def brainvisa_to_gifti(bv_mesh, gii_mesh): """ Conversion of brainvisa mesh to a gifti mesh Caveat ====== requires aims """ from gifti import GiftiEncoding, GiftiImage_fromarray, GiftiIntentCode from soma import aims mesh = aims.Reader().read(bv_mesh) vertices = np.array(mesh.vertex()) poly = np.array([np.array(p) for p in mesh.polygon()]) def buildMeshImage(vertices, faces, encoding=GiftiEncoding.GIFTI_ENCODING_ASCII): """ build a GiftiImage from arrays of vertices and faces NOTE : this is doing the same as the gifti.GiftiImage_fromTriangles function and is only redefined here for demonstration purpose""" k = GiftiImage_fromarray(vertices) k.arrays[0].intentString = "NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET" k.addDataArray_fromarray(faces, GiftiIntentCode.NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE) for a in k.arrays: a.encoding = encoding return k buildMeshImage(vertices, poly).save(gii_mesh)
def execution(self, context): from soma import aims r = aims.Reader({'Volume': {'S16': 'Graph'}}) graph = graph['filename_base'] = '*' aims.GraphManip.volume2Buckets(graph) aims.write(graph, self.write.fullPath()) registration.getTransformationManager().copyReferential(, self.write) if self.removeSource: for f in shelltools.rm(f)
def main(Primate1, Primate2, side): """ Main function that uses the text file returned by the code in order to rescale the Primate2's texture so we can map Primate1's textures onto Primate1's brain surface. :param Primate1: string - name of Primate1 :param Primate2: string - name of Primate2 :param side: string - hemisphere 'L' or 'R' :return: the rescaled Primate2's longitudinal and latitudinal textures """ nameLon = Primate2 + '_' + side + 'white_lon.gii' nameLat = Primate2 + '_' + side + 'white_lat.gii' print('reading coordinates') r = aims.Reader() texLatF = texLonF = texLat = np.array(texLatF[0]) texLon = np.array(texLonF[0]) print('reading affine transformations') affine_model = 'affine_trans_' + Primate1 + '_to_' + Primate2 + '_' + side + '.txt' int_lon, int_lat, lon_transform, lat_transform = read_affine(affine_model) print('processing longitude') newLon = rescale(texLon, lon_transform, int_lon) print('processing latitude') newLat = rescale(texLat, lat_transform, int_lat) print('writing textures') nv = texLat.size newLatT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) newLonT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) for i in range(nv): newLatT[0][i] = newLat[i] newLonT[0][i] = newLon[i] outLat = Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lat_to' + Primate2 + '.gii' outLon = Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lon_to' + Primate2 + '.gii' r = aims.Writer() r.write(newLatT, outLat) r.write(newLonT, outLon) print('done')
def main(arguments): if len(arguments) == 4: myelinN = arguments[1] surfaceN = arguments[2] surfMapN = arguments[3] r = aims.Reader() myelin = surface = surfMap, volOut = projectOnSurface(myelin, surface) w = aims.Writer() w.write(surfMap, surfMapN) #w.write(volOut, 'midVoxels.nii') else: print 'Usage:' print 'python myelinImage surface map'
def execution(self, context): from soma import aims reader = aims.Reader() texture2 =[0])) texture = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(len(self.input), len(texture2[0])) # for i in six.moves.xrange(len(texture2[0])): # texture[0][i] = texture2[0][i] for i in six.moves.xrange(len(self.input)): aux =[i])) for j in six.moves.xrange(len(aux[0])): texture[i][j] = aux[0][j] context.write(texture.size()) writer = aims.Writer() writer.write(texture, str(self.output)) context.write("Finished")
