShapes'] and ('_energyScale' in var or '_tauPt' in var or '_zPt' in var \
                        or '_JES' in var or '_topPt' in var or '_ggH' in var or '_JetToTau' in var or '_Zmumu' in var \
                        or '_metUnclustered' in var or '_metClustered' in var or '_topQuarkggH' in var \
                        or 'ffSyst' in var or 'ffStat' in var) :

                    # Systematics naming removes CRs
                    category = ops['category'].strip('_qcd_cr')

                    if name in ['data_obs','QCD'] : continue 
                    if name == 'jetFakes' and not doFF : continue
                    if name == 'jetFakes' and not ('ffSyst' in var or 'ffStat' in var) : continue
                    if ('ffSyst' in var or 'ffStat' in var) and name != 'jetFakes' : continue
                    if '_ggH' in var and not name in ['ggH_htt110', 'ggH_htt120','ggH_htt125','ggH_htt130', 'ggH_htt140'] : continue
                    if '_topQuarkggH' in var and not name in ['ggH_htt110', 'ggH_htt120','ggH_htt125','ggH_htt130', 'ggH_htt140'] : continue
                    if '_JetToTau' in var and not name in ['W', 'TTJ', 'ZJ', 'VVJ',
                            'VVJ_rest', 'W_rest', 'TTJ_rest', 'ZJ_rest'] : continue
                    if '_Zmumu' in var and (name not in ['ZTT', 'ZL', 'ZJ', 'ZJ_rest', 'EWKZ'] or \
                            category != 'vbf') : continue # Shape only used in vbf category atm
                    lep = 'x'
                    if channel == 'tt' : lep = 't'
                    if channel == 'em' : lep = 'e'

                    shiftDir = ''
                    shiftVar = var.replace('_ffStat','').replace('_ffSyst','')
                    #print "shiftVar1:",shiftVar
                    if shiftVar[-2:] == 'Up' : shiftDir = 'Up'
                    if shiftVar[-4:] == 'Down' : shiftDir = 'Down'
                    assert( shiftDir == 'Up' or shiftDir == 'Down' ), "Is var a +/- shift? %s" % var

                    # JES Breakdown
                    if '_JES' in var :
                        jesUnc = var.split('_')[-1]
                        jesUnc = jesUnc.replace('JES', '')
                        if 'Up' in jesUnc[-2:] : jesUnc = jesUnc[:-2]
                        if 'Down' in jesUnc[-4:] : jesUnc = jesUnc[:-4]

                        if jesUnc == '' : jesUnc = '13TeV'+shiftDir
                        # Keep a normal shift included for checks at Combine level
                        elif 'Total' in jesUnc and 'Sub' not in jesUnc : jesUnc = '13TeV'+shiftDir
                        else : jesUnc += '_13TeV'+shiftDir

                    # For naming conventions for systematics    
                    if category == 'vbf' : tmpCat = 'VBF'
                    else : tmpCat = category

                    if '_zPt' in var :
                        if name not in ['ZTT','ZL','ZJ','ZLL','ZJ_rest'] : continue
                        elif '_zPt' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_dyShape_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_dyShape_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_topPt' in var :
                        if name not in ['TTT','TTJ','TTJ_rest'] : continue
                        elif '_topPt' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_ttbarShape_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_ttbarShape_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    #elif name in ['TTT','TTJ'] : continue # this is to catch TT when it's not wanted
                    elif '_energyScaleAll' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_'+channel+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_'+channel+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        altName = histos[ name ].Clone( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        altName.SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        del altName
                    elif '_energyScaleDM0' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_1prong_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_1prong_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_energyScaleDM10' in var : # Gotta do this one first to elif DM10 and DM1
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_3prong_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_3prong_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_energyScaleDM1' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_1prong1pizero_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_'+lep+'_1prong1pizero_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_JES' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_j_'+jesUnc )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_j_'+jesUnc )
                    elif '_JetToTau' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_jetToTauFake_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_jetToTauFake_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_tauPt' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_eff_t_High_'+channel+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_eff_t_High_'+channel+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_ggH' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_gg_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_gg_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_topQuarkggH' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_TopMassTreatment_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_TopMassTreatment_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_Zmumu' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_zmumuShape_'+tmpCat+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_zmumuShape_'+tmpCat+'_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_metClustered' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_met_clustered_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_met_clustered_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    elif '_metUnclustered' in var :
                        histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_met_unclustered_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_scale_met_unclustered_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                    ### For these Fake Factor shapes, we need 2 copies with slightly different names
                    elif 'ffSyst' in var :
                        if 'qcdffSyst' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        elif 'ttbarffSyst' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_ttbar_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_ttbar_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        elif 'wjetsffSyst' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_w_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_w_tt_syst_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        else : assert (2 + 2 == 5), "This shouldn't happen.  Problem in your FF shapes."
                    elif 'ffStat' in var :
                        if '0jet1prongffStat' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_1prong_njet0_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_1prong_njet0_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        elif '0jet3prongffStat' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_3prong_njet0_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_3prong_njet0_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        elif '1jet1prongffStat' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_1prong_njet1_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_1prong_njet1_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        elif '1jet3prongffStat' in var :
                            histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_3prong_njet1_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                            histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_')+'_CMS_htt_norm_ff_qcd_3prong_njet1_tt_stat_13TeV'+shiftDir )
                        else : assert (2 + 2 == 5), "This shouldn't happen.  Problem in your FF shapes."
                    histos[ name ].Write()
                else :
                    histos[ name ].SetTitle( name.strip('_') )
                    histos[ name ].SetName( name.strip('_') )
                    histos[ name ].Write()
        print "\n Output shapes file: %sShapes/%s/htt_%s.inputs-%s-13TeV%s.root \n" % (analysis, extra, nameChan, mid, Append)
Exemplo n.º 25
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from smart_getenv import getenv

DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', default=False, type=bool)

PROJECT_NAME = LOGGER_NAME = 'graphene_boilerplate'
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='testsecretkey')

Exemplo n.º 26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from smart_getenv import getenv

# Turn this off on production
DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)

# This is mandatory. Please define a secret key - random sequence of characters
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='')

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = '{schema}://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{dbname}'.format(
    schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
    user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
    pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
    host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
    dbname=getenv('DB_NAME', default=''))

        schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
        user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
        pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
        host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
        bindname=getenv('BIND_NAME', default=''))

COLLECT_STATIC_ROOT = getenv('STATIC_ROOT', default='/static')
COLLECT_STORAGE = 'flask_collect.storage.file'
Exemplo n.º 27
import os

from corsheaders.defaults import default_headers, default_methods
from smart_getenv import getenv

# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/{{ docs_version }}/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('SECRET_KEY', '{{ secret_key }}')

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', type=bool, default=True)

ALLOWED_HOSTS = getenv('ALLOWED_HOSTS', type=list, default=['*'])

# If the app is running behind a proxy, this variable must be set with the proxy path
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/{{ docs_version }}/ref/settings/#force-script-name


# Application definition

Exemplo n.º 28
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from smart_getenv import getenv


# mysql


# secret key
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='test123')

    from .local_config import *  # noqa
except ImportError:
Exemplo n.º 29
def makeLotsOfPlots( analysis, samples, channels, folderDetails, **kwargs ) :

    ops = {
    'qcdMakeDM' : 'x',
    'useQCDMakeName' : 'x',
    'isSSQCD' : False,
    'addUncert' : True,
    'qcdMC' : False,
    'qcdSF' : 1.0,
    'ratio' : True,
    'blind' : True,
    'text' : False,
    'mssm' : False,
    'log' : False,
    'sync' : False,
    'redBkg' : False,
    'targetDir' : ''}

    '''python analysis3Plots.py --folder=2June26_OSl1ml2_VTight_ZTT --channel=tt --text=True --useQCDMake=True --useQCDMakeName=OSl1ml2_VTight_LooseZTT --qcdSF=0.147 --btag=False'''

    for key in kwargs :
        #print "another keyword arg: %s: %s" % (key, kwargs[key])
        if key in ops.keys() :
             ops[key] = kwargs[key]
    print ops

    # Use FF built QCD backgrounds
    doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
    vv = ['WW1l1nu2q', 'WW2l2nu', 'WZ1l1nu2q', 'WZ1l3nu', 
         'WZ2l2q', 'WZ3l1nu', 'ZZ2l2nu', 'ZZ2l2q', 'ZZ4l', 
         'VV', 'WWW', 'ZZZ', 'T-tW', 'T-tchan', 'Tbar-tW', 'Tbar-tchan']

    """ Add in the gen matched DY catagorization """
    if analysis == 'htt' :
        genList = ['ZTT', 'ZLL', 'ZL', 'ZJ']
        dyJets = ['DYJetsAMCNLO', 'DYJets', 'DYJets1', 'DYJets2', 'DYJets3', 'DYJets4', 'DYJetsLow']

        newSamples = {}
        for sample in samples.keys() :
            #print sample
            if sample in dyJets :
                for gen in genList :
                    #print gen, sample+'-'+gen
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ] = deepcopy(samples[ sample ])
                    genApp = gen.lower()
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ]['group'] = genApp
            if sample == 'TT' :
                for gen in ['TTT', 'TTJ'] :
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ] = deepcopy(samples[ sample ])
                    genApp = 'ttbar'
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ]['group'] = genApp
            if sample in vv : 
                for gen in ['VVT', 'VVJ'] :
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ] = deepcopy(samples[ sample ])
                    genApp = 'dib'
                    samples[ sample+'-'+gen ]['group'] = genApp

        # Clean the samples list
        if analysis == 'htt' and 'TT' in samples.keys() :
            del samples[ 'TT' ]
        for dyJet in dyJets :
            if dyJet in samples.keys() :
                del samples[ dyJet ]
        for vvSamp in vv :
            if vvSamp in samples.keys() :
                del samples[ vvSamp ]
        if not doFF :
            samples[ 'QCD' ] = {'xsec' : 0.0, 'group' : 'qcd' }
        # Don't plot sm higgs 120, 130
        smMassesNoInclude = ['110', '120', '130', '140']
        smHiggs = []
        for mass in smMassesNoInclude :
            smHiggs.append('ggHtoTauTau%s' % mass)
            smHiggs.append('VBFHtoTauTau%s' % mass)
            smHiggs.append('WMinusHTauTau%s' % mass)
            smHiggs.append('WPlusHTauTau%s' % mass)
            smHiggs.append('ZHTauTau%s' % mass)
        for higgs in smHiggs :
            if higgs in samples : del samples[ higgs ]

    for sample in samples :
        print sample

    print "Running over %s samples" % analysis
    cmsLumi = float(os.getenv('LUMI'))/1000
    print "Lumi = %.1f / fb" % cmsLumi
    mssmMass = 250
    azhMass = 350
    mssmSF = 100
    higgsSF = 10
    if 'vbf_high' in ops['targetDir'] : higgsSF = 2.5
    azhSF = .025

