Exemplo n.º 1
	def make_sprite_by_number(self, sprite_number, sprite_filename):
		#go into the manifest and get the actual name of the sprite
		with open(common.get_resource([self.console_name,self.internal_name,"manifests"],"manifest.json")) as file:
			manifest = json.load(file)
		if str(sprite_number) in manifest:
			folder_name = manifest[str(sprite_number)]["folder name"]
			#dynamic imports to follow
			source_subpath = f"source.{self.console_name}.{self.internal_name}.{folder_name}"
			sprite_module = importlib.import_module(f"{source_subpath}.sprite")
			resource_subpath = os.path.join(self.console_name,self.internal_name,folder_name)
			sprite = sprite_module.Sprite(sprite_filename,manifest[str(sprite_number)],resource_subpath)

				animationlib = importlib.import_module(f"{source_subpath}.animation")
				animation_assist = animationlib.AnimationEngine(resource_subpath, self, sprite)
			except ImportError:    #there was no sprite-specific animation library, so import the parent
				animationlib = importlib.import_module(f"source.meta.gui.animationlib")
				animation_assist = animationlib.AnimationEngineParent(resource_subpath, self, sprite)

			return sprite, animation_assist
			# FIXME: English
			raise AssertionError(f"make_sprite_by_number() called for non-implemented sprite_number {sprite_number}")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, my_subpath, game, sprite):
        self.game = game
        self.sprite = sprite
        self.resource_subpath = my_subpath  #the path to this sprite's subfolder in resources
        self.spiffy_dict = {
        }  #the variables created by the spiffy buttons will go here
        self.overhead = True  #by default, this will create NESW direction buttons.  If false, only left/right buttons
        self.overview_scale_factor = sprite.overview_scale_factor  #when the overview is made, it is scaled up by this amount
        self.step_number_label = tk.Label()
        self.step_total_label = tk.Label()
        self.tiles_list_label = tk.Label()

        self.plugins = []
        self.prev_palette_info = []

        with open(
                common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "manifests"],
                                    "animations.json")) as file:
            self.animations = json.load(file)
        if "$schema" in self.animations:
            del self.animations["$schema"]
        #using a default value until the animation_panel attachment overrides this
        self.current_animation = next(iter(self.animations.keys()))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_background(self, image_title):
        if self.current_background_title == image_title:
            if self.last_known_zoom == self.zoom_getter():
                return  #there is nothing to do here, because nothing has changed
        else:  #image name is different, so need to load a new image
            image_filename = self.current_background_title
            if image_title in self.background_datas["title"]:
                image_filename = self.background_datas["title"][image_title]
            elif image_title in self.background_datas["filename"]:
                image_filename = image_title
            self.raw_background = Image.open(
                    [self.console_name, self.internal_name, "backgrounds"],
            #this doesn't work yet; not sure how to hook it
            if "origin" in self.background_datas:
                if image_title in self.background_datas["origin"]:
                    # print("Setting Coordinates because of background (%s): %s" % (image_title, self.background_datas["origin"][image_title]))
                    if hasattr(self, "coord_setter"):

        #now re-zoom the image
        new_size = tuple(
            int(dim * self.zoom_getter()) for dim in self.raw_background.size)
        self.background_image = gui_common.get_tk_image(
            self.raw_background.resize(new_size, resample=Image.NEAREST))
        if self.current_background_title is None:
            self.background_ID = self.canvas.create_image(
                0, 0, image=self.background_image,
                anchor=tk.NW)  #so that we can manipulate the object later
        self.last_known_zoom = self.zoom_getter()
        self.current_background_title = image_title
Exemplo n.º 4
	def get_spiffy_buttons(self, parent, fish):
		spiffy_buttons = widgetlib.SpiffyButtons(parent, self.resource_subpath, self)

		spiffy_manifest = common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath,"manifests"],"spiffy-buttons.json")
		if spiffy_manifest:
			with open(spiffy_manifest) as f:
				spiffy_list = json.load(f)

