Exemplo n.º 1
 def computeHeatExchange(self, fStateFilm = None):      
     if (fStateFilm is None):
         fStateFilm = FluidState(self.fluidName)
         fStateFilm.update_Tp(self.inletTemperature, self.inletPressure)
         self.inletEnthalpy = fStateFilm.h
     self.Pr = fStateFilm.Pr
     self.cond = fStateFilm.cond
     # Determining Nusselt number
     if (self.Re <= 2.3e3):
         # laminar flow
         self.Nu = 3.66
     elif (self.Re > 2.3e3 and self.Re < 1e4):
         # transition    
         interpCoeff = (self.Re - 2.3e3) / (1e4 - 2.3e3) 
         Nu_low = 3.66
         xi = (1.8 * 4 - 1.5)**(-2)
         Nu_high = ((xi / 8.) * 1e4 * self.Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * math.sqrt(xi / 8.) * (self.Pr**(2 / 3.) - 1)) * \
         (1 + (self.internalDiameter / self.length)**(2 / 3.))
         self.Nu = interpCoeff * Nu_high + (1 - interpCoeff) * Nu_low
     elif (self.Re >= 1e4): # and self.Re <= 1e6):
         # turbulent flow
         xi = (1.8 * math.log(self.Re, 10) - 1.5)**(-2)
         self.Nu = ((xi / 8.) * self.Re * self.Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * math.sqrt(xi / 8.) * (self.Pr**(2 / 3.) - 1))
     #elif (self.Re > 1e6):
     #    raise ValueError("Reynolds Number outside range of validity")
     self.alpha = self.cond * self.Nu / self.internalDiameter
     if (self.computationWithIteration == True):            
         LMTD = - (self.outletTemperature - self.inletTemperature) / \
                 math.log((self.TWall - self.inletTemperature) / \
                     (self.TWall - self.outletTemperature))
         self.QDot = self.alpha * self.internalSurfaceArea * LMTD
         self.QDot = self.alpha * self.internalSurfaceArea * (self.inletTemperature - self.TWall)
     self.outletEnthalpy = self.inletEnthalpy - (self.QDot / self.massFlowRate)
     fStateOut = FluidState(self.fluidName)
     fStateOut.update_ph(self.outletPressure, self.outletEnthalpy)
     prevOutletTemperature = self.outletTemperature 
     self.outletTemperature = fStateOut.T
     if ((self.outletTemperature - self.TWall)*(self.inletTemperature - self.TWall) < 0):
         if (self.computationWithIteration == True):
             self.outletTemperature = 0.5 * prevOutletTemperature + 0.5 * self.TWall
             self.outletTemperature = self.TWall
         if (self.computationWithIteration == True):
             self.outletTemperature = 0.9 * prevOutletTemperature + 0.1 * self.outletTemperature    
Exemplo n.º 2
	def postProcess(self, TAmbient):
		## State diagram
		if (self.cycleDiagram.enable):
		## Table of states
		for i in range(len(self.fp)):
			fp = self.fp[i]
			self.cycleStatesTable[i] = (fp.T, fp.p, fp.rho, fp.h, fp.s, fp.q, fp.dT, self.flows[i].mDot, fp.b(TAmbient))
		# Select the zero for the exergy scale
		fp = FluidState(self.fluid)
		fp.update_Tp(TAmbient, 1e5)
		b0 = fp.b(TAmbient)
		self.cycleStatesTable['b'] -= b0
Exemplo n.º 3
 def postProcess(self, TAmbient):
     ## State diagram
     if (self.cycleDiagram.enable):
     ## Table of states
     for i in range(len(self.fp)):
         fp = self.fp[i]
         self.cycleStatesTable[i] = (fp.T, fp.p, fp.rho, fp.h, fp.s, fp.q,
                                     fp.dT, self.flows[i].mDot,
     # Select the zero for the exergy scale
     fp = FluidState(self.fluid)
     fp.update_Tp(TAmbient, 1e5)
     b0 = fp.b(TAmbient)
     self.cycleStatesTable['b'] -= b0
Exemplo n.º 4
def testState():
    s1 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s1.update('P', 700e5, 'T', 288)

