Exemplo n.º 1
    def interpret(self, method, frame):
        current_bc_idx = 0
        while True:
            # since methods cannot contain loops (all loops are done via primitives)
            # profiling only needs to be done on pc = 0
            if current_bc_idx == 0:
                jitdriver.can_enter_jit(bytecode_index=current_bc_idx, interp=self, method=method, frame=frame)

            bytecode = method.get_bytecode(current_bc_idx)

            # Get the length of the current bytecode
            bc_length = bytecode_length(bytecode)

            # Compute the next bytecode index
            next_bc_idx = current_bc_idx + bc_length

            # Handle the current bytecode
            if   bytecode == Bytecodes.halt:                            # BC: 0
                return frame.get_stack_element(0)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.dup:                             # BC: 1
                self._do_dup(frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_local:                      # BC: 2
                self._do_push_local(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_argument:                   # BC: 3
                self._do_push_argument(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_field:                      # BC: 4
                self._do_push_field(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_block:                      # BC: 5
                self._do_push_block(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_constant:                   # BC: 6
                self._do_push_constant(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_global:                     # BC: 7
                self._do_push_global(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop:                             # BC: 8
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_local:                       # BC: 9
                self._do_pop_local(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_argument:                    # BC:10
                self._do_pop_argument(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_field:                       # BC:11
                self._do_pop_field(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.send:                            # BC:12
                self._do_send(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.super_send:                      # BC:13
                self._do_super_send(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.return_local:                    # BC:14
                return self._do_return_local(frame)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.return_non_local:                # BC:15
                return self._do_return_non_local(frame)

            current_bc_idx = next_bc_idx
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _compute_stack_depth(self): 
        depth     = 0
        max_depth = 0
        i         = 0

        while i < len(self._bytecode):
            bc = self._bytecode[i]
            if bytecode_stack_effect_depends_on_send(bc):
                signature = self._literals[self._bytecode[i + 1]]
                depth += bytecode_stack_effect(bc, signature.get_number_of_signature_arguments())
                depth += bytecode_stack_effect(bc)
            i += bytecode_length(bc)
            if depth > max_depth:
                max_depth = depth
        return max_depth
    def _compute_stack_depth(self):
        depth = 0
        max_depth = 0
        i = 0

        while i < len(self._bytecode):
            bc = self._bytecode[i]

            if bytecode_stack_effect_depends_on_send(bc):
                signature = self._literals[self._bytecode[i + 1]]
                depth += bytecode_stack_effect(
                    bc, signature.get_number_of_signature_arguments())
                depth += bytecode_stack_effect(bc)

            i += bytecode_length(bc)

            if depth > max_depth:
                max_depth = depth

        return max_depth
Exemplo n.º 4
    def interpret(self, method, frame):
        current_bc_idx = 0
        while True:
            # since methods cannot contain loops (all loops are done via primitives)
            # profiling only needs to be done on pc = 0
            if current_bc_idx == 0:

            bytecode = method.get_bytecode(current_bc_idx)

            # Get the length of the current bytecode
            bc_length = bytecode_length(bytecode)

            # Compute the next bytecode index
            next_bc_idx = current_bc_idx + bc_length

            # Handle the current bytecode
            if bytecode == Bytecodes.halt:  # BC: 0
                return frame.get_stack_element(0)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.dup:  # BC: 1
                self._do_dup(frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_local:  # BC: 2
                self._do_push_local(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_argument:  # BC: 3
                self._do_push_argument(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_field:  # BC: 4
                self._do_push_field(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_block:  # BC: 5
                self._do_push_block(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_constant:  # BC: 6
                self._do_push_constant(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_global:  # BC: 7
                self._do_push_global(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop:  # BC: 8
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_local:  # BC: 9
                self._do_pop_local(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_argument:  # BC:10
                self._do_pop_argument(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_field:  # BC:11
                self._do_pop_field(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.send:  # BC:12
                self._do_send(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.super_send:  # BC:13
                self._do_super_send(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.return_local:  # BC:14
                return self._do_return_local(frame)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.return_non_local:  # BC:15
                return self._do_return_non_local(frame)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.add:
                self._do_add(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.multiply:
                self._do_multiply(current_bc_idx, frame, method)
            elif bytecode == Bytecodes.subtract:
                self._do_subtract(current_bc_idx, frame, method)

            current_bc_idx = next_bc_idx
Exemplo n.º 5
def dump_method(m, indent):

    # output stack information
    error_println("%s<%d locals, %d stack, %d bc_count>" % (indent,

    # output bytecodes
    b = 0
    while b < m.get_number_of_bytecodes():
        # bytecode index
        if b < 10:  error_print(" ")
        if b < 100: error_print(" ")
        error_print(" %d:" % b)

        # mnemonic
        bytecode = m.get_bytecode(b)
        error_print(bytecode_as_str(bytecode) + "  ")

        # parameters (if any)
        if bytecode_length(bytecode) == 1:
            b += 1
        if bytecode == Bytecodes.push_local:
            error_println("local: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ", context: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 2)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_argument:
            error_println("argument: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ", context " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 2)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_field:
            error_println("(index: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") field: " + str(m.get_holder().get_instance_field_name(m.get_bytecode(b + 1))))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_block:
            error_print("block: (index: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) + ") ")
            dump_method(m.get_constant(b), indent + "\t")
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_constant:
            constant = m.get_constant(b)
            error_println("(index: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") value: (" + 
                                   str(constant.get_class(get_current()).get_name()) +
                                   ") " + str(constant))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.push_global:
            error_println("(index: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") value: " + str(m.get_constant(b)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_local:
            error_println("local: "     + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ", context: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 2)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_argument:
            error_println("argument: "  + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ", context: " + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 2)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.pop_field:
            error_println("(index: "  + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") field: " + str(m.get_holder().get_instance_field_name(m.get_bytecode(b + 1))))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.send:
            error_println("(index: "      + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") signature: " + str(m.get_constant(b)))
        elif bytecode == Bytecodes.super_send:
            error_println("(index: "      + str(m.get_bytecode(b + 1)) +
                                   ") signature: " + str(m.get_constant(b)))
            error_println("<incorrect bytecode>")
        b += bytecode_length(m.get_bytecode(b))

    error_println(indent + ")")