				for group in spiffy_list["button-groups"]:
					group_key = group["group-fish-key"]
					button_group = spiffy_buttons.make_new_group(group_key,fish)
					button_list = []
					for button in group["buttons"]:
						if "meta" in button and button["meta"] == "newline":
						elif "meta" in button and button["meta"] == "blank": #a blank space, baby
							default = button["default"] if "default" in button else False
							disabled = group["disabled"] if "disabled" in group else False

		return spiffy_buttons
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_stamp(self):
        dims = {
            "bg": {
                "width": 332,
                "height": 142
            "cb": {
                "width": 0,
                "height": 0,
                "x": 148,
                "y": 110
            "name": {
                "width": 8,
                "height": 12,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0
            "author": {
                "width": 7,
                "height": 7,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0
        stamp = Image.open(
            common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "sheets", "stamp"],
        rowIMG = {
                common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "sheets", "stamp"],
                common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "sheets", "stamp"],
        charmap = {
            "name": [ascii_uppercase, ".,?!_#%()+-/;:<=>[] "],
            "author": [ascii_uppercase, digits + " "]

        spritedata = {
            self.metadata["sprite.name"] if "sprite.name" in self.metadata
            and self.metadata["sprite.name"] != "" else "Unknown Samus Sprite",
            self.metadata["author.name"] if "author.name" in self.metadata
            and self.metadata["author.name"] != "" else "Unknown Author"
        dims["fullName"] = {
            "width": len(spritedata["name"]) * (dims["name"]["width"])
        dims["fullAuthor"] = {
            "width": len(spritedata["author"]) * (dims["author"]["width"] + 1)
        ltrsIMG = Image.new(
            (max(dims["fullName"]["width"], dims["fullAuthor"]["width"]), 38),
            (255, 255, 255, 0))

        if spritedata["name"] != "" and spritedata["author"] != "":
            createdby = Image.open(
                common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "sheets", "stamp"],
            x = dims["cb"]["x"]
            y = dims["cb"]["y"]
            stamp.paste(createdby, (x, y), createdby)

        coords = {
            "dest": {
                "x": (int(ltrsIMG.size[0] / 2) -
                      int(dims["fullName"]["width"] / 2)),
            "src": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0
        for row in ["name", "author"]:
            for i, ltr in enumerate(spritedata[row][:(26 + 15)]):
                found = False
                ltr = ltr.upper()
                for ltrs in [row, "name", "author"]:
                    for j, line in enumerate(charmap[ltrs]):
                        if not found and ltr in line:
                            found = True
                            # print(ltr,line.find(ltr),j)
                            coords["src"]["x"] = (line.find(ltr) *
                                                  (dims[ltrs]["width"] + 1))
                            coords["src"]["y"] = j * dims[ltrs]["height"]
                            ltrIMG = rowIMG[ltrs].crop(
                                (coords["src"]["x"], coords["src"]["y"],
                                 coords["src"]["x"] + dims[ltrs]["width"],
                                 coords["src"]["y"] + dims[ltrs]["height"] +
                            (x, y) = (coords["dest"]["x"], coords["dest"]["y"])
                            if row == "name" and ltrs == "author":
                                y += 4
                            ltrIMG = Image.alpha_composite(
                                Image.new("RGBA", ltrIMG.size,
                                          (255, 255, 255, 0)),
                            ltrsIMG.paste(ltrIMG, (x, y))
                            coords["dest"]["x"] += dims[ltrs]["width"]
                            if ltrs == "author":
                                coords["dest"]["x"] += 1
            coords["dest"]["x"] = (int(ltrsIMG.size[0] / 2) -
                                   int(dims["fullAuthor"]["width"] / 2))
            coords["dest"]["y"] += dims[row]["height"] + 17

        find = [0, 0, 0]
        replace = (255, 255, 255)
        data = common.np.array(ltrsIMG)
        r, g, b, a = data.T
        black_areas = (r == find[0]) & (g == find[1]) & (b == find[2])
        data[..., :-1][black_areas.T] = replace
        ltrsIMG = Image.fromarray(data)
        # ltrsIMG.save(os.path.join(".","ltrs.png"))
                    (int(stamp.size[0] / 2) - int(ltrsIMG.size[0] / 2), 91),
        rowIMG = {}
        return stamp
Exemplo n.º 6
    def add(self,
        if image_filename is None:
            image_filename = "blank.png"
        #disable sprite object in widgetlib
        icon_path = common.get_resource(
            [self.sprite_resource_subpath, "icons"], image_filename
        )  #common.get_resource([self.parent.animation_engine.resource_subpath,"icons"],image_filename)
        if icon_path is None:
            icon_path = common.get_resource(["meta", "icons"], image_filename)
            if icon_path is None:
                # FIXME: English
                raise AssertionError(
                    f"No image resource found with name {image_filename}")
        img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open(icon_path))