    s2 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s2.update_Tp(s1.T(), s1.p())
    print("update_Tp rho={0}".format(s2.rho()))
    s3 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s3.update_Trho(s1.T(), s1.rho())
    print("update_Trho p={0}".format(s3.p()))
    s4 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s4.update_prho(s1.p(), s1.rho())
    print("update_prho T={0}".format(s4.T()))
    s5 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s5.update_ph(s1.p(), s1.h())
    print("update_ph ={0}".format(s5.T()))
    s6 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s6.update_ps(s1.p(), s1.s())
    print("update_ps T={0}".format(s6.T()))
    s7 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s7.update_pq(1e5, 0)
    print("update_pq T={0}".format(s7.T()))
    s8 = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
    s8.update_Tq(25, 0)
    print("update_Tq p={0}".format(s8.p()))
    print('Initialize state from fluid')
    h2 = Fluid('ParaHydrogen')
    s9 = FluidState(h2)
    s9.update_Tp(s1.T(), s1.p())
Exemplo n.º 5
 def computePressureDrop(self, fStateFilm = None):
     if (fStateFilm is None):
         fStateFilm = FluidState(self.fluidName)
         fStateFilm.update_Tp(self.inletTemperature, self.inletPressure)
     self.inletDensity = fStateFilm.rho
     self.massFlowRate = self.inletMassFlowRate
     self.fluidMass = self.fluidVolume * self.inletDensity
     self.volumetricFlowRate = self.massFlowRate / self.inletDensity    
     self.flowVelocity = self.massFlowRate / (self.inletDensity * self.crossSectionalArea)
     self.Re = self.inletDensity * self.flowVelocity * self.internalDiameter / fStateFilm.mu
     self.zeta = FrictionFlowSingularComponents.ChurchilCorrelation(self.Re, self.internalDiameter, self.surfaceRoughness)
     self.dragCoefficient = self.zeta * self.length / self.internalDiameter
     self.pressureDrop = self.dragCoefficient * self.inletDensity * self.flowVelocity * self.flowVelocity / 2.
     self.outletPressure = self.inletPressure - self.pressureDrop
     if (self.outletPressure <= 0):
         raise ValueError("This mass flow rate cannot be achieved.")    
Exemplo n.º 6
	def compute(self):
		R = 8.314462
		mMol = Fluid(self.fluidName).molarMass / 1e3
		self.T = (self.T1 + self.T2) / 2
		state = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		state.update_Tp(self.T, self.p)

		self.rho = state.rho
		self.mu = state.mu
		self.c = np.sqrt(8 * R * state.T / (np.pi * mMol))
		self.l = (2 * self.mu) / (state.rho * self.c)
		self.Kn = self.l / self.d
		self.f = 16./15 * (1 / state.Pr) * (state.gamma / (state.gamma + 1))
		self.fct = 1. / (1 + 15./4 * self.Kn) #* self.f
		self.qDot = self.fct * state.cond / self.d * np.abs(self.T1 - self.T2)
		Rg = R / mMol
		self.qDotFM = (state.cp - Rg / 2 ) * state.p / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * Rg * self.T) * np.abs(self.T1 - self.T2) 
Exemplo n.º 7
    def compute(self):
        R = 8.314462
        mMol = Fluid(self.fluidName).molarMass / 1e3
        self.T = (self.T1 + self.T2) / 2
        state = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        state.update_Tp(self.T, self.p)

        self.rho = state.rho
        self.mu = state.mu
        self.c = np.sqrt(8 * R * state.T / (np.pi * mMol))
        self.l = (2 * self.mu) / (state.rho * self.c)

        self.Kn = self.l / self.d
        self.f = 16. / 15 * (1 / state.Pr) * (state.gamma / (state.gamma + 1))
        self.fct = 1. / (1 + 15. / 4 * self.Kn)  #* self.f

        self.qDot = self.fct * state.cond / self.d * np.abs(self.T1 - self.T2)

