def loadGraphPrintStats(inputFile, graphType):
    outGraph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, inputFile, 0, 1)
    nodeCount = snap.CntNonZNodes(outGraph)
    edgeCount = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(outGraph)
    avgDeg = float(edgeCount) / nodeCount
    print "Average Degree for %s graph is %f" % (graphType, avgDeg)
    return outGraph
Exemplo n.º 2
def getBasicInfo(strPath, net):

    G = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph,strPath,0,1)
    GraphInfo = {}
    GraphInfo['nodes'] = G.GetNodes()
    GraphInfo['edges'] = G.GetEdges()
    GraphInfo['zeroDegNodes'] = snap.CntDegNodes(G, 0)
    GraphInfo['zeroInDegNodes'] = snap.CntInDegNodes(G, 0)
    GraphInfo['zeroOutDegNodes'] = snap.CntOutDegNodes(G, 0)
    GraphInfo['nonZeroIn-OutDegNodes'] = snap.CntNonZNodes(G)
    GraphInfo['uniqueDirectedEdges'] = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(G)
    GraphInfo['uniqueUndirectedEdges'] = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(G)
    GraphInfo['selfEdges'] = snap.CntSelfEdges(G)
    GraphInfo['biDirEdges'] = snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(G)

    NTestNodes = 10
    IsDir = False
    GraphInfo['approxFullDiameter'] = snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G, NTestNodes, IsDir)
    GraphInfo['90effectiveDiameter'] = snap.GetAnfEffDiam(G)

    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetDegCnt(G, DegToCntV)
    sumofNode = G.GetNodes()
    L = [item.GetVal1()*item.GetVal2() for item in DegToCntV]
    GraphInfo['averageDegree'] = float(sum(L))/(sumofNode)

    (DegreeCountMax ,Degree, DegreeCount, CluDegree, Clu) = getGraphInfo(G)
    # creatNet(G,net)

    return GraphInfo,DegreeCountMax , Degree, DegreeCount, CluDegree, Clu
Exemplo n.º 3
def genCircle(N=5242):
    :param - N: number of nodes

    return type: snap.PUNGraph
    return: Circle graph with N nodes and N edges. Imagine the nodes form a
        circle and each node is connected to its two direct neighbors.
    # TODO: Your code here!
    Graph = snap.TUNGraph.New()

    for i in range(0, N):

    print Graph.GetNodes()

    for i in range(0, N):
        #print i%N, (i+1)%N, (i+2)%N
        Graph.AddEdge(i % N, (i + 1) % N)

    Count = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Graph)
    print Count

    return Graph
Exemplo n.º 4
def connectRandomNodes(Graph, M=4000):
    :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing an undirected graph
    :param - M: number of edges to be added

    return type: snap.PUNGraph
    return: Graph object with additional M edges added by connecting M randomly
        selected pairs of nodes not already connected.
    count = 0
    N = Graph.GetNodes()
    adj = np.zeros((N, N))

    for i in range(0, N):
        for j in range(0, N):
            if (Graph.IsEdge(i, j)):
                adj[i][j] = 1

    while (1):
        src = random.randint(0, N)
        dest = random.randint(0, N)
        if (src % N != dest % N):
            if (adj[src % N][dest % N] == 0):
                adj[src % N][dest % N] = 1
                Graph.AddEdge(src % N, dest % N)
                count = count + 1
                if (count == M):

    Count = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Graph)
    print Count

    return Graph
Exemplo n.º 5
def genErdosRenyi(N=5242, E=14484):
    :param - N: number of nodes
    :param - E: number of edges

    return type: snap.PUNGraph
    return: Erdos-Renyi graph with N nodes and E edges
    # TODO: Your code here!
    Graph = snap.TUNGraph.New()

    for i in range(0, N):

    adj = np.zeros((N, N))
    count = 0

    while (count <= E + 1):
        src = random.randint(0, N - 1)
        dest = random.randint(0, N - 1)
        if (src != dest):
            if (adj[src][dest] == 0):
                adj[src][dest] = 1
                count = count + 1
                Graph.AddEdge(src, dest)

