Exemplo n.º 1
def _ttc_by_path(env_observation):
    ego = env_observation.ego_vehicle_state
    waypoint_paths = env_observation.waypoint_paths
    neighborhood_vehicle_states = env_observation.neighborhood_vehicle_states

    # first sum up the distance between waypoints along a path
    # ie. [(wp1, path1, 0),
    #      (wp2, path1, 0 + dist(wp1, wp2)),
    #      (wp3, path1, 0 + dist(wp1, wp2) + dist(wp2, wp3))]

    wps_with_lane_dist = []
    for path_idx, path in enumerate(waypoint_paths):
        lane_dist = 0.0
        for w1, w2 in zip(path, path[1:]):
            wps_with_lane_dist.append((w1, path_idx, lane_dist))
            lane_dist += np.linalg.norm(w2.pos - w1.pos)
        wps_with_lane_dist.append((path[-1], path_idx, lane_dist))

    # next we compute the TTC along each of the paths
    ttc_by_path_index = [1000] * len(waypoint_paths)
    lane_dist_by_path_index = [1] * len(waypoint_paths)
    if neighborhood_vehicle_states is not None:
        for v in neighborhood_vehicle_states:
            # find all waypoints that are on the same lane as this vehicle
            wps_on_lane = [(wp, path_idx, dist)
                           for wp, path_idx, dist in wps_with_lane_dist
                           if wp.lane_id == v.lane_id]

            if not wps_on_lane:
                # this vehicle is not on a nearby lane

            # find the closest waypoint on this lane to this vehicle
            nearest_wp, path_idx, lane_dist = min(
                key=lambda tup: np.linalg.norm(tup[0].pos - vec_2d(v.position)

            if np.linalg.norm(nearest_wp.pos - vec_2d(v.position)) > 2:
                # this vehicle is not close enough to the path, this can happen
                # if the vehicle is behind the ego, or ahead past the end of
                # the waypoints

            relative_speed_m_per_s = (ego.speed - v.speed) * 1000 / 3600
            if abs(relative_speed_m_per_s) < 1e-5:
                relative_speed_m_per_s = 1e-5

            ttc = lane_dist / relative_speed_m_per_s
            ttc /= 10
            if ttc <= 0:
                # discard collisions that would have happened in the past

            lane_dist /= 100
            lane_dist_by_path_index[path_idx] = min(
                lane_dist_by_path_index[path_idx], lane_dist)
            ttc_by_path_index[path_idx] = min(ttc_by_path_index[path_idx], ttc)

    return ttc_by_path_index, lane_dist_by_path_index
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _closest_linked_wp_in_kd_tree_batched(self, points, linked_wps, tree, k=1):
        p2ds = np.array([vec_2d(p) for p in points])
        closest_indices = tree.query(
            p2ds, k=min(k, len(linked_wps)), return_distance=False, sort_results=True

        return [[linked_wps[idx] for idx in idxs] for idxs in closest_indices]
Exemplo n.º 3
def ttc_by_path(ego, waypoint_paths, neighborhood_vehicle_states, ego_closest_wp):
    # TODO: Phase this out; used for penalizing close proximity to other cars
    will_crash = False

    wps_with_lane_dist = []
    for path_idx, path in enumerate(waypoint_paths):
        lane_dist = 0.0
        for w1, w2 in zip(path, path[1:]):
            wps_with_lane_dist.append((w1, path_idx, lane_dist))
            lane_dist += np.linalg.norm(w2.pos - w1.pos)
        wps_with_lane_dist.append((path[-1], path_idx, lane_dist))

    # next we compute the TTC along each of the paths
    ttc_by_path_index = [1] * len(waypoint_paths)
    lane_dist_by_path_index = [1] * len(waypoint_paths)
    headings_of_cars = [0] * len(waypoint_paths)

    speed_of_closest = 1
    wps = [path[0] for path in waypoint_paths]
    ego_closest_wp = min(wps, key=lambda wp: wp.dist_to(ego.position))
    neighborhood_vehicle_states = neighborhood_vehicle_states or []
    for v in neighborhood_vehicle_states:
        # find all waypoints that are on the same lane as this vehicle
        wps_on_lane = [
            (wp, path_idx, dist)
            for wp, path_idx, dist in wps_with_lane_dist
            if wp.lane_id == v.lane_id

        if not wps_on_lane:
            # this vehicle is not on a nearby lane

        # find the closest waypoint on this lane to this vehicle
        nearest_wp, path_idx, lane_dist = min(
            key=lambda tup: np.linalg.norm(tup[0].pos - vec_2d(v.position)),

        if np.linalg.norm(nearest_wp.pos - vec_2d(v.position)) > 2:
            # this vehicle is not close enough to the path, this can happen
            # if the vehicle is behind the ego, or ahead past the end of
            # the waypoints

        if ego_closest_wp.lane_index == nearest_wp.lane_index:
            if np.linalg.norm(vec_2d(ego.position) - vec_2d(v.position)) < 6:
                will_crash = True

