Exemplo n.º 1
    def openSnapCom(self):
        if self.com == None:
                self.com = snap.Snap("SNAP_license.dat", funcs=self.funcdir)
                if self.com:
                            errStr = "Could not locate any USB bridge.\
				          \nPlease check the USB ports & verify they are not in use by another program."

                            self.showMessage("Error", errStr)

                            self.com = None
                            CONN_TYPE = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_SNAPSTICK200
                        CONN_TYPE = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_SNAPSTICK100
                errStr = "The system could not establish a Snap instance.\
			      \nPlease check that the license file is in the program directory."

                self.showMessage("Error", errStr)
                self.com = None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):

        # You can define what functions can be called remotely on your SNAPconnect instance
        # using the `funcs` argument
        funcs = {
            "get_random": self.get_random

        # Create a SNAP instance
        self.comm = snap.Snap(funcs=funcs)

        # You can also define which functions can be called using `add_rpc_func`
        self.comm.add_rpc_func("log_response", self.log_response)

        # SNAPconnect also provides hooks for certain events, for example when the serial connection
        # is opened or closed
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN, self.hook_open)
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_CLOSE, self.hook_close)

        # Open a serial connection to your bridge
        self.comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

        self.log = logging.getLogger("BridgeVersionClient")

        snapconnect_addr = self.comm.local_addr()
        self.log.info("SNAPconnect Address: %r" % binascii.hexlify(snapconnect_addr))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.snapRpcFuncs = {'status' : self.status,
                             'send_ws' : self.send_ws
        # Create SNAP Connect instance. Note: we are using TornadoWeb's scheduler.
        self.snapconnect = snap.Snap(license_file = snap_license,
                                     addr = snap_addr,
                                     funcs = self.snapRpcFuncs
        # Configure SNAP Connect params
        self.snapconnect.save_nv_param(snap.NV_FEATURE_BITS_ID, 0x100)   # Send with RPC CRC

        # Connect to local SNAP wireless network
        self.snapconnect.open_serial(serial_conn, serial_port)
        self.snapconnect.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_OPENED, self.on_connected)
        self.snapconnect.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_CLOSED, self.on_disconnected)
        # Tell the Tornado scheduler to call SNAP Connect's internal poll function.
        tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(asyncore.poll, self.SNAPCONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL).start()
        tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.snapconnect.poll_internals, self.SNAPCONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL).start()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, node_addr, serial_type, serial_port):
        :param node_addr: 6-byte hex string that is the target of the rpc calls.
        :param serial_type: Bridge type. See Snap Reference Manual for more info.
        :param serial_port: COM Port. 0 = COM 1, 1 = COM 2, dev/tty1 can be used for linux system.

        logging.info('Initializing SNAPconnect instance.')

        # You have to manually register your callbacks using traditional SNAPconnect methods.
        # It's possible to hide this behind-the-scenes and register them on the fly similar to how SNAPconnect Futures
        # handles it, but it would be more code than just registering the callbacks in this scenario.
        self.func = {
                    'simple_response' : self.simple_response,
                    'explicit_response' : self.explicit_response,
                    'the_wrong_response' : self.the_wrong_response,
                    'delay_response_one' : self.delay_response_one,
                    'delay_response_two' : self.delay_response_two,
                    'dropped_response' : self.dropped_response

        self.serial_type = serial_type
        self.serial_port = serial_port
        self.response = None
        self.timeout_event = None
        self.attempt = 0
        self.active_rpc = None
        self.queue = []

        # Make your SNAP Instance.
        self.sc = snap.Snap(funcs = self.func)
        self.sc.open_serial(serial_type, serial_port)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.snapRpcFuncs = {'dist' : self.dist,
                             'send_ws' : self.send_ws
        cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        # Create SNAP Connect instance. Note: we are using TornadoWeb's scheduler.
        self.snapconnect = snap.Snap(license_file = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'SrvLicense.dat'),
                                     addr = snap_addr,
                                     funcs = self.snapRpcFuncs

