Exemplo n.º 1
def _get_projective_endpoints_of_line(vertices, vertex_reflections):
    e = PrimitivesDistanceEngine([0,0], vertex_reflections)
    endpoints, h = e.fixed_projective_points_or_bounding_halfsphere()
    if not endpoints:
        raise Exception("Blah")

    CIF = vertices[0].z.parent()
    for i in range(1, 4):
        m = _adjoint2(
                endpoints[0], ProjectivePoint(CIF(i)), endpoints[1]))
        if m.det().abs() > 0:
                vs = [ v.translate_PGL(m) for v in vertices ]
            if not all([not v.z != 0 for v in vs]):
                raise Exception("Images of vertices supposed to be "
                                "on vertical line.")

            if vs[0].t > vs[1].t:
                return endpoints[::-1]
            if vs[0].t < vs[1].t:
                return endpoints
    raise Exception("Could not find endpoints")
Exemplo n.º 2
def _rotation_helper(z0, z1, r):
    CIF = z0.z.parent()

    m1 = matrix([[z.get_numerator() for z in [z0, z1]],
                 [z.get_denominator() for z in [z0, z1]]])

    m2 = matrix(CIF, [[r, 0], [0, 1]])

    return m1 * m2 * _adjoint2(m1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _compute_transform_taking_face_to_0_1_inf(tet, f, CIF):
    projectivePoints = [
            CIF, tet.Class[v].IdealPoint)
        for v in simplex.ZeroSubsimplices
        if v & f ]

    m = ProjectivePoint.matrix_taking_0_1_inf_to_given_points(*projectivePoints)
    return _adjoint2(m / sqrt(m.det()))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_inradius_and_incenter(projectivePoints):
        Radius and center of an inscribed sphere of an ideal
        tetrahedron. The function expects four
        :class:`ProjectivePoint` and returns a pair of a
        ``RealIntervalField`` element and a :class:`FinitePoint`::
            sage: from sage.all import *
            sage: z0 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(0), inverted = True)
            sage: z1 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(0))
            sage: z2 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(0, RIF(3.4142, 3.4143)))
            sage: z3 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(RIF(3.4142, 3.4143), 0))
            sage: ProjectivePoint.compute_inradius_and_incenter([z0, z1, z2, z3]) # doctest: +NUMERIC12
            (0.317?, FinitePoint(1.0000? + 1.0000?*I, 3.108?))

        # We assume that one of the points is at infinity.
        if not len(projectivePoints) == 4:
            raise Exception("Expecting 4 ProjectivePoint's")
        pointClosestToInf = -1
        distToInf = sage.all.Infinity
        for i, projectivePoint in enumerate(projectivePoints):
            if projectivePoint.inverted:
                d = abs(projectivePoint.z).upper()
                if d < distToInf:
                    pointClosestToInf = i
                    distToInf = d

        if pointClosestToInf == -1:
            return compute_inradius_and_incenter(
                [ projectivePoint.as_ideal_point()
                  for projectivePoint in projectivePoints ])
        zInv = projectivePoints[pointClosestToInf].z
        CIF = zInv.parent()
        gl_matrix = matrix(CIF, [[ 1, 0], [-zInv, 1]])
        sl_matrix = CIF(sage.all.I) * gl_matrix
        inv_sl_matrix = _adjoint2(sl_matrix)
        transformedIdealPoints = [
            for i, p in enumerate(projectivePoints)
            if i != pointClosestToInf ]
        inradius, transformedInCenter = (
        return inradius, transformedInCenter.translate_PSL(inv_sl_matrix)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_matrix_to_std_form(self):
        Compute the matrix bringing the triangle into the plane with imaginary
        part 0.

        For an ideal triangle, the matrix will bring the vertices to 0, 1, and

        if self._matrix_to_std_form is None:
            self._matrix_to_std_form = _adjoint2(
        return self._matrix_to_std_form
Exemplo n.º 6
    def compute_incenter_of_triangle(projectivePoints):
        Computes incenter of an ideal triangle. The function expects three
        :class:`ProjectivePoint` and returns a :class:`FinitePoint`::

            sage: from sage.all import *
            sage: z0 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(0), inverted = True)
            sage: z1 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(0))
            sage: z2 = ProjectivePoint(CIF(1))
            sage: ProjectivePoint.compute_incenter_of_triangle([z0, z1, z2])
            FinitePoint(0.50000000000000000?, 0.866025403784439?)

        if not len(projectivePoints) == 3:
            raise ValueError("Expecting 3 ProjectivePoint's")
        pointClosestToInf = -1
        distToInf = sage.all.Infinity
        for i, projectivePoint in enumerate(projectivePoints):
            if projectivePoint.inverted:
                d = abs(projectivePoint.z).upper()
                if d < distToInf:
                    pointClosestToInf = i
                    distToInf = d

        if pointClosestToInf == -1:
            return compute_incenter_of_triangle(
                [ projectivePoint.as_ideal_point()
                  for projectivePoint in projectivePoints ])
        zInv = projectivePoints[pointClosestToInf].z
        CIF = zInv.parent()
        gl_matrix = matrix(CIF, [[ 1, 0], [-zInv, 1]])
        sl_matrix = CIF(sage.all.I) * gl_matrix
        inv_sl_matrix = _adjoint2(sl_matrix)
        transformedIdealPoints = [
            for i, p in enumerate(projectivePoints)
            if i != pointClosestToInf ]
        transformedInCenter = (
        return transformedInCenter.translate_PSL(inv_sl_matrix)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def needs_to_be_added(self, m):
        minv = _adjoint2(m)
        for tet in self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra:
            for f in simplex.TwoSubsimplices:
                if not tet.Neighbor[f]:

                    mt = tet.transform_taking_face_to_0_1_inf[f] * minv

                    for tet1 in self.mcomplex.Tetrahedra:
                        if not has_distance_larger(
                            return True

        return False
Exemplo n.º 8
 def from_three_projective_points(z0, z1, z2):
     m = ProjectivePoint.matrix_taking_0_1_inf_to_given_points(z0, z1, z2)
     return ExtendedMatrix(m, True) * ExtendedMatrix(_adjoint2(m))