    Count = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Graph)
    print Count
    return Graph
Exemplo n.º 6
def partOneAndTwo(WikiG):
    # WikiG.Dump()
    print('1. Number of nodes: '+str(WikiG.GetNodes()))

    selfloop_cnt = 0
    for node in WikiG.Nodes():
        # print(node.GetId())
        if WikiG.IsEdge(node.GetId(), node.GetId()):
            selfloop_cnt += 1
    print('2. Self loop Node: {}'.format(selfloop_cnt))

    cnt_dir = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(WikiG)
    print('3. The number of directed edges: {}'.format(cnt_dir))

    cnt_undir = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(WikiG)
    print("4. The number of unique undirected edges is %d" % cnt_undir)
    print("5. The number of reciprocated edges is %d" % (cnt_dir - cnt_undir))

    cnt_in = snap.CntInDegNodes(WikiG, 0)
    print("6. The number of nodes of zero out-degree is %d" % cnt_in)
    cnt_out = snap.CntOutDegNodes(WikiG, 0)
    print("7. The number of nodes of zero in-degree is %d" % cnt_out)

    cnt_deg_above_10 = 0
    cnt_deg_less_10 = 0
    for node in WikiG.Nodes():
        if node.GetOutDeg() > 10:
            cnt_deg_above_10 += 1
        if node.GetInDeg() < 10:
            cnt_deg_less_10 += 1
    print("8. The number of nodes with more than 10 outgoing edges is %d" % cnt_deg_above_10)
    print("9. The number of nodes with fewer than 10 incoming edges is %d" % cnt_deg_less_10)

    # Part 2
    out_file_name = 'wiki'
    snap.PlotInDegDistr(WikiG, out_file_name, "Directed graph - in-degree Distribution")
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(WikiG, out_file_name, "Directed graph - out-degree Distribution")

    InDegDistr = np.loadtxt("inDeg."+out_file_name+".tab")
    InDegDistr = InDegDistr[InDegDistr[:, 0] > 0]

    OutDegDistr = np.loadtxt("OutDeg."+out_file_name+".tab")
    # print(OutDegDistr.shape)
    OutDegDistr = OutDegDistr[OutDegDistr[:, 0] > 0]
    # print(OutDegDistr.shape)

    coff = np.polyfit(np.log10(OutDegDistr)[:, 0], np.log10(OutDegDistr)[:, 1], 1)
    plt.loglog(InDegDistr[:, 0], InDegDistr[:, 1])
    plt.title('In deg Distr')
    plt.loglog(OutDegDistr[:, 0], OutDegDistr[:, 1])
    plt.loglog(OutDegDistr[:, 0], np.power(10, coff[1])*np.power(OutDegDistr[:, 0], coff[0]))
    plt.title('Out deg Distr & Last-Square Reg Line in log-log plot')
def wikiVotingNetwork():

    Component = snap.TIntPrV()
    #Loding the graph
    Wiki = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1)
    #Printing Number of Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Nodes: ", Wiki.GetNodes()
    #Printing Number of Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Edges: ", Wiki.GetEdges()
    #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Directed Edges: ", snap.CntUniqDirEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Un-Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Undirected Edges: ", snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Directed Edges in the Graph
    print "Number of Self-Edges: ", snap.CntSelfEdges(Wiki)
    #Printing Number of Zero InDeg Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Zero InDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntInDegNodes(Wiki, 0)
    #Printing Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes in the Graph
    print "Number of Zero OutDeg Nodes: ", snap.CntOutDegNodes(Wiki, 0)
    #Printing Node ID with maximum degree in the Graph
    print "Node ID with maximum degree: ", snap.GetMxDegNId(Wiki)

    snap.GetSccSzCnt(Wiki, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of strongly connected components with size
        print "Size: %d - Number of Strongly Connected Components: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())
    #printing size of largest connected components
    print "Size of largest connected component: ", snap.GetMxSccSz(Wiki)

    snap.GetWccSzCnt(Wiki, Component)

    for comp in Component:
        #printing number of weekly connected components with size
        print "Size: %d - Number of Weekly Connected Component Wikipedia: %d" % (
            comp.GetVal1(), comp.GetVal2())

