Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_csound_intonation():
    # We don't specify a lessonfile manager since we don't need
    # any of the methods that depend on it.
    page = fp.Page(u"Experimental CSound exercises", fp.Column())
    fileheader = fp.FileHeader(1, page)
    section = fp.LinkList(u"Melodic intervals")
    for idx, cname in enumerate(interval_names):
        subpage = fp.Page(Interval(cname).get_cname().title(), fp.Column())
        sect = fp.LinkList(Interval(cname).get_cname().title())
        for cent in cents:
            csound_intonation2(False, cname, cent)
            sect.append("solfege:lesson-files/csound-intonation-%s-%icent" %
                        (iname_to_fn(cname), cent))
    section = fp.LinkList(u"Harmonic intervals")
    col = fp.Column()
    for idx, cname in enumerate(interval_names):
        subpage = fp.Page(Interval(cname).get_cname().title(), fp.Column())
        sect = fp.LinkList(Interval(cname).get_cname().title())
        for cent in cents:
            csound_intonation2(True, cname, cent)
                "solfege:lesson-files/csound-intonation-harmonic-%s-%icent" %
                (iname_to_fn(cname), cent))
    f = codecs.open("exercises/standard/csound-tree.txt", "w", "utf-8")
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_add_d5(self):
     a = MusicalPitch.new_from_notename("b")
     b = Interval("-d5")
     self.assertEquals((a + b).get_octave_notename(), "eis")
     a = MusicalPitch.new_from_notename("bis")
     b = Interval("-d5")
     self.assertEquals((a + b).get_octave_notename(), "eisis")
     a = MusicalPitch.new_from_notename("bisis")
     b = Interval("-d5")
     self.assertEquals((a + b).get_octave_notename(), "fisis")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_constructor(self):
     for s, a, b, c, i, steps in (
         ('p1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
         ('d1', 0, 0, -1, -1, 1),
         ('a1', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
         ('p4', 3, 0, 0, 5, 4),
         ('p5', 4, 0, 0, 7, 5),
         ('p8', 0, 1, 0, 12, 8),
         ('d8', 0, 1, -1, 11, 8),
         ('a8', 0, 1, 1, 13, 8),
         ('p11', 3, 1, 0, 17, 11),  # octave + fourth
         ('p12', 4, 1, 0, 19, 12),  # octave + fifth
         ('p15', 0, 2, 0, 24, 15),  # 2*octave
         ('d15', 0, 2, -1, 23, 15),  # 2*octave
         ('a15', 0, 2, 1, 25, 15),  # 2*octave
         ('m2', 1, 0, -1, 1, 2),
         ('M2', 1, 0, 0, 2, 2),
         ('M3', 2, 0, 0, 4, 3),
         ('M6', 5, 0, 0, 9, 6),
         ('M9', 1, 1, 0, 14, 9),
         ('m10', 2, 1, -1, 15, 10),  # tenth
         ('M13', 5, 1, 0, 21, 13),  # octave + sixth
         ('m14', 6, 1, -1, 22, 14),  # octave + seventh
         ('M16', 1, 2, 0, 26, 16),  # 2*octave + second
         n = Interval(s)
         self.assertEquals((n.m_interval, n.m_octave, n.m_mod), (a, b, c))
         self.assertEquals(repr(n), s)
         self.assertEquals(i, n.get_intvalue())
         self.assertEquals(steps, n.steps())
Exemplo n.º 4
def csound_intonation2(harmonic, interval_name, cent):
    i = Interval(interval_name)
    if harmonic:
        hs = "harmonic-"
        hs = ""
    filename = os.path.join(
        "exercises", "standard", "lesson-files",
        "csound-intonation-%s%s-%icent" %
        (hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent))
    f = codecs.open(filename, 'w', 'utf-8')
    print >> f, "# Solfege - free ear training software"
    print >> f, "# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2011 Tom Cato Amundsen"
    print >> f, "# License is GPL, see file COPYING"
    print >> f
    print >> f, "header {"
    print >> f, '    lesson_id = "csound-intonation-%s%s-%icent"' % (
        hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent)
    print >> f, '        module = idbyname'
    print >> f, '        help = "idbyname-intonation"'
    print >> f, '        title = _("Is the interval flat, in tune or sharp? %%s cent wrong") %% %i' % cent
    print >> f, '        lesson_heading = _("Just interval: %%s") %% _("%s") + " (%s)"' % (
        i.get_cname(), ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][1])
    print >> f, '        filldir = vertic'
    print >> f, '}'
    for c in range(12):
        hz = 220 * 2**(c / 12)
        hz2 = hz * ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][0]
        for label, mult in (("intonation|flat", -cent),
                            ("intonation|in tune", 0), ("intonation|sharp",
            print >> f
            print >> f, 'question {'
            print >> f, ' name = _i("%s")' % label
            print >> f, ' set=%i' % c
            print >> f, ' csound(load("share/sinus.orc"), """'
            print >> f, '   f1 0 4096 10 1 1.25 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 '
            if harmonic:
                print >> f, '   i1 0 1 %f' % hz
                print >> f, '   i1 0 1 %f' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200))
                print >> f, '   i1 0 1 %f' % hz
                print >> f, '   i1 + 1 %f' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200))
            print >> f, ' """)'
            print >> f, "}"
Exemplo n.º 5
def csound_intonation2(harmonic, interval_name, cent):
    i = Interval(interval_name)
    if harmonic:
        hs = "harmonic-"
        hs = ""
    filename = saveto / ("csound-intonation-%s%s-%icent" % (hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent))
    f = filename.open("w")
    f.write("""# Solfege - free ear training software
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2011, 2016 Tom Cato Amundsen
# License is GPL, see file COPYING