        relative_speed_m_per_s = (ego.speed - v.speed) * 1000 / 3600
        if abs(relative_speed_m_per_s) < 1e-5:
            relative_speed_m_per_s = 1e-5
        dist_wp_vehicle_vector = vec_2d(v.position) - vec_2d(nearest_wp.pos)
        # take into account the position of the car instead of its nearest waypoint
        direction_vector = np.array(
            [math.cos(nearest_wp.heading), math.sin(nearest_wp.heading),]
        dist_to_vehicle = lane_dist + sign(direction_vector) * (
            np.linalg.norm(vec_2d(nearest_wp.pos) - vec_2d(v.position))
        ttc = dist_to_vehicle / relative_speed_m_per_s
        ttc = ttc / 10
        lane_dist = dist_to_vehicle / 100

        if lane_dist_by_path_index[path_idx] > lane_dist:
            if nearest_wp.lane_index == v.lane_index:
                headings_of_cars[path_idx] = math.sin(

            # speed
            if ego_closest_wp.lane_index == v.lane_index:
                speed_of_closest = (v.speed - ego.speed) / 120

        lane_dist_by_path_index[path_idx] = min(
            lane_dist_by_path_index[path_idx], lane_dist

        if ttc <= 0:
            # discard collisions that would have happened in the past

        ttc_by_path_index[path_idx] = min(ttc_by_path_index[path_idx], ttc)

    return (
Exemplo n.º 4
 def dist_to(self, p) -> float:
     """Calculates straight line distance to the given 2D point"""
     return np.linalg.norm(self.pos - vec_2d(p))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def cal_ego_lane_dist_and_speed(env_obs: Observation, observe_lane_num):
        """Calculate the distance from ego vehicle to its front vehicles (if have) at observed lanes,
        also the relative speed of the front vehicle which positioned at the same lane.
        ego = env_obs.ego_vehicle_state
        waypoint_paths = env_obs.waypoint_paths
        wps = [path[0] for path in waypoint_paths]
        closest_wp = min(wps, key=lambda wp: wp.dist_to(ego.position))

        wps_with_lane_dist = []
        for path_idx, path in enumerate(waypoint_paths):
            lane_dist = 0.0
            for w1, w2 in zip(path, path[1:]):
                wps_with_lane_dist.append((w1, path_idx, lane_dist))
                lane_dist += np.linalg.norm(w2.pos - w1.pos)
            wps_with_lane_dist.append((path[-1], path_idx, lane_dist))

        # TTC calculation along each path
        ego_closest_wp = min(wps, key=lambda wp: wp.dist_to(ego.position))

        wps_on_lane = [(wp, path_idx, dist)
                       for wp, path_idx, dist in wps_with_lane_dist
                       # if wp.lane_id == v.lane_id

        ego_lane_index = closest_wp.lane_index
        lane_dist_by_path = [1] * len(waypoint_paths)
        ego_lane_dist = [0] * observe_lane_num
        speed_of_closest = 0.0

        for v in env_obs.neighborhood_vehicle_states:
            nearest_wp, path_idx, lane_dist = min(
                key=lambda tup: np.linalg.norm(tup[0].pos - vec_2d(v.position)
            if np.linalg.norm(nearest_wp.pos - vec_2d(v.position)) > 2:
                # this vehicle is not close enough to the path, this can happen
                # if the vehicle is behind the ego, or ahead past the end of
                # the waypoints

            # relative_speed_m_per_s = (ego.speed - v.speed) * 1000 / 3600
            # relative_speed_m_per_s = max(abs(relative_speed_m_per_s), 1e-5)
            dist_wp_vehicle_vector = vec_2d(v.position) - vec_2d(
            direction_vector = np.array([

            dist_to_vehicle = lane_dist + np.sign(direction_vector) * (
                np.linalg.norm(vec_2d(nearest_wp.pos) - vec_2d(v.position)))
            lane_dist = dist_to_vehicle / 100.0

            if lane_dist_by_path[path_idx] > lane_dist:
                if ego_closest_wp.lane_index == v.lane_index:
                    speed_of_closest = (v.speed - ego.speed) / 120.0

            lane_dist_by_path[path_idx] = min(lane_dist_by_path[path_idx],

        # current lane is centre
        flag = observe_lane_num // 2
        ego_lane_dist[flag] = lane_dist_by_path[ego_lane_index]

        max_lane_index = len(lane_dist_by_path) - 1

        if max_lane_index == 0:
            right_sign, left_sign = 0, 0
            right_sign = -1 if ego_lane_index + 1 > max_lane_index else 1
            left_sign = -1 if ego_lane_index - 1 >= 0 else 1

        ego_lane_dist[flag + right_sign] = lane_dist_by_path[ego_lane_index +
        ego_lane_dist[flag + left_sign] = lane_dist_by_path[ego_lane_index +

        res = np.asarray(ego_lane_dist + [speed_of_closest])
        return res