Exemplo n.º 1
def standoff(thickness):
    Stackable, gluable 3D printable standoff connector w/pivot axis.
    global standnumber
    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)
    peg_height = 5.5
    clearance = 3.2
    base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h=thickness, segments = 100)
    conn = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=peg_height, segments = 100)
    #wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
    #defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
    anchor = Joint((0,0, -100),Z_JOINT_POSE[1],name="A")
    b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,-thickness])(base)
    unit = b_placed+ conn - solid.translate([0,0,-(clearance+ thickness)])(conn)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)
    stand = Body(
        pose = OP,
        joints = [anchor],
        elts = [Layer(pm, name="lol", color = 'yellow')],
        name = 'standoff'+str(standnumber)
    standnumber = standnumber + 1
    return stand, b_placed
Exemplo n.º 2
def spacerMaker(radius, right, out, spacer, name):
  s = solid.rotate(a = [-90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=outerD/2, h=spacer, segments = 20))

  s1 = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2, h=3*spacer, segments = 20, center=True))
  s = solid.difference()(s, s1)

  """s1 = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2, h=2*border, segments = 20))
  s1 = solid.translate(v = [0, spacer+2*border, 0])(s1)
  s = s + s1"""

  if not out:
    s = solid.translate(v = [0, -spacer, 0])(s)
    off = radius - width
    off = radius
  s = solid.translate(v = [0, off, 0])(s)

  if right:
    s = solid.rotate(a = [0, 0, -90])(s)
  s = PolyMesh(generator=s)
  s.save("heliodon/spacer" + name +".stl")
  return s
Exemplo n.º 3
def connector():
    Connector 2.0!!! comes in two better sized segments, now with indent!

    global pinnumber
    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)
    base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h = 4, segments = 100)
    conn = solid.cylinder(r = 1.9, h = 8, segments = 100 )

    anchor = Joint(
            ((0, 0, 8),Z_JOINT_POSE[1]),
    bottom = base+ solid.translate([0,0,4])(conn)
    cap = solid.translate([0,0,4+6.4])(base)
    dimple_cap  = cap - bottom

    p1 = PolyMesh(generator = bottom)
    p2 = PolyMesh(generator  = dimple_cap)
    poly = p1+p2
    pin = Body(
         pose = OP,
         joints = [anchor],
         elts = [Layer(poly, name='lol', color = 'blue')],
         name = 'coupler'+str(pinnumber)
    pinnumber = pinnumber + 1
    return pin
Exemplo n.º 4
def strunk():
	c1 = solid.cylinder(r= 15, h = 70)
	c2 = solid.translate([9,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=15, h= 70))
	m1 = solid.translate([0,-15,0])(solid.cube([9,30,70]))
	total = join_list([c1,c2,m1])
	total = solid.translate([0,0,84])(total)
	return total
Exemplo n.º 5
def hJoint (right, out, name):
  female = out

  # Create the outer cylinder
  j = solid.rotate(a = [-90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=outerD/2, h=width, segments = 20))
  j = solid.translate(v = [0, 0, outerD/2])(j)

  # Create the clamp
  j = j + solid.cube([outerD,width,border])
  j = j + solid.translate([0, 0, border+thick])\
  j = j - solid.translate(v = [0, 0, border])(solid.cube([outerD,width,thick+2*t]))

  # Create the center hole
  c = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2,center=True, h=2*width, segments=20))
  if female:
    if (right and out) or (not right and not out):
      off = -(width-6)
      off = width-6
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2+off, outerD/2])(c)
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2, outerD/2])(c)
  j = solid.difference()(j, c)

  if not female:
    if (right and out) or (not right and not out):
      off = -border
      off = border
    c = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
      (solid.cylinder(r=(outerD)/2-border,center=True, h=width, segments = 20))
    c = solid.translate(v = [0, width/2+off, outerD/2])(c)
    cube = solid.cube([outerD, width, 2*border+thick])
    c = solid.difference()(c, \
      solid.translate(v = [-outerD/2.0, 0, 0])(cube))
    j = solid.difference()(j, c)