def cingular_project(parameters): DATABASE, s_id = parameters subj_dir = os.path.join(DATABASE, s_id) for sd in ['L', 'R']: file_white_mesh = os.path.join(subj_dir, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", s_id + "_" + sd + "white.gii") pole_cingular = os.path.join( subj_dir, "t1mri", "BL", "default_analysis", "segmentation", "mesh", "surface_analysis", s_id + "_" + sd + "white_pole_cingular.gii") #aparc = os.path.join(subj_dir, "label", # s_id+ "."+sd+".aparc.native.label.gii") fs_cortex_label = os.path.join(subj_dir, "label", sd.lower() + 'h.cortex.label') re = aims.Reader() ws = aims.Writer() mesh = nbv = len(mesh.vertex()) data = np.ones(nbv) f = open(fs_cortex_label, 'r') lines = f.readlines() for a in lines[2:]: a_spl = a.split() data[int(a_spl[0])] = a_spl[4] f.close() #data_in =[0].data #data = np.zeros_like(data_in) #data[data_in==-1]=1 a, b = textureTls.textureTopologicalCorrection(mesh, data, 1) cingular_tex_clean, cingular_tex_boundary = a, b tex_out = aims.TimeTexture_S16() tex_out[0].assign(cingular_tex_clean) ws.write(tex_out, pole_cingular)
### ======================================================================= ### Mesh perforator by a cylindre, centered on the lacune gravity center ### ======================================================================= mesh_perfo = aims.SurfaceGenerator.cylinder(perfo_ext1, perfo_ext2, .5, .5, 100, 1, 1) aims.write(mesh_perfo, mesh_perfo__native_filename) perfo_ext1_centered = perfo_ext1 - mass_center perfo_ext2_centered = perfo_ext2 - mass_center mesh_perfo_centered = aims.SurfaceGenerator.cylinder( perfo_ext1_centered, perfo_ext2_centered, 1, 1, 100, 1, 1) aims.write(mesh_perfo_centered, mesh_perfo__centered_filename) ### ======================================================================= ### QC check center_of_mass == the one computed by AimsMoments ### ======================================================================= ima = aims.Reader().read(ima_filename) mesh_lacune = aims.Reader().read(mesh_lacunes_filename) mesh_xyz = np.array(mesh_lacune.vertex()) mesh_tri = np.array(mesh_lacune.polygon()) # t,z,y,x arr = ima.arraydata().squeeze() voxel_size = ima.header()['voxel_size'].arraydata() # recompute mass_center from image to check that zyx*voxel_size == what is csv # file zyx = np.where(arr != 0) xyz_mm = np.vstack([ zyx[2] * voxel_size[0], zyx[1] * voxel_size[1], zyx[0] * voxel_size[2] ]).T xyz_mass_center_mm = xyz_mm.mean(axis=0) # Check we retrive mass_center
def main(Primate1, Primate2, side): nameLon = Primate2 + '_' + side + 'white_lon.gii' nameLat = Primate2 + '_' + side + 'white_lat.gii' print('reading models\' informations') modelP1F = 'model_' + Primate1 + '_' + side + '.txt' modelP2F = 'model_' + Primate2 + '_' + side + '.txt' modelP1 = read_model(modelP1F) modelP2 = read_model(modelP2F) dimRect_P1, poles_lat_P1, longID_P1, latID_P1, sulci_lon_P1, sulci_lat_P1, lon_coor_P1, lat_coor_P1 = modelP1 dimRect_P2, poles_lat_P2, longID_P2, latID_P2, sulci_lon_P2, sulci_lat_P2, lon_coor_P2, lat_coor_P2 = modelP2 print('reading correspondences\' table') name_corr = Primate1 + '_' + Primate2 + '_' + 'corr.txt' if os.path.exists(name_corr): corrTable = read_corr(name_corr) else: name_corr = Primate2 + '_' + Primate1 + '_' + 'corr.txt' corrTable = read_corr(name_corr) print('reading coordinates') r = aims.Reader() texLatF = texLonF = texLat = np.array(texLatF[0]) texLon = np.array(texLonF[0]) print('rescaling square coordinates to sphere coordinates') sulciP1, sulciP2 = SquareToSphere(dimRect_P1, dimRect_P2, [lon_coor_P1, lat_coor_P1], [lon_coor_P2, lat_coor_P2], poles_lat_P1, poles_lat_P2) print('extracting correspondences') assert (len(corrTable['lon_' + Primate1]) == len(corrTable['lon_' + Primate2]) and len(corrTable['lat_' + Primate1]) == len(corrTable['lat_' + Primate2])), \ "Number of corresponding sulci do not match in corr text file." Ncorr_lon = len(corrTable['lon_' + Primate1]) Ncorr_lat = len(corrTable['lat_' + Primate1]) long_corr = np.zeros((Ncorr_lon, 2)).astype('int') lat_corr = np.zeros((Ncorr_lat, 2)).astype('int') for i in range(Ncorr_lon): long_corr[i][0] = longID_P1[sulci_lon_P1[corrTable['lon_' + Primate1][i]]] long_corr[i][1] = longID_P2[sulci_lon_P2[corrTable['lon_' + Primate2][i]]] for i in range(Ncorr_lat): lat_corr[i][0] = latID_P1[sulci_lat_P1[corrTable['lat_' + Primate1][i]]] lat_corr[i][1] = latID_P2[sulci_lat_P2[corrTable['lat_' + Primate2][i]]] print('computing affine transformations') long_transform, lat_transform = Affine_Transform(sulciP1, sulciP2, long_corr, lat_corr, poles_lat_P1, poles_lat_P2) print('processing longitude') intervals_lon = np.concatenate(([0], sulciP2[0][long_corr[:, 1]], [360])) intervals_lon = np.sort(intervals_lon) newLon = rescale(texLon, long_transform, intervals_lon) print('processing latitude') intervals_lat = np.concatenate(([30], sulciP2[1][lat_corr[:, 1]], [150])) intervals_lat = np.sort(intervals_lat) newLat = rescale(texLat, lat_transform, intervals_lat) print('writing textures') nv = texLat.size newLatT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) newLonT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) for i in range(nv): newLatT[0][i] = newLat[i] newLonT[0][i] = newLon[i] outLat = Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lat_to' + Primate2 + '.gii' outLon = Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lon_to' + Primate2 + '.gii' r = aims.Writer() r.write(newLatT, outLat) r.write(newLonT, outLon) print('done') return None
def iterate(Primate1, Primate2, side, Primate_inter=None): """ Meant to be used on a database to iterate the reparametrization on a list of individuals of one species to the coordinate system of Primate1. :param Primate1: string - name of Primate1 :param Primate2: string - name of Primate2 :param side: string - hemisphere 'L' or 'R' :return: the rescaled longitudinal and latitudinal textures for each individual of Primate2 """ individuals = [i for i in os.listdir(Primate2) if '.' not in i] print('reading affine transformations') dir = Primate1 + '_to_' + Primate2 if Primate_inter is not None: dir = Primate1 + '_to_' + Primate2 + '_via' + Primate_inter affine_model = os.path.join(dir, 'affine_trans_' + dir + '_' + side + '.txt') int_lon, int_lat, lon_transform, lat_transform = read_affine(affine_model) for ind in individuals: nameLon = os.path.join(Primate2, ind, ind + '_' + side + 'white_lon.gii') nameLat = os.path.join(Primate2, ind, ind + '_' + side + 'white_lat.gii') # print('reading coordinates') r = aims.Reader() texLatF = texLonF = texLat = np.array(texLatF[0]) texLon = np.array(texLonF[0]) # print('processing longitude') newLon = rescale(texLon, lon_transform, int_lon) # print('processing latitude') newLat = rescale(texLat, lat_transform, int_lat) # print('writing textures') nv = texLat.size newLatT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) newLonT = aims.TimeTexture_FLOAT(1, nv) for i in range(nv): newLatT[0][i] = newLat[i] newLonT[0][i] = newLon[i] outLat = os.path.join( dir, Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lat_to' + ind + '.gii') outLon = os.path.join( dir, Primate1 + '_' + side + 'white_lon_to' + ind + '.gii') r = aims.Writer() r.write(newLatT, outLat) r.write(newLonT, outLon) print('done')
in_file = os.path.join('/neurospin/brainomics/2016_AUSZ',"preproc_VBM","list_subjects","list_T1.txt") out_file = os.path.join('/neurospin/brainomics/2016_AUSZ',"preproc_VBM","tissues-volumes-globals_spm-segmentation.csv") suffix_im = "mprage_noface.nii" inf=open(in_file, "r") outf=open(out_file, "w") outf.write("subject"+" "+"dimX"+" "+"dimY"+" "+"dimZ"+" "+ "voxsizeX"+" "+"voxsizeY"+" "+"voxsizeZ"+" "+ "nvoxGM_nomask"+" "+"nvoxWM_nomask"+" "+"nvoxCSF_nomask"+" "+ "nvoxGM"+" "+"nvoxWM"+" "+"nvoxCSF\n") outf.flush() r = aims.Reader() for cur_anat_path in inf.readlines(): cur_anat_path = cur_anat_path.replace("\n","") cur_dir = os.path.dirname(cur_anat_path) image = os.path.basename(cur_anat_path) image= image[:-3] # read segmeted images gm_im =, "c1"+image+'nii')) wm_im =, "c2"+image+'nii')) csf_im =, "c3"+image+'nii')) skull_im =, "c4"+image+'nii')) outside_im =, "c5"+image+'nii')) gm_arr = gm_im.arraydata().squeeze()
def csvMapGraph(options, agraphs=None, window=None, displayProp=None, palette=None, propPrefix=None, csvfilename=None, filterCol=None, filterExpr=None, min=None, max=None): '''csvMapGraph( options, agraphs=None, window=None, displayProp=None, palette=None, propPrefix=None, csvfilename=None ) read a CSV-like file, extract numeric figures on sulci from it and map it on a sulci graph displayed in anatomist. Paramters: options: command-line parsing options of siCsvMapGraph (see the help of this command) agraphs: existing anatomist graph(s) on which to map data. If not specified, a graph is read from the options.graphname parameter. window: existing anatomist window in which the sulci graph will be displayed. If not specified, a new window will be opened. displayProp: when several data are read at the same time, specifies which one will be currently displayed. If not specified, the first data column will be used. palette: color palette to apply to the graph display. May be either an anatomist palette object, or a parameters dictionary, corresponding to the parameters of the SetObjectPalette command (see propPrefix: data read from the CSV file are stored in the graph nodes as properties. The prefix is used in the properties names. If not specified, 'csv' is used csvfilename: if specified, overrides options.csvfilename for convenience Return values: aobjects, awindows ''' if csvfilename is None: csvfilename = options.csvfilename if csvfilename is None: parseOpts([sys.argv[0], '-h']) sys.exit(1) # read ft = sigraph.FoldLabelsTranslator(options.transfile) labels, sulci_data, mode = read_csv(csvfilename, options.columns, operator=options.operator, filterCol=filterCol, filterExpr=filterExpr) if options.summarycsvfilename: write_summary_csv(options.summarycsvfilename, labels, sulci_data, mode) # graph if not options.graphname: return from soma import aims graphs = [] if agraphs: if isinstance(agraphs, anatomist.Anatomist.AGraph): agraphs = [agraphs] graphs = [x.graph() for x in agraphs] else: r = aims.Reader(options={'subobjectsfilter': 1}) graphs = [ for f in options.graphname] for g in graphs: ft.translate(g, options.label_attribute, options.label_attribute) # mesh for mfile in options.meshname: m = else: m = None if propPrefix is None: propPrefix = 'csv' for g in graphs: for v in g.vertices(): if v.getSyntax() != 'fold': continue if mode in ('sulci', 'label', 'name'): try: l = v[options.label_attribute] data = getdata(sulci_data, v[options.label_attribute]) except exceptions.KeyError: continue elif mode == 'nodes': try: data = getdata(sulci_data, str(int(v['index']))) except exceptions.KeyError: continue for i, h in enumerate(labels): v[propPrefix + '_mean_' + h] = data[0][i] if options.log and data[0][i] != 0: v[propPrefix + '_log_mean_' + h] = numpy.log(data[0][i]) elif options.log10 and data[0][i] != 0: v[propPrefix + '_log_mean_' + h] = numpy.log10(data[0][i]) # add only no-null std if data[1][i]: v[propPrefix + '_std_' + h] = data[1][i] v[propPrefix + '_sum_' + h] = data[2][i] a = anatomist.Anatomist() aobjects = [] if not agraphs: agraphs = [a.toAObject(g) for g in graphs] aobjects = agraphs if displayProp is None: displayProp = propPrefix + '_mean_' + labels[0] for ag in agraphs: ag.setColorMode(ag.PropertyMap) ag.setColorProperty(displayProp) #modified to get the palette as imput argument palette = a.getPalette(palette) if palette is not None: if isinstance(palette, a.APalette): #modified to get min and max values as imputs ag.setPalette(palette, minVal=min, maxVal=max, absoluteMode=True) #ag.setPalette( palette ) else: # dict a.execute('SetObjectPalette', objects=[ag], **palette) ag.notifyObservers() if m: am = a.toAObject(m) aobjects.append(am) if window is not None: win = window wins = [] else: win = a.createWindow(wintype='3D') wins = [win] win.setHasCursor(0) win.addObjects(aobjects, add_graph_nodes=True) return aobjects, wins
def do_mesh_cluster_rendering( title, clust_mesh_file, clust_texture_file, brain_mesh_file, anat_file, palette_file="palette_signed_values_blackcenter", #a = None, check=False, verbose=True): """ Vizualization of signed stattistic map or weigths. Parameters ---------- clust_mesh_file : str (mandatory) a mesh file of interest. clust_texture_file : str (mandatory) an IMAGE from which to extract texture (for the mesh file). brain_mesh_file : str (mandatory) a mesh file of the underlying neuroanatomy. anat_file : str (mandatory) an IMAGE of the underlying neuroanatomy. check : bool (default False) manual check of the input parameters. verbose : bool (default True) print to stdout the function prototype. Returns ------- None """ #FunctionSummary(check, verbose) global ANATOMIST global VIEWS global IMAGE # instance of anatomist if ANATOMIST is None: ANATOMIST = anatomist.Anatomist() # Add new SnapshotControl button pix = QtGui.QPixmap('control.xpm') anatomist.cpp.IconDictionary.instance().addIcon('Snap', pix) ad = anatomist.cpp.ActionDictionary.instance() ad.addAction('SnapshotAction', lambda: SnapshotAction()) cd = anatomist.cpp.ControlDictionary.instance() cd.addControl('Snap', lambda: SnapshotControl(), 25) cm = anatomist.cpp.ControlManager.instance() cm.addControl('QAGLWidget3D', '', 'Snap') a = ANATOMIST # ------------ # load objects # ------------ clust_mesh = a.loadObject(clust_mesh_file) brain_mesh = a.loadObject(brain_mesh_file) clust_texture = a.loadObject(clust_texture_file) IMAGE = aims.Reader().read(clust_texture_file) image_dim = IMAGE.header()['volume_dimension'].arraydata()[:3] """ cd /home/ed203246/mega/data/mescog/wmh_patterns/summary/cluster_mesh/tvl1l20001 from soma import aims clust_texture_file = "clust_values.nii.gz" IMAGE = aims.Reader().read(clust_texture_file) image_dim = IMAGE.header()['volume_dimension'].arraydata()[:3] trm_ima_mm2ref_mm = aims.Motion(ima.header()['transformations'][0]) trm_xyz_to_mm = ima_get_trm_xyz_to_mm(ima) min_mm = trm_ima_mm2ref_mm.transform([0, 0, 0]) #a=ima.header()['volume_dimension'] ima_dim_xyz = ima.header()['volume_dimension'].arraydata()[:3] max_mm = trm_ima_mm2ref_mm.transform(ima_dim_xyz) trm_ima_mm2ref_mm = aims.Motion(ima.header()['transformations'][0]) ima_voxel_size = ima.header()['voxel_size'][:3] xyz_to_mm(trm_ima_mm2ref_mm, ima_voxel_size) """ #print clust_texture.header()#['volume_dimension'] a_anat = a.loadObject(anat_file) # mesh option material = a.Material(diffuse=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6]) brain_mesh.setMaterial(material) # change palette #palette_file = get_sample_data("brainvisa_palette").edouard # bv_rgb_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".anatomist", "rgb") # if not os.path.isdir(bv_rgb_dir): # os.makedirs(bv_rgb_dir) # bv_rgb_file = os.path.join(bv_rgb_dir, # os.path.basename(palette_file)) # if not os.path.isfile(bv_rgb_file): # shutil.copyfile(palette_file, bv_rgb_file) palette = a.getPalette(palette_file) clust_texture.setPalette(palette, minVal=-10, maxVal=10, absoluteMode=True) # view object block = a.createWindowsBlock(2) windows = list() objects = list() # -------------------------------- # 3D view = fusion 3D + brain_mesh # -------------------------------- win3d = a.createWindow("3D", block=block) # orientation front left Q_rot = [np.cos(np.pi / 8.), np.sin(np.pi / 8.), 0, 0] fusion3d = a.fusionObjects([clust_mesh, clust_texture], "Fusion3DMethod") win3d.addObjects([fusion3d, brain_mesh]) a.execute("Fusion3DParams", object=fusion3d, step=0.1, depth=5., sumbethod="max", method="line_internal") #define point of view Q1 = win3d.getInfos()["view_quaternion"] # current point of view Q = product_quaternion(Q1, Q_rot) a.execute("Camera", windows=[win3d], view_quaternion=Q) windows.append(win3d) objects.append(fusion3d) VIEWS[(title, "3d")] = [win3d, fusion3d] # ------------------------------------- # Slices view = three VIEWS offusion 2D # ------------------------------------- # fusion 2D fusion2d = a.fusionObjects([a_anat, clust_texture], "Fusion2DMethod") a.execute("Fusion2DMethod", object=fusion2d) # change 2D fusion settings a.execute("TexturingParams", texture_index=1, objects=[ fusion2d, ], mode="Geometric") #, rate=0.1) ############## # Coronal view win_coronal = a.createWindow("3D", block=block) print "win_coronal", win_coronal # Fusion cut mesh fusionmesh_coronal = a.fusionObjects([brain_mesh, fusion2d], "FusionCutMeshMethod") a.execute("FusionCutMeshMethod", object=fusionmesh_coronal) fusionmesh_coronal.addInWindows(win_coronal) # Coronal view # Slice #sclice_coronal(fusionmesh_coronal, -90) sclice_coronal(fusionmesh_coronal, int(-(image_dim / 2)[1])) # Store windows.append(win_coronal) #a.execute objects.append([fusion2d, fusionmesh_coronal]) VIEWS[(title, "coronal")] = [win_coronal, fusionmesh_coronal] ############## # Axial view win_axial = a.createWindow("3D", block=block) print "win_axial", win_axial, win_axial.getInfos() # Fusion cut mesh fusionmesh_axial = a.fusionObjects([brain_mesh, fusion2d], "FusionCutMeshMethod") a.execute("FusionCutMeshMethod", object=fusionmesh_axial) fusionmesh_axial.addInWindows(win_axial) # Axial view, orientation front top left Q_rot = [np.cos(np.pi / 8.), np.sin(np.pi / 8.), 0, np.sin(np.pi / 8.)] Q1 = win_axial.getInfos()["view_quaternion"] # current point of view Q = product_quaternion(Q1, Q_rot) a.execute("Camera", windows=[win_axial], view_quaternion=Q, zoom=0.8) # Slice sclice_axial(fusionmesh_axial, int(-(image_dim / 2)[2])) # Store windows.append(win_axial) #a.execute objects.append([fusion2d, fusionmesh_axial]) VIEWS[(title, "axial")] = [win_axial, fusionmesh_axial] ############## #Sagital view win_sagital = a.createWindow("3D", block=block) print "win_sagital", win_sagital # Fusion cut mesh fusionmesh_sagital = a.fusionObjects([brain_mesh, fusion2d], "FusionCutMeshMethod") a.execute("FusionCutMeshMethod", object=fusionmesh_sagital) fusionmesh_sagital.addInWindows(win_sagital) # Sagital view: rotation -Pi/4 --> orientation right Q_rot = [np.sqrt(2) / 2., -np.sqrt(2) / 2., 0, 0] Q1 = win_sagital.getInfos()["view_quaternion"] # current point of view Q = product_quaternion(Q1, Q_rot) a.execute("Camera", windows=[win_sagital], view_quaternion=Q, zoom=0.9) # Slice sclice_sagital(fusionmesh_sagital, int(-(image_dim / 2)[0])) # Store windows.append(win_sagital) #a.execute objects.append([fusion2d, fusionmesh_sagital]) VIEWS[(title, "sagital")] = [win_sagital, fusionmesh_sagital] # Global windows info try: block.widgetProxy().widget.setWindowTitle(str(title)) except: print "could not set name" return [ clust_mesh, brain_mesh, clust_texture, a_anat, material, palette, block, windows, objects ]
[['moment_invariant_%i' % i, values[i]] for i in xrange(len(values))] moment_invariant = False cols, values = zip(*lacune_keys_values) #if columns is None: # columns = cols #assert cols == columns columns += list(cols) moments += list(values) # 3) Mesh file out = os.popen('AimsMesh -i %s -o %s' % (ima_filename, prefix_mesh_filename)) # 4) Compute surface & volume from mesh out = os.popen('AimsMeshArea -i %s' % mesh_filename) columns += ["area_mesh", "vol_mesh"] moments += [float(l.strip().split(" ")[1]) for l in out.readlines()] # 5) Get perforator orientation vol_aims = aims.Reader().read(perforator_filename) # t,z,y,x arr = vol_aims.arraydata().squeeze() voxel_size = vol_aims.header()['voxel_size'].arraydata() perfo_xyz1 = np.asarray(np.where(arr == 2)).squeeze()[::-1] * voxel_size perfo_xyz2 = np.asarray(np.where(arr == 1)).squeeze()[::-1] * voxel_size perfo_xyz_vec = (perfo_xyz1 - perfo_xyz2) # perfo_zyx = perfo_ext1 - perfo_ext2 # perfo_ext1 = np.asarray(np.where(arr == 2)).squeeze() # perfo_ext2 = np.asarray(np.where(arr == 1)).squeeze() # perfo_zyx = perfo_ext1 - perfo_ext2 # perfo_xyz = (perfo_zyx * voxel_size[::-1])[::-1] columns += ['perfo_orientation_%s' % xyz[i] for i in xrange(len(perfo_xyz_vec))] moments += perfo_xyz_vec.tolist() columns += ['perfo_ext1_%s' % xyz[i] for i in xrange(len(perfo_xyz1))] moments += perfo_xyz1.tolist()