        # Connect to local SNAP wireless network
        self.snapconnect.open_serial(serial_conn, serial_port)
        self.snapconnect.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_OPENED, self.on_connected)
        self.snapconnect.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_CLOSED, self.on_disconnected)
        # Tell the Tornado scheduler to call SNAP Connect's internal poll function.
        tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(asyncore.poll, self.SNAPCONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL).start()
        tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.snapconnect.poll_internals, self.SNAPCONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL).start()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        """set up initial things for the class such as functions, rpc functions, hooks, and opening the serial port"""

        # You can define what functions can be called remotely on your SNAPconnect instance
        # using the `funcs` argument
        funcs = {"get_data": self.get_data}

        # Create a SNAP instance
        self.comm = snap.Snap(funcs=funcs)

        # You can also define which functions can be called using `add_rpc_func`
        self.comm.add_rpc_func("update_device", self.update_device)

        # SNAPconnect also provides hooks for certain events, for example when the serial connection
        # is opened or closed
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN, self.hook_open)
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_CLOSE, self.hook_close)

        # Open a serial connection to your bridge
        self.comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

        # create logger to write to display screen
        self.log = logging.getLogger("BridgeVersionClient")

        snapconnect_addr = self.comm.local_addr()
        self.log.info("SNAPconnect Address: %r" %
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        self.bridge_address = None  # Set a default value for the bridge address
        self.bridge_version = "Unknown"  # Set a default value for the bridge version

        # You can define what functions can be called remotely on your SNAPconnect instance
        # using the `funcs` argument
        funcs = {
            "major_callback": self.major_callback,
            "minor_callback": self.minor_callback

        # Create a SNAP instance
        self.comm = snap.Snap(funcs=funcs)

        # You can also define which functions can be called using `add_rpc_func`
        self.comm.add_rpc_func("patch_callback", self.patch_callback)

        # SNAPconnect also provides hooks for certain events, for example when the serial connection
        # is opened or closed
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN, self.hook_open)
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_CLOSE, self.hook_close)

        # Open a serial connection to your bridge
        self.comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

        self.log = logging.getLogger("BridgeVersionClient")

        snapconnect_addr = self.comm.local_addr()
        self.log.info("SNAPconnect Address: %r" %
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self,address,channel,log_name):
     # Create a SNAP instance
     self.channel = channel
     self.log_name = log_name
     self.snap = snap.Snap(funcs={'bridge_node_name':self.bridge_node_name,'reportIR': self.reportIR,'reportUS': self.reportUS,'reportPIR': self.reportPIR,'heartbeat':self.heartbeat},addr=address)
     self.snapconnect_addr = binascii.hexlify(self.snap.load_nv_param(2))
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, publish, poll_interval=10):
        """Initializes an instance of SNAPToCloudExample.

        :param Callable[[str, dict], None] publish: A function for publishing to a cloud service
        :param int poll_interval: How often SNAPConnect should poll, in milliseconds
        self.publish = publish
        snap_rpc_funcs = {'status': self._on_status}

        # Create SNAP Connect instance. Note: we are using Tornado's scheduler.
        self.snapconnect = snap.Snap(
                                       0x0100)  # RPC CRC Only
        self.snapconnect.open_serial(serial_conn, serial_port)

        # Tell tornado to call SNAP connect internals periodically

        # Start the IOLoop, nothing can happen after this point
    def __init__(self):
        # Create a SNAP instance
        self.snap = snap.Snap(funcs={'setButtonCount': self.set_button_count}) # Open COM1 (port 0) connected to a serial SNAP bridge 
        self.snap.open_serial(snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232, '/dev/cu.usbserial' )
        #Accept connection from other SNAP connect instances and Portal

        # Create a logger
        self.log = logging.getLogger("McastCounterClient")
def main():
    global comm

    print "Python version is " + sys.version

    comm = snap.Snap(funcs={})
    print "SNAPconnect version number " + str(comm.get_info(5)) + "." + str(
        comm.get_info(6)) + "." + str(comm.get_info(7))

    addr = comm.load_nv_param(2)
    print "My SNAP Address is " + "%02X.%02X.%02X" % (ord(
        addr[-3]), ord(addr[-2]), ord(addr[-1]))

    encryption_setting = comm.load_nv_param(snap.NV_AES128_ENABLE_ID)
    print "Encryption is set to " + str(encryption_setting)
    def init_snap(self):
        """Create a SNAPconnect instance and add hooks for firmware upgrades"""
        self.comm = snap.Snap(funcs={})
        self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN, self._serial_open_hook)

