Exemplo n.º 1
  def testProcessDateInterval(self):
    Takes a long time, first to set up the data (about 1.5 seconds), then to process it several times
    global me
    cursor = self.connection.cursor()
    config = copy.copy(me.config)

    ## Set up
    dbtutil.fillReportsTable(cursor,createUrls=True,multiplier=2,signatureCount=83) # just some data...
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config)
    ## assure we have an empty playing field
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from top_crashes_by_url")
    assert 0 == cursor.fetchone()[0]
    t.processDateInterval(startDate = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1), endDate=datetime.datetime(2008,1,6))

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) from top_crashes_by_url")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 35 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 38 ==  count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("delete from top_crashes_by_url; delete from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(copy.copy(me.config))
    t.processDateInterval(startDate = datetime.datetime(2008,1,4), endDate=datetime.datetime(2008,1,8))

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) from top_crashes_by_url")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 31 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 32 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("delete from top_crashes_by_url; delete from top_crashes_by_url_signature")

    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(copy.copy(me.config))
    t.processDateInterval(startDate = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1), endDate=datetime.datetime(2008,3,3))
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) from top_crashes_by_url")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 483 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 514 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)
Exemplo n.º 2
def createData(config,logger):
  # Now do the work in several steps
  connection = sdatabase.Database(config).connection()
  #connection = psycopg2.connect("host=%(databaseHost)s dbname=%(databaseName)s user=%(databaseUserName)s password=%(databasePassword)s"%config)
  cursor = connection.cursor()
  testDB = TestDB()
    if config.get('drop-all'):
      print "Dropped the database tables ..."
    print "Creating the database tables..."
    print "populating the dimensions tables..."
    processingDays,ignore = dbtestutil.fillMtbfTables(cursor,limit=int(config.get('product-os-count')))
    startDays = [x[0] for x in processingDays]
    multiplier = int(config.get('repeat-count'))
    print "populating the reports table (takes about %d seconds)..."%(int(1.7+1.2*multiplier))
    dbtestutil.fillReportsTable(cursor,createUrls=True,doFillMtbfTables=False, numUrls=100, multiplier=multiplier,signatureCount=int(config.get('signature-count')))
    extras = []
    print "All done populating the 'raw' data"
    if config.get('mtbf-fill'):
      blurb = ""
      cost = 0.20 + multiplier*0.15
      if cost > 1.0:
        blurb = ("(takes about %2.1f seconds)"%cost)
      print "Filling the time_before_failure table %s..."%blurb # R=1: .35 seconds; 2:0.49s; 3:.064s; 4:.9 ## = .20 + R*.15
      starter = None
      ender = None
      mtbfInstance = mtbf.Mtbf(config,logger)
      for startDay in startDays:
        if not starter: starter = startDay
        ender = startDay
      extras.append(" - Time before fail: for days in %s through %s"%(starter,ender))
    if config.get('sig-fill'):
      print "Filling the top_crashes_by_signature table (takes about %s seconds)..."%(20+11*multiplier) # R=1: 27.3 secs; 2:38.5s; 3=48.3 ##  = 20 +R*11
      tc = topcrasher.TopCrashesBySignature(config)
      tc.processDateInterval(startDate=startDays[0],endDate = startDays[-1])
      extras.append(" - Top crash by sig: for days in %s through %s"%(startDays[0],startDays[-1]))
    if config.get('url-fill'):
      print "Filling the top_crashes_by_url table (takes about %s seconds)..."%(4+multiplier*2) # R=1: 4 secs; 2: 5s, 3: 7.6 ## = 4+R*2
      logger.info("Filling the top_crashes_by_url table (takes about %s seconds)..."%(4+multiplier*2))
      tu = topcrashbyurl.TopCrashesByUrl(config)
      tu.processDateInterval(startDate=startDays[0],endDate = startDays[-1])
      extras.append(" - Top crash by url: for days in %s through %s"%(startDays[0],startDays[-1]))
    print "DONE populating the database tables"
    if extras:
      print "\n".join(extras)
    logger.info("All done. Closing connection")
Exemplo n.º 3
  def testCountCrashesByUrlInWindow(self):
    global me
    cursor = self.connection.cursor()
    dbtutil.fillReportsTable(cursor,createUrls=True,multiplier=2,signatureCount=83) # just some data...
    config = copy.copy(me.config)

