Exemplo n.º 1
def topophaseRemoval(product):

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "topophaseRemoval() : " + bold + green +
              "Run to SNAP... " + endC)

    # Instance de GPF

    # Def operateur SNAP
    operator = 'TopoPhaseRemoval'

    # Set des parametres
    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put("Orbit Interpolation Degree", 3)
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT (Auto Download)")
    parameters.put("Tile Extension[%]", 100)
    parameters.put("Output topographic phase band", True)
    parameters.put("Output elevation band", False)

    if debug >= 2:

    # Get snappy Operators
    result = GPF.createProduct(operator, parameters, product)

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "topophaseRemoval() : " + bold + green + "Done... " +

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def backGeocoding(product):

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "backGeocoding() : " + bold + green + "Run to SNAP... " +

    # Instance de GPF

    # Def operateur SNAP
    operator = 'Back-Geocoding'

    # Set des parametres
    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT (Auto Download)")
    parameters.put("DEM Resampling Method", "BICUBIC_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Resampling Type", "BISINC_5_POINT_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Mask out areas with no elevation", True)
    parameters.put("Output Deramp and Demod Phase", False)

    if debug >= 2:

    # Get snappy Operators
    result = GPF.createProduct(operator, parameters, product)

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "backGeocoding() : " + bold + green + "Done... " + endC)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def do_subset_band(source, wkt):
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('geoRegion', wkt)
    #parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', True)
    output = GPF.createProduct('Subset', parameters, source)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 4
def goldsteinPhasefiltering(product):

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "goldsteinPhasefiltering() : " + bold + green +
              "Run to SNAP... " + endC)

    # Instance de GPF

    # Def operateur SNAP
    operator = 'GoldsteinPhaseFiltering'

    # Set des parametres
    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put("Adaptive Filter Exponent in(0,1]:", 1.0)
    parameters.put("FFT Size", 64)
    parameters.put("Window Size", 3)
    parameters.put("Use coherence mask", False)
    parameters.put("Coherence Threshold in[0,1]:", 0.2)

    if debug >= 2:

    # Get snappy Operators
    result = GPF.createProduct(operator, parameters, product)

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "goldsteinPhasefiltering() : " + bold + green +
              "Done... " + endC)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def dem_extract(in_prod, xpix, ypix, bandname="altitude"):
    """Run the S3 SNOW DEM tool.

        inprod (java.lang.Object): snappy java object: SNAP image product
        xpix (float): x position in product to query
        ypix (float): y position in product to query
        bandname (str): DEM band name in product

        slope_vals (dictionnary): values from all bands at the given x,y"""

    # Initialise a HashMap
    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put("elevationBandName", bandname)
    parameters.put("copyElevationBand", "true")

    # Run slope operator
    s3snow_slope = GPF.createProduct("SlopeCalculation", parameters, in_prod)

    # Initialise dictionnary to store data
    slope_vals = {}

    # Get all bands
    for band in list(s3snow_slope.getBandNames()):
        currentband = s3snow_slope.getBand(band)
        slope_vals[band] = currentband.getPixelFloat(xpix, ypix)

    return slope_vals
Exemplo n.º 6
def topsarDeburst(product):

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "topsarDeburst() : " + bold + green + "Run to SNAP... " +

    # Instance de GPF

    # Def operateur SNAP
    operator = 'TOPSAR-Deburst'

    # Set des parametres
    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put("Polarisations", "VV")

    if debug >= 2:

    # Get snappy Operators
    result = GPF.createProduct(operator, parameters, product)

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "topsarDeburst() : " + bold + green + "Done... " + endC)

    return result
def ellipsoid_correction(speckle, datestamp):
    params = HashMap()
    params.put('imgResamplingMethod', 'BILINEAR_INTERPOLATION')
    params.put('mapProjection', 'WGS84(DD)')
    ec = GPF.createProduct('Ellipsoid-Correction-GG', params, speckle)
    write_product(ec, os.path.join(dest_path, '{}_Orb_Cal_ML_TF_Stack_Spk_EC'.format(datestamp)))
    write_product(ec, os.path.join(dest_path, '{}_Orb_Cal_ML_TF_Stack_Spk_EC'.format(datestamp)), format='GeoTIFF')
    return ec
def do_calibration(orbit, datestamp):
    params = HashMap()
    params.put('outputSigmaBand', False)
    params.put('outputGammaBand', False)
    params.put('outputBetaBand', True)
    calibration = GPF.createProduct('Calibration', params, orbit)
    # write_product(calibration, os.path.join(dest_path, '{}_Orb_Cal'.format(datestamp)))
    return calibration
Exemplo n.º 9
def do_speckle_filtering(source):
    print('\tSpeckle filtering...')
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('filter', 'Lee')
    parameters.put('filterSizeX', 5)
    parameters.put('filterSizeY', 5)
    output = GPF.createProduct('Speckle-Filter', parameters, source)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 10
def TopoPhaseRemoval_config():
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put("Orbit Interpolation Degree", 3)
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT")
    parameters.put("Tile Extension[%]", 100)
    parameters.put("Output topographic phase band", True)
    parameters.put("Output elevation band", False)
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 11
def GoldsteinPhaseFiltering_config():
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put("Adaptive Filter Exponent in(0,1]:", 1.0)
    parameters.put("FFT Size", 64)
    parameters.put("Window Size", 3)
    parameters.put("Use coherence mask", False)
    parameters.put("Coherence Threshold in[0,1]:", 0.2)
    return parameters
def topophase_removal(product):
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put("Orbit Interpolation Degree", 3)
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT")
    parameters.put("Tile Extension[%]", 100)
    parameters.put("Output topographic phase band", True)
    parameters.put("Output elevation band", False)
    return GPF.createProduct("TopoPhaseRemoval", parameters, product)
Exemplo n.º 13
def BackGeocoding_config():
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT")
    parameters.put("DEM Resampling Method", "BICUBIC_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Resampling Type", "BISINC_5_POINT_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Mask out areas with no elevation", True)
    parameters.put("Output Deramp and Demod Phase", True)
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 14
def resize(product, targetWidth, targetHeight):
    from snappy import GPF
    from snappy import HashMap