        #disable sprite object in widgetlib
        fish_key = self.sprite_resource_subpath.replace(os.sep, '.')
        display_text = fish.translate(
            fish_key, self.label, internal_value_name
        )  #fish.translate(self.parent.animation_engine.resource_subpath, self.label, internal_value_name)

        button = tk.Radiobutton(
            name="_".join([self.label.lower(), internal_value_name, "button"]),
        if disabled:
        bindings = None
        keypresses = None
        bindings_filename = common.get_resource(["meta", "manifests"],
        with open(bindings_filename, encoding="utf-8") as f:
            bindings = json.load(f)
        keypresses_switcher = bindings[
            self.label.lower()] if self.label.lower() in bindings else {}
        keypresses = keypresses_switcher.get(internal_value_name.lower(), None)
        if keypresses:
            for keypress in keypresses:
                                partial(self.invoke_spiffy_button, button))

        ToolTip(button, display_text)
        button.image = img
        button.grid(row=self.row, column=self.col)

        if not self.default_exists or default:
            self.default_exists = True

        self.col += 1
Exemplo n.º 7
def show_trawler(frames_by_animation,animations_by_frame,overhead):
	cyan = "#00CAFF"
	green = "#00FF7A"
	yellow = "#FFFF00"
	default = ""

	def on_enter(e):
		if e.widget["background"] == default:
			e.widget["background"] = yellow
	def on_leave(e):
		if e.widget["background"] == yellow:
			e.widget["background"] = default

	def show_cell_data(itemID="A0", lookup="byFrame"):
		title = ""
		msg = ""
		process_cells = len(cell_buttons) > 0
		if lookup == "byFrame":
			title = itemID
			if process_cells and itemID in cell_buttons:
				for _,button in cell_buttons.items():
					bg = button.cget("bg")
					if bg != green:
			for animation,directions in animations_by_frame[itemID].items():
				for direction,frames in directions.items():
					msg += "> " + animation + " "
					msg += "(" + direction + ")\n"
					msg += ">> Poses: "
					for frameID, frame in frames.items():
						for cell in frame:
							msg += str(frameID + 1)
							if "flip" in cell and cell["flip"] != "":
								msg += " " + cell["flip"] + "-flipped"
							if "crop" in cell and cell["crop"] != "":
								crop = "[" + ",".join(map(str,cell["crop"])) + "]"
								switcher = {
									"[0,0,16,8]": "Top",
									"[0,0,8,8]": "Top Left",
									"[8,0,16,8]": "Top Right",
									"[0,0,8,16]": "Left",
									"[8,0,16,16]": "Right",
									"[0,8,16,16]": "Bottom",
									"[0,8,8,16]": "Bottom Left",
									"[8,8,16,16]": "Bottom Right"
								crop = switcher.get(crop,crop)
								msg += " " + crop
							msg += "; "
					msg += "\n"
				msg += "\n"
		elif lookup == "byAnim":
			animation = itemID.split(":")[0]
			direction = itemID.split(":")[1]
			directions = frames_by_animation[animation]
			if overhead:
				if "_" in direction:
					aim = direction.split("_")[0]
					direction = direction.split("_")[1]
					direction = direction + "_aim_diag_" + aim
			if direction + "_aim_shoot" in directions:
				direction = direction + "_aim_shoot"
			if direction not in directions:
				if direction == "neutral" and "right" in directions:
					direction = "right"
				elif direction == "up" and "right_aim_up" in directions:
					direction = "right_aim_up"
				elif direction == "down" and "right_aim_down" in directions:
					direction = "right_aim_down"
				elif "right" in directions:
					direction = "right"
					direction = list(directions.keys())[0]
			title = animation + " (" + direction + ")"
			frames = directions[direction]
			if process_cells:
				for cellID,button in cell_buttons.items():
					bg = button.cget("bg")
					if bg != cyan:
			for frameID, frame in frames.items():
				msg += "> Pose: " + str(frameID + 1) + "\n"
				msg += ">> Cells: "
				for cell in frame:
					msg += cell["id"]
					if process_cells and cell["id"] in cell_buttons:
					if "flip" in cell and cell["flip"] != "":
						msg += " " + cell["flip"] + "-flipped"
					msg += "; "
				msg += "\n\n"

