Exemplo n.º 1
def behavioral_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
    Gratuitous ARP detection function

    Observes the behavior of the ARP traffic on the network, and flags packets contributing to an abnormal 
    ARP reply to ARP request ratio.
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    was_detected = False
    previous_arp_type = None
    current_arp_type = None
    concurrent_arp_reply_count = 0
    request = '1'
    reply = '2'

    for packet in capture:
        if 'arp' in packet:
            current_arp_type = packet.arp.opcode
            if current_arp_type == reply:  # if current ARP message is a reply
                if previous_arp_type == request:  # if the previous ARP message was a request
                    # clear the previous message and move on
                    previous_arp_type = current_arp_type
                    concurrent_arp_reply_count = 0
                else:  # if the previous ARP was a reply
                    concurrent_arp_reply_count += 1
                    if concurrent_arp_reply_count > CONCURRENT_ARP_REPLY_THRESHOLD:  # when the number of concurrent replies reaches Threshold
                        print("GRATUITOUS ARP DETECTED!!! FLAGGED PACKET:",
                        was_detected = True
            else:  # if current ARP message it is a request
                previous_arp_type = request
    return was_detected
Exemplo n.º 2
def heuristic_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
    ARP Poisoning host discovery detection function

    Observes ARP traffic, looking for an abnormal number of concurrent ARP requests. 
    Given a specific threshold defined as "CONCURRENT_ARP_REPLY_THRESHOLD", this function 
    counts the number concurrent ARP requests and compares it to the threshold. If the
    count exceeds the threshold, each following ARP request from the sender is flagged
    as an ARP Poisoning packet and a warning is issued and returned to the ids system.
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    was_detected = False
    host_in_question = ""
    concurrent_arp_req_count = 0
    arp_req_threshold = 30
    request = '1'
    reply = '2'

    for packet in capture:
        if 'arp' in packet:  #if it is an ARP packet
            if packet.arp.opcode == request:  # if the arp packet is an arp request
                if host_in_question == "":
                    host_in_question = packet.eth.src  # set first MAC SRC address for ARP messages
                elif host_in_question == packet.eth.src:  # if the current mac equals the previous mac
                    concurrent_arp_req_count += 1
                    host_in_question = packet.eth.src
                    concurrent_arp_req_count = 0
                # if the number of concurrent arp_requests with the same src exceeds our threshold there's a problem
                if concurrent_arp_req_count >= arp_req_threshold:
                    print("ARP POISONING DETECTED!!! FLAGGED PACKET:",
                    was_detected = True
    return was_detected
Exemplo n.º 3
def behavioral_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
    function to detect responders spoofing attacks

    assumes that only one IP is acting as the domain controller and
    assume as an admin you know the IP
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    detected = False

    for packet in capture:
        # ensure packet is either an 'NBNS' or 'LLMNR'
        # as responder attacks run through these protocols
            if ('nbns' in packet
                    or 'llmnr' in packet) and packet.ip.src != DOMAIN_IP:
                    f'Responder ATTACK deteced in packet number: {packet.number}'
                detected = True
        except AttributeError:
            # some LLMNR packets are transmitted via link layer and not the internet layer
            # meaning they only have MAC addresses and not IP
    return detected
Exemplo n.º 4
def signature_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
ms17_010_psexec detection function

Uses the detection of monitoring if a packet
contains SMB files and is looking to access
the path to the ICP$ or ADMIN$ shares.

    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    for packet in capture:
        if ('SMB' in packet):
            smb = packet.smb
            if ("path" in dir(smb)):
                path = smb.path
                if (("IPC$" in path) or ("ADMIN$" in path)):
                    print("MS_010_psexec detected in packet:" +
Exemplo n.º 5
def xmas_signature_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
    xmas detection function

    uses the signature of TCP Flag == 0x29
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    detected = False

    for packet in capture:
        # ensure packet is TCP as xmas attacks run over TCP
        if packet.transport_layer == 'TCP':
            # ensure that the only flags set are the push, urgent, and final flags
            # usually those flags should not be set, and if they are its probably
            # an xmas attack
            if int(packet.tcp.flags, 16) == 41:  # '0x00000029'
                print(f'XMAS ATTACK in packet number: {packet.number}')
                detected = True
    return detected
Exemplo n.º 6
def dns_spoofing_detector(file=None, **kwargs):
    DNS spoofing detector function

    Observes ongoing DNS traffic. Assuming the IDS user has provided the MAC address of the
    legitimate gateway, this function observes the MAC address of the host actively
    responding the DNS requests. If the MAC address of the active DNS responder does not
    match the provided MAC address, an attacker is spoofing DNS.
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    was_detected = False
    packet_src = None
    packet_dst = None

    for packet in capture:
        if 'DNS' in packet:
            packet_src = packet.eth.src
            packet_dst = packet.eth.dst
            if packet_dst != NETWORK_GATEWAY_ADDRESS and packet_src != NETWORK_GATEWAY_ADDRESS:
                print("DNS SPOOFING DETECTED!!! Packet Number:", packet.number)
                print("src ip:", packet.ip.src, "src mac:", packet.eth.src)
                print("dst ip:", packet.ip.dst, "dst mac:", packet.eth.dst)
                was_detected = True
    return was_detected
Exemplo n.º 7
def syn_heuristic_detection(file=None, **kwargs):
    syn detection function

    uses the heursitic of uniq ports > MAX_UNIQUE_PORTS and if
    TCP flag == 0x2
    capture = sniffer.get_capture(file, **kwargs)
    uniq_ip = collections.defaultdict(set)
    detected = False

    for packet in capture:
        # ensure packet is using TCP as syn attacks run over TCP
        if packet.transport_layer == 'TCP':
            # ensure packet is only setting the SYN flag
            if int(packet.tcp.flags, 16) == 2:

                # if the number of unique dst ports are more than MAX_UNIQUE_PORTS flag it
                if len(uniq_ip[packet.ip.addr]) > MAX_UNIQUE_PORTS:
                    print(f'SYN ATTACK in packet number: {packet.number}')
                    detected = True

    return detected