    with open('meta/NtupleInputs_%s/samples.json' % analysis) as sampFile :
        sampDict = json.load( sampFile )
    chans = {
        'tt' : '#tau_{h}#tau_{h}',
        'em' : 'e#mu',
        'eeet' : 'eee#tau_{h}',
        'eemt' : 'ee#mu#tau_{h}',
        'eett' : 'ee#tau_{h}#tau_{h}',
        'eeem' : 'eee#mu',
        'eeee' : 'eeee',
        'eemm' : 'ee#mu#mu',
        'emmt' : '#mu#mue#tau_{h}',
        'mmmt' : '#mu#mu#mu#tau_{h}',
        'mmtt' : '#mu#mu#tau_{h}#tau_{h}',
        'emmm' : '#mu#mue#mu',
        'mmmm' : '#mu#mu#mu#mu',
        'ZEE' : 'Z#rightarrowee',
        'ZMM' : 'Z#rightarrow#mu#mu',
        'ZXX' : 'Z#rightarrowee/#mu#mu',
    sampInfo = { 'htt' : {
        'dib' : [ROOT.kRed+2, 'VV'],
        'ttbar' : [ROOT.kBlue-8, 't#bar{t}'],
        'qcd' : [ROOT.TColor.GetColor(250,202,255), 'QCD'], #kMagenta-10
        'ztt' : [ROOT.TColor.GetColor(248,206,104), 'Z#rightarrow#tau#tau'], #kOrange-4,
        'zl' : [ROOT.kAzure+2, 'Z#rightarrowee (lepton)'],
        'zj' : [ROOT.kGreen+2, 'Z#rightarrowee (jet)'],
        'zll' : [ROOT.TColor.GetColor(100,182,232), 'Z#rightarrowee'],
        'wjets' : [ROOT.kAzure+6, 'WJets'],
        'higgs' : [ROOT.kBlue, 'SM Higgs(125)'],
        'VH' : [ROOT.kGreen, 'SM VHiggs(125)'],
        #'mssm' : [ROOT.kPink, 'MSSM(%i) x %i' % (mssmMass, mssmSF)],
        'obs' : [ROOT.kBlack, 'Data'],
        }, # htt
            'azh' : {
        'obs' : [ROOT.kBlack, 'Data'],
        'zz' : [ROOT.kGreen-9, 'ZZ'],
        'wz' : [ROOT.kRed-4, 'WZ'],
        'dyj' : [ROOT.TColor.GetColor(248,206,104), 'ZJets'],
        'top' : [ROOT.kBlue-8, 't#bar{t}'],
        'redBkg' : [ROOT.kCyan, 'Reducible Bkg.'],
        #'sm' : [ROOT.kGreen, 'SM Higgs (125)'],
        'VH' : [ROOT.kGreen, 'SM VHiggs(125)'],
        'azh' : [ROOT.kBlue, 'A#rightarrowZh M%s #sigma=%.3fpb' % (azhMass, azhSF)],
        } # azh
    } # sampInfo
    if not ops['mssm'] : sampInfo['htt']['higgs'][1] = "SM Higgs(125) x %.1f" % higgsSF

    # Make signal variable for later easy mapping
    signal = ''
    if analysis == 'htt' : 
        signal = 'higgs'
        signalSF = higgsSF
    if analysis == 'azh' : 
        #signal = 'azh'
        #signalSF = azhSF
        signal = 'VH'
        signalSF = higgsSF
        sampInfo['azh']['VH'][1] = "SM VHiggs(125) x %.1f" % higgsSF
    if doFF :
        sampInfo['htt']['jetFakes'] = [ROOT.TColor.GetColor(250,202,255), 'jetFakes'] #kMagenta-10
        del sampInfo['htt']['qcd']
    for channel in channels :
        print channel
        # Make an index file for web viewing
        checkDir( '%sPlots/em' % analysis )
        checkDir( '%sPlots/tt' % analysis )
        checkDir( '%sPlotsList/em' % analysis )
        checkDir( '%sPlotsList/tt' % analysis )
        checkDir( '/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlots/%s%s/' % (analysis, channel, ops['targetDir']))
        checkDir( '/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlotsList/%s%s/' % (analysis, channel, ops['targetDir']))
        htmlFile = open('/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlots/%s%s/index.html' % (analysis, channel, ops['targetDir']), 'w')
        htmlFile.write( '<html><head><STYLE type="text/css">img { border:0px; }</STYLE>\n' )
        htmlFile.write( '<title>Channel %s/</title></head>\n' % channel )
        htmlFile.write( '<body>\n' )

        newVarMapUnsorted = analysisPlots.getHistoDict( analysis, channel )
        newVarMap = returnSortedDict( newVarMapUnsorted )

        if doFF :
            tmpDict = {}
            for var, info in newVarMap.iteritems() :
                tmpDict[var] = info
                tmpDict[var+'_ffSub'] = list(info)
                tmpDict[var+'_ffSub'][4] += ' FF Sub'
            newVarMap = returnSortedDict( tmpDict )
        finalQCDYield = 0.0
        finalDataYield = 0.0
        qcdMake = False
        if ops['qcdMakeDM'] != 'x' :
            qcdMake = True
            finalQCDYield = 0.0
            finalDataYield = 0.0
            checkDir('meta/%sBackgrounds' % analysis)
            print "qcdMakeDM called: ",ops['qcdMakeDM']
            qcdMaker = ROOT.TFile('meta/%sBackgrounds/%s_qcdShape_%s_%s.root' % (analysis, channel, folderDetails.split('_')[0], ops['qcdMakeDM']), 'RECREATE')
            qcdDir = qcdMaker.mkdir('%s_Histos' % channel)
        #print newVarMap
        for var, info in newVarMap.iteritems() :
            # This is to speed up the Data Card making process by 2x and not
            # create all the plots for SS when all we need it the yield from m_visCor
            if ops['isSSQCD'] and not var == 'm_visCor' : continue

            # speed up 2D plotting
            if ":" in var :
                # Skip 1 bin plot of 2D vars
                if 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] : continue
                elif 'vbf' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                    if not ('mjj' in var or 'vbfMass' in var) : continue
                elif 'boosted' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                    if not ('pt_sv' in var or 'Higgs_Pt' in var) : continue
                else : continue

            #if 'mt_sv' in var : continue
            print "Var:",var
            Handle variable binning and longer ranges for visible mass
            isVBFCat = False
            is1JetCat = False
            is0JetCat = False
            # This was useful for lower stats sub-divided categories pre-unrolling
            #if 'm_sv' in var or 'm_visCor' in var :
            #    if ('1jet_low' in ops['useQCDMakeName'] or '1jet_high' in ops['useQCDMakeName']\
            #            or '1jet_low' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] or '1jet_high' in ops['qcdMakeDM']) :
            #        is1JetCat = True
            #    if ('vbf' in ops['useQCDMakeName'] or 'vbf' in ops['qcdMakeDM']) :
            #        isVBFCat = True
            #    if not (isVBFCat or is1JetCat) : is0JetCat = True

            varBinned = True
            if '_mssm' in var :
                if 'ZTT' in folderDetails :
                    print "Inclusive"
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )
                elif 'NoBTL' in folderDetails :
                    print "No-BTAGGING"
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )
                elif 'NoBTL' not in folderDetails :
                    print "BTAGGING"
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200,250,300,350,400,500,700,900,1100,1300,1500,1700,1900,2100,2300,2500,2700,2900,3100,3300,3500,3700,3900] )
            elif var == 'mt_tot' :
                xBins = array( 'd', [0.0,10.0,20.0,30.0,40.0,50.0,60.0,70.0,\
                        350.0,400.0,500.0,700.0,900.0, 1100.0,1300.0,1500.0,\
                        3300.0,3500.0,3700.0,3900.0] )
            elif var == 'm_visCor_mssm' :
                #xBins = array( 'd', [0,20,40,60,80,100,150,200,250,350,600,1000,1500,2000,2500,3500] )
                xBins = array( 'd', [] )
                for i in range(0, 351 ) :
                    xBins.append( i * 10 )
            elif ops['sync'] and 'm_visCor' in var :
                xBins = array( 'd', [] )
                for i in range( 21 ) :
                    xBins.append( i * 17.5 )
            # This is the proposed binning for ZTT 2015 paper
            elif doFF and ('m_sv' in var or 'm_visCor' in var) :
                xBins = array( 'd', [i*10 for i in range( 31 )] )
            elif 'm_sv' in var or 'm_visCor' in var :
                if is1JetCat :
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,40,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,150,200,250] )
                elif isVBFCat :
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,40,60,80,100,120,150,200,250] )
                else :
                    #xBins = array( 'd', [i*10 for i in range( 31 )] )
                    xBins = array( 'd', [0,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,\
                        260,270,280,290,300] )
            else :
                varBinned = False
                first = info[1] * 1.
                last = info[2] * 1.
                totBins = ( info[0] / info[3] ) * 1.
                binWidth = (last - first)/totBins
                #print first, last, totBins, binWidth
                xBins = array('d', []) 
                for i in range( 0, int(totBins)+1 ) :
                    if 'iso' in var :
                        xBins.append( round(i*binWidth+first,2) )
                    else :
                        xBins.append( round(i*binWidth+first,1) )
            # Make a single bin version for QCD CR plots
            if 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                xBins = array( 'd', [xBins[0], xBins[-1]] )

            xNum = len( xBins ) - 1
            #print "Binning scheme: ",xBins
            append = var + channel
            stack = ROOT.THStack("All Backgrounds stack", "%s, %s" % (channel, var) )
            sampHistos = {}
            if ":" not in var :
                for samp in sampInfo[analysis].keys() :
                    # Skip some DY gen based combos
                    if analysis == 'htt' and channel == 'em' :
                        if samp in ['zl', 'zj'] : continue
                    if analysis == 'htt' and channel == 'tt' :
                        if samp == 'zll' : continue

                    sampHistos[samp] = ROOT.TH1D("All Backgrounds %s %s %s" % (samp, append, ops['targetDir'].strip('/')), samp, xNum, xBins )

                    sampHistos[samp].SetFillColor( sampInfo[analysis][samp][0] )
                    sampHistos[samp].SetLineColor( ROOT.kBlack )
                    sampHistos[samp].SetLineWidth( 2 )
                    sampHistos[samp].SetTitle( sampInfo[analysis][samp][1] )
                    sampHistos[samp].SetDirectory( 0 )
                sampHistos[ signal ].SetLineColor( ROOT.kPink )
                sampHistos[ signal ].SetLineWidth( 4 )
                sampHistos[ signal ].SetLineStyle( 7 )
                sampHistos[ signal ].SetMarkerStyle( 0 )
            else :
                twoDVars = analysisPlots.get2DVars( var )
                for samp in sampInfo[analysis].keys() :
                    # Skip some DY gen based combos
                    if analysis == 'htt' and channel == 'em' :
                        if samp in ['zl', 'zj'] : continue
                    if analysis == 'htt' and channel == 'tt' :
                        if samp == 'zll' : continue
                    sampHistos[samp] = ROOT.TH2D("All Backgrounds %s %s %s" % (samp, append, ops['targetDir'].strip('/')),
                            samp, len(twoDVars[0])-1, twoDVars[0], len(twoDVars[1])-1, twoDVars[1] )
                    sampHistos[samp].SetDirectory( 0 )
            for sample in samples.keys() :
                #print sample
                #print samples[sample]
                ''' Shape systematics are plotted with their 
                    unshifted counterparts '''
                getVar = var
                if skipSystShapeVar( var, sample, channel ) :
                    breakUp = var.split('_')
                    if breakUp[-1] == 'ffSub' :
                    else : breakUp.pop()
                    getVar = '_'.join(breakUp)
                # Remember data samples are called 'dataEE' and 'dataMM'
                if channel in ['eeet', 'eemt', 'eett', 'eeem', 'eeee', 'eemm', 'ZEE'] and 'dataMM' in sample : continue
                if channel in ['emmt', 'mmmt', 'mmtt', 'emmm', 'mmmm', 'ZMM'] and 'dataEE' in sample : continue
                if channel == 'tt' and sample == 'dataEM' : continue
                if channel == 'tt' and '-ZLL' in sample : continue
                if channel == 'em' and sample == 'dataTT' : continue
                if channel == 'em' and '-ZJ' in sample : continue
                if channel == 'em' and '-ZL' in sample and not '-ZLL' in sample : continue
                if ops['qcdMC'] and sample == 'QCD' : continue
                #print sample
                #if not ops['qcdMC'] and 'QCD' in sample and '-' in sample : continue # Why was this line here? QCD pt binned MC???
                #if var == 'm_visCor' : print sample
                #print '%s2IsoOrderAndDups/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, sample, channel)
                if 'QCD' in sample :
                    #print "qcd in sample",sample
                    if doFF :
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                    elif ops['useQCDMakeName'] != 'x'  :
                        fName = 'meta/%sBackgrounds/%s_qcdShape_%s_%s.root' % (analysis, channel, folderDetails.split('_')[0], ops['useQCDMakeName'])
                        #print fName 
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile(fName, 'READ')
                    elif ops['qcdMC'] :
                        print "Got QCD MC file", sample
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                        print "QCD MC: %s Integral %f" % (sample, hxx.Integral() )
                    elif not ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                        tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                    else :
                elif ops['redBkg'] and 'RedBkgShape' in sample :
                    tFileYield = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample.replace('Shape','Yield'), channel), 'READ')
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                else :
                    #print "File: '%s%s/%s_%s.root'" % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel)
                    tFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, folderDetails, sample, channel), 'READ')
                #print tFile
                dic = tFile.Get("%s_Histos" % channel )