    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('targetWidth', targetWidth)
    parameters.put('targetHeight', targetHeight)
    return GPF.createProduct('Resample', parameters, product)
Exemplo n.º 15
def subset(product, shpPath):
    parameters = HashMap()
    wkt = shpToWKT(shpPath)
    SubsetOp = jpy.get_type('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.SubsetOp')
    geometry = WKTReader().read(wkt)
    parameters.put('copyMetadata', True)
    parameters.put('geoRegion', geometry)
    return GPF.createProduct('Subset', parameters, product)
Exemplo n.º 16
def topo_removal(file):
    image = ProductIO.readProduct(file)
    p = HashMap()
    p.put('demName', 'SRTM 1Sec HGT')
    result = GPF.createProduct('TopoPhaseRemoval', p, image)
    # Write to temporary file
    outfile = file.split('.dim')[0] + '_noSRTM.dim'
    ProductIO.writeProduct(result, outfile, 'BEAM-DIMAP')
def back_geocoding(product):
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put("Digital Elevation Model", "SRTM 1Sec HGT")
    parameters.put("DEM Resampling Method", "BICUBIC_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Resampling Type", "BISINC_5_POINT_INTERPOLATION")
    parameters.put("Mask out areas with no elevation", True)
    parameters.put("Output Deramp and Demod Phase", True)
    return GPF.createProduct("Back-Geocoding", parameters, product)
Exemplo n.º 18
def bandMathSnap(input_dim,

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "bandmathSnap() : " + bold + green +
              "Import Dim to SNAP : " + endC + input_dim)

    # Info input file
    product = ProductIO.readProduct(input_dim)
    width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
    height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
    name = product.getName()
    description = product.getDescription()
    band_names = product.getBandNames()

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "bandmathSnap() : " + bold + green +
              "Product: %s, %d x %d pixels, %s" %
              (name, width, height, description) + endC)
        print(cyan + "bandmathSnap() : " + bold + green + "Bands:   %s" %
              (list(band_names)) + endC)

    # Instance de GPF

    # Def operateur SNAP
    operator = 'BandMaths'
    BandDescriptor = jpy.get_type(
    targetBands = jpy.array(

    # Get des expressions d'entréées
    i = 0
    for expression in expression_list:
        targetBand = BandDescriptor()
        targetBand.name = 'band_' + str(i + 1)
        targetBand.type = format_file
        targetBand.expression = expression
        targetBands[i] = targetBand
        i += 1

    # Set des parametres
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('targetBands', targetBands)

    # Get snappy Operators
    result = GPF.createProduct(operator, parameters, product)
    ProductIO.writeProduct(result, output_file, 'BEAM-DIMAP')

    if debug >= 2:
        print(cyan + "bandmathSnap() : " + bold + green + "Writing Done : " +
              endC + str(output_file))

    return result
Exemplo n.º 19
def do_resampling (source):
    print ('\tResampling ...')
    HashMap = jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('targetResolution', 10)

    output = GPF.createProduct('Resample', parameters, source)
    return output
def Convert_to_dB(data, source_band):
    print('Converting to dB...')