  # Create bolt holes
  j = solid.difference()(j, 
    solid.translate(v=[.65*outerD, width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h = outerD, segments = 20)))
  j = solid.difference()(j, 
    solid.translate(v=[.85*outerD, width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h = outerD, segments = 20)))

  # Support bar
  # j = j + solid.translate(v = [-thick,0,border])(solid.cube([thick, width, thick+2*t]))

  # Move and rotate
  j = solid.translate(v=[0, 0, -border])(j)
  if right:
    j = solid.translate(v=[width, 0, 0])(solid.rotate(a=[0, 0, 90])(j))
  j = PolyMesh(generator=j)
  j.save("heliodon/joint" + name + ".stl")
  return j
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_stupid_connector():
    Make "smarter" by having a recessed point in the cap for
    a glue hole, make more flush with bars.
    base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h = 2, segments = 100)
    conn = solid.cylinder(r = 1.8, h = 6.8, segments = 100 )

    bottom = base+ solid.translate([0,0,2])(conn)

    p1 = PolyMesh(generator = bottom)
    p2 = PolyMesh(generator  = base)
Exemplo n.º 7
def locked_offset():
    global locked_count
    name = "locked_" + str(locked_count)
    locked_count +=1
    j_name = "locked_joint_" + str(locked_count)
    thickness = 6 #span 2 layers
    peg_height = 3.2
    clearance = 3.2
    base = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=thickness, segments = 100)
    conn1 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
    conn2 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
    #wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
    #defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
    b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,3])(base)
    unit = b_placed + solid.translate([0,0,1.5])(conn1) + solid.translate([0,0,10.5])(conn2)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)
    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 12),NZ_JOINT_POSE[1]), #9

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_servo_mount():
    right now designed to fit Jacobs institute model
    width = 6.5
    length = 20.0

    depth = 2.3
    voffset = -18.5 - 9

    left_bar = solid.cube([width,length,depth], center = True)
    hole = solid.cylinder(r=2,h=10, center =True,segments = 100)
    hole1 = solid.translate([0,4,0])(hole)
    hole2 = solid.translate([0,-4,0])(hole)
    left_bar = solid.difference()(left_bar, hole1)
    left_bar = solid.difference()(left_bar, hole2)

    right_bar = solid.cube([width,length,depth],center = True)
    right_bar = solid.difference()(right_bar, hole1)
    right_bar = solid.difference()(right_bar, hole2)

    left_spread = -30.0
    right_spread = 17.0
    left_bar = solid.translate([left_spread, 0,-(depth/2 + voffset)])(left_bar)
    right_bar = solid.translate([right_spread, 0 , -(depth/2+voffset)])(right_bar)
    connector = solid.cube([(right_spread - left_spread) + width,width,depth],center=True)
    placed_connector = solid.translate([(left_spread+right_spread)/2,-(length/2 +width/2), -(depth/2+voffset)])(connector)
    total_mount = left_bar + placed_connector + right_bar
    pl = PolyMesh(generator= total_mount)

    attach_point1 = PolyMesh(generator =solid.translate([width, 0,0])(right_bar))
    attach_point2 = PolyMesh(generator =solid.translate([-width, 0,0])(left_bar))
    return pl, attach_point1, attach_point2
Exemplo n.º 9
def create_support_bar(jt, offset):
    create a support bar to the point from the origin XY plane
    account for default klann spacing for now.