    #printing size of weekly connected components
    print "Size of Weakly connected component: ", snap.GetMxWccSz(Wiki)
    #plotting out-degree distribution
    snap.PlotOutDegDistr(Wiki, "wiki-analysis",
                         "Directed graph - Out-Degree Distribution")
Exemplo n.º 8
def connectNbrOfNbr(Graph, N=5242):
    :param - Graph: snap.PUNGraph object representing a circle graph on N nodes
    :param - N: number of nodes

    return type: snap.PUNGraph
    return: Graph object with additional N edges added by connecting each node
        to the neighbors of its neighbors
    print Graph.GetNodes()

    for i in range(0, N):
        #print i%N, (i+1)%N, (i+2)%N
        Graph.AddEdge(i % N, (i + 2) % N)

    Count = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Graph)
    print Count

    return Graph
Exemplo n.º 9
def quick_properties(graph, name, dic_path):
    """Get quick properties of the graph "name". dic_path is the path of the dict {players: id} """
    results = {}
    n_edges = graph.GetEdges()
    n_nodes = graph.GetNodes()
    n_self_edges = snap.CntSelfEdges(graph)
    n_directed_edges, n_undirected_edges = snap.CntUniqDirEdges(
        graph), snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(graph)
    n_reciprocated_edges = snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(graph)
    n_zero_out_nodes, n_zero_in_nodes = snap.CntOutDegNodes(
        graph, 0), snap.CntInDegNodes(graph, 0)
    max_node_in = graph.GetNI(snap.GetMxInDegNId(graph)).GetDeg()
    max_node_out = graph.GetNI(snap.GetMxOutDegNId(graph)).GetDeg()
    components = snap.TCnComV()
    snap.GetWccs(graph, components)
    max_wcc = snap.GetMxWcc(graph)
    results["a. Nodes"] = n_nodes
    results["b. Edges"] = n_edges
    results["c. Self-edges"] = n_self_edges
    results["d. Directed edges"] = n_directed_edges
    results["e. Undirected edges"] = n_undirected_edges
    results["f. Reciprocated edges"] = n_reciprocated_edges
    results["g. 0 out-degree nodes"] = n_zero_out_nodes
    results["h. 0 in-degree nodes"] = n_zero_in_nodes
    results["i. Maximum node out-degree"] = max_node_out
    results["j. Maximum node in-degree"] = max_node_in
    results["k. Weakly connected components"] = components.Len()
    results["l. Nodes, edges of largest WCC"] = (max_wcc.GetNodes(),
    print("Quick overview of {} Network".format(name))
    print("{} Nodes, {} Edges".format(n_nodes, n_edges))
    print("{} Self-edges ".format(n_self_edges))
    print("{} Directed edges, {} Undirected edges".format(
        n_directed_edges, n_undirected_edges))
    print("{} Reciprocated edges".format(n_reciprocated_edges))
    print("{} 0-out-degree nodes, {} 0-in-degree nodes".format(
        n_zero_out_nodes, n_zero_in_nodes))
    print("Maximum node in-degree: {}, maximum node out-degree: {}".format(
        max_node_in, max_node_out))
    print "{} Weakly connected components".format(components.Len())
    print "Largest Wcc: {} Nodes, {} Edges".format(max_wcc.GetNodes(),

