Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_universal_loves(self, soup):
        universal_love_id = "Universal_Loves"
        universal_loves = SoupUtils.get_header_section_and_lists(
            self, soup, universal_love_id, 'h3')
        universal_loves_readable = SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(
            self, universal_loves)

        exceptions_id = "Universal_Loves_exceptions"
        universal_loves_exceptions = SoupUtils.get_header_section_and_lists(
            self, soup, exceptions_id, 'h4')
        readable_exceptions_list = []

        # Parse through exceptions list to make it human readable.
        person = ''
        for count, exception in enumerate(universal_loves_exceptions, start=0):
            # even number
            if count % 2 == 0:
                person = exception
                hates = exception
                readable_exceptions_list.append(f'{person} hates {hates}')
                # reset now that we have it stored.
                person = ''

        exceptions_readable = SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(
            self, readable_exceptions_list)

        description = f'The universal loves are: {universal_loves_readable}. The only exceptions are that {exceptions_readable}'
        return description
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_best_gifts(self, soup):
        gift_soup = SoupUtils.get_info_section_by_name(self, soup,
                                                       'Best Gifts:')
        gift_list = []

        for gift in gift_soup.find_all('a'):

        return SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(self, gift_list)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_universal_likes(self, soup):
        universal_like_id = "Universal_Likes"
        universal_likes = SoupUtils.get_header_section_and_lists(
            self, soup, universal_like_id, 'h3', use_all_links=False)
        universal_likes_readable = SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(
            self, universal_likes)

        description = f'The universal likes are: {universal_likes_readable}.' +\
                     ' For exceptions, see individual characters, universal dislikes, and universal hates.'
        return description
Exemplo n.º 4
    def list_community_center_rooms(self, soup):
        room_soup = SoupUtils.list_sections_with_class(self, soup, 'mw-headline')
        room_list = []
        items_to_exclude = [
            'Traveling Cart Availability',

        # loop through rooms and add titles to the list
        for room in room_soup:
            text_to_add = room.text
            if text_to_add not in items_to_exclude:
        return SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(self, room_list)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_birthday(self, soup):
        birthday_soup = SoupUtils.get_info_section_by_name(
            self, soup, 'Birthday:')

        season = birthday_soup.find('a').attrs['title']
        date = birthday_soup.contents[1].strip()
        return f'{season} {date}'
Exemplo n.º 6
from bundles import Bundles
import constants
import os
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(
    title='Stardew Scraper API',
    'An API that scrapes the Stardew Valley wiki for use with Google Home.',

character = Character()
soup_utils = SoupUtils()
bundles = Bundles()

class Birthday(Resource):
    Given a Village name, return their birthday.
    def get(self):
        name = request.args.get('name')
        return jsonify(_get_birthday(name))

def _get_birthday(name):
    url = f'{constants.STARDEW_WIKI}{constants.SEARCH_API}{name}'
Exemplo n.º 7
 def list_bundle_contents(self, soup, name):
     content_list = SoupUtils.get_table_entries(self, soup, name)
     return SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(self, content_list[:-1])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def list_all_bundles(self, soup):
        bundle_id_list = SoupUtils.get_all_table_ids(self, soup)
        # remove bundle from every entry
        list_without_bundle = [text.rsplit(' ', 1)[0] for text in bundle_id_list]

        return SoupUtils.join_list_human_readable(self, list_without_bundle)