        # Start polling the SNAPconnect instance
        # While running this script, the wx application MainLoop() will drive the program
        # Here, we tie the polling of SNAPconnect into the application loop for the GUI
        # We could also choose to run the SNAPconnect loop() function inside of a separate thread
        self.poller = wx.Timer(self, wx.NewId())
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.poll_snap)
        self.poller.Start(self.poll_time, wx.TIMER_CONTINUOUS)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        self.snapRpcFuncs = {'updateLEDs' : self.updateLEDs,
                            'powerOn173' : self.powerOn173}

        cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        # Create SNAP Connect instance. Note: we are using TornadoWeb's scheduler.
        self.snapconnect = snap.Snap(license_file = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'license.dat'),
                                     addr = snap_addr,
                                     funcs = self.snapRpcFuncs

        # Connect to local SNAP wireless network
        self.snapconnect.open_serial(serial_conn, serial_port)
        # Tell the Tornado scheduler to call SNAP Connect's internal poll function. Tornado already polls asyncore.
        tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.snapconnect.poll_internals, self.SNAPCONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL).start()
Exemplo n.º 14
def main():
    """Simple benchmark. Create a SNAP Connect instance, and use it to send a batch of RPC calls"""
    global comm

    # Create a SNAP Connect object to do communications (comm) for us
    comm = snap.Snap(funcs={})

    comm.add_rpc_func('response_handler', response_handler)

    # By tieing into HOOK_RPC_SENT events, we can avoid needlessly "piling up" RPC calls INSIDE THIS PC
    comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_RPC_SENT, rpc_sent_handler)

    # By tieing into the HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN event, we can wait until we know we have a connected device to start the test
    comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SERIAL_OPEN, serial_open_handler)
    comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

    # Wait for all the queries to be sent, and all the replies to be received (or timed out)
    while not test_complete:

Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, system_settings):
        Create instance of a Bridge Class
        :return: Bridge instance
        # Communication Nodes #
        self.gate = Node(system_settings=system_settings,
                             'name': 'Gate',
                             'presence': True,
                             'inactive': False,
                             'type': 'gate',
        self.base = Node(system_settings=system_settings,
                             'name': 'Base',
                             'presence': True,
                             'channel': None,
                             'inactive': False,
                             'type': 'base',

        # Internal Variables #
        self._bridge_init_info = None
        self._requests = list()
        self._base_node_reboot_flag = False
        self._vm_stat_callback = None

        self._serial_args = list()

        # Init Procedure #
        # Create SNAP Connect instance. Note: we are using Tornado scheduler.
        self._scheduler = ioloop_scheduler.IOLoopScheduler.instance()

        self.com = snap.Snap(scheduler=self._scheduler, funcs={})
        # Set Tornado scheduler to call SNAP Connect's internal poll function.
        # Tornado already polls asyncore.
        # self._poll_timer = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self._poll_snap, _SNAP_AWAKE_POLL)
        self._poll_timer = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self._poll_snap,
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, parent, title):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title='GUI Template',size=(500,600))

        panel = wx.Panel(self)

        self.poller = wx.Timer(self)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, lambda event : self.snap.poll())
        self.log = logging.getLogger("PumpFrame")
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        btnSizer = wx.GridBagSizer(hgap=5,vgap=5)

        self.onUploadBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "Bulk Upload")
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onBulkUpload, self.onUploadBtn)
        self.LEDonBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "LED on")
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onLEDon, self.LEDonBtn)
        self.LEDoffBtn = wx.Button(panel, -1, "LED off")
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onLEDoff, self.LEDoffBtn) 

        btnSizer.Add(self.onUploadBtn, pos=(0,0))
        btnSizer.Add(self.LEDonBtn, pos=(1,0))
        btnSizer.Add(self.LEDoffBtn, pos=(2,0))
        sizer.Add(btnSizer, flag=wx.CENTER|wx.ALL, border = 5)
        funcdir = {}
        self.snap = snap.Snap(funcs = funcdir)
        initial_mesh_seq_num = random.randint(1,255)
        self.snap.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID, initial_mesh_seq_num)
    def main():
        global comm
        # The functions required for this demo. Your program will likely add additional functions
        funcdir = {
            'tellVmStat': tellVmStat,
            'su_recvd_reboot': su_recvd_reboot