    plan on gluing two segments with acetone

    ((dx,dy,dz),_) = jt.pose
    placed_base = solid.translate([0,0,-offset])(solid.cylinder(r = 4, h = offset))
    clevis_pin = solid.translate([0,0,-(offset+5.5)])(solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h = 5.5,segments=300))
    total = placed_base + clevis_pin
    translated = solid.translate([dx,dy,dz])(total)
    pl = PolyMesh(generator=translated)
    attach = PolyMesh(generator = solid.translate([dx,dy,dz])(placed_base))
    return pl, attach
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_crank_shaft(save = False):
    Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
    the +Z direction.
    global shaft_count
    name = "shaft_" + str(shaft_count)
    j_name = "shaft_joint_" + str(shaft_count)
    mount_plate = solid.cylinder(r = 10, h= 3)
    shaft = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),6], center = True)
    shifted_shaft = solid.translate([0,0,3])(shaft)
    total = mount_plate+shaft
    pl = PolyMesh(generator=total)
    if save:
    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 0),Z_JOINT_POSE[1]),

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Exemplo n.º 11
def sarms():
	hand = solid.sphere(r=4)
	arm = solid.translate([0,0,4])( solid.cylinder(r=4, h = 68))
	shoulder = solid.translate([0,0,72])( solid.sphere(r=4))
	a1 = hand+arm+shoulder
	a2 = solid.translate([50,0,70])(a1)
	a1 = solid.translate([-40,0,70])(a1)
	a1 = solid.rotate([0,10,0])(a1)
	a2 = solid.rotate([0,-10,0])(a2)
	return a1+a2
Exemplo n.º 12
def arc(radius):
  a = solid.difference()(
    solid.cylinder(r=radius, h=thick, segments=48), solid.cylinder(r=radius-width, h=thick, segments=48))
  a = solid.intersection()(a, solid.cube([radius, radius, thick]))

  a = solid.difference()(a, 
    solid.translate(v=[.75*outerD, radius-width/2, 0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True)))
  a = solid.difference()(a, 
    solid.translate(v=[radius-width/2, .75*outerD, width/2.0])
      (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True)))
  c = solid.translate(v=[radius-width/2, 0, 0])\
    (solid.cylinder(r=bolt/2, h=2*thick, segments=20, center=True))

  # Add bolt holes for fastening the two sheets of acryllic together
  for step in range(1,3):
    a = solid.difference()(a, solid.rotate(a = [0,0, step * 30])(c))

  PolyLine(generator = solid.projection()(a)).save("heliodon/a" + str(radius) + ".dxf")
  return PolyMesh(generator=a)
Exemplo n.º 13
def ssupport():
	arch1 ,thet1, rad1= circle_arch(30.0, 5.0, 3)
	arch1 = solid.translate([14,-28/2,0])(solid.rotate([0,0, -thet1/2])(arch1))
	arch2 = solid.translate([0,0,1])(arch1)
	arch3 = solid.translate([0,0,-1])(arch1)
	arch1 = join_list([arch1, arch2, arch3])
	pillar1 = solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=35) )
	pillar1 = pillar1 - solid.translate([-1,0,-3])(solid.cube([37,4, 8]))
	pillar2 = solid.rotate([180,0,0])(solid.translate([0,28])(pillar1))
	return join_list([arch1, pillar1, pillar2])
Exemplo n.º 14
def splanter():
	bucket = solid.cylinder( r= 8, h= 9)- solid.translate([0,0,2])(solid.cylinder(r=7, h=9))
	hole = solid.cylinder(r=.5, h= 2)
	bottom_holes = []
	for i in range(10):
		for j in range(10):
			x= 2*i-7
			y= 2*j - 7
			if x**2 + y**2<(6.5)**2:
	bucket -= join_list(bottom_holes)
	wall_holes = []
	wallh = solid.translate([7,0,1.5])(solid.rotate([0,90,0])(hole))
	for i in range(12):
		wall_holes += [solid.rotate([0,0,i*30])(wallh)]
	wall_ho = join_list(wall_holes)
	bucket -= wall_ho
	bucket -= solid.translate([0,0,2])(solid.rotate([0,0,15])(wall_ho))
	bucket = solid.color("SaddleBrown")(bucket)
	return bucket
Exemplo n.º 15
def create_offset():
    Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
    the +Z direction.