	def show_ani_data(direction):
		animation = self.widgets["animation_display"].storageVar.get()
		show_cell_data(itemID=animation + ":" + direction, lookup="byAnim")

	dims = {
		"text": {
			"width": 4,
			"height": 1
		"image": {
			"width": 20,
			"height": 20

	trawler = Toplevel()
	trawler.title("Sheet Trawler")
	default = trawler.cget("bg")

	self = widgets.make_frame(trawler)

	self.widgets = {}
	self.frames = {}

	cell_buttons = {}
	if "A0" in animations_by_frame:
		disabled = [
			"P0", # right half
			"Z1","Z6" # Z6: lower right quarter

		# Cell Grid, click a cell for animations that use that cell
		cell_grid = Frame(trawler)
		for letter in letters:
			for i in range(0,7+1):
				cell_name = letter + str(i)
				cell_button = widgets.make_button(
						"width": dims["text"]["width"],
						"height": dims["text"]["height"],
						"state": "disabled" if cell_name in disabled else "active"
				cell_button.bind("<Enter>", on_enter)
				cell_button.bind("<Leave>", on_leave)
				cell_buttons[cell_name] = cell_button
		letters = [ "AA", "AB" ]
		for letter in letters:
			lstr = ""
			for i in range(0,7+1):
				cell_name = letter + str(i)
				cell_button = widgets.make_button(
						"width": dims["text"]["width"],
						"height": dims["text"]["height"],
						"state": "disabled" if cell_name in disabled else "active"
				cell_button.bind("<Enter>", on_enter)
				cell_button.bind("<Leave>", on_leave)
				cell_buttons[cell_name] = cell_button
		cell_grid.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N)

		# Display info about selected cell
		self.frames["cell_display"] = widgets.make_frame(trawler)
		thiswidget = {
			"cell_display": {
				"type": "selectbox",
				"default": "index",
				"options": {
					# "Vanilla Link": "vanilla",
					"Index labels": "index",
					# "Currently loaded sprite": "loaded"
		dict_widgets = widgets.make_widgets_from_dict({}, thiswidget, self.frames["cell_display"])
		for key in dict_widgets:
			self.widgets[key] = dict_widgets[key]
		self.frames["cell_display"].pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N)

	# Display info about selected animation
	self.frames["animation_display"] = widgets.make_frame(trawler)
	thiswidget = {
		"animation_display": {
			"type": "selectbox",
			"options": {}

	directions = ["down","left","up","right"]
	if overhead:
		directions = ["down","down_left","left","up_left","up","up_right","right","down_right","neutral"]

	for direction in directions:
		text = direction
		img = "arrow-" + direction.replace("_","") + ".png"
		if direction == "neutral":
			img = "no-thing.png"
		thiswidget[direction] = {
			"type": "button",
			"label": {
				"text": text
			"options": {
				"image": common.get_resource(
				"width": dims["image"]["width"],
				"height": dims["image"]["height"],
				"compound": "none"
	for ani in frames_by_animation.keys():
		thiswidget["animation_display"]["options"][ani] = ani

	dict_widgets = widgets.make_widgets_from_dict(self, thiswidget, self.frames["animation_display"])
	for key in dict_widgets:
		self.widgets[key] = dict_widgets[key]
		if self.widgets[key].type == "button":
	self.frames["animation_display"].pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N)
Exemplo n.º 8
def equipment_test(save=False):
	#get equipment image
  with(Image.open(common.get_resource(["snes","metroid3","samus","sheets"],"equipment.png"))) as equipment_image:

  	equipment = {}

  	#collect icon names & coordinates
  	icon_specs = {}

  	#lemons, missiles, supers
  	projectiles = {
  		"lemon_right":			[(  0, 0),(16,16)], #left: h-flip
  		"lemon_upright":		[( 16, 0),(16,16)], #downright: v-flip; upleft: h-flip; downleft: both
  		"lemon_up":					[( 32, 0),(16,16)], #down: v-flip
  		"missile_right":		[( 48, 0),(16,16)], #left: h-flip
  		"missile_upright":	[( 64, 0),(16,16)], #downright: v-flip, upleft: h-flip; downleft: both
  		"missile_up":				[( 80, 0),(16,16)], #down: v-flip
  		"super_right":			[( 96, 0),(16,16)], #left: h-flip
  		"super_upright":		[(112, 0),(16,16)], #downright: v-flip; upleft: h-flip; downleft: both
  		"super_up":					[(128, 0),(16,16)] #down: v-flip
  	for k,v in projectiles.items():
  		icon_specs[k] = coord_calc(v[0],v[1])

  	#morph ball bombs
  	for i in range(3):
  		icon_specs["mbb" + str(i)] = coord_calc((144+(8*i),0),(8,8))

  	for i in range(3):
  		icon_specs["pb" + str(i)] = coord_calc((144+(8*i),8),(8,8))

  	#poof cloud
  	for i in range(3):
  		icon_specs["poof" + str(i)] = coord_calc((144+(8*i),16),(8,8))

  	#morph ball bombs blast
  	for i in range(3):
  		for j in range(2):
  			w = 32
  			h = 32
  			x1 = 176 + (w * j)
  			x2 = 0 + (h * i)
  			id = (i*2)+(j*1)
  			if(id < 5):
  				icon_specs["mbb_blast" + str(id)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	#charg[ing|ed] lemon
  	for i in range(6):
  		w = 16
  		h = 16
  		x1 = 0 + (w * i)
  		x2 = 16
  		icon_specs["charge" + str(i)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	#iced lemon
  	for i in range(3):
  		w = 16
  		h = 16
  		x1 = 64 + (w * i)
  		x2 = 48
  		icon_specs["ice" + str(i)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	#iced particles
  	for i in range(4):
  		w = 16
  		h = 16
  		x1 = 80 + (w * i)
  		x2 = 32
  		icon_specs["ice_particle" + str(i)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	#charged ice
  	for i in range(2):
  		w = 16
  		h = 16
  		x1 = 112 + (w * i)
  		x2 = 48
  		icon_specs["charge_ice" + str(i)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	icon_specs["spazer0"] = coord_calc((112,16),( 9,2)) #from blaster
  	icon_specs["spazer1"] = coord_calc((112,19),(18,2)) #repeated; # FIXME: Get number of repeats

  	icon_specs["plasma0"] = coord_calc((128,16),(5,3)) #from blaster
  	icon_specs["plasma1"] = coord_calc((134,16),(4,3)) #repeated; # FIXME: Get number of repeats

  	#charged spazer
  	icon_specs["charge_spazer0"] = coord_calc((112,22),(5,2)) #from blaster

  	#charged plasma

  	#charged spazer/plasma (none/ice/wave)
  	icon_specs["charge_special0"] = coord_calc((128,22),(8,7)) #repeated; # FIXME: Get number of repeats

  	#wave lemon
  	for i in range(5):
  		w = 16
  		h = 16
  		x1 = 0 + (w * i)
  		x2 = 32
  		icon_specs["wave" + str(i)] = coord_calc((x1,x2),(w,h))

  	#cycle through collected icons and write to disk
  	for icon in icon_specs:
  		icon_coords = icon_specs.get(icon)
  		cropped_image = equipment_image.crop(icon_coords)
  		equipment[icon] = cropped_image
  		if save:
  			cropped_image.save(os.path.join(".","resources","user","snes","metroid","samus","sheets") + icon + ".png")

  ship_dir = os.path.join(".","resources","app","snes","metroid3","samus","sheets","ship")
  for file in os.listdir(ship_dir):
    icon = "optional_ship_" + file[:file.rfind('.')]
    with(Image.open(os.path.join(ship_dir,file))) as img:
      equipment[icon] = img