        # Create a SNAPconnect object to do communications (comm) for us
        comm = snap.Snap(funcs=funcdir)

        # Note the hardcoded COM1 usage. See other examples for other connection possibilities.
        # Here the focus is on the script upload process, not all the different ways SNAPconnect
        # can communicate with other nodes.
        comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

        # Make a SpyUploader object
        uploader = SpyUploader()
        # Tell it who to use for communications

        # Here we need to make a callback object. Your program may already have a GUI (etc.)
        # that implementes the required finishedSpyUpgrade() method
        callbackInstance = ExampleCallback()
        # Tell the SpyUploader who to report back to

        # Initiate an upload. Notice that the node and SPY file are defined at the top of this file
        uploader.beginUpload(BRIDGE_NODE, SPY_FILE)

        # For this example, only keep communications open until the transfer has been
        # completed, or the number of transfer attempts have been exhausted.
        # If we changed it to a "while True:" loop, then the SNAPconnect instance
        # would continue to run and route traffic even after the transfer was done.
        while uploader.progInProgress:
stCount = wx.StaticText(panel)
stCount.SetMinSize((150, -1))
btInc = wx.Button(panel, label="Increment")
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
box.Add(btInc, border=10, flag=wx.ALL)
box.Add(stCount, border=10, flag=wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
boxo = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

setButtonCount(0)  # initialize the button count to 0
frame.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, guiButtonPressed)  # register for button clicks

# Create the SNAPconnect instance and expose the 'setButtonCount' function
comm = snap.Snap(funcs={'setButtonCount': setButtonCount})
if BRIDGE_NODE['type'] == 'TCP':
    comm.connect_tcp(BRIDGE_NODE['host'], port=BRIDGE_NODE['port'])
    comm.open_serial(BRIDGE_NODE['type'], BRIDGE_NODE['port'])

# Start a timer that fires every 20ms and gives the SNAPconnect
# instance some attention
poller = wx.Timer(frame)
frame.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, lambda event: comm.poll())
poller.Start(20, wx.TIMER_CONTINUOUS)

# Show the frame and start the wx event loop
Exemplo n.º 19
        def __init__(self):
            self.macs = []
            bridge_mac = None

            parser = optparse.OptionParser()

            parser.add_option("-e", "--encryption", dest="encrypt", help="Enable encryption", default=0)
            parser.add_option("-k", "--encryptionKey", dest="encryption_key", help="Key for encryption", default='')
            parser.add_option("-m", "--macfile", dest="macfile", help="Mac list (def MacList.txt)", default='MacList.txt')
            parser.add_option("-s", "--spyfile", dest="spyfile", help="SPY file", default='')
            parser.add_option("-b", "--bridge", dest="comport", help="COM port 'COM4', 'USB100', or 'USB200'",
            parser.add_option("-c", "--column", dest="column", help="CSV column (def 1)", default=1)
            parser.add_option("-f", "--find", dest="find", help="Find nodes on any channel/NID", action="store_true")
            parser.add_option("-n", "--network", dest="network", help="Change network (ch,0xNeId)(ex 1,0xD110)", default='')
            parser.add_option("-x", "--nofwd", dest="nofwd", help="Kill repeaters (no forwarding)", action="store_true")
            parser.add_option("-r", "--retry", dest="retry", help="Retry RPCs (def 3x)", default=3)
            parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="timeout", help="Timeout RPCs (def 3s)", default=3)
            parser.add_option("-z", "--remoteConn", dest="remoteConn", help="Connect to a remote SNAP network via this IP (Ex", default='')
            parser.add_option("-j", "--remoteBridgeAddress", dest="remoteBrAddr", help="Remote conn requires the bridge SNAP address", default='')