        Rg = R / mMol
        self.qDotFM = (state.cp - Rg / 2) * state.p / np.sqrt(
            2 * np.pi * Rg * self.T) * np.abs(self.T1 - self.T2)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def computeWithIteration(self):
     #In state
     fStateIn = FluidState(self.fluidName)
     fStateIn.update_Tp(self.inletTemperature, self.inletPressure)
     self.inletEnthalpy = fStateIn.h
     # Mean state
     fStateMean = FluidState(self.fluidName)
     outletTemperature_guess = (self.inletTemperature + self.TWall) / 2.
     self.outletTemperature = outletTemperature_guess
     prevOutletTemperature = self.outletTemperature
     for i in range(int(self.maxIterations)):
         meanTemperature = (self.inletTemperature + outletTemperature_guess) / 2.
         fStateMean.update_Tp(meanTemperature, self.inletPressure)
         self.computePressureDrop(fStateFilm = fStateMean)
         self.computeHeatExchange(fStateFilm = fStateMean)
         if (abs(prevOutletTemperature - self.outletTemperature) / prevOutletTemperature < self.relativeTolerance):
         if (abs(self.outletTemperature - self.TWall) < 0.01):
         outletTemperature_guess = self.outletTemperature
Exemplo n.º 9
	def compute(self):
		if (self.geomConf == 'HP' or self.geomConf == 'IP'):
			self.Tfilm = (self.TWallTop + self.TWallBottom) / 2.0
			self.deltaT = self.TWallTop - self.TWallBottom
		elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
			self.Tfilm = (self.TWallLeft + self.TWallRight) / 2.0
			self.deltaT = self.TWallLeft - self.TWallRight
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
			self.Tfilm = (self.TInner + self.TOuter) / 2.0
			self.deltaT = self.TInner - self.TOuter
		# Compute fluid properties
		fState = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		fState.update_Tp(self.Tfilm, self.pressure)		
		self.rho = fState.rho
		self.mu = fState.mu
		nu = self.mu / self.rho
		self.beta = fState.beta
		self.Pr = fState.Pr
		self.cond = fState.cond
		# Compute geometry factors
		if (self.geomConf == 'HP' or self.geomConf == 'IP'):
			s = self.dist
			self.area = self.width * self.length
		elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
			s = self.dist
			self.area = self.width * self.height
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
			s = self.rOuter - self.rInner
			self.area = 2 * np.pi * self.rInner * self.length
			raise ValueError("Geometry configuration {0} not implemented".format(GeometryConfigurationsInternal[self.geomConf]))
		# Compute free convection dimensionless numbers
		self.Gr = 9.81 * (s**3) * self.beta * np.abs(self.deltaT) / (nu**2)
		self.Ra = self.Gr * self.Pr
		# Use the appropriate empirical Nusselt correlation
		if (self.geomConf == 'HP'):
			if (self.Ra >= 0 and self.Ra <= 1708):
				self.Nu = 1.
			elif (self.Ra > 1708 and self.Ra <= 2.2 * 1e4):
				self.Nu = 0.208 * self.Ra**0.25
			elif (self.Ra > 2.2 * 1e4):
				self.Nu = 0.092 * self.Ra**0.33
		elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
			if (self.height / s <= 80):
				if (self.Ra > 1e9):
					raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
					if (self.Ra > 1e7):
						self.Nu = 0.049 * self.Ra**0.33
						self.Nu = 0.42 * self.Pr**0.012 * self.Ra**0.25 * (self.height / s)**(-0.25)
						if (self.Nu < 1.):
							self.Nu = 1.				
				raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
		elif (self.geomConf == 'IP'):
			if (self.deltaT < 0):
				from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
				angles = np.array([0, 30, 45, 60, 90])
				values = np.array([4.9, 5.7, 5.9, 6.5, 6.9]) * 1e-2
				interpFunc = interp1d(angles, values, kind='linear')
				C =  interpFunc(self.angle)
				self.Nu = C * self.Ra**0.33 * self.Pr**0.074
				if (self.Ra >= 5e3 and self.Ra <= 1e8):
					if (self.angle == 45):
						self.Nu = 1 + (0.025 * self.Ra**1.36) / (self.Ra + 1.3 + 1e4)
						raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
					raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
			if (self.deltaT > 0):
				if (self.Ra > 7.1e3):
					if (self.rOuter / self.rInner) <= 8:
						self.Nu = 0.2 * self.Ra**0.25 * (self.rOuter / self.rInner)**0.5
						raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
					raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
				raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
		self.Nu = self.Nu * self.heatExchangeGain
		# Compute the convection coefficient and the total heat flow rate
		self.alpha = self.Nu * self.cond / s
		self.QDot = self.area * self.alpha * self.deltaT
Exemplo n.º 10
	def compute(self):
		self.deltaT = self.TWall - self.TFluid
		if (self.propT == 'MT'):
			self.Tfilm = (self.TWall + self.TFluid) / 2.0
			self.Tfilm = self.TFluid
		# Compute fluid properties
		fState = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		fState.update_Tp(self.Tfilm, self.pressure)		
		self.rho = fState.rho
		self.mu = fState.mu
		nu = self.mu / self.rho
		self.beta = fState.beta
		self.Pr = fState.Pr
		self.cond = fState.cond
		# Compute geometry factors
		if (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
			s = self.height
			self.area = self.width * self.height
		elif (self.geomConf == 'VC'):
			s = self.height
			self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * self.height
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HC'):
			s = self.diameter
			self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * self.length
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HPT' or self.geomConf == 'HPB'):
			if (self.surfaceShape == 'RCT'):
				s = self.width * self.length / (2.0 * (self.width + self.length))
				self.area = self.width * self.length
			elif (self.surfaceShape == 'CIR'):
				s = self.diameter / 4.0
				self.area = (np.pi / 4) * self.diameter**2
		elif (self.geomConf == 'SPH'):
			s = self.diameter
			self.area = np.pi * self.diameter**2
		elif (self.geomConf == 'IPT' or self.geomConf == 'IPB'):
			s = self.length
			self.area = self.width * self.height
		elif (self.geomConf == 'FIN'):
			#halfway between full rib and bare pipe
			s = self.diameter + self.finHeight;
			finsPerLength = 1.0/(self.finThickness + self.finSpacing)
