Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_graph(NNodes, NEdges, Model, Rnd):
  Graph = None
  if Model == 'rand_ungraph':
    # GnRndGnm returns error, so manually generate
    Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PUNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 0)

  elif Model == 'rand_ngraph':
    Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 1)
  elif Model == 'rand_neagraph':
    Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PNEANet(NNodes, NEdges, 1)

  elif Model == 'syn_neagraph':
    Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph_PNEANet(NNodes, NEdges/NNodes,

  elif Model == 'syn_ngraph':
    Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges/NNodes,

  elif Model == 'rmat':
    Graph = snap.GenRMat(NNodes, NEdges, 0.40, 0.25, 0.2, Rnd)

  elif Model == 'sw':
    Graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(NNodes, NNodes/NEdges, 0.1)
  elif Model == 'pref':
    Graph = snap.GenPrefAttach(NNodes, NNodes/NEdges)

    print "Unknown model: %s" % Model

  return Graph
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    RANDOM_SEED = 23

    SYNTHETIC_NW_NODES = 4846609        # How many nodes in the fake networks.
    SYNTHETIC_NW_EDGES = 42851237       # How many nodes in the fake networks.


    print "Generating preferential attachment graph..."
    tRnd = snap.TRnd()
    tRnd.PutSeed(RANDOM_SEED) # Re-seed every time.
    filename = 'PrefAttachSynthetic-4.8M.txt'
    print "Saving edge list to file: %s" % filename
    snap.SaveEdgeList(PAGraph, filename, 'Synthetic preferential attachment graph')

    print "Generating random graph..."
    tRnd.PutSeed(RANDOM_SEED) # Re-seed every time.
    RndGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, SYNTHETIC_NW_NODES, SYNTHETIC_NW_EDGES, False, tRnd)
    filename = 'GnmRandomGraph-4.8M.txt'
    print "Saving edge list to file: %s" % filename
    snap.SaveEdgeList(RndGraph, filename, 'Random Gnm graph')

    print "Generating small world graph..."
    tRnd.PutSeed(RANDOM_SEED) # Re-seed every time.
    SWGraph = snap.GenSmallWorld(SYNTHETIC_NW_NODES, SYNTHETIC_NW_AVG_DEGREE, 0.1, tRnd)
    filename = 'SmallWorldGraph-4.8M.txt'
    print "Saving edge list to file: %s" % filename
    snap.SaveEdgeList(RndGraph, filename, 'Small world graph with rewire prob=0.1')

    print "Done"

Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_friends_network(user_count=10,
    # User list, probability p and network_type is given, construct a graph
    res = "empty"

    # generate specific graphs
    if network_type.lower().find("small") >= 0:
        # This is a small world network
        print "Creating a small world network with " + str(
            user_count) + " users"
        rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
        new_graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(user_count, friends_count, prob, rnd)
    elif network_type.lower().find("ring") >= 0:
        # A ring graph
        print "Creating a ring with " + str(user_count) + " users"
        new_graph = snap.GenCircle(snap.PUNGraph, user_count, friends_count)
    elif network_type.lower().find("power") >= 0:
        # Power Law network
        print "Creating a powerlaw network with " + str(user_count) + " users"
        new_graph = snap.GenRndPowerLaw(user_count, friends_count, conf_model)
        # A random graph
        print "Creating a random network with " + str(user_count) + " users"
        edge_count = user_count * friends_count
        new_graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, user_count, edge_count)
Exemplo n.º 4
def generate_graph(NNodes, NEdges, Model, Type, Rnd):

    if Model == 'rand_ungraph':
        # GnRndGnm returns error, so manually generate
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PUNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 0)

    elif Model == 'rand_ngraph':
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 1)

    elif Model == 'rand_neanet':
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(NNodes, NEdges, 1)

    elif Model == 'syn_neanet':
        Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph(NNodes, NEdges / NNodes,

    elif Model == 'syn_ngraph':
        Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges / NNodes,

    elif Model == 'rmat':
        Graph = snap.GenRMat(NNodes, NEdges, 0.40, 0.25, 0.2, Rnd)

    elif Model == 'sw':
        Graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(NNodes, NNodes / NEdges, 0.1)

    elif Model == 'pref':
        Graph = snap.GenPrefAttach(NNodes, NNodes / NEdges)

    return Graph
Exemplo n.º 5
def gen_sw(args):
    """Generate a SW Graph"""

    for i in range(args.num_graphs):