    TODO: Consider refactoring into mechanism with joint at O.
    global offset_count
    name = "offset_" + str(offset_count)
    offset_count +=1
    j_name = "offset_joint_" + str(offset_count)
    thickness = 6 #span 2 layers
    peg_height = 5.5
    clearance = 3.2
    base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h=thickness, segments = 100)
    conn = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=peg_height, segments = 100)
    #wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
    #defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
    b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,-thickness])(base)
    unit = b_placed+ conn - solid.translate([0,0,-(clearance+ thickness)])(conn)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)

    j1 = Joint(
        ((0, 0, 0),NZ_JOINT_POSE[1]),

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)

    b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=[j1], name=name)
    return b, name, j_name
Exemplo n.º 16
def create_shaft_connector():
    Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
    the +Z direction.

    TODO: Consider refactoring into mechanism with joint at O.
    mount_plate = solid.cylinder(r = 10, h= 3)
    shaft = solid.translate([-2,-2,0])(solid.cube([4,4,20]))
    shifted_shaft = solid.translate([0,0,3])(shaft)
    total = mount_plate+shaft
    pl = PolyMesh(generator=total)
    return pl
Exemplo n.º 17
def produce_slice(lower, upper, outer_offset=0.0):
    res = []
    step = (upper - lower) / slice_steps
    for i, f in enumerate(frange(lower, upper, step)):
        r1 = cone_at(f)
        r2 = cone_at(f + step)
        offset = i * step + outer_offset
            solid.translate([0, 0, offset])(
                solid.cylinder(h=step, r1=r1, r2=r2)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 18
	def genAsOpenscad(self):
		"""Generates cone geometry as solid python object.
		Useful if geometry is used to be passed to openscad.
			solid.solidpython.openscad_object: Solid python object. 
		return cone
Exemplo n.º 19
	def genAsOpenscad(self):
		"""Generates cylinder geometry as solid python object.
		Useful if geometry is used to be passed to openscad.
			solid.solidpython.openscad_object: Solid python object. 
		return cylinder
Exemplo n.º 20
def rationalize_segment(seg,joints,name, state= {}, is_locked = False):

    p1 = seg
    p2 = seg
    if type(seg) != Point:
        p1 = seg.p1
        p2 = seg.p2
    buff = 6
    thickness = 3

    p1x = p1.x.evalf(subs=state)
    p1y = p1.y.evalf(subs=state)
    p2x = p2.x.evalf(subs=state)
    p2y = p2.y.evalf(subs=state)

    c = solid.cylinder(r= buff, h =thickness, segments =100)

    c1 = solid.translate([p1x, p1y, 0])(c)
    c2 = solid.translate([p2x, p2y, 0])(c)

    link = solid.hull()(c1,c2)

    OT = (0, 0, 0)
    OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
    OP = (OT, OQ)
    pm = PolyMesh(generator=link)

    for joint in joints:
        if is_locked:
            pm = square_neg(pm,joint)
            pm = clevis_neg(pm,joint)
    if "conn" in name:
        #this is a connector joint
        pm = add_servo_mount(pm)
    link_body = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
                     joints=joints, name=name)
    return link_body
Exemplo n.º 21
def hexfield(R, sep, thick, xmax, ymax):
	list = []
	total = R * 3**.5 + sep
	move = h1*j*total+h2*i*total
	while move[0] <= xmax:	
		while move[1] <= ymax:
			list_move = numpy_to_list(move)
			hex = solid.cylinder(r=R, h=thick, segments=6)
			hex = solid.translate(list_move)(hex)
			list +=[hex]
			move = h1*j*total+h2*i*total
			#print move
		move = h1*j*total+h2*i*total
	field = join_list(list)
	field = solid.translate([0,0,-1])(field)
	return field
Exemplo n.º 22
bolt_z = height / 2.0
bolt1_y = bolt_from_edge - outer_rad
bolt2_y = square_width + outer_rad - bolt_from_edge
bolt_base1_y = (bolt_base_dia / 2.0) - outer_rad
bolt_base2_y = square_width + outer_rad - (bolt_base_dia / 2.0)
bolt_base_depth = depth * 0.66
# rotation of bolt base to merge into the side
bolt_base_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(
    bolt_base_depth, bolt_base_dia / 2.0))
hnt = nt / 2.0  # half nested tolerance