header {{
    lesson_id = "csound-intonation-{0}{1}-{2}cent"
        module = idbyname
        help = "idbyname-intonation"
        title = _("Is the interval flat, in tune or sharp? %s cent wrong") % {3}
        lesson_heading = _("Just interval: %s") % _("{4}") + " ({5})"
        filldir = vertic
""".format(hs, iname_to_fn(interval_name), cent, cent,  # 0-3
           i.get_cname(), ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][1]))  # 4-5
    for c in range(12):
        hz = 220 * 2 ** (c / 12)
        hz2 = hz * ratio_dict[i.get_cname_short()][0]
        for label, mult in (("intonation|flat", -cent),
                            ("intonation|in tune", 0),
                            ("intonation|sharp", cent)):
question {{
 name = _i("{0}")
 csound(load("share/sinus.orc"), \"\"\"
   f1 0 4096 10 1 1.25 0.95 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 
""".format(label, c))
            if harmonic:
                f.write('   i1 0 1 %f\n' % hz)
                f.write('   i1 0 1 %f\n' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200)))
                f.write('   i1 0 1 %f\n' % hz)
                f.write('   i1 + 1 %f\n' % (hz2 * 2**(mult / 1200)))
            f.write(' """)\n')
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_addition(self):
     a = MusicalPitch.new_from_notename("c'")
     b = Interval("m2")
     self.assertEquals((a + b).get_octave_notename(), "des'")
Exemplo n.º 7
        'M3': (5 / 4, "5:4"),
        'p4': (4 / 3, "4:3"),
        'p5': (3 / 2, "3:2"),
        'm6': (8 / 5, "8:5"),
        'M6': (5 / 3, "5:3"),
        'm7': (16 / 9, "16:9"),
        'M7': (15 / 8, "15:8"),
        'p8': (2, "2:1"),
        'm9': (1 + 16 / 15, "1+16:15"),
        'M9': (1 + 9 / 8, "1+9:8"),
        'm10': (1 + 6 / 5, "1+6:5"),
        'M10': (1 + 5 / 4, "1+5:4"),

interval_names = list(ratio_dict.keys())
interval_names.sort(key=lambda i: Interval(i).get_intvalue())

# different number of cents the intonation questions should be wrong.
cents = (40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 5)

def write_file_copyright(f):
    f.write("# Solfege - free ear training software\n")
    f.write("# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2011, 2016 Tom Cato Amundsen\n")
    f.write("# License is GPL, see file COPYING\n")
    f.write("# Generated by tools/generate_lessonfiles.py\n")

def question(f, b, c):
    low = 60
    tone_a = MusicalPitch.new_from_int(low)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_add_interval_fail(self):
     n = MusicalPitch.new_from_int(120)
     i = Interval("M10")
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: n + i)