			self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * (1 - self.finThickness * finsPerLength)
			self.area += finsPerLength * np.pi * self.finHeight * 2 * (self.diameter + self.finHeight)
			self.area += finsPerLength * np.pi * self.finThickness * (self.diameter + 2 * self.finHeight)
			self.area *= self.length
			raise ValueError("Geometry configuration {0} not implemented".format(GeometryConfigurationsExternal[self.geomConf]))
		# Compute free convection dimensionless numbers
		self.Gr = 9.81 * (s**3) * self.beta * np.abs(self.deltaT) / (nu**2)
		self.Ra = self.Gr * self.Pr
		# Use the appropriate empirical Nusselt correlation
		if (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
			fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
			self.Nu = (0.825 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
		elif (self.geomConf == 'VC'):
			fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
			Nu_plate = (0.825 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
			self.Nu = Nu_plate + 0.97 * self.height / self.diameter		
		elif (self.geomConf == 'HC'):
			fPr = (1 + (0.559 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
			self.Nu = (0.6 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2			
		elif ((self.geomConf == 'HPT' and self.deltaT <= 0) or (self.geomConf == 'HPB' and self.deltaT >= 0)):
			fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
			if (self.Ra * fPr < 1e10):
				self.Nu = 0.6 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 5)
				if (self.Nu < 1):
					self.Nu = 1
				raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
		elif ((self.geomConf == 'HPT' and self.deltaT > 0) or (self.geomConf == 'HPB' and self.deltaT < 0)):
			fPr = (1 + (0.322 / self.Pr)**(11.0 / 20))**(-20.0 / 11) 
			if (self.Ra * fPr <= 7 * 1e4):
				self.Nu = 0.766 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 5)
				self.Nu = 0.15 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 3)
		elif (self.geomConf == 'SPH'):
			self.Nu = 0.56 * (self.Pr * self.Ra /(0.846 + self.Pr))**(1.0 / 4) + 2
		elif ((self.geomConf == 'IPT' and self.deltaT <= 0) or (self.geomConf == 'IPB' and self.deltaT >= 0)):
			fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
			self.Nu = (0.825 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * np.cos(self.angle) * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2	
		elif ((self.geomConf == 'IPT' and self.deltaT > 0) or (self.geomConf == 'IPB' and self.deltaT < 0)):
			Ra_crit = 10**(8.9 - 0.00178 * (self.angle * 180 / np.pi)**1.82)
			self.Nu = 0.56 * (Ra_crit * np.cos(self.angle))**(1.0 / 4) + 0.13 * (self.Ra**(1.0 / 3) - Ra_crit**(1.0 / 3))
		elif (self.geomConf == 'FIN'):
			#Correlation from VDI Heat Atlas F2.4.4
			self.Nu = 0.24 * (self.Ra * self.finSpacing / self.diameter)**(1.0 / 3)
		self.Nu = self.Nu * self.heatExchangeGain
		# Compute the convection coefficient and the total heat flow rate
		self.alpha = self.Nu * self.cond / s
		self.QDot = self.area * self.alpha * self.deltaT
Exemplo n.º 11
 def setUpstreamState(self, pressure, temperature):
     fluidState = FluidState('ParaHydrogen')
     fluidState.update_Tp(temperature, pressure)
     return fluidState
Exemplo n.º 12
    def plotIsotherms(self):
        fState = FluidState(self.fluid)
        TArr = np.logspace(np.log10(self.TMin), np.log10(self.TMax), num=20)
        TOrders = np.floor(np.log10(TArr))
        TArr = np.ceil(TArr / 10**(TOrders - 2)) * 10**(TOrders - 2)
        fSatL = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        fSatV = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        f1 = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        for T in TArr:
            if self.temperatureUnit == 'degC':
                T_label = T - 273.15
                T_label = T
                f1.update_Tp(T, self.pMax)
                if (T > self.critical.T):
                    rhoArr1 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.rhoMin),
                    rhoArr2 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.critical.rho),
                    fSatL.update_Tq(T, 0)
                    fSatV.update_Tq(T, 1)
                    rhoArr1 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.rhoMin),
                    rhoArr2 = np.logspace(np.log10(fSatL.rho),
                rhoArr = np.hstack((rhoArr1, rhoArr2))
                hArr = np.zeros(len(rhoArr))
                pArr = np.zeros(len(rhoArr))
                for i in range(len(rhoArr)):
                    fState.update_Trho(T, rhoArr[i])
                    hArr[i] = fState.h
                    pArr[i] = fState.p
                    # Determining label location
                    if (T < self.critical.T):
                        if (i == len(rhoArr1)):
                            self.ax.annotate(formatNumber(T_label, sig=3),
                                             xy=((fSatL.h + fSatV.h) / 2. /
                                                 1e3, pArr[i] / 1e5),
                                             xytext=(0, 3),
                                             textcoords='offset points',
                        if (i > 0):
                            b = np.log10(
                                self.pMin /
                                1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * self.hMin / 1e3
                            if (np.log10(pArr[i-1] / 1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * hArr[i-1] / 1e3 - b) * \
                             (np.log10(pArr[i] / 1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * hArr[i] / 1e3 - b) <= 0:
                                # Getting label rotation angle
                                angle, offset_x, offset_y = self.getLabelPlacement(
                                    x1=hArr[i - 1],
                                    y1=pArr[i - 1],
                                self.ax.annotate(formatNumber(T_label, sig=3),
                                                 xy=(hArr[i] / 1e3,
                                                     pArr[i] / 1e5),
                                                 xytext=(offset_x, offset_y),
                                                 textcoords='offset points',