# body centre
body = s.cube(size=[depth, square_width, height])
# body round edge 1
body += u.up(outer_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=outer_rad, h=depth, segments=segments)
# body round edge 2
body += u.forward(square_width)(u.up(outer_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=outer_rad, h=depth, segments=segments)

# inner to subtract from the body for the body
inner = s.cube(
    size=[depth - wall_width, square_width, height - walls_width]
inner += u.up(inner_rad)(s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
    s.cylinder(r=inner_rad, h=depth - wall_width, segments=segments)
inner += u.forward(square_width)(u.up(inner_rad)(
    s.rotate(a=[0, 90, 0])(
Exemplo n.º 23
	a1 = hand+arm+shoulder
	a2 = solid.translate([50,0,70])(a1)
	a1 = solid.translate([-40,0,70])(a1)
	a1 = solid.rotate([0,10,0])(a1)
	a2 = solid.rotate([0,-10,0])(a2)
	return a1+a2
def shead():
	head = solid.translate([-8,-13,181-27])(solid.cube([24,24,27]))
	return head

out_file = make_output()

rod = solid.translate([70,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r= 10, h = 181 ))
rod = solid.color([0,0,0])(rod)

trunk = strunk()
legs = slegs()
head = shead()
arms = sarms()
body = [trunk, head, legs, arms]
body = solid.color([.1,.9,.1])(join_list(body))

object = [rod, body]
print>>out_file, solid.scad_render(join_list(object))

# object=[]
# for i in range(100):
# 	x = int( math.cos(float(i)/5)*10+10)
Exemplo n.º 24
def clevis_neg(poly, joint):
    transform = matrix_pose(joint.pose)
    h_hole = PolyMesh(generator=solid.cylinder(r=2, h=20, segments=100,center =True))
    tf_snap_sub = transform * h_hole
    return poly - tf_snap_sub
Exemplo n.º 25
	g = float(color[1])/255
	b = float(color[2])/255
	return [r,g,b]


out_file = make_output()

clearance = 15
width = 70
length = 120
thick = 20
depth = 40

leg1 = solid.translate([8,8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg2 = solid.translate([8,width-8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg3 = solid.translate([length-8,8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
leg4 = solid.translate([length-8,width-8,0])(solid.cylinder(r=4, h=clearance))
legs = join_list([leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4])
legs = solid.color([0,0,0])(legs)

table = solid.cube([length,width,thick])
table -= solid.translate([depth+3,-1,3])(solid.cube([length+1-depth ,width+2,thick-6]))
table -= solid.translate([-1,3,3])(solid.cube([depth,width-6,thick-6]))
table = solid.translate([0,0,clearance])(table)
table = solid.color(t55_to_1([140,80,33]))(table)

mid = solid.translate([length-20,width/2,clearance])(solid.color([0,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=5,h=thick-1)))
glass = solid.translate([0,0,clearance+thick])(solid.color([1,1,1,.3])(solid.cube([length,width,3])))
Exemplo n.º 26
v.screw_length = s.var(10,
                       comment='Length of thread to be inside spacer.',
v.head_hole_height = s.var('spacer_height - screw_length')

body = s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, spacer_width, v.spacer_height])

slot = u.up(3)(s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, 10, 2]))
slot_round = u.back(1)(u.up(2)(
    s.rotate(a=v.spacer_height, v=[1, 0, 0])(
        s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, 4, 4])