        fp = np.random.uniform(0, 0.5)
        Rnd = snap.TRnd()
        Graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(args.num_vertices, 3, fp, Rnd)
        snap.SaveEdgeList(Graph, f'{args.data_loc}/SW/SW_{i}.edges')

        print(f"SW Graph {i} Generated and Saved")
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate_watts_strogatz_model(self,
                                      num_nodes: int = 10,
                                      out_degree: int = None,
                                      rewire_prob: float = 0.5):
        if out_degree is None:
            # Generate a random out degree in [5, 20].
            out_degree = random.randint(5, 20)

        rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
        graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(num_nodes, out_degree, rewire_prob, rnd)

        return graph
Exemplo n.º 7
def generate_graphs():
    for path in GRAPHS:
        name = path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

        metrics = Metrics(path, True).calculate_basic()

        print metrics

        # Generate Erdos-Renyi (Random) Graph
        # args: type, num_nodes, num_edges
        er = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, metrics.num_nodes, metrics.num_edges)
        snap.SaveEdgeList(er, "{}_er.elist".format(name))

        # Generate Watts-Strogatz (Small World) Graph
        # args: num_nodes, node_out_degree (average out degree will be twice this value, rewire_prob)
        ws = snap.GenSmallWorld(metrics.num_nodes,
                                int(metrics.avg_degree) / 2, 0.2)
        snap.SaveEdgeList(ws, "{}_ws.elist".format(name))

        # Generate Barabasi-Albert model (scale-free with preferential attachment) Graph
        # args: (num_nodes, degree of each node desired)
        ba = snap.GenPrefAttach(metrics.num_nodes, int(metrics.avg_degree) / 2)
        snap.SaveEdgeList(ba, "{}_ba.elist".format(name))

        # Generate Forest Fire model Graph
        # args: (num_nodes, forward_prob, backward_prob)
        if name == "USairport_2010":
            ff = snap.GenForestFire(
                metrics.num_nodes, 0.3599,
                0.3599)  # Selected value for US Airports data-set
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ff.elist".format(name))

            ff = snap.GenForestFire(int(metrics.num_nodes / 10), 0.3599,
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ffdiv10.elist".format(name))

            ff = snap.GenForestFire(metrics.num_nodes * 10, 0.3599, 0.3599)
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ffx10.elist".format(name))
            ff = snap.GenForestFire(metrics.num_nodes, 0.3467,
                                    0.3467)  # selected
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ff.elist".format(name))

            ff = snap.GenForestFire(int(metrics.num_nodes / 10), 0.3467,
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ffdiv10.elist".format(name))

            ff = snap.GenForestFire(metrics.num_nodes * 10, 0.3467, 0.3467)
            snap.SaveEdgeList(ff, "{}_ffx10.elist".format(name))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, beta, delta, graphType, rewireProbInput, numNodes,
        self.graphType = graphType
        self.numNodes = numNodes

        # initialize snap.py graph: self.G

        # for degree, use reproductive number 1.5 = degree * beta: on avg, ebola patient should infect 1.5 other people
        # nodeDeg = math.ceil((1.5 / beta) / scalingFactor)

        nodeDeg = math.ceil(
            10.0 /
            scalingFactor)  # most real world graphs have node degree 2~15

        if graphType == 'small world':
            rewireProb = rewireProbInput  # probability that an edge will be rewired in Watts-Strogatz model
            self.G = snap.GenSmallWorld(
                numNodes, int(nodeDeg / 2),
                rewireProb)  # for snap function, must divide degree by 2
        elif graphType == 'random':
            numEdges = numNodes * nodeDeg / 2
            self.G = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, numNodes, numEdges)
        elif graphType == 'complete':
            self.G = snap.GenFull(snap.PUNGraph, numNodes)
        elif graphType == 'scale free':
            self.G = snap.GenPrefAttach(numNodes, nodeDeg)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "graphType argument must be in {'random', 'small world', 'complete', 'scale free}"