                # Require var to be in file or print note and skip
                keys = dic.GetListOfKeys()
                inVars = [key.GetName() for key in keys]
                #    inVars.append( key.GetName() )
                if getVar not in inVars :
                    print "\n"+getVar+" not in your root files!  Skipping...\n"

                ''' Special ZTT scaling for DYJets -> ZTT samples '''
                zttScaleTable = {
                    'inclusive' : 1.0,
                    'inclusiveSS' : 1.0,
                    '0jet' : 1.0,
                    '1jet' : 1.0,
                    '2jet' : 1.0,
                    '1jet_low' : 1.0,
                    '1jet_medium' : 1.0,
                    '1jet_high' : 1.0,
                    '2jet_vbf' : 1.2,
                    '1bjet' : 1.2,
                    '2bjet' : 1.4,
                """ Do the Fake Factor MC - jet->tau fake MC here """
                if doFF :
                    # Do this based on the gen appended break down (and WJets)
                    if '-ZJ' in sample or '-TTJ' in sample or 'WJets' in sample or \
                            '-VVJ' in sample :
                        preHist = dic.Get( getVar )
                        if not '_ffSub' in getVar :
                            ffSubHist = dic.Get( getVar+'_ffSub' )
                            #print sample," FF Sub int",ffSubHist.Integral()
                            ffSubHist2 = ffSubHist.Rebin( xNum, "rebinned", xBins )
                            if varBinned :
                                ffSubHist2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
                            else :
                                ffSubHist2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
                            #if "DYJets" in sample and "ZTT" in sample :
                            #    ffSubHist2.Scale( zttScaleTable[dirCode] )
                            sampHistos[ 'jetFakes' ].Add( ffSubHist2, -1.0 )
                            #print "FFSub Int ",sample,sampHistos[ 'jetFakes' ].Integral()
                    # QCD takes shape and yield from anti-isolated
                    # the +'_ffSub' is already appended to getVar
                    elif 'QCD' in sample :
                        if not '_ffSub' in getVar :
                            preHist = dic.Get( getVar+'_ffSub' )
                        else :
                            preHist = dic.Get( getVar )
                    # Data and all other MC treated normally
                    else :
                        preHist = dic.Get( getVar )
                else :
                    preHist = dic.Get( getVar )
                preHist.SetDirectory( 0 )

                if ops['redBkg'] and 'RedBkgShape' in sample :
                    redBkgYield = tFileYield.Get('%s_Histos/%s' % (channel, getVar)).Integral()
                    #print "REd BKG Yield:",redBkgYield
                    if preHist.Integral() != 0 :
                        preHist.Scale( redBkgYield / preHist.Integral() )
                    hist = ROOT.TH1D( preHist )
                if sample == 'QCD' and ops['useQCDMakeName'] != 'x' :
                    #print "Using QCD SCALE FACTOR <<<< NEW >>>>"
                    preHist.Scale( ops['qcdSF'] )
                    #print "QCD yield: %f" % preHist.Integral()
                    if not ":" in var :
                        histX = ROOT.TH1D( preHist )
                    else :
                        histX = ROOT.TH2D( preHist )
                else :
                    if ":" in var :
                        histX = preHist.Rebin2D( 1, 1, "rebinned" )
                    else : 
                        histX = preHist.Rebin( xNum, "rebinned", xBins )

                # If plotting qcd CR, we want a single bin for all
                if 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                    nBins = histX.GetNbinsX()
                    hist = histX.Rebin( nBins )
                else : hist = histX.Clone()
                if var == 'm_visCor' :
                    if 'data' in sample and qcdMake : finalDataYield = hist.Integral()
                ''' Good Debugging stuff '''
                #nBins = hist.GetNbinsX()
                #print "sample %s    # bins, %i   range %i %i" % (sample, nBins, hist.GetBinLowEdge( 1 ), hist.GetBinLowEdge( nBins+1 ))
                sampHistos[ samples[ sample ]['group'] ].Add( hist )
                #if samples[ sample ]['group'] == 'jetFakes' :
                #    print "jetFakes Stack yield: %f" % hist.Integral()
                #    print "%s int: %.2f" % (sample, sampHistos[ samples[ sample ]['group'] ].Integral() )

            ''' Change bin yield to make this make sense with variable binning
                this is only for viewing, the DC process is seperate '''
            for samp in sampHistos.keys() :
                if var == 'm_visCor' :
                    print "%s --- yield %f" % ( samp, sampHistos[samp].Integral() )
            #    # With Variable binning, need to set bin content appropriately
            #    if not varBinned : continue
            #    if samp == "qcd" : continue
            #    minWidth = 999.
            #    for bin_ in range( 1, sampHistos[samp].GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
            #        minTmp = sampHistos[samp].GetBinWidth(bin_)
            #        if minTmp < minWidth : minWidth = minTmp
            #    for bin_ in range( 1, sampHistos[samp].GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
            #        sampHistos[samp].SetBinContent( bin_, sampHistos[samp].GetBinContent( bin_ ) * ( minWidth / sampHistos[samp].GetBinWidth( bin_ ) ) )
            # Some specific HTT stuff
            if analysis == 'htt' :
                if doFF :
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['jetFakes'] )
                elif not qcdMake :
                    #print "Adding QCD: ",sampHistos['qcd'].Integral()
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['qcd'] )
                stack.Add( sampHistos['ttbar'] )
                stack.Add( sampHistos['dib'] )
                stack.Add( sampHistos['wjets'] )
                if channel != 'em' :
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['zl'] )
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['zj'] )
                if channel == 'em' :
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['zll'] )
                stack.Add( sampHistos['ztt'] )

            # A to Zh stuff
            if analysis == 'azh' :
                if ops['redBkg'] :
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['redBkg'] )
                else :
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['top'] )
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['dyj'] )
                    stack.Add( sampHistos['wz'] )
                stack.Add( sampHistos['zz'] )
            # Scale signal samples for viewing
            sampHistos[ signal ].Scale( signalSF )
            ''' Print out yields for a given distribution '''
            #sensitivityVars = ['Higgs_Pt', 'pt_1', 'pt_2', 'mjj', 'jdeta', 'pt_sv']
            ##if var == 'Higgs_Pt' or var == 'pt_1' or var == 'pt_2' :
            #if var in sensitivityVars :
            #    print "\n\nX "+var+" Stack yields"
            #    totBkgVar = 0.
            #    totSig = 0.
            #    top = stack.GetStack().Last().GetNbinsX()+1
            #    for bin in range( 1, top ) :
            #        binBkg = stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent( top-bin )
            #        binSig = sampHistos[signal].GetBinContent( top-bin )/higgsSF
            #        if binBkg > 0. :
            #            binSensitivity = binSig / math.sqrt( binBkg+binSig )
            #        else : binSensitivity = 0.

            #        totBkgVar += binBkg
            #        totSig += binSig
            #        if totBkgVar > 0. :
            #            sensitivity = totSig / math.sqrt( totBkgVar+totSig )
            #        else : sensitivity = 0.
            #        edge = stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinLowEdge( top-bin )
            #        #print "Bin: %i     sensitivity: %.2f     signal %.2f    bkg: %.2f" % (edge, sensitivity, totSig, totBkgVar)
            #        print "Bin: %.1f     sensitivity: %.2f     binSensitivity: %.2f" % (edge, sensitivity, binSensitivity)
            Calculate rough bin-by-bin uncertainties
            uncertNormMap = { 'htt' : {
                'qcd' : .20,
                'jetFakes' : .0,
                'ttbar' : .15,
                'dib' : .10,
                'wjets' : .10,
                'ztt' : .05,
                'zl' : .30,
                'zj' : .30,
                'higgs' : .0,
                'VH' : .2,
                'obs' : .0,},
            'azh' : {
                'top' : .10,
                'dyj' : .10,
                'wz' : .10,
                'zz' : .10,
                'redBkg' : .0,
                'azh' : .0,
                'sm' : .0,
                'VH' : .0,
                'obs' : .0,}
            binErrors = []
            for k in range( stack.GetStack().Last().GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
                toRoot = 0.
                for samp in sampHistos.keys() :
                    if samp in ['azh','sm','VH'] : continue
                    #toRoot += (sampHistos[samp].GetBinContent(k)*\
                    #    uncertNormMap[analysis][samp])**2
                    toRoot += sampHistos[samp].GetBinError(k)**2

                binErrors.append( math.sqrt(toRoot) )
            if qcdMake :
                if not ":" in var :
                    qcdVar = ROOT.TH1D( var, 'qcd%s%s' % (append,var), xNum, xBins )
                else :
                    qcdVar = ROOT.TH2D( var, 'qcd%s%s' % (append,var), len(twoDVars[0])-1, twoDVars[0], len(twoDVars[1])-1, twoDVars[1] )
                qcdVar.Add( sampHistos['obs'], stack.GetStack().Last(), 1., -1. )
                qcdVar.SetFillColor( ROOT.kMagenta-10 )
                qcdVar.SetLineColor( ROOT.kBlack )
                qcdVar.SetLineWidth( 2 )
                # Add the shape estimated here to the stack pre-scaling!!!
                stack.Add( qcdVar ) 
                if var == 'm_visCor_mssm' :
                    print "M_VIS_MSSM plot details: %f %f" % (info[1], info[2])
                if varBinned :
                    qcdVar.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
                else :
                    qcdVar.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
                print "qcdVar: %f   mean %f" % (qcdVar.Integral(), qcdVar.GetMean() )
                if var == 'm_visCor' :
                    finalQCDYield = qcdVar.Integral()
            # Maybe make ratio hist
            c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","Z -> #tau#tau, %s, %s" % (channel, var), 550, 550)
            if not ops['ratio'] or ":" in var :
                pad1 = ROOT.TPad("pad1", "", 0, 0, 1, 1)
                if not 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                # X Axis!
                stack.GetXaxis().SetTitle("%s" % info[ 4 ])
            else : # Do Ratio plots
                smlPadSize = .25
                pads = ratioPlot( c1, 1-smlPadSize )
                pad1 = pads[0]
                ratioPad = pads[1]
                ratioHist = ROOT.TH1D('ratio %s' % append, 'ratio', xNum, xBins )
                ratioHist.Add( sampHistos['obs'] )
                ratioHist.Divide( stack.GetStack().Last() )
                ratioHist.SetMaximum( 2. )
                ratioHist.SetMinimum( 0. )
                if channel == 'tt' :
                    ratioHist.SetMaximum( 1.5 )
                    ratioHist.SetMinimum( 0.5 )
                ratioHist.SetMarkerStyle( 21 )