    parameters = HashMap()

    parameters.put('sourceBands', source_band)

    return GPF.createProduct('LinearToFromdB', parameters, data)
Exemplo n.º 21
def set_no_data_value(product):
    logger = logging.getLogger('root')
    params = HashMap()
    root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(home['parameters'] +
    for child in root:
        params.put(child.tag, child.text)

    result = GPF.createProduct('SetNoDataValue', params, product)
    logger.info("finished set_no_data_value")
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 22
def calibration(product):
    logger = logging.getLogger('root')
    params = HashMap()
    root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(home['parameters'] +
    for child in root:
        params.put(child.tag, child.text)

    result = GPF.createProduct('Calibration', params, product)
    logger.info("finished calibration")
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 23
def subset(product, x, y, width, heigth, toPrint=True):
    # subset of the Sentinel-1 GRD product by specify a rectangle whose top most left corner is defined by x and y coordinates
    HashMap = jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('copyMetadata', True)
    parameters.put('region', "%s,%s,%s,%s" % (x, y, width, height))
    subset = GPF.createProduct('Subset', parameters, product)
    if toPrint:
        print("Bands:   %s" % (list(subset.getBandNames())))
    return subset
Exemplo n.º 24
def do_biophysical_parameter (source):
    print ('\tBiophysical Parameters ...')
    HashMap = jpy.get_type('java.util.HashMap')
    parameters = HashMap()
    parameters.put('targetResolution', 10)
    parameters.put('computeLAI', True)
    ##parameters.put('computeFcover', True)

    output = GPF.createProduct('BiophysicalOp', parameters, source)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_band_math_config(band_name, expression):
    parameters = HashMap()
    band_descriptor = jpy.get_type('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.BandMathsOp$BandDescriptor')
    target_band = band_descriptor()
    target_band.name = band_name
    target_band.type = 'float32'
    target_band.expression = expression
    target_bands = jpy.array('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.BandMathsOp$BandDescriptor', 1)
    target_bands[0] = target_band
    parameters.put('targetBands', target_bands)
    return parameters
Exemplo n.º 26
def check_coverage(file, p):
    ## Does the image definitely cover our study areas in Peru / Gabon
    if 'GAB' in file:
        region = 'POLYGON((12.24885799008746368 -0.14350824099999146, 12.24885110630293283 -0.14259615803456555, 12.24975595848531107 -0.14259626696242139, 12.24975584715663501 -0.14353065658873754, 12.24885799008746368 -0.14350824099999146))'
    elif 'PER' in file:
        region = 'POLYGON((-69.72334001018973026 -11.0329910794429793, -69.72334358246895647 -11.03207312025939579, -69.72240573287906784 -11.0320753572009469, -69.7224080470953993 -11.03302282454907512, -69.72334001018973026 -11.0329910794429793))'
    params = HashMap()
    params.put('geoRegion', region)

    fail = 'Empty' in GPF.createProduct('Subset', params, p).getName()
    return not fail
Exemplo n.º 27
 def data_calibration(calib):
     parameters = HashMap()
     parameters.put('auxFile', 'Latest Auxiliary File')
     parameters.put('outputSigmaBand', False)
     parameters.put('createBetaBand', True)
     parameters.put('outputBetaBand', True)
     parameters.put('selectedPolarisations', polarization)
     #parameters.put('sourceBands', 'Intensity_' + polarization)
                    band_names)  # Or 'Intensity_VV', 'Intensity_VH'
     return GPF.createProduct('Calibration', parameters, calib)
    def calibrate(product):
        from snappy import jpy
        from snappy import ProductIO
        from snappy import GPF
        from snappy import HashMap

        parameters = HashMap()
        parameters.put('outputSigmaBand', True)
        parameters.put('outputImageScaleInDb', False)
        Calibrate = GPF.createProduct('Calibration', parameters, product)
        return Calibrate
Exemplo n.º 29
def thermal_noise_removal(product):
    logger = logging.getLogger('root')

    params = HashMap()
    root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(home['parameters'] +
    for child in root:
        params.put(child.tag, child.text)

    result = GPF.createProduct('ThermalNoiseRemoval', params, product)
    logger.info("finished ThermalNoiseRemoval")
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 30
def remove_border_noise(product):
    logger = logging.getLogger('root')

    params = HashMap()
    root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(home['parameters'] +
    for child in root:
        params.put(child.tag, child.text)

    result = GPF.createProduct('Remove-GRD-Border-Noise', params, product)
    logger.info("finished Remove-GRD-Border-Noise")
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 31
targetBand1 = BandDescriptor()
targetBand1.name = 'band_1'
targetBand1.type = 'float32'
targetBand1.expression = '(radiance_10 - radiance_7) / (radiance_10 + radiance_7)'

targetBand2 = BandDescriptor()
targetBand2.name = 'band_2'
targetBand2.type = 'float32'
targetBand2.expression = '(radiance_9 - radiance_6) / (radiance_9 + radiance_6)'

targetBands = jpy.array('org.esa.snap.core.gpf.common.BandMathsOp$BandDescriptor', 2)
targetBands[0] = targetBand1
targetBands[1] = targetBand2

parameters = HashMap()
parameters.put('targetBands', targetBands)

result = GPF.createProduct('BandMaths', parameters, product)


ProductIO.writeProduct(result, 'snappy_bmaths_output.dim', 'BEAM-DIMAP')


   Please note: the next major version of snappy/jpy will be more pythonic in the sense that implicit data type
   conversions are performed. The 'parameters' from above variable could then be given as a Python dict object:

    parameters = {