    prankH = snap.TIntFltH()
    snap.GetPageRank(graph, prankH)
    sorted_prankH = sorted(prankH, key=lambda key: prankH[key], reverse=True)
    NIdHubH = snap.TIntFltH()
    NIdAuthH = snap.TIntFltH()
    snap.GetHits(graph, NIdHubH, NIdAuthH)
    sorted_NIdHubH = sorted(NIdHubH,
                            key=lambda key: NIdHubH[key],
    sorted_NIdAuthH = sorted(NIdAuthH,
                             key=lambda key: NIdAuthH[key],
    with open(dic_path, 'rb') as dic_id:
        mydict = pickle.load(dic_id)
        print("3 most central players by PageRank scores: {}, {}, {}".format(
            name_from_index(sorted_prankH, 0, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_prankH, 1, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_prankH, 2, mydict)))
        print("Top 3 hubs: {}, {}, {}".format(
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdHubH, 0, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdHubH, 1, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdHubH, 2, mydict)))
        print("Top 3 authorities: {}, {}, {}".format(
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdAuthH, 0, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdAuthH, 1, mydict),
            name_from_index(sorted_NIdAuthH, 2, mydict)))
        results["m. Three top PageRank"] = (name_from_index(
            sorted_prankH, 0, mydict), name_from_index(
                sorted_prankH, 1,
                mydict), name_from_index(sorted_prankH, 2, mydict))
        results["n. Three top hubs"] = (name_from_index(
            sorted_NIdHubH, 0,
            mydict), name_from_index(sorted_NIdHubH, 1, mydict),
                                            sorted_NIdHubH, 2, mydict))
        results["o. Three top authorities"] = (name_from_index(
            sorted_NIdAuthH, 0,
            mydict), name_from_index(sorted_NIdAuthH, 1, mydict),
                                                   sorted_NIdAuthH, 2, mydict))
    return results
Exemplo n.º 10
# Section 1 #
# Load data from file, then construct a directed graph
wiki_g = snap.LoadEdgeListStr(snap.PNGraph, "Wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1)
# solution to hw
print('*' * 10 + ' Section I ' + '*' * 10)
print("The wiki-vote graph has " + str(wiki_g.GetNodes()) + " nodes.")
# self_loop_nodes = 0
# for edge in wiki_g.Edges():
#    if edge.GetSrcNId() == edge.GetDstNId():
#        self_loop_nodes = self_loop_nodes + 1
# Better use built-in functions to count the self-edges...
print("The wiki-vote graph has " + str(snap.CntSelfEdges(wiki_g)) +
      " self-looped nodes.")
print("The wiki-vote graph has " + str(snap.CntUniqDirEdges(wiki_g)) +
      " unique directed edges.")
print("The wiki-vote graph has " + str(snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(wiki_g)) +
      " unique undirected edges.")
print("The wiki-vote graph has " +
      str(int(snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(wiki_g) / 2)) + " reciprocated edges.")

nodes_zero_out_degree = 0
nodes_zero_in_degree = 0
nodes_more_than_10_outgoing_edges = 0
nodes_fewer_than_10_incoming_edges = 0

min_out_degree = 1
max_out_degree = 1

for node in wiki_g.Nodes():
    if node.GetOutDeg() == 0:
        nodes_zero_out_degree = nodes_zero_out_degree + 1
Exemplo n.º 11

    SubGraph = snap.GetSubGraph(G1, NodeIdList)
    diam = snap.GetBfsFullDiam(SubGraph, 100, False)
    print "The diametre is %d" % diam
    DegToCCfV = snap.TFltPrV()
    DegList = list()
    result = snap.GetClustCfAll(SubGraph, DegToCCfV)
    for item in DegToCCfV:
        #print "degree: %d, clustering coefficient: %f" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2())
    print "average clustering coefficient", result[0]
    print "closed triads", result[1]
    print "open triads", result[2]
    NumTriadEdges = snap.GetTriadEdges(SubGraph)
    print "The number of TriadEdges is %d" % NumTriadEdges
    CountEdges = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(SubGraph)
    print "Directed Graph: Count of undirected edges is %d" % CountEdges
    CountNodes = SubGraph.GetNodes()
    InternalDensity = CountEdges / (CountNodes * (CountNodes - 1) * 0.5)
    print "The Internal Density is %f" % InternalDensity
    AvgDeg = 2 * CountEdges / CountNodes
    print "The Average Degree is %f" % AvgDeg
    MedianDegree = np.median(DegList)
    print "The Median Degree is %d" % MedianDegree
    TPR = NumTriadEdges / CountEdges
    print "The Triangle Participation Rate is %d" % TPR
print "The modularity of the network is %f" % modularity
import sys
import snap
# FIn = snap.TFIn(sys.argv[1])
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

