def socli_browse_interactive_windows(query_tag): """ Interactive mode for -b browse :param query_tag: :return: """ try: search_res = requests.get(search.so_burl + query_tag) search.captcha_check(search_res.url) soup = BeautifulSoup(search_res.text, 'html.parser') try: soup.find_all("div", class_="question-summary")[0] # For explicitly raising exception tmp = (soup.find_all("div", class_="question-summary")) i = 0 question_local_url = [] print(printer.bold("\nSelect a question below:\n")) while i < len(tmp): if i == 10: break # limiting results question_text = ' '.join((tmp[i].a.get_text()).split()) question_text = question_text.replace("Q: ", "") printer.print_warning(str(i + 1) + ". " + printer.display_str(question_text)) q_tag = (soup.find_all("div", class_="question-summary"))[i] answers = [s.get_text() for s in q_tag.find_all("a", class_="post-tag")][0:] ques_tags = " ".join(str(x) for x in answers) question_local_url.append(tmp[i].a.get("href")) print(" " + printer.display_str(ques_tags) + "\n") i = i + 1 try: op = int(printer.inputs("\nType the option no to continue or any other key to exit:")) while 1: if (op > 0) and (op <= i): display_results(search.so_burl + question_local_url[op - 1]) cnt = 1 # this is because the 1st post is the question itself while 1: global tmpsoup qna = printer.inputs( "Type " + printer.bold("o") + " to open in browser, " + printer.bold( "n") + " to next answer, " + printer.bold( "b") + " for previous answer or any other key to exit:") if qna in ["n", "N"]: try: answer = (tmpsoup.find_all("div", class_="js-post-body")[cnt + 1].get_text()) printer.print_green("\n\nAnswer:\n") print("-------\n" + answer + "\n-------\n") cnt = cnt + 1 except IndexError: printer.print_warning(" No more answers found for this question. Exiting...") sys.exit(0) continue elif qna in ["b", "B"]: if cnt == 1: printer.print_warning(" You cant go further back. You are on the first answer!") continue answer = (tmpsoup.find_all("div", class_="js-post-body")[cnt - 1].get_text()) printer.print_green("\n\nAnswer:\n") print("-------\n" + answer + "\n-------\n") cnt = cnt - 1 continue elif qna in ["o", "O"]: import webbrowser printer.print_warning("Opening in your browser...") + question_local_url[op - 1]) else: break sys.exit(0) else: op = int(input("\n\nWrong option. select the option no to continue:")) except Exception as e: printer.showerror(e) printer.print_warning("\n Exiting...") sys.exit(0) except IndexError: printer.print_warning("No results found...") sys.exit(0) except UnicodeEncodeError: printer.print_warning("\n\nEncoding error: Use \"chcp 65001\" command before using socli...") sys.exit(0) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: printer.print_fail("Please check your internet connectivity...") except Exception as e: printer.showerror(e) sys.exit(0)
def user_page(user_id): """ Stack Overflow user profile browsing :param user_id: :return: """ global app_data import stackexchange try: user_id = int(user_id) except ValueError: pr.print_warning("\nUser ID must be an integer.") print( "\nFollow the instructions on this page to get your User ID:") exit(1) try: from urllib.error import URLError except ImportError: from urllib import URLError try: user_id = int(user_id) except ValueError: pr.print_warning("\nUser ID must be an integer.") print( "\nFollow the instructions on this page to get your User ID:") exit(1) try: if "api_key" not in app_data: app_data["api_key"] = None userprofile = stackexchange.Site(stackexchange.StackOverflow, app_key=app_data["api_key"]).user(user_id) print(pr.bold("\n User: "******"\n\tReputations: " + userprofile.reputation.format()) pr.print_warning("\n\tBadges:") print("\t\t Gold: " + str(userprofile.gold_badges)) print("\t\t Silver: " + str(userprofile.silver_badges)) print("\t\t Bronze: " + str(userprofile.bronze_badges)) print("\t\t Total: " + str(userprofile.badge_total)) pr.print_warning("\n\tStats:") total_questions = len(userprofile.questions.fetch()) unaccepted_questions = len(userprofile.unaccepted_questions.fetch()) accepted = total_questions - unaccepted_questions rate = accepted / float(total_questions) * 100 print("\t\t Total Questions Asked: " + str(len(userprofile.questions.fetch()))) print('\t\t Accept rate is: %.2f%%.' % rate) # check if the user have answers and questions or no. if userprofile.top_answer_tags.fetch(): print('\nMost experienced on %s.' % userprofile.top_answer_tags.fetch()[0].tag_name) else: print("You have 0 answers") if userprofile.top_question_tags.fetch(): print('Most curious about %s.' % userprofile.top_question_tags.fetch()[0].tag_name) else: print("You have 0 questions") except URLError: pr.print_fail("Please check your internet connectivity...") exit(1) except Exception as e: pr.showerror(e) if str(e) == "400 [bad_parameter]: `key` doesn't match a known application": pr.print_warning("Wrong API key... Deleting the data file...") del_datafile() exit(1) elif str(e) in ("not enough values to unpack (expected 1, got 0)", "400 [bad_parameter]: ids"): global manual if manual == 1: pr.print_warning("Wrong user ID specified...") pr.helpman() exit(1) pr.print_warning("Wrong user ID... Deleting the data file...") del_datafile() exit(1) # Reaches here when rate limit exceeds pr.print_warning( "Stack Overflow exception. This might be caused due to the rate limiting: " "") print("Use to register a new API key.") set_api_key() exit(1)