                """ Add uncertainty bands on ratio """
                er = ROOT.TH1D("er %s" % append, "er", xNum, xBins )
                if varBinned :
                    er.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
                else :
                    er.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
                for k in range( er.GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
                    er.SetBinContent( k, 1. )
                    if stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent(k) > 0. : 
                        er.SetBinError(k, binErrors[k]/stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent(k) )
                    #print "Qcd Error:",qcd.GetBinError(k)
                er.SetLineColor( 0 )
                er.SetLineWidth( 0 )
                er.SetMarkerSize( 0 )
                er.SetFillStyle( 3001 )
                er.SetFillColor( 15 )
                er.Draw('same e2')

                line = ROOT.TLine( info[1], 1, info[2], 1 )
                line.SetLineWidth( 1 )
                # X Axis!
                ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle("%s" % info[ 4 ])
                ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Data / MC")
                ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize( ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetTitleSize()*( (1-smlPadSize)/smlPadSize) )
                ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset( smlPadSize*1.5 )
                ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize( ratioHist.GetYaxis().GetLabelSize()*( 1/smlPadSize) )
                ratioHist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions( 5, True )
                ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize( ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetLabelSize()*( 1/smlPadSize) )
                ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize( ratioHist.GetXaxis().GetTitleSize()*( 1/smlPadSize) )
                if not 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
            # Set labels appropriately
            if info[ 5 ] == '' :
            elif not ":" in var :
                if varBinned :
                    stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events / Bin Width")
                else :
                    width = stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinWidth(1)
                    stack.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Events / %.1f%s" % (width, info[ 5 ])  )

            # Set axis and viewing area
            stackMax = stack.GetStack().Last().GetMaximum()
            dataMax = sampHistos['obs'].GetMaximum()
            stack.SetMaximum( max(dataMax, stackMax) * 1.5 )
            if ops['targetDir'] == '/vbf_low' :
                stack.SetMaximum( max(dataMax, stackMax) * 1.8 )
            if ops['log'] :
                stack.SetMaximum( max(dataMax, stackMax) * 10 )
                stack.SetMinimum( min(dataMax, stackMax) * .005 )

            ''' Build the legend explicitly so we can specify marker styles '''
            legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.60, 0.65, 0.95, 0.93)
            legend.AddEntry( sampHistos['obs'], "Data", 'lep')
            if not 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                legend.AddEntry( sampHistos[signal], sampHistos[signal].GetTitle(), 'l')
            for j in range(0, stack.GetStack().GetLast() + 1) :
                last = stack.GetStack().GetLast()
                name_str = stack.GetStack()[last - j ].GetTitle()
                if 'qcd' in name_str or 'QCD' in name_str : name_str = 'QCD'
                legend.AddEntry( stack.GetStack()[ last - j ], name_str, 'f')

            # Set CMS Styles Stuff
            logo = ROOT.TText(.2, .88,"CMS Preliminary")
            logo.DrawTextNDC(.2, .89,"CMS Preliminary")
            chan = ROOT.TLatex(.2, .80,"x")
            chan.DrawLatexNDC(.2, .84,"Channel: %s" % chans[channel] )
            lumi = ROOT.TText(.7,1.05,"X fb^{-1} (13 TeV)")
            lumi.DrawTextNDC(.7,.96,"%.1f / fb (13 TeV)" % cmsLumi )

            ''' Random print outs on plots '''
            if ops['text'] and not varBinned :
                text1 = ROOT.TText(.4,.6,"Data Integral: %f" % sampHistos['obs'].GetMean() )
                text1.DrawTextNDC(.6,.6,"Data Integral: %s" % str( round( sampHistos['obs'].Integral(), 1) ) )
                text2 = ROOT.TText(.4,.55,"Data Int: %s" % str( sampHistos['obs'].Integral() ) )
                text2.DrawTextNDC(.6,.55,"MC Integral: %s" % str( round( stack.GetStack().Last().Integral(), 1) ) )
                text3 = ROOT.TText(.4,.55,"Data Mean: %s" % str( sampHistos['obs'].GetMean() ) )
                text3.DrawTextNDC(.6,.50,"Diff: %s" % str( round( sampHistos['obs'].Integral() - stack.GetStack().Last().Integral(), 1) ) )
            if varBinned :
                stack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
            else :
                stack.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
            if ops['ratio'] and not ":" in var :
                if varBinned :
                    ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
                else :
                    ratioHist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
            Add uncertainty bands on background stack
            if ops['addUncert'] and not ":" in var :
                e1 = ROOT.TH1D("e1 %s" % append, "e1", xNum, xBins )
                if varBinned :
                    e1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( xBins[0], xBins[-1] )
                else :
                    e1.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( info[1], info[2] )
                for k in range( e1.GetNbinsX()+1 ) :
                    e1.SetBinContent( k, stack.GetStack().Last().GetBinContent( k ) )
                    e1.SetBinError(k, binErrors[k] )
                    #print "Qcd Error:",qcd.GetBinError(k)
                e1.SetLineColor( 0 )
                e1.SetLineWidth( 0 )
                e1.SetMarkerSize( 0 )
                e1.SetFillStyle( 3001 )
                e1.SetFillColor( 15 )
                e1.Draw('same e2')
            """ Blinding Data """
            if ops['blind'] and not 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                if (analysis == 'htt' and ('m_visCor' in var or 'm_sv' in var or 'mt_sv' in var\
                         or 'mt_tot' in var) ) or\
                         (analysis=='azh' and ('H_vis' in var or 'Mass' in var) ) :
                    if ops['mssm'] :
                        targetMass = 170
                        targetMassUp = 9999
                    elif analysis == 'htt' and 'm_sv' in var :
                        targetMassLow = 101
                        #if '1jet' in ops['targetDir'] : targetMassLow = 90
                        #elif 'vbf' in ops['targetDir'] : targetMassLow = 100
                        #elif 'vbf_low' in ops['targetDir'] : targetMassLow = 100
                        #elif 'vbf_high' in ops['targetDir'] : targetMassLow = 80
                        #else : targetMassLow = 80
                        targetMassUp = 149
                    elif analysis == 'htt' and 'm_visCor' in var :
                        targetMassLow = 81
                        targetMassUp = 149
                    else :
                        targetMassLow = 81
                        targetMassUp = 149
                    nBins = stack.GetStack().Last().GetXaxis().GetNbins()
                    for k in range( 1, nBins+1 ) :
                        binHigh = sampHistos['obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(k) + \
                        binLow = sampHistos['obs'].GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(k)
                        if binHigh>targetMassLow and binLow<=targetMassUp :
                            sampHistos['obs'].SetBinContent(k, 0.)
                            sampHistos['obs'].SetBinError(k, 0.)
                            if ops['ratio'] and not ":" in var :
                                ratioHist.SetBinContent(k, 0.)
                                ratioHist.SetBinError(k, 0.)
                    if ops['ratio'] and not ":" in var : 
            if ops['qcdMakeDM'] == 'x' or 'plotMe' in ops['qcdMakeDM'] :
                plotDir = '/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlots/%s%s/' % (analysis, channel, ops['targetDir'] )
                c1.SaveAs(plotDir+'%s.png' % var )
                c1.SaveAs(plotDir+'%s.pdf' % var )
                c1.SaveAs(plotDir+'%s.root' % var )
                c1.SaveAs(plotDir+'%s.C' % var )

                # To speed up, just copy the new png/pdfs to other dir
                # this will help with 2D plots
                newPlotDir = plotDir.replace('Plots/','PlotsList/')
                subprocess.call(['cp',plotDir+'%s.png' % var, newPlotDir+'%s.png' % var])
                subprocess.call(['cp',plotDir+'%s.pdf' % var, newPlotDir+'%s.pdf' % var])
                subprocess.call(['cp',plotDir+'%s.root' % var, newPlotDir+'%s.root' % var])
                subprocess.call(['cp',plotDir+'%s.C' % var, newPlotDir+'%s.C' % var])
            """ Additional views for Visible Mass """
            #if 'm_visCor' in var :
            #    pad1.SetLogy()
            #    stack.SetMaximum( stack.GetMaximum() * 10 )
            #    stack.SetMinimum( higgs.GetMaximum() * .1 )
            #    if var == 'm_visCor_mssm' :
            #        pad1.SetLogx()
            #        if ratio : ratioPad.SetLogx()
            #    pad1.Update()
            #    c1.SaveAs('/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlots/%s/%s_LogY.png' % (analysis, channel, var ) )
            #    c1.SaveAs('/afs/cern.ch/user/t/truggles/www/%sPlotsList/%s/%s_LogY.png' % (analysis, channel, var ) )
            #    htmlFile.write( '<img src="%s_LogY.png">\n' % var )
            htmlFile.write( '<img src="%s.png">\n' % var )
            #htmlFile.write( '<br>\n' )
        htmlFile.write( '</body></html>' )
        if qcdMake :
            print "\n\n Final QCD and Data Info:\n -- QCD Name: %s\n -- Data Yield = %f\n -- QCD Yield = %f" % (ops['qcdMakeDM'], finalDataYield, finalQCDYield)
            dumpFile = open('plotsOut.txt', 'a')
            dumpFile.write("\nFinal QCD and Data Info:\n -- QCD Name: %s\n -- Data Yield = %f\n -- QCD Yield = %f" % (ops['qcdMakeDM'], finalDataYield, finalQCDYield))

    return finalQCDYield
Exemplo n.º 30

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.udag.de'

TAGGIT_TAGS_FROM_STRING = 'home.utils.tags_splitter'
from smart_getenv import getenv

DEFAULT_DAILY_RATE = getenv('DEFAULT_DAILY_RATE', default=100, type=Decimal)
VAT_RATE = Decimal('0.19')
INCOME_TAX_RATE = Decimal('0.41')



SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_URL = "/admin/account/"
Exemplo n.º 31
# Collect static files here
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(RUN_DIR, 'static')

# Collect media files here
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(RUN_DIR, 'media')

# Look for static assets here
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),

# Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production
# See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/howto/deployment/checklist/

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = getenv('DJANGO_SECRET_KEY', type=str, default='secret_key')

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = getenv('DJANGO_DEBUG', type=bool, default=True)



# Application definition
def drawHistos(analysis, samples, **fargs ) :

    print "\n%s\n" % fargs['mid3']

    mergeMap = getMergeMap(analysis)

    skipSSQCDDetails = False
    if 'skipSSQCDDetails' in fargs.keys() :
        if fargs['skipSSQCDDetails'] :
            skipSSQCDDetails = True

    genMap = {
        # sample : em , tt
        'ZTT' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 == 5 && gen_match_2 == 5)'},
        'ZL' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 < 6 && gen_match_2 < 6 && !(gen_match_1 == 5 && gen_match_2 == 5))'},
        'ZJ' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_2 == 6 || gen_match_1 == 6)'},
        'QCD' : {
                'tt' : '*(FFWeightQCD)'},
        'TTT' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 == 5 && gen_match_2 == 5)'},
        'TTJ' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 != 5 || gen_match_2 != 5)'},
        'VVT' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 == 5 && gen_match_2 == 5)'},
        'VVJ' : {
                'tt' : '*(gen_match_1 != 5 || gen_match_2 != 5)'},
        'RedBkgYield' : {'xxxx' : '*(1.)'},
        'RedBkgShape' : {'xxxx' : '*(1.)'},
    channels = fargs['channels']
    ''' Start PROOF multiprocessing Draw '''
    #ROOT.TProof.Open('workers=%s' % str( int(fargs['numCores']) ) )
    ''' Start multiprocessing tests '''
    #output = multiprocessing.Queue()
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes= fargs[ 'numCores' ] )
    multiprocessingOutputs = []

    for sample in samples :
        numFilesPerCycle = fargs['numFilesPerCycle']
        if sample in mergeMap.keys() and fargs[ 'skimmed' ] != 'true' :
            numFilesPerCycle = mergeMap[sample]