FIn = snap.TFIn("facebook.elist")
Fb_graph = snap.TNGraph.Load(FIn)

# # 1 and 2 c(partial)

no_of_nodes = snap.CntNonZNodes(Fb_graph)
print("Number of Nodes: " + str(no_of_nodes))
no_of_edges = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Fb_graph)
print("Number of Edges: " + str(no_of_edges))
max_degree = -1
degdis_y = []
degdis_x = []
for i in range(1, no_of_nodes - 1):
    degree = snap.CntDegNodes(Fb_graph, i)
    max_degree = max(degree, max_degree)

# # 2 b

print("Max degree:" + str(max_degree))
print("Node id(s) with highest degree:", end=" ")
for NI in Fb_graph.Nodes():
    if (NI.GetInDeg() == max_degree):
        print(NI.GetId(), end=",")
Exemplo n.º 13
# 1.1
print("The number of nodes in the network is %s." % (

# 1.2
print("The number of nodes with a self-edge is %s." % (

# 1.3
print("The number of directed edges %s." % (

# 1.4
print("The number of undirected edges is %s." % (

# 1.5
print("The number of reciprocated edges is %s." % (
    snap.CntUniqDirEdges(wikiGraph) - snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(wikiGraph)))

# 1.6
print("The number of nodes of zero out-degree is %s." % (
    snap.CntOutDegNodes(wikiGraph, 0)))

# 1.7
print("The number of nodes of zero in-degree is %s." % (
    snap.CntInDegNodes(wikiGraph, 0)))

# 1.8
outDegreeToCount = snap.TIntPrV()
Exemplo n.º 14
    # for edge in G1.Edges():
    #     src, dst = edge.GetSrcNId(), edge.GetDstNId()
    #     # print(src, dst)
    #     if src == dst:
    #         self_loop_v_cnt += 1
    #     else:
    #         direct_edge_cnt += 1

    # Answer 2:
    print('There are {} self-loop nodes'.format(snap.CntSelfEdges(G1)))

    # Answer 3:
    print('Thre are {} directed edges'.format(snap.CntUniqDirEdges(G1)))

    # Answer 4:
    print('There are {} undirect edges'.format(snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(G1)))

    # Answer 5:
    print('There are {} reciprocated edges'.format(snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(G1)))

    # Answer 6:
    print('There are {} nodes having 0 out-degree'.format(
        snap.CntOutDegNodes(G1, 0)))

    # Answer 7:
    print('There are {} nodes having 0 in-degree'.format(
        snap.CntInDegNodes(G1, 0)))

    # Answer 8:
    DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
    snap.GetOutDegCnt(G1, DegToCntV)
Exemplo n.º 15
import snap

wiki = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PNGraph, "wiki-Vote.txt", 0, 1, '\t')

# number of nodes
print("Node number:", wiki.GetNodes())

# number of self-edge
print("Self Edges:", snap.CntSelfEdges(wiki))

# number of directed edges
print("Directed Edges:", wiki.GetEdges() - snap.CntSelfEdges(wiki))

# number of undirected edges (A->B and B->A counts a single undirected edge)
print("Undirected Edges:", snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(wiki))

# number of reciprocated edges
print("Reciprocated Edges:", snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(wiki))