screw_hole = u.forward(5)(
    s.cylinder(r=v.screw_head_radius, h=v.head_hole_height, segments=32) +
        s.cylinder(r=v.screw_radius, h=v.screw_length, segments=32)

screw_hole_1 = u.right(screw_offset)(screw_hole)
screw_hole_2 = u.right(screw_offset_2)(screw_hole)

wire_run = u.up(20)(s.cube(size=[spacer_depth, 4, 9]))

final = body - slot - slot_round - screw_hole_1 - screw_hole_2 - wire_run

s.scad_render_to_file(final, __file__.replace('.py', '.scad'), variables=v)
Exemplo n.º 27
def slegs():
	l1= solid.translate([-3,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=5, h= 84))
	l2= solid.translate([13,0,0])(l1)
	out = l1+l2
	return out
Exemplo n.º 28
### new subroutines

0-1, base
1-4, lighting
5-6 floor/pane
7-top, chamber
out_file = make_output()
orange = t55_to_1([255,127,0])

battery = solid.color([1,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=1,h=3))
battery += solid.color([0,0,0])(solid.translate([0,0,3])(solid.cylinder(r=1,h=3)))
battery = solid.translate([11,2,2])(solid.rotate([0,90,0])(battery))

led = solid.cylinder(r=1,h=1, segments = 20)
led += solid.translate([0,0,1])(solid.sphere(r=1, segments= 20))
wire = solid.cube([.2,.2,1])
led += solid.translate([-.1,.8,-1])(wire)+ solid.translate([-.1,-1,-1])(wire)
led = solid.color(orange)(led)
led2 = solid.translate([5,3,1.5])(led)
led = solid.translate([9,3,1.5])(led)

vessel = solid.cube([20,7,15])- solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([18,5,15]))
vessel -= solid.translate([1,-1,6])(solid.cube([18,3,10]))
vessel -= solid.translate([.5,.25,5.5])(solid.cube([19,.5,10]))
vessel -= solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([20,5,3]))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def save(self, file):
        # Add screws
        screw_head_radius = 3.0
        screw_head_length = 2.5
        screw_shaft_radius = 1.40       # 2.8mm diameter = 0.3mm extra
        screw_shaft_length = 15.0
        head = sc.translate([0,0,screw_shaft_length])(
                    sc.cylinder(h=screw_head_length + 100, r=screw_head_radius, segments=self._round_segments)
        shaft = sc.cylinder(h=screw_shaft_length + 0.1, r=screw_shaft_radius, segments=self._round_segments)
        screw_down = sc.translate([0,0,-screw_shaft_length - screw_head_length])(

        # Origin is top of screw
        screw_side = sc.rotate([0,90,0])(screw_down)
        sc.scad_render_to_file(screw_side, "screw.scad", include_orig_code=False)

        # Place 4 screws in the right side
        screw_recess_side = 1.0
        assert screw_recess_side < self._thickness_xy
        side_thick = self._thickness_xy - self._board_slot
        ymin = self._board_bbox.bot() - self._board_slot - side_thick/2.0
        ymax = self._board_bbox.top() + self._board_slot + side_thick/2.0
        zmin = -self.cavity_bot - self._thickness_z + screw_head_radius + self._min_screw_material
        zmax = self.cavity_top - self._thickness_z - screw_head_radius
        x = self._board_bbox.right() + self._thickness_xy + 1.0

        # Add screws to the side
        for y in [ymin, ymax]:
            for z in [zmin, zmax]:
                self._case -= sc.translate([x,y,z])(screw_side)
        print "Free material around side screws: {0}mm".\
            format(self._thickness_xy - self._board_slot - 2*screw_shaft_radius)

        # Add screws to the top
        screw_recess_top = 0
        assert screw_recess_top < self._thickness_z
        min_screw_depth = 3.0