        # initialize variables for SIR model
        self.beta, self.delta = beta, delta
        self.state = dict.fromkeys(
            xrange(numNodes), SUSCEPTIBLE
        )  # dict: int nodeID => string SUSCEPTIBLE or INFECTED or RECOVERED
        self.countyHasBeenInfected = False
Exemplo n.º 9
def generate_graph(NNodes, NEdges, Model, Type, Rnd):

    if Model == 'rand_ungraph':
        # GnRndGnm returns error, so manually generate
        #Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PUNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 0)
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, NNodes, NEdges, 0)

    elif Model == 'rand_ngraph':
        #Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges, 1)
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, NNodes, NEdges, 1)

    elif Model == 'rand_neanet':
        print "1", NNodes, NEdges
        #Graph = snap.GenRndGnm_PNEANet(NNodes, NEdges, 1)
        Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, NNodes, NEdges, 1)
        print "2"
        print "3", Graph.GetNodes(), Graph.GetEdges()

    elif Model == 'syn_neanet':
        Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph(NNodes, NEdges / NNodes,

    elif Model == 'syn_ngraph':
        Graph = snap.GenSyntheticGraph_PNGraph(NNodes, NEdges / NNodes,

    elif Model == 'rmat':
        Graph = snap.GenRMat(NNodes, NEdges, 0.40, 0.25, 0.2, Rnd)

    elif Model == 'sw':
        Graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(NNodes, NNodes / NEdges, 0.1)

    elif Model == 'pref':
        Graph = snap.GenPrefAttach(NNodes, NNodes / NEdges)

    return Graph
 def SimpleNetworkGenerator(self, params):
     #print params
     Rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
     G = None
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[0]:
             G = snap.GenSmallWorld(int(params[1]), int(params[2]),
                                    float(params[3]), Rnd)
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[1]:
             G = snap.GenPrefAttach(int(params[1]), int(params[2]), Rnd)
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[2]:
             G = snap.GenForestFire(int(params[1]), float(params[2]),
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[3]:
             G = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, int(params[1]),
                                int(params[2]), False, Rnd)
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[4]:
             G = snap.GenCircle(snap.PUNGraph, int(params[1]),
                                int(params[2]), False)
         if params[0] == GlobalParameters.NetworkType[5]:
             G = snap.GenFull(snap.PUNGraph, int(params[1]))
         return G
         return None
Exemplo n.º 11
import snap

Rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
Graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(1000, 5, 0.12, Rnd)

snap.SaveEdgeList(Graph, 'mygraph.txt')
Exemplo n.º 12
with open("EROutput.txt", 'w+') as fp:
    header = str(ER_Nodes) + ',' + str(ER_Edges) + '\n'
    timesteps = graphER.values_at_each
    for i in range(0, len(timesteps)):
        line = str(timesteps[i][0]) + ',' + str(timesteps[i][1]) + ',' + str(
            timesteps[i][2]) + ',' + str(timesteps[i][3]) + '\n'
print "Finished outputting\n"

WS_Nodes = 50000
WS_Edges = 1000
#Single instance for WS graph.
graphWS = Graph(alpha, zeta)
WS = snap.GenSmallWorld(WS_Nodes, WS_Edges, 0, gen)
for it in WS.Edges():
    graphWS.AddEdge(it.GetSrcNId(), it.GetDstNId())
#Choose random infected.
infected = random.randint(0, len(graphWS.verts))
graphWS.states[infected] = (0, 1, 0, 0)
print "WS graph:"
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print "Simulation took", (end - start)

print "Writing to output:"
with open("WSOutput.txt", 'w+') as fp:
    header = str(WS_Nodes) + ',' + str(WS_Edges) + '\n'
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Aug 19 11:10:05 2018

Small world experiments

@author: Erik G. Larsson, 2018-2019

import sys
import snap

# circle network
G1 = snap.GenSmallWorld(1000, 2, 0)
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G1, 50, False)

# Watt-Strogatz, 0.01
G2 = snap.GenSmallWorld(1000, 2, 0.001)
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G2, 50, False)

# Watt-Strogatz, 0.1
G3 = snap.GenSmallWorld(1000, 2, 0.1)
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(G3, 50, False)

# Amazon network
G = snap.LoadEdgeList(
    "/courses/TSKS11/ht2019/data_and_fcns/session4/task1/amazon0302.txt", 0, 1)
# snap.PrintInfo(G, "amazon", "_amazon-info.txt", False)
Exemplo n.º 14
def manage_graphs(out_degree, nodes, max_minutes):
    rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
    graph = snap.GenSmallWorld(nodes, out_degree, 0.7, rnd)
    print(40 * "#")
    print(f"Starting Graph for #{nodes} Nodes.")