# nubmber of nodes of zero out-degree
print("# of zero out-degree:", snap.CntOutDegNodes(wiki, 0))

# number of nodes of zero in-degree
print("# of zero in-degree:", snap.CntInDegNodes(wiki, 0))

# number of nodes with out-degree > 10
count = 0
for i in range(11):
    count += snap.CntOutDegNodes(wiki, i)
temp = wiki.GetNodes() - count
print("Nodes with out-degree > 10:", temp)
Exemplo n.º 16
import snap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gh = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "facebook/0.edges", 0, 1)
DegToCntV1 = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetDegCnt(gh, DegToCntV1)
print("Number of nodes::" + str(snap.CntNonZNodes(gh)))
print("Number of edges::" + str(snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(gh)))
for item in DegToCntV1:
    facebook_hist[item.GetVal2()] = item.GetVal1(), facebook_hist.values(), color='g')
fig_size = [14, 7]
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size

gh2 = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, "facebook/348.edges", 0, 1)
DegToCntV2 = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetDegCnt(gh2, DegToCntV2)
print("Number of nodes::" + str(snap.CntNonZNodes(gh2)))
print("Number of edges::" + str(snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(gh2)))
for item in DegToCntV2:
    f2_hist[item.GetVal2()] = item.GetVal1(), f2_hist.keys()), f2_hist.values(), color='y')
Exemplo n.º 17
# for e in g.Edges():
# 	if(e.GetSrcNId()!=e.GetDstNId()):
# 		c=c+1;
# print c;
# print "\n"
print snap.CntUniqDirEdges(g)
print '\n'

# cc=0;
# ug=snap.ConvertGraph(snap.PUNGraph,g);
# for e in ug.Edges():
# 	if(e.GetSrcNId()!=e.GetDstNId()):
# 		cc=cc+1;
# print cc;
# print "\n";
print snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(g)
print '\n'

# print c-cc;
# print "\n";
print snap.CntUniqBiDirEdges(g)
print '\n'

c = 0
for n in g.Nodes():
    if (n.GetOutDeg() == 0):
        c = c + 1
print c
print "\n"

c = 0
Exemplo n.º 18
if input_file == "random5000by6.txt":
    #create random graph
    Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 5000, 5000 * (5000 - 1) / 2)
    V = snap.TIntV()
    for i in range(5000):
        if (i % 6 != 0):
    snap.DelNodes(Graph, V)
    snap.SaveEdgeList(Graph, 'random5000by6.txt')
    Graph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, input_file, 0, 1)

nodes = snap.CntNonZNodes(Graph)
nodes0 = snap.CntDegNodes(Graph, 0)
final_nodes = nodes + nodes0
edges = snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Graph)
nodes7 = snap.CntDegNodes(Graph, 7)
DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetDegCnt(Graph, DegToCntV)
vector_length = len(DegToCntV)
maxdegreencount = DegToCntV[vector_length - 1].GetVal2()

#for item in DegToCntV:
# print "%d nodes with degree %d" % (item.GetVal2(), item.GetVal1())
print ""
print "Number of nodes in " + input_file + ": ", final_nodes
print "Number of edges in " + input_file + ": ", edges
print "Number of nodes with degree=7 in " + input_file + ": ", nodes7
print "Node id(s) with highest degree in " + input_file + ": ",
for i in range(maxdegreencount):
    NodeId = snap.GetMxDegNId(Graph)
import snap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from pathlib import Path
import sys

gfile = sys.argv[1]
print('Printing summary stats for file at:', gfile)

if gfile.endswith('.graph'):
    FIn = snap.TFIn(gfile)
    Network = snap.TUNGraph.Load(FIn)
    Network = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph, gfile, 0, 1)

print('Edges:', snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(Network))

# for directed graphs, should be same for undir
DegToCntV = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetInDegCnt(Network, DegToCntV)
print('Nodes with deg > 10',
      sum([item.GetVal2() for item in DegToCntV if item.GetVal1() > 10]))

ClustCoeff = snap.GetClustCf(Network, 10000)
print('Clustering coeff', ClustCoeff)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def numUniqueUndirectedEdges(self):
     return snap.CntUniqUndirEdges(self.rawGraph)