                if (T == TArr[0]):
                    if self.temperatureUnit == 'degC':
                        label = "temperature [C]"
                        label = "temperature [K]"
                    self.ax.semilogy(hArr / 1e3, pArr / 1e5, 'r', label=label)
                    self.ax.semilogy(hArr / 1e3, pArr / 1e5, 'r')
            except RuntimeError, e:
                print '------------------'
                print 'Runtime Warning for T=%e' % T
Exemplo n.º 13
    def compute(self):
        if (self.geomConf == 'HP' or self.geomConf == 'IP'):
            self.Tfilm = (self.TWallTop + self.TWallBottom) / 2.0
            self.deltaT = self.TWallTop - self.TWallBottom
        elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
            self.Tfilm = (self.TWallLeft + self.TWallRight) / 2.0
            self.deltaT = self.TWallLeft - self.TWallRight
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
            self.Tfilm = (self.TInner + self.TOuter) / 2.0
            self.deltaT = self.TInner - self.TOuter

        # Compute fluid properties
        fState = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        fState.update_Tp(self.Tfilm, self.pressure)
        self.rho = fState.rho
        self.mu = fState.mu
        nu = self.mu / self.rho
        self.beta = fState.beta
        self.Pr = fState.Pr
        self.cond = fState.cond

        # Compute geometry factors
        if (self.geomConf == 'HP' or self.geomConf == 'IP'):
            s = self.dist
            self.area = self.width * self.length
        elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
            s = self.dist
            self.area = self.width * self.height
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
            s = self.rOuter - self.rInner
            self.area = 2 * np.pi * self.rInner * self.length
            raise ValueError(
                "Geometry configuration {0} not implemented".format(

        # Compute free convection dimensionless numbers
        self.Gr = 9.81 * (s**3) * self.beta * np.abs(self.deltaT) / (nu**2)
        self.Ra = self.Gr * self.Pr

