Exemplo n.º 1
#! /usr/bin/env python3
from software.common import argv_translations
from software.assembler import ASSEMBLY_FILE_EXT
from software.assembler import BINARY_FILE_EXT
from software.assembler import itergotos
from software.assembler import iterassembly
from software.assembler import address_by_name
from software.assembler import assembly2binary

if __name__ == '__main__':
    infiles, _, _ = argv_translations(ASSEMBLY_FILE_EXT)
    for infile in infiles:
        outfile = infile.replace(ASSEMBLY_FILE_EXT, BINARY_FILE_EXT)
        with open(outfile, 'w') as outfile_h, open(infile) as infile_h:
            for address, label in itergotos(infile_h):
                address_by_name[label] = int(address)
            for assembly in iterassembly(infile_h):
                outfile_h.write(assembly2binary(assembly) + '\n')
        print('Assembled {} to {}'.format(infile, outfile))
Exemplo n.º 2
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
import os
from software.common import argv_translations
from software.vm import LANG_FILE_EXT
from software.vm import VM_FILE_EXT
from software.vm import itertokens
from software.vm import to_xml

def outfile(file):
    return file.replace(VM_FILE_EXT, LANG_FILE_EXT)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """Compile .jack file(s) to .xml file(s).

    If a directory is passed in sys.argv[1], then all .jack files in that
    directory are compiled to .xml files in the same directory.
    langfiles, _, _ = argv_translations(LANG_FILE_EXT)
    for langfile in langfiles:
        with open(langfile) as langfile_h, open(outfile(langfile),
                                                'w') as outfile_h:
            for token in itertokens(langfile_h):
                outfile_h.write(to_xml(token) + '\n')
        print('Compiled {} to {}'.format(langfile, outfile))
Exemplo n.º 3

def get_basename(filepath, strip_ext=False):
    name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(filepath))
    if strip_ext:
        return os.path.splitext(name)[0]
    return name

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """Compile .vm files to assembly (.asm).

    If a directory is passed in sys.argv[1], the .vm files in that
    directory are compiled in the order Sys.vm, then every other .vm file.
    infiles, file_or_dir, is_dir = argv_translations(VM_FILE_EXT)
    if is_dir:
        dirname = get_basename(file_or_dir)
        filename = dirname + ASSEMBLY_FILE_EXT
        outfile = '{dir}/{filename}'.format(dir=file_or_dir, filename=filename)
        # compile the bootstrap .vm file first
        infiles = itertools.chain(
            filter(lambda f: not f.endswith('Sys.vm'), infiles))
        outfile = file_or_dir.replace(VM_FILE_EXT, ASSEMBLY_FILE_EXT)
    with open(outfile, 'w') as outfile_h:
        if is_dir:
        for infile in infiles:
            infile_name = get_basename(infile, strip_ext=True)