        # the gen matching samples are: based off of the DYJets samples
        loopList = []
        doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
        if 'DYJets' in sample and analysis == 'htt' :
            genList = ['ZTT', 'ZL', 'ZJ']
            loopList = genList
            #loopList.append( sample ) # don't keep full original
        elif sample == 'TT' and analysis == 'htt' :
            genList = ['TTT', 'TTJ']
            loopList = genList
            #loopList.append( sample ) # don't keep full original
        elif sample in ['T-tW', 'T-tchan', 'Tbar-tW', 'Tbar-tchan', 
                'WW1l1nu2q', 'WW2l2nu', 'WZ1l1nu2q', 'WZ1l3nu', 
                'WZ2l2q', 'WZ3l1nu', 'ZZ2l2nu', 'ZZ2l2q', 'ZZ4l', 
                'VV', 'WWW', 'ZZZ'] and analysis == 'htt' :
            genList = ['VVT', 'VVJ']
            loopList = genList
            #loopList.append( sample ) # don't keep full original
        elif 'data' in sample and doFF :
            loopList.append( sample )
            loopList.append( 'QCD-'+sample.split('-')[1] )
        elif 'data' in sample and analysis == 'azh' :
            loopList.append( sample )
            loopList.append( 'RedBkgYield-'+sample.split('-')[1] )
            loopList.append( 'RedBkgShape-'+sample.split('-')[1] )
        else : loopList.append( sample )

        sampF = ''
        if fargs['svFitPost'] == 'true' : sampF = 'sv/'
        if fargs['skimmed'] == 'true' : sampF = 'skimmed/'
        for subName in loopList :
            #print "SubName:",subName
            if subName == 'QCD' and 'data' in sample : saveName = 'QCD'
            elif 'RedBkg' in subName and 'data' in sample : saveName = subName
            elif 'QCD' in subName and 'data' in sample and doFF : saveName = subName
            elif subName != sample : saveName = "%s-%s" % (sample.split('_')[0], subName)
            else : saveName = sample.split('_')[0]
            for channel in channels :

                # Check if we should skip running over data set
                if skipChanDataCombo( channel, sample, analysis ) : continue

                if fargs['svFitPost'] == 'true' or fargs['skimmed'] == 'true' :
                    fileLen = file_len( 'meta/NtupleInputs_%s/%s%s_%s.txt' % (analysis, sampF, sample, channel) )
                else :
                    fileLen = file_len( 'meta/NtupleInputs_%s/%s.txt' % (analysis, sample) )
                print "File len:",fileLen
                #print "Num files / cycle:",numFilesPerCycle
                numIters = int( math.ceil( 1. * fileLen / numFilesPerCycle ) )
                #print "Num Iters: %i" % numIters

                print " ====>  Starting Plots For %s_%s_%s  <==== " % (analysis, saveName, channel)
                chain = ROOT.TChain('Ntuple')
                for i in range( numIters ) :
                    #print "%s_%i" % ( sample, i)
                    #print " --- Adding to chain: %s%s/%s_%i_%s.root" % (analysis, fargs['mid2'], sample.split('_')[0], i, channel)
                    chain.Add('%s%s/%s_%i_%s.root' % (analysis, fargs['mid2'], sample.split('_')[0], i, channel) )
                print "ENTRIES: %s %i" % (sample, chain.GetEntries() )
                if 'data' in sample : isData = True
                else : isData = False
                additionalCut = fargs['additionalCut']
                if subName != sample and 'RedBkg' not in subName and 'QCD-' not in subName : 
                    if genMap[subName][channel] == '' : continue
                    if additionalCut == '' : additionalCut = genMap[subName][channel] 
                    else : additionalCut += genMap[subName][channel] 
                #print "AdditionalCuts",additionalCut

                blind = False
                outFile = ROOT.TFile('%s%s/%s_%s.root' % (analysis, fargs['mid3'], saveName , channel), 'RECREATE')
                if not fargs['debug'] == 'true' :
                    multiprocessingOutputs.append( pool.apply_async(analysisPlots.plotHistosProof,
                                                                                    sample+'-'+subName)) )
                """ for debugging without multiprocessing """
                if fargs['debug'] == 'true' :
                #analysisPlots.plotHistosProof( analysis, outFile, chain, sample, channel, isData, additionalCut, blind, skipSSQCDDetails )

    if fargs['debug'] != 'true' :
        mpResults = [p.get() for p in multiprocessingOutputs]
    print "#################################################################"
    print "###               Finished plotting all samples               ###"
    print "#################################################################"
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_getenv_type_str(self):
     Ensure getenv returns string if environment variable exists and desired type is string.
     os.environ[self.test_var_name] = 'abc'
     self.assertEqual(getenv(self.test_var_name, type=str), 'abc')
Exemplo n.º 34
from azure.storage.queue import QueueServiceClient
from azure.ai.formrecognizer import FormRecognizerClient
from azure.ai.textanalytics import TextAnalyticsClient
from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient
from azure.keyvault.secrets import SecretClient

from smart_getenv import getenv
from dotmap import DotMap
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv


sleep = getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_RECEIVE_SLEEP", type=bool, default=1)

credential = ChainedTokenCredential(
    AzureCliCredential(), EnvironmentCredential(), ManagedIdentityCredential()

queue_service_client = QueueServiceClient(
    account_url=getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_ENDPOINT"), credential=credential

queue_client = queue_service_client.get_queue_client(
    queue=getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_NAME", default="messages")

fr_client = FormRecognizerClient(
    endpoint=getenv("AZURE_FORM_RECOGNIZER_ENDPOINT"), credential=credential
Exemplo n.º 35
def plotHistosProof( analysis, outFile, chain, sample, channel, isData, additionalCut, blind=False, skipSSQCDDetails=False, genCode='x' ) :
    if genCode == 'x' : genCode = sample

    ''' Make a channel specific selection of desired histos and fill them '''
    newVarMapUnsorted = getHistoDict( analysis, channel )
    newVarMap = returnSortedDict( newVarMapUnsorted )

    #print outFile, channel
    histosDir = outFile.mkdir( "%s_Histos" % channel )

    # Set additionalCut to reflect ZH reducible background estimation
    # process

    # Add in the ability to do Reducible Background estimations for
    # AZH / ZH analysis
    # Add channel specific cuts
    if 'ADD_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_ISO_CUTS' in additionalCut :
        prodMap = getProdMap()
        if analysis == 'azh' and 'RedBkgYield' in outFile.GetName() :
            additionalCut = getRedBkgCutsAndWeights(
                    analysis, channel, additionalCut, prodMap )
        elif analysis == 'azh' and 'RedBkgShape' in outFile.GetName() :
            additionalCut = getRedBkgShape( 
                    analysis, channel, additionalCut, prodMap )
        else : # No reducible bkg
            additionalCut = getChannelSpecificFinalCuts(
                    analysis, channel, additionalCut, prodMap )

    ''' Combine Gen and Chan specific into one fill section '''
    histos = {}

    ''' Get Energy Scale Map which is now confusing with
        decay mode specific shifts '''
    esMap = getESMap()

    ### Check if we intend to do Fake Factor based MC cuts
    ### These differ because of requiring a random choice
    ### of l1 and l2, then seeing if l1 is gen matched
    ### to anything besides a fake/jet
    ### This is only applied for DYJets, WJets, TT, and QCD MC

    ### Check if doFF is turned on and, if so, double
    ### our output histograms to account for the
    ### required subtractions
    doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
    if doFF :
        tmpDict = {}
        for var, info in newVarMap.iteritems() :
            tmpDict[var] = info
            tmpDict[var+'_ffSub'] = info
        newVarMap = returnSortedDict( tmpDict )

    # Check for per-var adjustments later
    # Full JES shapes if doFullJES
    doFullJES = getenv('doFullJES', type=bool)
    if doFullJES : jesUncerts = getUncerts()

    for var, info in newVarMap.iteritems() :
        if skipSSQCDDetails and not (var == 'eta_1' or var == 'm_visCor')  : continue

        ''' Skip plotting 2D vars for 0jet and inclusive selections '''
        if 'ZTTinclusive' in outFile.GetName() or 'ZTT0jet' in outFile.GetName() :
            if ":" in var : continue

        #print var

        ''' Skip plotting unused shape systematics '''
        if skipSystShapeVar( var, sample, channel, genCode ) : continue

        ''' Define syst shape weights if applicable '''
        shapeSyst = ''
        # High Pt tau reweighting,
        # not applied to data or FF jetToTauFakes 
        if '_tauPt' in var :
            shapeSyst = HighPtTauWeight( var )

        # top pt reweighting only applied to ttbar
        elif '_topPt' in var :
            if '_topPtUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(topWeight)'
            elif '_topPtDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1./topWeight)'

        # z pt reweight only applied to LO DYJets samples, DYJetsLow in amc@nlo
        elif '_zPt' in var : # Shifts has been changed to 10% of correction
            if '_zPtUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1. + (-1. + zPtWeight) * 0.1 )' 
            elif '_zPtDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1. - (-1. + zPtWeight) * 0.1 )'

        # ggH scale to ggHtoTauTau signal
        elif '_ggH' in var :
            # Different scale depending on final category
            if 'ZTT0jet2D' in outFile.GetName() :
                if '_ggHUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(ggHWeight0Jet)'
                elif '_ggHDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1./ggHWeight0Jet)'
            elif 'ZTTboosted' in outFile.GetName() :
                if '_ggHUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(ggHWeightBoost)'
                elif '_ggHDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1./ggHWeightBoost)'
            elif 'ZTTvbf' in outFile.GetName() :
                if '_ggHUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(ggHWeightVBF)'
                elif '_ggHDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1./ggHWeightVBF)'
            else : # Probably inclusive
                if '_ggHUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(ggHWeight0Jet)'
                elif '_ggHDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(1./ggHWeight0Jet)'

        # topQuarkggH scale to ggHtoTauTau signal
        elif '_topQuarkggH' in var :
            if '_topQuarkggHUp' in var : shapeSyst = '*(ggHtopQuarkWeight)'
            elif '_topQuarkggHDown' in var : shapeSyst = '*(2.-ggHtopQuarkWeight)'

        # Jet to Tau Fake
        # These look to be applied in reverse
        # the shift convention was choosen to match MSSM 2016 ICHEP
        elif '_JetToTau' in var :
            if '_JetToTauUp' in var :
                shapeSyst = '*(2 - jetToTauFakeWeight)' # = to 1 - SF
            elif '_JetToTauDown' in var :
                shapeSyst = '*(jetToTauFakeWeight)'

        # This is the Zmumu CR shape uncertainty from data/MC correction
        # below.  It is currently only applied to VBF
        # This shape will be skipped if not DYJets
        # Update - no shape uncert on boosted
        elif '_Zmumu' in var :
            if '_ZmumuUp' in var and 'ZTTvbf' in outFile.GetName() :
                shapeSyst = '*(1. + zmumuVBFWeight)'
            elif '_ZmumuDown' in var and 'ZTTvbf' in outFile.GetName() :
                shapeSyst = '*(1./(1. + zmumuVBFWeight))'