        # Use the appropriate empirical Nusselt correlation
        if (self.geomConf == 'HP'):
            if (self.Ra >= 0 and self.Ra <= 1708):
                self.Nu = 1.
            elif (self.Ra > 1708 and self.Ra <= 2.2 * 1e4):
                self.Nu = 0.208 * self.Ra**0.25
            elif (self.Ra > 2.2 * 1e4):
                self.Nu = 0.092 * self.Ra**0.33
        elif (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
            if (self.height / s <= 80):
                if (self.Ra > 1e9):
                    raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
                    if (self.Ra > 1e7):
                        self.Nu = 0.049 * self.Ra**0.33
                        self.Nu = 0.42 * self.Pr**0.012 * self.Ra**0.25 * (
                            self.height / s)**(-0.25)
                        if (self.Nu < 1.):
                            self.Nu = 1.
                raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
        elif (self.geomConf == 'IP'):
            if (self.deltaT < 0):
                from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
                angles = np.array([0, 30, 45, 60, 90])
                values = np.array([4.9, 5.7, 5.9, 6.5, 6.9]) * 1e-2
                interpFunc = interp1d(angles, values, kind='linear')
                C = interpFunc(self.angle)
                self.Nu = C * self.Ra**0.33 * self.Pr**0.074
                if (self.Ra >= 5e3 and self.Ra <= 1e8):
                    if (self.angle == 45):
                        self.Nu = 1 + (0.025 * self.Ra**1.36) / (self.Ra +
                                                                 1.3 + 1e4)
                        raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
                    raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HA'):
            if (self.deltaT > 0):
                if (self.Ra > 7.1e3):
                    if (self.rOuter / self.rInner) <= 8:
                        self.Nu = 0.2 * self.Ra**0.25 * (self.rOuter /
                        raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
                    raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
                raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
        self.Nu = self.Nu * self.heatExchangeGain

        # Compute the convection coefficient and the total heat flow rate
        self.alpha = self.Nu * self.cond / s
        self.QDot = self.area * self.alpha * self.deltaT
Exemplo n.º 14
	def plotIsotherms(self):
		fState = FluidState(self.fluid)
		TArr = np.logspace(np.log10(self.TMin), np.log10(self.TMax), num = 20)
		TOrders = np.floor(np.log10(TArr))
		TArr = np.ceil(TArr / 10**(TOrders - 2)) * 10**(TOrders - 2)
		fSatL = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		fSatV = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		f1 = FluidState(self.fluidName)
		for T in TArr:
			if self.temperatureUnit == 'degC':
				T_label = T  - 273.15
				T_label = T
				f1.update_Tp(T, self.pMax)
				if (T > self.critical.T):
					rhoArr1 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.rhoMin), np.log10(self.critical.rho), num = 100)
					rhoArr2 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.critical.rho), np.log10(f1.rho), num = 100)
					fSatL.update_Tq(T, 0)
					fSatV.update_Tq(T, 1)
					rhoArr1 = np.logspace(np.log10(self.rhoMin), np.log10(fSatV.rho), num = 100)
					rhoArr2 = np.logspace(np.log10(fSatL.rho), np.log10(f1.rho), num = 100)
				rhoArr = np.hstack((rhoArr1, rhoArr2))
				hArr = np.zeros(len(rhoArr))
				pArr = np.zeros(len(rhoArr))
				for i in range(len(rhoArr)):
					fState.update_Trho(T, rhoArr[i])
					hArr[i] = fState.h
					pArr[i] = fState.p
					# Determining label location
					if (T < self.critical.T):
						if (i == len(rhoArr1)):
							self.ax.annotate(formatNumber(T_label, sig = 3), 
											xy = ((fSatL.h + fSatV.h) / 2. / 1e3, pArr[i] / 1e5),
											xytext=(0, 3),
											textcoords='offset points',
											color='r', size="small")
						if (i>0):
							b = np.log10(self.pMin / 1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * self.hMin / 1e3
							if (np.log10(pArr[i-1] / 1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * hArr[i-1] / 1e3 - b) * \
								(np.log10(pArr[i] / 1e5) - self.minDiagonalSlope * hArr[i] / 1e3 - b) <= 0:
								# Getting label rotation angle
								angle, offset_x, offset_y = self.getLabelPlacement(x1 = hArr[i-1], x2 = hArr[i],
																					y1 = pArr[i-1], y2 = pArr[i])
								self.ax.annotate(formatNumber(T_label, sig = 3), 
												xy = (hArr[i]/1e3, pArr[i]/1e5),
												xytext=(offset_x, offset_y),
												textcoords='offset points',
												color='r', size="small", rotation = angle)
				if (T == TArr[0]):
					if self.temperatureUnit == 'degC':
						label = "temperature [C]"
						label = "temperature [K]"
					self.ax.semilogy(hArr/1e3, pArr/1e5, 'r', label = label)
					self.ax.semilogy(hArr/1e3, pArr/1e5, 'r')
			except RuntimeError, e:
				print '------------------'
				print 'Runtime Warning for T=%e'%T 
Exemplo n.º 15
	def setLimits(self, pMin = None, pMax = None,  hMin = None, hMax = None, TMax = None):
		# Reference points
		self.minLiquid = FluidState(self.fluid)
		self.minVapor = FluidState(self.fluid)
		self.critical = FluidState(self.fluid)
		self.critical.update_Trho(self.fluid.critical['T'], self.fluid.critical['rho'])