    # Save the graph in order to reload it after manipulation
    output_filename = f"temporary_graphs/{nodes}_ws_graph.graph"
    f_out = snap.TFOut(output_filename)

    # Highest rank Node
    max_degree_node = graph.GetNI(snap.GetMxDegNId(graph))
    print(f"Highest Degree Node ID#{max_degree_node.GetId()}"
          f" with Degree={max_degree_node.GetDeg()}")

    # Gets Hubs and Authorities of all the nodes
    hubs_per_node = snap.TIntFltH()
    auths_per_node = snap.TIntFltH()
    snap.GetHits(graph, hubs_per_node, auths_per_node)

    max_hub_node = graph.GetNI(
        max(hubs_per_node, key=lambda h: hubs_per_node[h]))
    print(f"Highest Hub Score Node ID#{max_hub_node.GetId()}"
          f" with Score={hubs_per_node[max_hub_node.GetId()]}")

    max_authority_node = graph.GetNI(
        max(auths_per_node, key=lambda a: auths_per_node[a]))
    print(f"Highest Authority Score Node ID#{max_authority_node.GetId()}"
          f" with Score={hubs_per_node[max_authority_node.GetId()]}")

    exceed = False
    # CNM Community Detector
    cnm_community = snap.TCnComV()
    cnm_thread = threading.Thread(target=snap.CommunityCNM,
                                  args=(graph, cnm_community))
    cnm_start_time = time.time()


    except MemoryError:
        exceed = True

        cnm_stop_time = time.time()
        cnm_community_exec_time = cnm_stop_time - cnm_start_time
        exceed |= max_minutes <= cnm_community_exec_time

    # GN Community Detector
    if max_minutes > cnm_community_exec_time and not exceed:
        gn_community = snap.TCnComV()
        gn_thread = threading.Thread(target=snap.CommunityGirvanNewman,
                                     args=(graph, gn_community))
        gn_start_time = time.time()

            gn_thread.join(max_minutes - cnm_community_exec_time)

        except MemoryError:
            exceed = True

            gn_stop_time = time.time()
            gn_community_exec_time = gn_stop_time - gn_start_time
            exceed |= gn_community_exec_time >= max_minutes - cnm_community_exec_time
        gn_community_exec_time = 0.00
    if not exceed:
            f"Execution Time for CNM Communities Detector is {round(cnm_community_exec_time, 4):.4f}"
            f"Execution Time for GN Communities Detector is {round(gn_community_exec_time, 4):.4f}"
            f"Graph with Nodes#{nodes_num} exceeded the valid calculation limits."
    print(40 * "#")

    # load graph in it's initial State
    f_in = snap.TFIn(output_filename)
    graph = snap.TUNGraph.Load(f_in)

    return graph, cnm_community_exec_time, gn_community_exec_time, exceed
Exemplo n.º 15
for line in iter(fin):
    numnod += 1

fin = open("An_Edges.txt", "rb")

for line in iter(fin):
    ugraph.AddEdge(int(line.split(",", 1)[0]), int(line.split(",", 1)[1]))
    numedg += 1

rand_grph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, numnod, numedg, False)
snap.PlotInDegDistr(rand_grph, "degDistRand", "degDistRand")
clust = snap.GetClustCf(rand_grph)
print "C Coeff Rand" + str(clust)

pref_grph = snap.GenPrefAttach(numnod, 4)
snap.PlotInDegDistr(pref_grph, "degDistPref", "degDistPref")
clust = snap.GetClustCf(pref_grph)
print "C Coeff Pref" + str(clust)

prob = (float(numnod) / (numedg * (numedg - 1))) * 2
print prob
smal_grph = snap.GenSmallWorld(numnod, 4, prob)
snap.PlotInDegDistr(smal_grph, "degDistSmal", "degDistSmal")
clust = snap.GetClustCf(smal_grph)
print "C Coeff Small" + str(clust)
def small_world(nodes, out_degree, rewire_pb, rnd=None):
    if rnd is None:
        rnd = sp.TRnd()
        rnd = sp.TRnd(*rnd)
    return sp.GenSmallWorld(nodes, out_degree, rewire_pb, rnd)
Exemplo n.º 17
import snap

Rnd = snap.TRnd(1,0)
#smallWorldG = snap.GenSmallWorld(485, 9, 0, Rnd)
#snap.SaveEdgeList(smallWorldG, "SampleSWGraph.txt", "SaveGraph")
smallWorldG = snap.GenSmallWorld(4846609, 9, 0, Rnd)
snap.SaveEdgeList(smallWorldG, "SWGraph.txt", "SaveGraph")

