Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.base_dir = util.data_dir
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
     self.tweets = Tweets()
     filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'categories.joblib.pkl')
     self.clf = joblib.load(filename)
     filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'vect.pkl')
     self.vectorizer = joblib.load(filename)
Exemplo n.º 2
class PredictCategories(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.base_dir = util.data_dir
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
        self.tweets = Tweets()
        filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'categories.joblib.pkl')
        self.clf = joblib.load(filename)
        filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'vect.pkl')
        self.vectorizer = joblib.load(filename)

    def predict_for_user(self, user):
        use_ids = False
        interests = collections.defaultdict(int)
        if re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", user) == []:
            use_ids = True
        users_info = self.tweets.collect_users_info([user], use_ids=use_ids)
        info = json.loads(users_info[0])
        following = self.tweets.collect_user_follows(info["screen_name"],
        tweets = self.tweets.collect_user_tweets(info["id"], 1, 200)
        user_infos = self.tweets.collect_users_info(following, use_ids=True)
        if len(user_infos) == 0:
            return []
        r_users = []
        for i in user_infos:
            info = json.loads(i)
            if info["followers_count"] > util.minimum_number_of_followers:
        self.logger.info("representative users: %s" % len(r_users))
        for ind, info in enumerate(r_users):
            if ind == util.number_of_users_used_to_predict:
            tweets = self.tweets.collect_user_tweets(info["id"], 1, 200)
                "%s tweets extracted ------------------------------" %
            user_doc = ""
            for t in tweets:
                text = t["text"]
                text = util.clear_tweet(text)
                user_doc += text
            test = self.vectorizer.transform([user_doc])
            cat = self.clf.predict(test)
            interests[str(cat[0])] += 1
            self.logger.info("%s predicted category: %s" %
                             (info["screen_name"], cat))
        # return categories which appear at least three times
        categories = filter(lambda x: interests[x] > 2, interests.keys())
        return categories

    def predict_for_document(self, category, user_name):
        f = os.path.join(self.base_dir, category, user_name)
        doc = open(f).read()
        transformed_doc = self.vectorizer.transform([doc])
        reduced_doc = self.pca.transform(transformed_doc.toarray())
        pvalue = self.clf.predict(reduced_doc)
        #print "%s - %s: %s" % (category, user_name, pvalue)
        return pvalue
class PredictCategories(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.base_dir = util.data_dir
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
        self.tweets = Tweets()
        filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'categories.joblib.pkl')
        self.clf = joblib.load(filename)
        filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'vect.pkl')
        self.vectorizer = joblib.load(filename)
    def predict_for_user(self, user):
        use_ids = False
        interests = collections.defaultdict(int)
        if re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", user) == []:
            use_ids = True
        users_info = self.tweets.collect_users_info([user], use_ids=use_ids)
        info = json.loads(users_info[0])
        following = self.tweets.collect_user_follows(info["screen_name"], "following")
        tweets = self.tweets.collect_user_tweets(info["id"], 1, 200)
        user_infos = self.tweets.collect_users_info(following, use_ids=True)
        if len(user_infos) == 0:
            return []
        r_users = []
        for i in user_infos:
            info = json.loads(i)
            if info["followers_count"] > util.minimum_number_of_followers:
        self.logger.info("representative users: %s" % len(r_users))
        for ind, info in enumerate(r_users):
            if ind == util.number_of_users_used_to_predict:
            tweets = self.tweets.collect_user_tweets(info["id"], 1, 200)
            self.logger.info("%s tweets extracted ------------------------------" % len(tweets))