		# For general use
		fState = FluidState(self.fluid)

		# Pressure range
		if (pMin is None):
			pMin = self.fluid.tripple['p'] * 1.05
			if (pMin < 1e3):
				pMin = 1e3
		self.pMin = pMin
		self.minLiquid.update_pq(self.pMin, 0)		
		self.minVapor.update_pq(self.pMin, 1)
		if (pMax is None):
			pMax = 3 * self.critical.p
		self.pMax = pMax
		# Enthalpy range
		domeWidth = self.minVapor.h - self.minLiquid.h		
		if (hMin is None):
			hMin = self.minLiquid.h
		self.hMin = hMin
		# Determining max enthalpy
		if (TMax is None):
			if (hMax is None):
				# default max enthalpy	
				if (self.critical.h > self.minVapor.h):
					hMax = self.critical.h + domeWidth
					hMax = self.minVapor.h + domeWidth
			fState.update_Tp(TMax, self.pMin)
			hMax = fState.h
		self.hMax = hMax
		# Axes ranges
		self.xMin = self.hMin
		self.xMax = self.hMax
		self.yMin = self.pMin
		self.yMax = self.pMax
		# Density range
		fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
		self.rhoMin = fState.rho
		self.rhoMax = self.minLiquid.rho
		# Temperature range
		self.TMin = self.fluid.saturation_p(self.pMin)["TsatL"]
		if (TMax is None):
			fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
			TMax = fState.T
		self.TMax = TMax
		# Entropy range
		self.sMin = 1.01 * self.minLiquid.s
		fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
		self.sMax = fState.s
		# Minor diagonal coeff
		self.minDiagonalSlope = np.log10(self.pMax/self.pMin) / (self.hMax - self.hMin) * 1e3
		# Major diagonal coeff
		self.majDiagonalSlope = - self.minDiagonalSlope
Exemplo n.º 16
    def setLimits(self, pMin=None, pMax=None, hMin=None, hMax=None, TMax=None):
        # Reference points
        self.minLiquid = FluidState(self.fluid)
        self.minVapor = FluidState(self.fluid)
        self.critical = FluidState(self.fluid)

        # For general use
        fState = FluidState(self.fluid)

        # Pressure range
        if (pMin is None):
            pMin = self.fluid.tripple['p'] * 1.05
            if (pMin < 1e3):
                pMin = 1e3
        self.pMin = pMin

        self.minLiquid.update_pq(self.pMin, 0)
        self.minVapor.update_pq(self.pMin, 1)

        if (pMax is None):
            pMax = 3 * self.critical.p
        self.pMax = pMax

        # Enthalpy range
        domeWidth = self.minVapor.h - self.minLiquid.h
        if (hMin is None):
            hMin = self.minLiquid.h
        self.hMin = hMin

        # Determining max enthalpy
        if (TMax is None):
            if (hMax is None):
                # default max enthalpy
                if (self.critical.h > self.minVapor.h):
                    hMax = self.critical.h + domeWidth
                    hMax = self.minVapor.h + domeWidth
            fState.update_Tp(TMax, self.pMin)
            hMax = fState.h

        self.hMax = hMax

        # Axes ranges
        self.xMin = self.hMin
        self.xMax = self.hMax
        self.yMin = self.pMin
        self.yMax = self.pMax

        # Density range
        fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
        self.rhoMin = fState.rho
        self.rhoMax = self.minLiquid.rho

        # Temperature range
        self.TMin = self.fluid.saturation_p(self.pMin)["TsatL"]

        if (TMax is None):
            fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
            TMax = fState.T
        self.TMax = TMax

        # Entropy range
        self.sMin = 1.01 * self.minLiquid.s

        fState.update_ph(self.pMin, self.hMax)
        self.sMax = fState.s

        # Minor diagonal coeff
        self.minDiagonalSlope = np.log10(
            self.pMax / self.pMin) / (self.hMax - self.hMin) * 1e3

        # Major diagonal coeff
        self.majDiagonalSlope = -self.minDiagonalSlope
Exemplo n.º 17
    def compute(self):
        self.deltaT = self.TWall - self.TFluid
        if (self.propT == 'MT'):
            self.Tfilm = (self.TWall + self.TFluid) / 2.0
            self.Tfilm = self.TFluid

        # Compute fluid properties
        fState = FluidState(self.fluidName)
        fState.update_Tp(self.Tfilm, self.pressure)
        self.rho = fState.rho
        self.mu = fState.mu
        nu = self.mu / self.rho
        self.beta = fState.beta
        self.Pr = fState.Pr
        self.cond = fState.cond