        # Add the Zmumu CR normalizations from Cecile's studies
        # from Nov 18, 2016 SM-HTT
        # Update 2 Mar, 2017:
        # - VBF has specific shape correction too
        # Removed 2% global normalization adjustment, April 4, 2017
        if 'DYJets' in sample or 'EWKZ' in sample :
            if 'ZTTvbf' in outFile.GetName() :
                shapeSyst += '*(1.00 + zmumuVBFWeight)'
            else : # Applied to ALL categories
                shapeSyst += '*(1.00)'
        # Energy Scale reweighting applied to all Real Hadronic Taus
        # gen_match == 5
        # this is not an "if" style shape b/c we need to apply
        # normal pt cuts if the shape syst is not called
        # so instead we appeand it to what ever else we have
        shapeSyst += ESCuts( esMap, sample, channel, var )
        # Additionally, if we have Energy Scale, we also need
        # to change any Higgs_PtCor vars to Higgs_PtCor_UP/DOWN
        additionalCutToUse = additionalCut
        if 'energyScale' in var and 'data' not in sample :
            dm = ''
            if 'energyScaleAll' in var : dm = '_'
            elif 'energyScaleDM0' in var : dm = '_DM0_'
            elif 'energyScaleDM1' in var : dm = '_DM1_'
            elif 'energyScaleDM10' in var : dm = '_DM10_'

            if 'Up' in var[-2:] : shiftDir = 'UP'
            if 'Down' in var[-4:] : shiftDir = 'DOWN'

            additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv%s%s' % (dm, shiftDir) )
            additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor%s%s' % (dm, shiftDir) )

        # Jet Energy Scale:
        # similar as TES above, edit the additionalCut
        # so that njets is replaced by njets_JESUP
        # make because we unroll in mjj, edit that
        # as well when it's in the plotVar for 2D
        # plotVar is changed below with this happens for other shifts
        jesUnc = 'En'
        if 'JES' in var and 'data' not in sample :
            # with ~30 shifts, get the name of the shift
            if doFullJES :
                for unc in jesUncerts :
                    if unc in var : jesUnc = unc
            if 'Up' in var[-2:] :
                if doFullJES :
                    # jDeta is minimally impacted by JES shifts, so the minor adjustments are not saved atm
                    # and is negligible for mjj > 100
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('jetVeto30','jetVeto30_Jet%sUp' % jesUnc)
                    # We changed naming to simple mjj, njetingap20 and jdeta for sync for nominal
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('mjj','vbfMass_Jet%sUp' % jesUnc)
                else :
                    #additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('njetingap','vbfJetVeto30_JetEnUp') # Cut no long used
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('jdeta','vbfDeta_JetEnUp')
                #print additionalCutToUse+"\n"
            if 'Down' in var[-4:] :
                if doFullJES :
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('jetVeto30','jetVeto30_Jet%sDown' % jesUnc)
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('mjj','vbfMass_Jet%sDown' % jesUnc)
                else :
                    #additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('njetingap','vbfJetVeto30_JetEnDown')
                    additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('jdeta','vbfDeta_JetEnDown')
                #print additionalCutToUse+"\n"

        # Met Systematics propagated to svFit
        # make sure to get proper Higgs_Pt (pt_sv)
        if '_metClustered' in var and 'data' not in sample :
            if 'Up' in var[-2:] :
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_ClusteredMet_UP')
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_ClusteredMet_UP')
            if 'Down' in var[-4:] :
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_ClusteredMet_DOWN')
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_ClusteredMet_DOWN')
        if '_metUnclustered' in var and 'data' not in sample :
            if 'Up' in var[-2:] :
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_UncMet_UP')
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_UncMet_UP')
            if 'Down' in var[-4:] :
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_UncMet_DOWN')
                additionalCutToUse = additionalCutToUse.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_UncMet_DOWN')

        # This addes the Fake Factor shape systematics weights
        # And add the variable specific Fake Factor cut
        # (isolation and gen match change per variable def)
        ffShapeSyst = ''
        if doFF :
            ffRegion = 'anti-iso' if '_ffSub' in var else 'signal'
            ffShapeSyst += getFFShapeSystApp( ffRegion, isData, outFile, var )
            ffShapeSyst += getFFCutsAndWeights( ffRegion, isData, outFile )

        if ":" in var :
    	    histos[ var ] = make2DHisto( var )
        else :
    	    histos[ var ] = makeHisto( var, info[0], info[1], info[2])

        # Adding Trigger, ID and Iso, & Efficiency Scale Factors
        # and, top pt reweighting
        # weight is a composition of all applied MC/Data corrections
        sfs = '*(1.)'
        if analysis == 'htt' :
            sfs = '*(weight)'
            if channel == 'tt' :
                # Not currently included in weight for sync ntuple
                sfs += '*(tauIDweight_1 * tauIDweight_2)'
        if analysis == 'azh' :
            sfs = '*(puweight*azhWeight)' 
        xsec = '*(XSecLumiWeight)'

        #print "%s     High Pt Tau Weight: %s" % (var, tauW)
        #print var,shapeSyst
        totalCutAndWeightMC = '(GenWeight/abs( GenWeight ))%s%s%s%s%s' % (additionalCutToUse, sfs, xsec, shapeSyst, ffShapeSyst) 
        #print totalCutAndWeightMC

        # Check if the variable to plot is in the chain, if not, skip it
        # don't crash on systematics based variables
        varBase = var.replace('_ffSub','')
        plotVar = var.replace('_ffSub','') # remove the histo naming off the back of the plotting var
        if 'Up' in var or 'Down' in var :
            tmp = varBase.split('_')
            shapeName = tmp.pop()
            varBase = '_'.join(tmp)
            if 'energyScale' in shapeName :
                shiftDir = 'UP' if 'Up' in var else 'DOWN'
                if 'pt_sv:m_sv' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'pt_sv_%s:m_sv_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'pt_sv_DM0_%s:m_sv_DM0_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'pt_sv_DM1_%s:m_sv_DM1_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'pt_sv_DM10_%s:m_sv_DM10_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                elif 'Higgs_PtCor:m_sv' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_%s:m_sv_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM0_%s:m_sv_DM0_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM1_%s:m_sv_DM1_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM10_%s:m_sv_DM10_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                elif 'mjj:m_sv' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_sv_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_sv_DM0_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_sv_DM1_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_sv_DM10_%s' % shiftDir
                elif 'm_sv' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'm_sv_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'm_sv_DM0_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'm_sv_DM1_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'm_sv_DM10_%s' % shiftDir
                elif 'Higgs_PtCor:m_visCor' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_%s:m_visCor_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM0_%s:m_visCor_DM0_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM1_%s:m_visCor_DM1_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'Higgs_PtCor_DM10_%s:m_visCor_DM10_%s' % (shiftDir, shiftDir)
                elif 'mjj:m_visCor' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_visCor_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_visCor_DM0_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_visCor_DM1_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'mjj:m_visCor_DM10_%s' % shiftDir
                elif 'm_visCor' in var :
                    if 'All'  in var : plotVar = 'm_visCor_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM0'  in var : plotVar = 'm_visCor_DM0_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM1'  in var : plotVar = 'm_visCor_DM1_%s' % shiftDir
                    if 'DM10' in var : plotVar = 'm_visCor_DM10_%s' % shiftDir
                elif 'Up' in var :
                    plotVar = varBase + '_UP'
                elif 'Down' in var :
                    plotVar = varBase + '_DOWN'
            elif 'metClustered' in shapeName :
                if 'm_sv' in var :
                    if 'Up' in var[-2:] :
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('_metClusteredUp','')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('m_sv','m_sv_ClusteredMet_UP')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_ClusteredMet_UP')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_ClusteredMet_UP')
                    if 'Down' in var[-4:] :
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('_metClusteredDown','')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('m_sv','m_sv_ClusteredMet_DOWN')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_ClusteredMet_DOWN')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_ClusteredMet_DOWN')
            elif 'metUnclustered' in shapeName :
                if 'm_sv' in var :
                    if 'Up' in var[-2:] :
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('_metUnclusteredUp','')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('m_sv','m_sv_UncMet_UP')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_UncMet_UP')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_UncMet_UP')
                    if 'Down' in var[-4:] :
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('_metUnclusteredDown','')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('m_sv','m_sv_UncMet_DOWN')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('pt_sv','pt_sv_UncMet_DOWN')
                        plotVar = plotVar.replace('Higgs_PtCor','Higgs_PtCor_UncMet_DOWN')
            elif 'JES' in shapeName :
                if 'data' in sample :
                    plotVar = varBase
                #if 'mjj:m_sv' in var :
                if 'mjj:m_sv' in var or 'mjj:m_visCor' in var :
                    # Strip _ffSub off for a comparison with the actual shifts
                    if doFF : compVar = var.replace('_ffSub','')
                    else : compVar = var
                    mass = 'm_sv' if 'm_sv' in var else 'm_visCor'
                    if 'Up' in compVar[-2:] : # Make sure we check the last 2 chars
                        #plotVar = 'vbfMass_Jet%sUp:m_sv' % jesUnc
                        plotVar = 'vbfMass_Jet%sUp:%s' % (jesUnc, mass)
                    if 'Down' in compVar[-4:] : # Make sure we check the last 4 chars
                        #plotVar = 'vbfMass_Jet%sDown:m_sv' % jesUnc
                        plotVar = 'vbfMass_Jet%sDown:%s' % (jesUnc, mass)
                else : # For this one, we adjust the additionalCuts to 
                    # provide different yields
                    plotVar = varBase
            # Else includes zPt and topPt  
            else :
                plotVar = varBase

        #print "Var: %s   VarBase: %s" % (var, varBase)

        ### Make sure that if we have no events
        ### we still save a blank histo for use later
        if chain.GetEntries() == 0 :
            print " #### ENTRIES = 0 #### "
            if ":" in var :
                histos[ var ] = make2DHisto( var )
            else :
                histos[ var ] = makeHisto( var, info[0], info[1], info[2])

        ### Check that the target var is in the TTrees
        elif hasattr( chain, plotVar ) or ":" in varBase :
            #print "trying"
            #if sample == 'DYJets' : print sample,"  Var:",var,"   VarBase:",varBase, "    VarPlot:",plotVar
            print "%20s  Var: %40s   VarBase: %30s    VarPlot: %s" % (sample, var, varBase, plotVar)
            if isData : # Data has no GenWeight and by def has puweight = 1
                dataES = ESCuts( esMap, 'data', channel, var )
                #print 'dataES',dataES
                chain.Draw( '%s>>%s' % (plotVar, var), '1%s%s%s' % (additionalCutToUse, dataES, ffShapeSyst) )
                histos[ var ] = gPad.GetPrimitive( var )
                if var == 'm_visCor' :
                    print 'm_visCor'
                    #print "Data Count:", histos[ var ].Integral()
                    print "Cut: %s%s" % (additionalCutToUse, dataES)
            else :

                chain.Draw( '%s>>%s' % (plotVar, var), '%s' % totalCutAndWeightMC )
                ''' No reweighting at the moment! '''
                histos[ var ] = gPad.GetPrimitive( var )
                integralPost = histos[ var ].Integral()
                if var == 'm_visCor' :
                    #print 'm_visCor'
                    print "tmpIntPost: %f" % integralPost
                    print "Cut: %s" % totalCutAndWeightMC

        # didn't have var in chain
        else : 
            del histos[ var ]

        histos[ var ].Write()

    #return outFile
Exemplo n.º 36
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import redis
from datetime import timedelta
from smart_getenv import getenv
from kombu import Queue

DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', default=False, type=bool)
    'id': 12345,
    'username': '******',
    'nickname': 'Sheldon Lee Cooper',
    'email': '*****@*****.**',
    'privileged': 1,