            user_doc = ""
            for t in tweets:
                text = t["text"]
                text = util.clear_tweet(text)
                user_doc += text
            test = self.vectorizer.transform([user_doc])
            cat = self.clf.predict(test)
            interests[str(cat[0])] += 1
            self.logger.info("%s predicted category: %s" % (info["screen_name"], cat))
        # return categories which appear at least three times
        categories = filter(lambda x: interests[x] > 2, interests.keys())
        return categories
    def predict_for_document(self, category, user_name):
        f = os.path.join(self.base_dir, category, user_name)
        doc = open(f).read()
        transformed_doc = self.vectorizer.transform([doc])
        reduced_doc = self.pca.transform(transformed_doc.toarray())
        pvalue = self.clf.predict(reduced_doc)
        #print "%s - %s: %s" % (category, user_name, pvalue)
        return pvalue
 def __init__(self):
     self.base_dir = util.data_dir
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
     self.tweets = Tweets()
     filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'categories.joblib.pkl')
     self.clf = joblib.load(filename)
     filename = os.path.join(util.classifiers_dir, 'vect.pkl')
     self.vectorizer = joblib.load(filename)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.tweets = Tweets()
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
     path = os.path.join(util.config_dir, "english_stopwords.txt")
     content = open(path).read()
     self.stop_words = json.loads(content)
     #self.graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
     self.categories = [u'Blues, Country, Folk', u'Hard & Heavy', u'Folk Music', u'Classical', u'Rock Pop', \
                   u'Festival', u'Hip Hop', u'Metal', u'Jazz', u'Punk', u'Ballet, Dance', \
                   u'Opera, Operetta', u'Cabaret, Comedy', u'Theatre', u'Musical', u'Gospel', u'Reggae', u'Soul', \
                   u'Other sport events', u'Basketball, Tennis', u'Vaudeville', u'Football', u'Reading', u'Show', \
                   u'Balladeer, Chanson', u'Summer Stock', u'Lecture', u'Entertainment, miscellaneous', \
                   u'Movies, Cinema', u'Exhibition', u'Bus ride', u'Children', u'Clubbing', u'Circus', u'Ball', \
                   u'Fair', u'Party', u'Voucher', u'Gala', u'A cappella', u'Miscellaneous', u'Comedy', u'Swing', \
                   u'Tourism and Leisure']
     self.seed_users = {"Blues, Country, Folk" :["FolkAlley", "CountryMusic"], "Hard & Heavy":["BLABBERMOUTHNET"]}
     self.seed_users.update({"Folk Music":["FolkArtists"], "Classical":["classicfm"], "Rock Pop":["PopRockBands"]})
     self.seed_users.update({"Festival":["ultramusic"], "Hip Hop":["HipHopDX"], "Metal":["MetalBlade"]})
     self.seed_users.update({"Jazz":["APassion4Jazz"], "Punk":["PunkRockers"]})
     self.seed_users.update({"Ballet, Dance":["balletrusse"], "Opera, Operetta":["RoyalOperaHouse"], "Cabaret, Comedy":["cabaretuk"]})
     self.seed_users.update({"Theatre":["TimeOutTheatre"], "Musical":["BroadwayMusical"], "Gospel":["GospelMusic"]})
     self.seed_users.update({"Reggae":["thereggaevibe"], "Soul":["DeepCitySoul"]})
Exemplo n.º 6
class Categories(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tweets = Tweets()
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("tclas")
        path = os.path.join(util.config_dir, "english_stopwords.txt")
        content = open(path).read()
        self.stop_words = json.loads(content)
        #self.graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
        self.categories = [u'Blues, Country, Folk', u'Hard & Heavy', u'Folk Music', u'Classical', u'Rock Pop', \
                      u'Festival', u'Hip Hop', u'Metal', u'Jazz', u'Punk', u'Ballet, Dance', \
                      u'Opera, Operetta', u'Cabaret, Comedy', u'Theatre', u'Musical', u'Gospel', u'Reggae', u'Soul', \
                      u'Other sport events', u'Basketball, Tennis', u'Vaudeville', u'Football', u'Reading', u'Show', \
                      u'Balladeer, Chanson', u'Summer Stock', u'Lecture', u'Entertainment, miscellaneous', \
                      u'Movies, Cinema', u'Exhibition', u'Bus ride', u'Children', u'Clubbing', u'Circus', u'Ball', \
                      u'Fair', u'Party', u'Voucher', u'Gala', u'A cappella', u'Miscellaneous', u'Comedy', u'Swing', \
                      u'Tourism and Leisure']
        self.seed_users = {"Blues, Country, Folk" :["FolkAlley", "CountryMusic"], "Hard & Heavy":["BLABBERMOUTHNET"]}