            (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

            if options.network:
                    net = options.network.split(',')
                    new_chan = int(net[0])
                    new_nid = int(net[1], 16)
                    print "Error: network option must be in form CH,0xNeId (ex: 4,0x1c2c or 4,0x1C2C)"

            global DEF_RETRIES, DEF_TIMEOUT
            DEF_RETRIES = int(options.retry)
            DEF_TIMEOUT = int(options.timeout)

            if len(options.macfile) > 4 and options.macfile[-4:] == '.csv':
                self.parse_csv(options.macfile, int(options.column))

            if options.comport == 'USB200':
                s_type = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_SNAPSTICK200
                s_port = 0
            elif options.comport == 'USB100' or options.comport == "DEFAULT":
                s_type = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_SNAPSTICK100
                s_port = 0
                s_type = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232
                s_port = options.comport

            if sys.platform == 'linux2' and options.comport == "DEFAULT":
                # On linux, default to the E10 serial port if no comport is specified
                s_type = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232
                s_port = '/dev/ttyS1'

            #Add initial function callbacks. These will be replaced with calls to replace_rpc_func
            funcs = {'tellVmStat': lambda arg,val:None,
                     'su_recvd_reboot': lambda dummy:None}

            self.comm = snap.Snap(license_file = 'License.dat', nvparams_file = 'nvparams.dat', funcs=funcs)

            if not options.remoteConn and options.remoteBrAddr:
                print "Error: remoteBrAddr without a specified remote IP address (remote Conn)"

            # Setup NV Param
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_FEATURE_BITS_ID, 0x100)   # Send with RPC CRC
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_ROUTE_AGE_MAX_TIMEOUT_ID, 0)
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_OVERRIDE_ID, 1)
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_LOCKDOWN_FLAGS_ID, 0x2)
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_INITIAL_HOPLIMIT_ID, 2+1) #Plus one for the hop to the bridge
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_MAX_HOPLIMIT_ID, 5+1) #Plus one the hop to the bridge
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_AES128_ENABLE_ID, int(options.encrypt))
            self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_AES128_KEY_ID, options.encryption_key)

            snap.RpcCodec.validateCrc = False   # Allow non-crc receive RPCs

            if options.remoteConn:
                try: # is this a valid address
                    self.comm.connect_tcp(options.remoteConn, tcp_keepalives = True, retry_timeout = 10)
                except:                    # Not Legal
                    print "Error: IP address must be proper format xx.xx.xx.xx"

                self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_OPENED, callback=self.Snapcom_Opened)
                self.comm.set_hook(snap.hooks.HOOK_SNAPCOM_CLOSED, callback=self.Snapcom_Closed)

                # Now check that the user specified a bridge address and it is valid (AA.BB.CC or AABBCC)
                if len(options.remoteBrAddr) == 6: #AABBCC
                    bridge_mac = binascii.unhexlify(options.remoteBrAddr)
                    print #DEBUG
                elif len(options.remoteBrAddr) == 8 and (options.remoteBrAddr[2] == '.') and options.remoteBrAddr[5] == '.': #AA.BB.CC
                    #Make sure it fits the pattern, then strip dots for conversion
                    tempStr = options.remoteBrAddr[0:2] + options.remoteBrAddr[3:5] + options.remoteBrAddr[6:8]
                    bridge_mac = binascii.unhexlify(tempStr)
                    print "Error: BridgeAddress not configured for remote connection  (Ex aabbcc or AA.BB.CC)"

                log.info("Attempting to use remote bridge: %s" % (binascii.hexlify(bridge_mac)))
            else: #Not a remote connection
                #self.comm.open_serial(s_type, s_port)
                self.comm.open_serial(snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232,2)   #(s_type, s_port)
                initial_mesh_seq_num = random.randint(1,255)
                self.comm.save_nv_param(snap.NV_MESH_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ID, initial_mesh_seq_num)
                snaplib.MeshCodec.sequence_number = initial_mesh_seq_num