        # Compute geometry factors
        if (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
            s = self.height
            self.area = self.width * self.height
        elif (self.geomConf == 'VC'):
            s = self.height
            self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * self.height
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HC'):
            s = self.diameter
            self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * self.length
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HPT' or self.geomConf == 'HPB'):
            if (self.surfaceShape == 'RCT'):
                s = self.width * self.length / (2.0 *
                                                (self.width + self.length))
                self.area = self.width * self.length
            elif (self.surfaceShape == 'CIR'):
                s = self.diameter / 4.0
                self.area = (np.pi / 4) * self.diameter**2
        elif (self.geomConf == 'SPH'):
            s = self.diameter
            self.area = np.pi * self.diameter**2
        elif (self.geomConf == 'IPT' or self.geomConf == 'IPB'):
            s = self.length
            self.area = self.width * self.height
        elif (self.geomConf == 'FIN'):
            #halfway between full rib and bare pipe
            s = self.diameter + self.finHeight
            finsPerLength = 1.0 / (self.finThickness + self.finSpacing)
            self.area = np.pi * self.diameter * (
                1 - self.finThickness * finsPerLength)
            self.area += finsPerLength * np.pi * self.finHeight * 2 * (
                self.diameter + self.finHeight)
            self.area += finsPerLength * np.pi * self.finThickness * (
                self.diameter + 2 * self.finHeight)
            self.area *= self.length
            raise ValueError(
                "Geometry configuration {0} not implemented".format(

        # Compute free convection dimensionless numbers
        self.Gr = 9.81 * (s**3) * self.beta * np.abs(self.deltaT) / (nu**2)
        self.Ra = self.Gr * self.Pr

        # Use the appropriate empirical Nusselt correlation
        if (self.geomConf == 'VP'):
            fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
            self.Nu = (0.825 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
        elif (self.geomConf == 'VC'):
            fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
            Nu_plate = (0.825 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
            self.Nu = Nu_plate + 0.97 * self.height / self.diameter
        elif (self.geomConf == 'HC'):
            fPr = (1 + (0.559 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
            self.Nu = (0.6 + 0.387 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
        elif ((self.geomConf == 'HPT' and self.deltaT <= 0)
              or (self.geomConf == 'HPB' and self.deltaT >= 0)):
            fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
            if (self.Ra * fPr < 1e10):
                self.Nu = 0.6 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 5)
                if (self.Nu < 1):
                    self.Nu = 1
                raise ValueError("Outside range of validity")
        elif ((self.geomConf == 'HPT' and self.deltaT > 0)
              or (self.geomConf == 'HPB' and self.deltaT < 0)):
            fPr = (1 + (0.322 / self.Pr)**(11.0 / 20))**(-20.0 / 11)
            if (self.Ra * fPr <= 7 * 1e4):
                self.Nu = 0.766 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 5)
                self.Nu = 0.15 * (self.Ra * fPr)**(1.0 / 3)
        elif (self.geomConf == 'SPH'):
            self.Nu = 0.56 * (self.Pr * self.Ra /
                              (0.846 + self.Pr))**(1.0 / 4) + 2
        elif ((self.geomConf == 'IPT' and self.deltaT <= 0)
              or (self.geomConf == 'IPB' and self.deltaT >= 0)):
            fPr = (1 + (0.492 / self.Pr)**(9.0 / 16))**(-16.0 / 9)
            self.Nu = (0.825 + 0.387 *
                       (self.Ra * np.cos(self.angle) * fPr)**(1.0 / 6))**2
        elif ((self.geomConf == 'IPT' and self.deltaT > 0)
              or (self.geomConf == 'IPB' and self.deltaT < 0)):
            Ra_crit = 10**(8.9 - 0.00178 * (self.angle * 180 / np.pi)**1.82)
            self.Nu = 0.56 * (Ra_crit * np.cos(self.angle))**(
                1.0 / 4) + 0.13 * (self.Ra**(1.0 / 3) - Ra_crit**(1.0 / 3))
        elif (self.geomConf == 'FIN'):
            #Correlation from VDI Heat Atlas F2.4.4
            self.Nu = 0.24 * (self.Ra * self.finSpacing /
                              self.diameter)**(1.0 / 3)
        self.Nu = self.Nu * self.heatExchangeGain

        # Compute the convection coefficient and the total heat flow rate
        self.alpha = self.Nu * self.cond / s
        self.QDot = self.area * self.alpha * self.deltaT