Exemplo n.º 18
with open(file, "r") as f:
    for x in f:
        edges += 1
print "nodes: %d, edges: %d" % (nodes, edges)

path = os.path.join(r"p3_data", filename[3:])

print "starting WS graph at time %s\n" % time.ctime()
edgeList = []
outDegree = 0
OutDegV = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetNodeOutDegV(inGraph, OutDegV)
#Sums the value of all out degrees of each node
for item in OutDegV:
    outDegree += item.GetVal2()
    # print "node ID %d: out-degree %d" % (item.GetVal1(), item.GetVal2())
# averages the out degree in OutDeg Vector, and rounds it to the nearest integar
avgOutDegree = round(outDegree / nodes)
# print avgOutDegree

Rnd = snap.TRnd(1, 0)
smallWorldGraph = snap.GenSmallWorld(nodes, int(avgOutDegree), 0, Rnd)

for EI in smallWorldGraph.Edges():
    edgeList.append([EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId()])
with open(path, "w") as f:
    for x in edgeList:
        f.write('{0:4d} {1:9d}\n'.format(x[0], x[1]))

print "finished WS graph at time %s\n" % time.ctime()
Exemplo n.º 19
Created on Sun Aug 19 11:10:05 2018

Small world experiments

@author: Erik G. Larsson, 2018-2019

import sys
import snap

# circle network

# Generates and returns a random small-world graph using the Watts-Strogatz model.
#  We assume a circle where each node creates links to NodeOutDeg other nodes.
G1 = snap.GenSmallWorld(nodes=1000, nodeOutDeg=2, rewireProb=0)

# Returns approximate Effective Diameter(90-th percentile of the distribution of shortest
#  path lengths) of a graph(by performing BFS from NTestNodes random starting nodes).
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph=G1, NTestNodes=50, IsDir=False)

# Watt-Strogatz, 0.01
G2 = snap.GenSmallWorld(Nodes=1000, NodeOutDeg=2, RewireProb=0.01)
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph=G2, NTestNodes=50, IsDir=False)

# Watt-Strogatz, 0.1
G3 = snap.GenSmallWorld(Nodes=1000, NodeOutDeg=2, RewireProb=0.01)
print snap.GetBfsEffDiam(Graph=G3, NTestNodes=50, IsDir=False)

# Amazon network
# Loads a (directed, undirected or multi) graph from a text file InFNm
Exemplo n.º 20
from snappyer import *
import snap  # not necessary, just for test

# ---
# Create a graph from an edge file
graph = SnapGraph.fromEdgeFile("test_graph.txt", SnapGraph.TYPE_DIRECTED, 0,
                               1)  # also TYPE_UNDIRECTED, TYPE_NETWORK

# or make a blank graph
blankGraph = SnapGraph.Empty(SnapGraph.TYPE_UNDIRECTED)
blankGraph.addEdge(1, 2)

# or use raw snap.py functions to create, then import to Snappyer
rawGraph = snap.GenSmallWorld(100, 10, 0.5)
graph = SnapGraph(rawGraph)

# ---
# the niceness of all functions is >= snap.py niceness
# in general, we try to use properties wherever possible, instead of functions.

nodeTen = graph.node(10)
nodeTen = graph[10]  # alias for .node()

for node in graph.nodes:  # graph.nodes returns an iterator of SnapNodes
    print node.id  # or any other SnapNode property

for edge in graph.edges:
    print "%s -> %s" % (edge.source, edge.destination
                        )  # .source and .destination are both SnapNodes
def run_ws_simulation(num_nodes, num_edges, rewire_prob, alpha, zeta, *args,
    r = snap.GenSmallWorld(num_nodes, num_edges, rewire_prob, gen)
    return run_simulation(r, alpha, zeta, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 22
import snap
import sys

#load graph
input_file = sys.argv[1]

Graph = snap.LoadEdgeList(snap.PUNGraph,input_file, 0, 1)

n = Graph.GetNodes()
e = Graph.GetEdges()
SumDeg = 0

InDegV = snap.TIntPrV()
snap.GetNodeInDegV(Graph, InDegV)

for item in InDegV:
	SumDeg += item.Val2()
MeanDeg = SumDeg/n

#ER Graph
ERGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, n, e)

#WS Graph
WSGraph = snap.GenSmallWorld(n, MeanDeg, 0.12)

#BA Graph
BAGraph = snap.GenPrefAttach(n, MeanDeg)