            # Control thread is managed by Sequencer
            self.seq = Sequencer()

            if options.remoteConn:
                # Ping to verify the remote connection/bridge
                if not bridge_mac:
                    print "Error: BridgeAddress not configured for remote connection  (Ex aabbcc or AA.BB.CC)"
                self.rem_bridge_finder = FindRemBridge(self.comm, bridge_mac)
                # Find the Local bridge
                self.bridge_finder = FindBridge(self.comm)
                bridge_mac = lambda: self.bridge_finder.bridge_addr

            # Next we build sequence from input MAC list file
            for mac in self.macs:
                pinger = Finder(self.comm, mac, bridge_mac) if options.find else Pinger(self.comm, mac, max_attempts=DEF_RETRIES, timeout=DEF_TIMEOUT)

                # Skip the ping attempt if we did not find the bridge (remote or local)
                skip_next_if_no_bridge = SkipSequence(self.seq, lambda pinger=pinger: int(not self.rem_bridge_finder.bridge_found if options.remoteConn else not self.bridge_finder.bridge_addr))

                skip_next_if_no_ping = SkipSequence(self.seq, lambda pinger=pinger: int(not pinger.got_response))

                if options.network:
                    self.seq.task_list.append(NetChanger(self.comm, mac, new_chan, new_nid))

                if options.nofwd:
                    self.seq.task_list.append(NoForward(self.comm, mac))

                if options.spyfile:
                    self.seq.task_list.append(Uploader(self.comm, mac, options.spyfile))
                elif options.network:
                    # If we made network changes and didn't upload, we need to reboot
                    self.seq.task_list.append(RpcInvoker(self.comm, mac, 'reboot', max_attempts=DEF_RETRIES, timeout=DEF_TIMEOUT))

            # Finally, we restore the Bridge to original settings
            if options.find:
                restore_bridge = RpcInvoker(self.comm, bridge_mac, 'reboot')

            log.info("----- Bulk Uploader Start -----")

            while self.seq.is_running:

            not_uploaded = set(self.macs)-set(Uploader.uploaded_macs)
            not_responding = set(self.macs)-set(Pinger.responding_macs)


            if options.spyfile:
                if not_uploaded:
                    print "MACs not uploaded"
                    for m in not_uploaded:
                        print binascii.hexlify(m)
                if not_responding:
                    print "MACs not responding"
                    for m in not_responding:
                        print binascii.hexlify(m)

            # Now let's generate a list of mac for the responding and un-responding nodes
            not_resp_file = open(not_resp_out_filename, 'w')
            for m in not_responding:
                not_resp_file.write("%s\n" % (str(binascii.hexlify(m))))

            resp_file = open(resp_out_filename, 'w')
            for m in Pinger.responding_macs:
                resp_file.write("%s\n" % (str(binascii.hexlify(m))))

            not_up_file = open(not_uploaded_out_filename, 'w')
            for m in not_uploaded:
                not_up_file.write("%s\n" % (str(binascii.hexlify(m))))

            up_file = open(uploaded_out_filename, 'w')
            for m in Uploader.uploaded_macs:
                up_file.write("%s\n" % (str(binascii.hexlify(m))))

            if options.remoteConn:

            log.info("----- Bulk Uploader End -----")
Exemplo n.º 20
    global current_key
    if snap_addr not in key_dict:
        key_dict[snap_addr] = current_key
        current_key = chr(ord(current_key) + 1)
    print("Address: {0}, Key: {1}".format(snap_addr, key_dict[snap_addr]))


# Create a SNAP instance
our_instance = snap.Snap(funcs={})
our_instance.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)

def on_error(e):
    print e

get_rpc_observable("report_press") \
  .group_by(lambda event: event["snapaddr"]) \
  .flat_map(lambda device_taps: \
    device_taps \
      .map(lambda event: hexlify(event["snapaddr"])) \
      #.throttle_first(40) \
  ) \
  .subscribe(print_value, on_error)
Exemplo n.º 21
def SampledData(x, y, v):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    print "Current date and time using str method of datetime object:"
    print str(now)
    print("The sampled ADC data of address %s is %s No %s:" % (x, v, y))
    AdddataTosqliteDatabase(x, v, y, 9, 9, 9, 9)