        #Lowest depth screw can possibly go
        zmin = self.cavity_top + screw_head_length + min_screw_depth
        z_want = self.cavity_top + self._thickness_z - screw_recess_top
        z = max(zmin, z_want)

        ys = [self._board_bbox.top() + self._board_slot + (self._thickness_xy - self._board_slot)/2.0,
              self._board_bbox.bot() - self._board_slot - (self._thickness_xy - self._board_slot)/2.0]
        xs = [self._board_bbox.left() + screw_head_radius, self._board_bbox.right() - screw_shaft_length - 1.0]
        for y in ys:
            for x in xs:
                self._case -= sc.translate([x,y,z])(screw_down)

        #Top area: top of the case
        top_area_select = self._board_bbox.copy().pad(self._thickness_xy*2)
        top_area_select = rect2scad(top_area_select, self._thickness_z + 0.1, self.cavity_top - 0.05)

        # main_area is the case without the top or side
        main_area = self._board_bbox.copy()
        main_area.bounds[0][0] -= self._thickness_xy*2
        main_area.bounds[0][1] -= self._thickness_xy*2
        main_area.bounds[1][0] -= 0.05    #So we don't have a degenerate face
        main_area.bounds[1][1] += self._thickness_xy*2
        main_area = rect2scad(main_area, self.height * 2, z_start = -self.height - 10)

        #Add screws to hold down the board
        remove_top = self._board_bbox.copy().pad(self._thickness_xy*2)
        remove_top = rect2scad(remove_top, self.height, self.cavity_top + 0.05)
        x = self._board_bbox.left() + (self._board_bbox.width + self._board_slot*2)/2.0
        ys = [self._board_bbox.bot() - screw_shaft_radius - 0.5,
              self._board_bbox.top() + screw_shaft_radius + 0.5]
        z = screw_head_length
        for y in ys:
            self._case -= (sc.translate([x,y,z])(screw_down) - remove_top)
            print "Board screw location: ({0}, {1})".format(x,y)

        # Separate out the sides of the case
        main_part = self._case * main_area
        side = self._case - (main_area + top_area_select)      # Side of the case, first part to screw on

        #The top of the case (screwed on after the side)
        top = self._case * top_area_select
        main_part -= top_area_select
        sc.scad_render_to_file(top, "top." + file, include_orig_code=False)

        sc.scad_render_to_file(main_part, "main." + file, include_orig_code=False)
        sc.scad_render_to_file(side, "side." + file, include_orig_code=False)

        exploded = sc.union()(
        sc.scad_render_to_file(exploded, "exploded." + file, include_orig_code=False)
        sc.scad_render_to_file(self._case, file, include_orig_code=False)
Exemplo n.º 30
	bucket -= wall_ho
	bucket -= solid.translate([0,0,2])(solid.rotate([0,0,15])(wall_ho))
	bucket = solid.color("SaddleBrown")(bucket)
	return bucket
out_file = make_output()
light measurements
123 cm long
15 cm wide
5 cm tall
1:30 slope, or 6 degree slant.
light = solid.cube([5,15,123])- solid.translate([1,1,1])(solid.cube([5,13,121]))
light = solid.color([.4,.4,.4])(light)
tube1 = solid.color([1,1,1])(solid.translate([4,4,1])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=121)))
tube2 = solid.translate([0,6,0])(tube1)

trough = solid.color([.4,.4,.4])(solid.translate([15,-2.5,0])(solid.cube([10,20,123])))
trough -= solid.translate([16,-1.5,-1])(solid.cube([8,18,125]))

thole = solid.translate([14,7.5,10])(solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=8, h = 5) ))
tslots = []
for i in range(6):
	tslots += [solid.translate([0,0,i*18])(thole)]
trough -= solid.translate([0,0,7])(join_list(tslots))

bucket = solid.translate([22.5,7.5,10])(solid.rotate([0,-90,0])(splanter()))
bslots = []
for i in range(6):
	bslots += [solid.translate([0,0,i*18])(bucket)]