REPO_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

CONFIG_ROOT_DIR = '/etc/kae-console'
    os.path.join(CONFIG_ROOT_DIR, "config.py"),
    os.path.join(REPO_DIR, "local_config.py"),

INGRESS_ANNOTATIONS_PREFIX = "nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io"
APP_BUILD_TIMEOUT = 1800  # timeout for build image(30 minutes)
Exemplo n.º 37
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import redis
from celery.schedules import crontab
from datetime import timedelta
from kombu import Queue
from smart_getenv import getenv

DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', default=False, type=bool)
    'id': 12345,
    'name': 'timfeirg',
    'email': '*****@*****.**',
    'access_token': 'faketoken',
    'privileged': 1,

    default=['citadel/local_config.py', '/etc/eru/citadel.py'])
SERVER_NAME = getenv('SERVER_NAME', default='citadel.test.ricebook.net')
SENTRY_DSN = getenv('SENTRY_DSN', default='')
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='testsecretkey')

REDIS_URL = getenv('REDIS_URL', default='redis://')

CORE_DEPLOY_INFO_PATH = '/eru-core/deploy'
DEFAULT_ZONE = getenv('DEFAULT_ZONE', default='test-zone')
BUILD_ZONE = getenv('BUILD_ZONE', default='test-zone')
if __name__ == '__main__' :

    isoPairs = [
# QCD Syst Mthd Closure        ('VLoose','Loose'), # qcd Syst check
# QCD Syst Mthd Closure        ('Loose','Tight'), # qcd Syst check
# QCD Syst Mthd Closure        ('','Tight'), # qcd Syst check
# QCD Syst Mthd Closure        ('','Loose'), # qcd Syst check
        ('Loose',isoVal), # Normal running
        ('',isoVal), # Normal running

    ### Check if we intend to do Fake Factor based MC cuts
    ### These differ because of requiring a random choice
    ### of l1 and l2, then seeing if l1 is gen matched
    ### to anything besides a fake/jet
    ### This is only applied for DYJets, WJets, TT, and QCD MC
    doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
    if doFF :
        # The '' in the following line gives us the signal region
        testQCDCuts( folder, samples, isoVal, '', isoVal, 'OS', doFF )
    else :
        for pair in isoPairs :
            for sign in ['OS', 'SS']:
                testQCDCuts( folder, samples, isoVal, pair[0], pair[1], sign )

#XXX    testQCDCuts( folder, '', 'VTight', 'OS' )

Exemplo n.º 39
from smart_getenv import getenv
from fabric.api import env

env.disable_known_hosts = True
env.warn_only = True

RUN_DB = {
    "db": getenv("LOKTAR_RUN_DB_DB", type=str, default="loktar_ci"),
    "table": getenv("LOKTAR_RUN_DB_TABLE", type=str, default="run"),
    "host": getenv("LOKTAR_RUN_DB_HOST", type=str, default="elasticsearch"),
    "port": getenv("LOKTAR_RUN_DB_PORT", type=int, default=9200)

CODE_NAME = getenv("LOKTAR_CODE_NAME", type=str, default="rc")
COMPENANT = getenv("LOKTAR_COMPENANT", type=str, default="main")
DEBIAN_REPOSITORY = getenv("LOKTAR_DEBIAN_REPOSITORY", type=str, default=None)

# About retry on command or http requests ...
MAX_RETRY_GITHUB = getenv("LOKTAR_MAX_RETRY_GITHUB", type=int, default=3)

CONSUL = getenv("CONSUL_HOST", type=str, default=None)

    "login": {
        "user": getenv("LOKTAR_ARTIFACTORY_INFO_LOGIN_USER", type=str, default=None),
Exemplo n.º 40
from smart_getenv import getenv

BOT_NAME = 'steam'

SPIDER_MODULES = ['steam.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'steam.spiders'

USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36'


    'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.redirect.RedirectMiddleware': None,
    'steam.middlewares.CircumventAgeCheckMiddleware': 600,


DUPEFILTER_CLASS = 'steam.middlewares.SteamDupeFilter'

HTTPCACHE_DIR = 'httpcache'
HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_HTTP_CODES = [301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308]
HTTPCACHE_STORAGE = 'steam.middlewares.SteamCacheStorage'

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', type=str, default=None)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = getenv('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', type=str, default=None)
Exemplo n.º 41
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from smart_getenv import getenv

# Turn this off on production
DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)

# This is mandatory. Please define a secret key - random sequence of characters
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='')

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = '{schema}://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{dbname}'.format(
  schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
  user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
  pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
  host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
  dbname=getenv('DB_NAME', default=''))

   'factsheet': '{schema}://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{bindname}'.format(
        schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
        user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
        pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
        host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
        bindname=getenv('BIND_NAME', default='')

ASSETS_DEBUG = getenv('ASSETS_DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)
AUTH_DEBUG = getenv('AUTH_DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)

EU_ASSESSMENT_MODE = getenv('EU_ASSESSMENT_MODE', type=bool, default=False)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def __getattr__(self, item):
     signature = get_signature().get(item, {})
     return getenv(item, **signature)
Exemplo n.º 43
def getHistoDict( analysis, channel ) :
    if analysis == 'htt' :
        genVarMap = {
            #'Z_SS' : [20, -1, 1, 1, 'Z Same Sign', ''],
#XXX            'mjj' : [20, 0, 1000, 1, 'M_{jj} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME            'Z_Pt' : [100, 0, 500, 5, 'Z p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'Higgs_Pt' : [10, 0, 500, 1, 'Higgs p_{T} Uncor [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#XXX            'Higgs_PtCor' : [10, 0, 500, 1, 'Higgs p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#XXX            'pt_sv' : [10, 0, 500, 1, 'Higgs svFit p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME            'jdeta' : [20, 0, 10, 1, 'VBF Jets dEta', ' dEta'],
#FIXME#            'Z_DR' : [500, 0, 5, 20, 'Z dR', ' dR'],
#FIXME#            'Z_DPhi' : [800, -4, 4, 40, 'Z dPhi', ' dPhi'],
#FIXME#            'Z_DEta' : [1000, -5, 5, 40, 'Z dEta', ' dEta'],
#FIXME#            'LT' : [600, 0, 300, 20, 'Total LT [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#            'Mt' : [600, 0, 400, 40, 'Total m_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME            'met' : [250, 0, 250, 20, 'pfMet [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#            't1_t2_MvaMet' : [250, 0, 250, 20, 't1 t2 MvaMet [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME            'metphi' : [80, -4, 4, 10, 'pfMetPhi', ''],
#FIXME#            'mvamet' : [100, 0, 400, 2, 'mvaMetEt [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#            'mvametphi' : [100, -5, 5, 2, 'mvaMetPhi', ''],
#FIXME#            'bjetCISVVeto20Medium' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_20Medium', ''],
#FIXME#            'bjetCISVVeto30Medium' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_30Medium', ''],
#FIXME#            'njetspt20' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'nJetPt20', ''],
#XXX            'jetVeto30' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'nJetPt30', ''],
#FIXME            'njetingap20' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'njetingap20', ''],
#FIXME#            #'jetVeto40' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'nJetPt40', ''],
#FIXME#            #'nbtag' : [6, 0, 6, 1, 'nBTag', ''],
#FIXME#            'bjetCISVVeto30Tight' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_30Tight', ''],
#FIXME#            #'extraelec_veto' : [20, 0, 2, 1, 'Extra Electron Veto', ''],
#FIXME#            #'extramuon_veto' : [20, 0, 2, 1, 'Extra Muon Veto', ''],
#FIXME            'jpt_1' : [400, 0, 200, 20, 'Leading Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#            'jeta_1' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'Leading Jet Eta', ' Eta'],
#FIXME            'jpt_2' : [400, 0, 200, 20, 'Second Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#            'jeta_2' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'Second Jet Eta', ' Eta'],
#FIXME#            #'weight' : [60, -30, 30, 1, 'Gen Weight', ''],
#FIXME#            'npv' : [40, 0, 40, 2, 'Number of Vertices', ''],
#FIXME            #'npu' : [50, 1, 40, 2, 'Number of True PU Vertices', ''],
#            'm_vis' : [30, 0, 300, 1, 'M_{vis} Uncor [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'm_visCor' : [30, 0, 300, 1, 'M_{vis} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#XXX            'mjj:m_visCor' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#XXX            'Higgs_PtCor:m_visCor' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'Higgs_PtCor:m_sv' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'm_sv' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#XXX            'pt_sv:m_sv' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'mjj:m_sv' : [300, 0, 300, 10, 'M_{#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'mt_sv' : [350, 0, 350, 10, 'Total Transverse Mass [svFit] [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'mt_tot' : [3900, 0, 3900, 10, 'Total Transverse Mass [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            #'pzetavis' : [300, 0, 300, 20, 'pZetaVis', ' GeV'],
            #'pfpzetamis' : [300, 0, 300, 20, 'pfpZetaMis', ' GeV'],
            #'pzetamiss' : [500, -200, 300, 20, 'pZetaMis', ' GeV'],

        ''' added shape systematics '''
        #toAdd = ['pt_sv:m_sv', 'mjj:m_sv', 'm_visCor', 'm_sv'] # No extra shapes
        toAdd = ['pt_sv:m_sv', 'mjj:m_sv', 'm_sv', 'Higgs_PtCor:m_sv'] # No extra shapes
        #toAdd = ['Higgs_PtCor:m_visCor', 'mjj:m_visCor', 'm_visCor'] # No extra shapes
        #toAdd = ['m_sv', ] # No extra shapes
        varsForShapeSyst = []
        for item in toAdd :
            varsForShapeSyst.append( item )
        #shapesToAdd = ['energyScale', 'tauPt', 'topPt', 'zPt']
        shapesToAdd = {
                    'energyScaleAll':'TES All',
                    'energyScaleDM0':'TES DM0',
                    'energyScaleDM1':'TES DM1',
                    'energyScaleDM10':'TES DM10',
                    'zPt':'Z p_{T}/Mass Reweight',
                    #'metResponse':'Met Response',
                    #'metResolution':'Met Resolution',
                    'tauPt':'High P_{T} Tau',
                    'topPt':'Top P_{T} Reweight',
                    'JES' : 'Jet Energy Scale',
                    'JetToTau' : 'Jet to Tau Fake',
                    'ggH' : 'ggH Scale',
                    'topQuarkggH' : 'Top Quark Scale for ggH',
                    'Zmumu' : 'Z mumu DY Reweight',
                    'metClustered':'Clustered MET',
                    'metUnclustered':'Unclustered MET',

        # Add FF shape systs if doFF
        doFF = getenv('doFF', type=bool)
        if doFF :
            shapesToAdd['qcdffSyst']   = 'FF QCD Syst'
            shapesToAdd['ttbarffSyst'] = 'FF ttbar Syst'
            shapesToAdd['wjetsffSyst'] = 'FF WJets Syst'
            shapesToAdd['0jet1prongffStat'] = 'FF 0Jet 1Prong Stat'
            shapesToAdd['0jet3prongffStat'] = 'FF 0Jet 3Prong Stat'
            shapesToAdd['1jet1prongffStat'] = 'FF 1Jet 1Prong Stat'
            shapesToAdd['1jet3prongffStat'] = 'FF 1Jet 3Prong Stat'