# Required IO loop setup:
scheduler = apy.ioloop_scheduler.IOLoopScheduler.instance(
)  # Create an apy IOLoopScheduler
comm = snap.Snap(
        'Ackknowledgement': Ackknowledgement,
        'SampledData': SampledData,
        'MeshNodes': MeshNodes
    })  # Create a SNAP Connect Instance that uses the apy scheduler
tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(comm.poll_internals, 5).start(
)  #Setup tornado's IO loop by scheduling calls to SNAP Connect's poll_internals method
# Create an SCF instanallbacks automatically:
scf = SnapConnectFutures(comm)

def setup_serial():
    """This function won't return until the serial connection is
    print "Connecting to serial..."
    com_port = '/dev/snap1'  # Since Windows counts from COM1, 0 is COM1, 1 is COM2, etc. On Linux/OS X, use something like "/dev/ttyS1"
Exemplo n.º 22
 def __init__(self):
     self.snap = snap.Snap(funcs={'sendImage': self.send_image})
     self.snap.open_serial(snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232, '/dev/ttyAMA0')
     self.log = logging.getLogger("JpgStreamClient")
     self.payload = ''
Exemplo n.º 23
import pygame.midi
from snapconnect import snap


comm = snap.Snap()
comm.open_serial(snap.SERIAL_TYPE_RS232, 3)

inp = pygame.midi.Input(1)

#bells = [
#'\x03\xAC\x26', # BellR1
#'\x04\x6D\xC2', # BellR4
#'\x00\x63\x33', # BellR5
#'\x04\x00\x4A', # BellB1
#'\x03\xC4\x2D', # BellR3
#'\x04\x6D\xBA', # BellW2
#'\x04\xC7\x42', # BellW1
#'\x00\x81\x77', # BellR2

while True:
    if inp.poll():
        events = inp.read(1000)
        for event in events:
            print event[0]
            r = ""
            for x in range(0, len(event[0])):
                r = r + chr(event[0][x])
Exemplo n.º 24
from snapconnect import snap
import sqlite3  # for database

global comm
comm = snap.Snap(funcs=rpcFuncs)
# ist of Datas
SensorData = [[1, 2], ["S1Val"], ["S2Val"], ["S3Val"], ["S4Val"], ["S5Val"]]

# SensorDatas: database holds the all sensor datas
def sqliteDatabase(nodeId, S1T, S2T, S3T, S4T, S5T, S6T):
    conn = sqlite3.connect('SensorDatas.db')  # ***** should happen only once
    c = conn.cursor()  # create a cursor
    # ****time stamp of the datas collected with dates has to be added
        'create table SensorDatas(nodeAddress integer, sensor1 integer, sensor2 integer, sensor3 integer, sensor4 integer, sensor5 integer, sensor6 integer)'
    # Datas can be on the same table it need not be organized, since data can be read based on time and recents with search
    c.execute("insert into SensorDatas values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
              (nodeId, S1T, S2T, S3T, S4T, S5T, S6T))

# node    - Identity of the node, can be said as an address
# sensor  - Type of sensor
# data    - sensor data
# ***** datas from different sensors has not been taken care - which has to be fixed #
def SensorValues(nodeId, sensor, data):
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self):
     self.comm = snap.Snap(funcs={})
     self.comm.open_serial(SERIAL_TYPE, SERIAL_PORT)
Exemplo n.º 26
from tornado.gen import coroutine
import tornado

import logging

# Modify these values for your configuration.
serial_type = snap.SERIAL_TYPE_SNAPSTICK100
serial_port = 0
# Replace node_addr with a specific MAC address.  If you leave it as None, the example will use your bridge node.
node_addr = None

# SNAPconnect Futures (SCF) setup.  Check the SCF Quick Start guide for an in-depth explanation of the setup.
# Notice that you don't have to pass any callback methods into our SNAP instances.
sc = snap.Snap(funcs={})

# These will all be automatically handled by SNAPconnect Futures.
scf = SnapConnectFutures(sc)

tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(sc.poll, 5).start()

def setup_serial():
    global node_addr
    logging.info("Connecting to serial...")
    # The open_serial future returns the bridge node's MAC Address.
    bridge_address = yield scf.open_serial(serial_type, serial_port)
    if bridge_address is None:
        logging.info("Unable to connect to bridge node")