        self.seed_users.update({"Folk Music":["FolkArtists"], "Classical":["classicfm"], "Rock Pop":["PopRockBands"]})
        self.seed_users.update({"Festival":["ultramusic"], "Hip Hop":["HipHopDX"], "Metal":["MetalBlade"]})
        self.seed_users.update({"Jazz":["APassion4Jazz"], "Punk":["PunkRockers"]})
        self.seed_users.update({"Ballet, Dance":["balletrusse"], "Opera, Operetta":["RoyalOperaHouse"], "Cabaret, Comedy":["cabaretuk"]})
        self.seed_users.update({"Theatre":["TimeOutTheatre"], "Musical":["BroadwayMusical"], "Gospel":["GospelMusic"]})
        self.seed_users.update({"Reggae":["thereggaevibe"], "Soul":["DeepCitySoul"]})

    def get_users_for_category(self, category_name, seed_user=None):
        # for example category_name = "football", seed_user = "******"
        #results = self.tweets.search(category_name)["results"]
        if seed_user == None:
            seed_user = self.seed_users[category_name][0]
        users = self.tweets.collect_user_follows(seed_user, "following")
        users.extend(self.tweets.collect_user_follows(seed_user, "followers"))
        return users
    def collect_category_data(self, category_name, seed_user=None):
        users = self.get_users_for_category(category_name, seed_user)
        self.logger.info("users for category %s: %s" % (category_name, len(users)))
        users = users[:util.users_per_category]
        user_infos = self.tweets.collect_users_info(users, use_ids=True)
        r_users = []
        for i in user_infos:
            info = json.loads(i)
            if info["followers_count"] > util.minimum_number_of_followers:
        self.logger.info("representative users: %s" % len(r_users))
        for ind, user in enumerate(r_users):
            user_name = user["screen_name"]
            base_dir = util.data_dir
            path = os.path.join(base_dir, category_name)
            if not os.path.exists(path):
            tweets = self.tweets.collect_user_tweets(user["id"], 1, 200)
            self.logger.info("%s tweets extracted" % len(tweets))
            docs = []
            ids = []
            for t in tweets:
                t_id = str(t["id"])
                text = t["text"]
                text = text.replace("\n", " ")
                text = util.clear_tweet(text)
                if text.strip() == "":
                docs.append(str(t_id) + " " + text + "\n")
            file_path = os.path.join(path, user_name)
            user_doc = ""
            if os.path.exists(file_path):
                f = open(file_path)
                first_line = f.readline()
                last_tweet_id = first_line.split(" ")[0]
                for ind, doc in enumerate(docs):
                    t_id = ids[ind]
                    if t_id != last_tweet_id:
                        user_doc += doc
                user_doc += "\n" + user_doc
                f = open(file_path, "w")
                f = open(file_path, "w+")
                for ind, doc in enumerate(docs):
                    user_doc += doc
            if user_doc.strip() == "":
            is_english = False
            count = 0
            for stop_word in self.stop_words:
                if stop_word in user_doc:
                    count += 1
                    if count == 10:
                        is_english = True
            if is_english:
                self.logger.info("Seems to be a non english text.")
        return len(r_users)
    def collect_categories_data(self):
        #cat_index = learn.graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "Category")
        #cats = cat_index.query("c_id:*")
        cats = ['Blues, Country, Folk', 'Hard & Heavy', 'Folk Music', 'Classical', 'Rock Pop', 'Festival', 'Hip Hop', 'Metal', 'Jazz', 'Punk', 'Cabaret, Comedy', 'Ballet, Dance', 'Theatre', 'Musical', 'Gospel', 'Soul', 'Opera, Operetta', 'Reggae', 'Other sport events', 'Basketball, Tennis', 'Vaudeville', 'Football', 'Lecture', 'Reading', 'Show', 'Balladeer, Chanson', 'Summer Stock', 'Entertainment, miscellaneous', 'Movies, Cinema', 'Exhibition', 'Bus ride', 'Children', 'Clubbing', 'Circus', 'Ball', 'Fair', 'Party', 'Voucher', 'Gala', 'A cappella', 'Miscellaneous', 'Comedy', 'Swing', 'Tourism and Leisure']
        random.shuffle(cats) # to avoid updating always the same categories first
        for c in cats:
            #category_name = c["name"]
            category_name = c
            if category_name in self.seed_users.keys():