Exemplo n.º 1
#              __init__.py
#              equalizer.py
#              vocoder.py
#              karaoke.py
#              ...

# import echo module:
import sound.effects.echo
# remember sound, effects, echo are all modules, so the function echofilter()
# needs to be called as:

# alternatively, import echo module locally as:
from sound.effects import echo
# recall this imports module locally, so echofilter() can be called as:

# alternatively, import echofilter() function locally as:
 from sound.effects.echo import echofilter()

# Importing * from a package

# import * imports everything; with packages, should it import all
# contents of all submodules too? that could waste time
# so programmer should be explicit about which contents to import

# this is done in the __init__.py file!
# the list __all__ in __init__.py is the list of module to import
Exemplo n.º 2
fibo = fibo.fib

import builtins

# 6.4. Packages
import sys
import sound.effects.echo
sound.effects.echo.echofilter(input, output, delay=0.7, atten=4)

from sound.effects import echo
echo.echofilter(input, output, delay=0.7, atten=4)

from sound.effects.echo import echofilter
echofilter(input, output, delay=0.7, atten=4)

# 6.4.1. Importing * From a Package
from sound.effects import *

import sound.effects.echo
import sound.effects.surround
from sound.effects import *

# 6.4.2. Intra-package References

# 6.4.3. Packages in Multiple Directories
Exemplo n.º 3
def heartbeat():
    return echo.echofilter()
#              surround.py
#              reverse.py
#              ...
#      filters/                  Subpackage for filters
#              __init__.py
#              equalizer.py
#              vocoder.py
#              karaoke.py
#              ...

import sound.effects.echo

# Method 2: Loads the submodule sound.effects.echo. It must be referenced with its full name.
sound.effects.echo.echofilter(input, delay = 0.7, atten = 4)

# Method 3: An alternative way of importing the submodule
from sound.effects import echo

# Method 4: Another alternative way of importing the desired function or variable
# 1. When using from package import item, the item can be either a submodule (or subpackage) of the package, or some
#    other name defined in the package, like a function, class or variable.
# 2. The import statement first tests whether the item is defined in the package; if not, it assumes it is a module and
#    attempts to load it. If it fails to find it, an ImportError exception is raised.
from sound.effects.echo import echofilter

echofilter(input, delay=0.7, atten=4)

# Method 5:  Importing * From a Package
# 1. If a package's __init__.py code defines a list named __all__, it is taken to be the list of module names that
#    should be imported when from package import * is encountered.
Exemplo n.º 5
1. from sound.effects import echo 명령어를 통해 echo.py를 호출 합니다.
- 이것도 서브 모듈 echo 를 로드하고, 패키지 접두어 없이 사용할 수 있게 합니다. 그래서 이런 식으로 사용할 수 있습니다.

2. echo.py에 존재하는 echofilter()를 호출 합니다.
3. 입력 받는 parameter 값은 4개로 input_value, output_value, delay, atten 입니다.
4. 편의상 숫자로 모두 입력 받겠습니다.
5. 결과는 input_value * delay + output_value * atten 의 계산 결과입니다.

from sound.effects import echo

echo_filter_result = echo.echofilter(5, 4, 3, 2)
print(f'echo_filter_result : {echo_filter_result}')
Exemplo n.º 6
# import sound.effects.echo
# print(sound.effects.echo.echofilter())

# from sound.effects import echo
# print(echo.echofilter())

# from sound.effects.echo import echofilter
# print(echofilter())

# from sound.effects import *

from sound.effects import echo

from sound.filters import vocoder