        # Add Full JES shapes if doFullJES
        doFullJES = getenv('doFullJES', type=bool)
        if doFullJES :
            # Remove standard JES
            if 'JES' in shapesToAdd.keys() : del shapesToAdd['JES']
            from util.jetEnergyScale import getUncerts
            uncerts = getUncerts()
            for uncert in uncerts :
                shapesToAdd['JES'+uncert] = 'JES '+uncert 
                shapesToAdd['JES'+uncert] = 'JES '+uncert

        for var in genVarMap.keys() :
            if var in varsForShapeSyst :
                for shape, app in shapesToAdd.iteritems() :
                    genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Up' ] = list(genVarMap[ var ])
                    genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Up' ][4] = genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Up' ][4]+' '+app+' UP'
                    genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Down' ] = list(genVarMap[ var ])
                    genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Down' ][4] = genVarMap[ var+'_'+shape+'Down' ][4]+' '+app+' Down'

        # Provides a list of histos to create for 'TT' channel
        if channel == 'tt' :
            chanVarMapTT = {
#                'pt_1' : [200, 0, 200, 5, '#tau_{1} p_{T} Uncor [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#                'pt_2' : [200, 0, 200, 5, '#tau_{2} p_{T} Uncor [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#                'ptCor_1' : [200, 0, 200, 5, '#tau_{1} p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#                'ptCor_2' : [200, 0, 200, 5, '#tau_{2} p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
##FIXME                'gen_match_1' : [14, 0, 7, 1, '#tau_{1} Gen Match', ''],
#                'eta_1' : [60, -3, 3, 4, '#tau_{1} Eta', ' Eta'],
#                'eta_2' : [60, -3, 3, 4, '#tau_{2} Eta', ' Eta'],
#                'decayMode_1' : [15, 0, 15, 1, 't1 Decay Mode', ''],
#                'decayMode_2' : [15, 0, 15, 1, 't2 Decay Mode', ''],
#FIXME                'iso_1' : [100, -1, 1, 1, '#tau_{1} MVArun2v1DBoldDMwLTraw', ''],
#FIXME#                'chargedIsoPtSum_1' : [100, 0, 5, 1, '#tau_{1} charge iso pt sum', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#                'chargedIsoPtSum_2' : [100, 0, 5, 1, '#tau_{2} charge iso pt sum', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#                'chargedIsoPtSumdR03_1' : [100, 0, 5, 1, '#tau_{1} charge iso pt sum dR03', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#                'chargedIsoPtSumdR03_2' : [100, 0, 5, 1, '#tau_{2} charge iso pt sum dR03', ' GeV'],
#FIXME                'gen_match_2' : [14, 0, 7, 1, '#tau_{2} Gen Match', ''],
#FIXME                'iso_2' : [100, -1, 1, 1, '#tau_{2} MVArun2v1DBoldDMwLTraw', ''],
#FIXME#                #'t1JetPt' : [400, 0, 400, 20, 't1 Overlapping Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
#FIXME#                'm_1' : [60, 0, 3, 4, 't1 Mass', ' GeV'],
#                #'t2JetPt' : [400, 0, 400, 20, 't2 Overlapping Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
#                'm_2' : [60, 0, 3, 4, 't2 Mass', ' GeV'],
                #'t1ChargedIsoPtSum' : [0, 10, 8, 't1 ChargedIsoPtSum', ' GeV'],
                #'t1NeutralIsoPtSum' : [0, 10, 8, 't1 NeutralIsoPtSum', ' GeV'],
                #'t1PuCorrPtSum' : [0, 40, 4, 't1 PuCorrPtSum', ' GeV'],
                #'t2ChargedIsoPtSum' : [0, 10, 8, 't2 ChargedIsoPtSum', ' GeV'],
                #'t2NeutralIsoPtSum' : [0, 10, 8, 't2 NeutralIsoPtSum', ' GeV'],
                #'t2PuCorrPtSum' : [0, 40, 4, 't2 PuCorrPtSum', ' GeV'],
            for key in chanVarMapTT.keys() :
                genVarMap[ key ] = chanVarMapTT[ key ]
            return genVarMap
    if analysis == 'azh' :
        genVarMap = {
#            'Z_Pt' : [400, 0, 400, 40, 'Z p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'Z_DR' : [500, 0, 5, 50, 'Z dR', ' dR'],
#            'Z_DPhi' : [800, -4, 4, 80, 'Z dPhi', ' dPhi'],
#            'Z_DEta' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'Z dEta', ' dEta'],
#            'mjj' : [40, 0, 800, 1, 'M_{jj}', ' [GeV]'],
#            'jdeta' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'VBF dEta', ' dEta'],
            'm_vis' : [80, 50, 130, 10, 'Z Mass [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'H_vis' : [400, 0, 400, 40, 'H Visible Mass [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'Mass' : [600, 0, 600, 60, 'M_{ll#tau#tau} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'LT' : [600, 0, 600, 40, 'Total LT [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'Mt' : [600, 0, 600, 40, 'Total m_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'LT_higgs' : [150, 0, 150, 10, 'LT_{higgs} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'met' : [250, 0, 250, 20, 'pfMet [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'zhFR0' : [50, 0, 0.5, 2, 'ZH FakeRate Weight 0', ''],
            'zhFR1' : [50, 0, 0.5, 2, 'ZH FakeRate Weight 1', ''],
            'zhFR2' : [50, 0, 0.5, 2, 'ZH FakeRate Weight 2', ''],
            'pt_1' : [200, 0, 200, 10, 'Leg1 p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'pt_2' : [200, 0, 200, 10, 'Leg2 p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'pt_3' : [200, 0, 200, 10, 'Leg3 p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
            'pt_4' : [200, 0, 200, 10, 'Leg4 p_{T} [GeV]', ' GeV'],
#            'eta_1' : [60, -3, 3, 10, 'Leg1 Eta', ' Eta'],
#            'eta_2' : [60, -3, 3, 10, 'Leg2 Eta', ' Eta'],
#            'eta_3' : [60, -3, 3, 10, 'Leg3 Eta', ' Eta'],
#            'eta_4' : [60, -3, 3, 10, 'Leg4 Eta', ' Eta'],
#            'iso_1' : [20, 0, 0.5, 1, 'Leg1 RelIsoDB03', ''],
#            'iso_2' : [20, 0, 0.5, 1, 'Leg2 RelIsoDB03', ''],
            'iso_3' : [20, 0, 1, 1, 'Leg3 Iso', ''],
            'iso_4' : [20, 0, 1, 1, 'Leg4 Iso', ''],
            #'jpt_1' : [400, 0, 200, 20, 'Leading Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
            #'jeta_1' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'Leading Jet Eta', ' Eta'],
            #'jpt_2' : [400, 0, 200, 20, 'Second Jet Pt', ' GeV'],
            #'jeta_2' : [100, -5, 5, 10, 'Second Jet Eta', ' Eta'],
            #'weight' : [60, -30, 30, 1, 'Gen Weight', ''],
#            'npv' : [40, 0, 40, 4, 'Number of Vertices', ''],
##            'njetspt20' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'nJetPt20', ''],
#            'jetVeto30' : [100, 0, 10, 10, 'nJetPt30', ''],
##            'azhWeight' : [50, 0, 2, 1, 'Muon + Electron Weights', ''],
#            'muVetoZTTp001dxyz' : [6, -1, 5, 1, 'muVetoZTTp001dxyz', ''],
#            'eVetoZTTp001dxyz' : [6, -1, 5, 1, 'eVetoZTTp001dxyz', ''],
#            'muVetoZTTp001dxyzR0' : [6, -1, 5, 1, 'muVetoZTTp001dxyzR0', ''],
#            'eVetoZTTp001dxyzR0' : [6, -1, 5, 1, 'eVetoZTTp001dxyzR0', ''],
#            'bjetCISVVeto20Medium' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_20Medium', ''],
#            'bjetCISVVeto30Medium' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_30Medium', ''],
#            'bjetCISVVeto30Tight' : [60, 0, 6, 5, 'nBTag_30Tight', ''],
        llltMap = {
#            'againstElectronVLooseMVA6_4' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against E VL MVA6 Leg 4', ''],
#            'againstElectronLooseMVA6_4' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against E L MVA6 Leg 4', ''],
#            'againstMuonLoose3_4' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against M Loose 3 Leg 4', ''],
#            'againstMuonTight3_4' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against M Tight 3 Leg 4', ''],
        llttMap = {
#            'againstElectronVLooseMVA6_3' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against E VL MVA6 Leg 3', ''],
#            'againstElectronLooseMVA6_3' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against E L MVA6 Leg 3', ''],
#            'againstMuonLoose3_3' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against M Loose 3 Leg 3', ''],
#            'againstMuonTight3_3' : [9, -1, 2, 1, 'Against M Tight 3 Leg 3', ''],
        if channel == 'xxxx' :
            return genVarMap
        if channel in ['eeet', 'eemt', 'eett', 'emmt', 'mmmt', 'mmtt'] :
            for var in llltMap.keys() :
                genVarMap[var] = llltMap[ var ]
        if channel in ['eett', 'mmtt'] :
            for var in llttMap.keys() :
                genVarMap[var] = llttMap[ var ]
        return genVarMap
Exemplo n.º 44
from azure.storage.queue import QueueServiceClient
from azure.ai.formrecognizer import FormRecognizerClient
from azure.ai.textanalytics import TextAnalyticsClient
from azure.cosmos import CosmosClient

from smart_getenv import getenv
from dotmap import DotMap
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv


sleep = getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_RECEIVE_SLEEP", type=bool, default=1)

credential = ChainedTokenCredential(AzureCliCredential(),

queue_service_client = QueueServiceClient(
    account_url=getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_ENDPOINT"), credential=credential)

queue_client = queue_service_client.get_queue_client(
    queue=getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_QUEUE_NAME", default="messages"))

fr_client = FormRecognizerClient(
    endpoint=getenv("AZURE_FORM_RECOGNIZER_ENDPOINT"), credential=credential)

ta_client = TextAnalyticsClient(
Exemplo n.º 45
import click

from kirby.demo import create_demo_db
from kirby.models import db
from kirby.models.security import user_datastore
from kirby.supervisor import run_supervisor
from kirby.web import app_maker
from smart_getenv import getenv

import logging

DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s"

    format=getenv("LOG_FORMAT", default=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT),

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def read_topic(name):
    debug function to consume the messages in a kafka topic
    :param name: name of the topic
    from kafka import KafkaConsumer
    import msgpack
    import json
    from pprint import pformat
Exemplo n.º 46
from slack import RTMClient
from smart_getenv import getenv

from snark_bot.bot import SlackBot

name = getenv("SLACK_BOT_NAME", type=str)
token = getenv("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN", type=str)
pattern = getenv("SLACK_BOT_RESPONSE_PATTERN", type=str)
remarks_location = getenv("SNARKY_REMARKS_LOCATION", type=str)

bot = SlackBot(name, pattern, remarks_location, token=token)

def _message_trigger(**kwargs):

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemplo n.º 47
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from smart_getenv import getenv

# Turn this off on production
DEBUG = getenv('DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)

# This is mandatory. Please define a secret key - random sequence of characters
SECRET_KEY = getenv('SECRET_KEY', default='')

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = '{schema}://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{dbname}'.format(
  schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
  user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
  pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
  host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
  dbname=getenv('DB_NAME', default=''))

   'factsheet': '{schema}://{user}:{pwd}@{host}/{bindname}'.format(
        schema=getenv('DB_SCHEMA', default='sqlite'),
        user=getenv('DB_USER', default=''),
        pwd=getenv('DB_PASS', default=''),
        host=getenv('DB_HOST', default=''),
        bindname=getenv('BIND_NAME', default='')

ASSETS_DEBUG = getenv('ASSETS_DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)
AUTH_DEBUG = getenv('AUTH_DEBUG', type=bool, default=False)

AUTH_LOG_FILE = getenv('AUTH_LOG_FILE', default='/var/local/art12/logs/flask-auth.log')