    # test /w/ 'normal' params
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config)
    startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1)
    deltaWindow = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    endWindow = startWindow + deltaWindow
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = startWindow, deltaWindow = deltaWindow)
    # the following are JUST regression tests: The data has been only very lightly examined to be sure it makes sense.
    assert 24 ==  len(data), 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%len(data)
    for d in data:
      assert 1 == d[0]
    # test /w/ small maximumUrls
    config = copy.copy(me.config)
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config, maximumUrls=50)
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1), endWindow = endWindow)
    assert 24 == len(data), 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%len(data)
    for d in data:
      assert 1 == d[0]
    # test /w/ minimumHitsPerUrl larger
    config = copy.copy(me.config)
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config, minimumHitsPerUrl=2)
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1),endWindow = endWindow)
    assert 24 == len(data), len(data)
    for d in data:
      assert 1 == d[0]

    # test /w/ shorter window
    config = copy.copy(me.config)
    halfDay = datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config, deltaWindow = halfDay)
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1))
    assert 12 == len(data), 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%len(data)
    for d in data:
      assert 1 == d[0]

    # test a different day, to be sure we get different data
    config = copy.copy(me.config)
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config)
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,11),deltaWindow=deltaWindow)
    assert 57 == len(data), 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%len(data)
    for d in data[:3]:
      assert 2 == d[0]
    for d in data[3:]:
      assert 1 == d[0]
Exemplo n.º 4
  def testSaveTruncatedData(self):
    This is a reasonably realistic amount of time (about 1.5 seconds) to handle about 150 reports
    global me
    cursor = self.connection.cursor()

    ## Set up
    dbtutil.fillReportsTable(cursor,createUrls=True,multiplier=2,signatureCount=83) # just some data...
    # ... now assure some duplicates
    sqls = "SELECT uuid, client_crash_date, install_age, last_crash, uptime, date_processed, success, signature, url, product, version, os_name, os_version from reports where date_processed >= '2008-01-01' and date_processed < '2008-01-02' LIMIT 4"
    self.connection.rollback() # db not altered
    rows3 = cursor.fetchall()
    add11 = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1,microseconds=1000)
    addData = []
    for i in range(3):
      r = list(rows3[i])
      r[0] = r[0].replace('-dead-','-f00f-')
      r[1] += add11
      r[2] += 1
      r[3] += 1
      r[7] = rows3[i+1][7]
      r[0] = r[0].replace('-f00f-','-fead-')
      r[1] += add11
      r[2] += 1
      r[3] += 1
      r[7] = 'js_blatherskytes'
    sqli = """INSERT INTO reports
                (uuid, client_crash_date, install_age, last_crash, uptime, date_processed, success, signature, url, product, version, os_name, os_version)
          VALUES(%s,   %s,                %s,          %s,         %s,     %s,             %s,      %s,        %s,  %s,      %s,      %s,      %s)"""
      ['b965de73-ae90-b936-deaf-03ae20081225','2007-12-31 23:59:50',9000,110,222,'2008-01-01 11:12:13',True,'UserCallWinProcCheckWow','http://www.mozilla.org/projects/minefield/a','Firefox','3.0.9','Windows NT','5.1.2600 Service Pack 2'],
      ['b965de73-ae90-b935-deaf-03ae20081225','2007-12-31 23:59:40',9009,220,333,'2008-01-01 11:12:14',True,'UserCallWinProcCheckWow','http://yachats/uncwiki/LarsLocalPortal/b',   'Firefox','3.0.9','Windows NT','5.1.2600 Service Pack 2'],
    config = copy.copy(me.config)
    startWindow = datetime.datetime(2008,1,1)
    deltaWindow = datetime.timedelta(days=1)

    ## On your mark...
    t = tcbu.TopCrashesByUrl(config,truncateUrlLength=25)
    data = t.countCrashesByUrlInWindow(startWindow = startWindow, deltaWindow = deltaWindow)

    ## assure we have an empty playing field
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) from top_crashes_by_url")
    assert 0 == cursor.fetchone()[0]

    ## Call the method

    # expect 99 rows
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(id) from top_crashes_by_url")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 30 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)
    # expect 80 distinct urls
    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(distinct urldims_id) from top_crashes_by_url")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 17 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("SELECT count from top_crashes_by_url where count > 1 order by count")
    data = cursor.fetchall()
    assert [(2,), (2,), (2,), (2,), (2,), (4,)] == data, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(str(data))

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(top_crashes_by_url_id) from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 38 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(distinct top_crashes_by_url_id) from top_crashes_by_url_signature")
    count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    assert 30 == count, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(count)

    # Expect 3 rows with sums of 2 and three rows with counts of 2, none with both
    cursor.execute("SELECT count, COUNT(top_crashes_by_url_id) AS sum FROM top_crashes_by_url_signature GROUP BY top_crashes_by_url_id, count ORDER BY sum DESC, count DESC LIMIT 6")
    data = cursor.fetchall()
    assert 6 == len(data)
    assert [(1, 4L), (1, 2L), (1, 2L), (1, 2L), (1, 2L), (1, 2L)] == data, 'This is (just) a regression test. Did you change the data somehow? (%s)'%(str(data))