Exemplo n.º 1
class Checker(object):
    def __init__(self, net):
        self.g = StateGraph(net)
        self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]

    def build(self, tree):
        src = """
def check (_) :
    return %s
""" % tree.st.source()[7:]
        ctx = dict(self.g.net.globals)
        ctx["bounded"] = self.bounded
        exec(src, ctx)
        fun = ctx["check"]
        fun.lineno = tree.lineno
        return fun

    def bounded(self, marking, max):
        return all(len(marking(p)) == 1 for p in marking)

    def run(self):
        for state in self.g:
            marking = self.g.net.get_marking()
            for place in marking:
                if max(marking(place).values()) > 1:
                    return None, self.trace(state)
            for check in self.f:
                    if not check(marking):
                        return check.lineno, self.trace(state)
        return None, None

    def path(self, tgt, src=0):
        q = [(0, src, ())]
        visited = set()
        while True:
            (c, v1, path) = heapq.heappop(q)
            if v1 not in visited:
                path = path + (v1, )
                if v1 == tgt:
                    return path
                for v2 in self.g.successors(v1):
                    if v2 not in visited:
                        heapq.heappush(q, (c + 1, v2, path))

    def trace(self, state):
        path = self.path(state)
        return tuple(
            self.g.successors(i)[j] for i, j in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, net, progress):
     self.p = progress
     self.g = StateGraph(net)
     self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]
     if progress:
         if len(self.f) == 0:
                 "WARNING: no assertion given (computing the state space anyway)"
         elif len(self.f) == 1:
             print("checking 1 assertion")
             print("checking %s assertions" % len(self.f))
Exemplo n.º 3
class Checker (object) :
    def __init__ (self, net) :
        self.g = StateGraph(net)
        self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]
    def build (self, tree) :
        src = """
def check (_) :
    return %s
""" % tree.st.source()[7:]
        ctx = dict(self.g.net.globals)
        ctx["bounded"] = self.bounded
        exec(src, ctx)
        fun = ctx["check"]
        fun.lineno = tree.lineno
        return fun
    def bounded (self, marking, max) :
        return all(len(marking(p)) == 1 for p in marking)
    def run (self) :
        for state in self.g :
            marking = self.g.net.get_marking()
            for place in marking :
                if max(marking(place).values()) > 1 :
                    return None, self.trace(state)
            for check in self.f :
                try :
                    if not check(marking) :
                        return check.lineno, self.trace(state)
                except :
        return None, None
    def path (self, tgt, src=0) :
        q = [(0, src, ())]
        visited = set()
        while True :
            (c, v1, path) = heapq.heappop(q)
            if v1 not in visited :
                path = path + (v1,)
                if v1 == tgt :
                    return path
                for v2 in self.g.successors(v1) :
                    if v2 not in visited :
                        heapq.heappush(q, (c+1, v2, path))
    def trace (self, state) :
        path = self.path(state)
        return tuple(self.g.successors(i)[j]
                     for i, j in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, net):
     self.g = StateGraph(net)
     self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]
Exemplo n.º 5
class Checker(object):
    def __init__(self, net, progress):
        self.p = progress
        self.g = StateGraph(net)
        self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]
        if progress:
            if len(self.f) == 0:
                    "WARNING: no assertion given (computing the state space anyway)"
            elif len(self.f) == 1:
                print("checking 1 assertion")
                print("checking %s assertions" % len(self.f))

    def build(self, tree):
        src = """
def check (_) :
    return %s
""" % tree.st.source()[7:]
        ctx = dict(self.g.net.globals)
        ctx["bounded"] = self.bounded
        ctx["dead"] = self.dead
        exec(src, ctx)
        fun = ctx["check"]
        fun.lineno = tree.lineno
        return fun

    def bounded(self, marking, max):
        return all(len(marking(p)) == 1 for p in marking)

    def dead(self):
        for _ in self.g.successors():
            return False
        return True

    def run(self):
        start = last = time.time()
        for state in self.g:
            marking = self.g.net.get_marking()
            for place in marking:
                if max(marking(place).values()) > 1:
                    return len(self.g), None, self.trace(state)
            for check in self.f:
                    if not check(marking):
                        return len(self.g), check.lineno, self.trace(state)
            if self.p and time.time() - last >= 5:
                last = time.time()
                print(" ... %s states explored so far in %.0f seconds" %
                      (len(self.g), last - start))
        return len(self.g), None, None

    def path(self, tgt, src=0):
        q = [(0, src, ())]
        visited = set()
        while True:
            (c, v1, path) = heapq.heappop(q)
            if v1 not in visited:
                path = path + (v1, )
                if v1 == tgt:
                    return path
                for v2 in self.g.successors(v1):
                    if v2 not in visited:
                        heapq.heappush(q, (c + 1, v2, path))

    def trace(self, state):
        path = self.path(state)
        return tuple(
            self.g.successors(i)[j] for i, j in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__ (self, net) :
     self.g = StateGraph(net)
     self.f = [self.build(f) for f in net.label("asserts")]