  return equipment
Exemplo n.º 9
 def load_layout(self):
     self.layout = layoutlib.Layout(
         common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "manifests"],
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_representative_images(self, style="default"):
        if "sprite.name" in self.metadata and self.metadata["sprite.name"]:
            sprite_save_name = self.metadata["sprite.name"].lower()
            # FIXME: English
            sprite_save_name = "unknown"

        manifest_file = common.get_resource(
            [self.resource_subpath, "manifests"], "representative-images.json")
        if manifest_file:
            with open(manifest_file) as manifest:
                manifest_images = json.load(manifest)
            manifest_images = {}

        if "default" not in manifest_images:
            # try to have sane defaults
            animationkeys = list(self.animations.keys())
            if "$schema" in animationkeys:
            animation = animationkeys[0]  # default to first image here
            direction = list(
                self.animations[animation].keys())[0]  # first direction
            pose = 0  # first pose
            # by default, will use default palettes, without having any info
            #  supplied probably won't matter, but just in case, use the
            #  first frame of palette
            frame = 0

        if style in manifest_images:
            images = manifest_images[style]
        elif style == "default":
            images = [[]]  # use defaults
            # FIXME: English
            raise AssertionError(
                f"received call to get_representative_image()" + ' ' +
                "with unknown style {style}")

        return_images = []
        for image in images:
            animationkeys = list(self.animations.keys())
            if "$schema" in animationkeys:
            animation = animationkeys[0]  # default to first image here
            if 0 in image:
                animation = image[0]

            direction = list(self.animations[animation].keys())[
                0]  # default: first direction
            if 1 in image:
                direction = image[1]

            pose = image[2] if len(image) > 2 else 0  # default: #first pose
            # defaults to the defaults determined by get_image
            palette = image[3] if len(image) > 3 else []
            # default to the first frame of timed palette
            frame = image[4] if len(image) > 4 else 0
            # default to the sprite name and style
            filename = image[5] if len(image) > 5 else \
                    "-".join([sprite_save_name, style]) + ".png")
                                  self.get_image(animation, direction, pose,
                                                 palette, frame)[0]))

        # should return a list of tuples of the form (filename, PIL Image)
        return return_images
Exemplo n.º 11
 def load_animations(self):
     with open(
             common.get_resource([self.resource_subpath, "manifests"],
                                 "animations.json")) as file:
         self.animations = json.load(file)
Exemplo n.º 12
import os
from source.meta.common import common

app_version_filename = common.get_resource(
    ["meta", "manifests"], "app_version.txt"
if app_version_filename and os.path.isfile(app_version_filename):
    with open(app_version_filename) as f:
        APP_VERSION = f.readlines()[0].strip()

# maximum number of frames an animation will display before it stops

# adds some extra checks that are useful for development purposes
#  (to unset this, just comment out this line, don't set to false)

def main():
    print(f"Called main() on utility library {__file__}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemplo n.º 13
def equipment_test(save=False):
    #get equipment image
    equipment_image = Image.open(
        common.get_resource(["snes", "zelda3", "link", "sheets"],

    equipment = {}

    #collect icon names & coordinates
    icon_specs = {}

    #the swords are at the same x-coordinate but have differing y-values, set up these y-values
    swords = [("fighter", 0), ("master", 32), ("tempered", 64), ("gold", 96)]

    #tuples for fun stuff; first is top-left origin, second is width,height
    coords = [((0, 0), (8, 16)), ((8, 0), (8, 16)), ((16, 0), (16, 16)),
              ((32, 0), (16, 16)), ((48, 0), (19, 8)), ((48, 8), (16, 8)),
              ((64, 8), (16, 8)), ((80, 0), (16, 16)), ((96, 0), (16, 16)),
              ((112, 6), (16, 18)), ((128, 3), (8, 21)), ((136, 0), (8, 16)),
              ((144, 0), (16, 16)), ((160, 0), (16, 8))]
    #cycle through coordinate info
    for i in range(len(coords)):
        #cycle through swords and y-offsets
        for j in range(len(swords)):
            origin, dims = coords[i]
            x, y = origin
            level, y_offset = swords[j]
            icon_specs[level + "_sword" + str(i)] = coord_calc(
                (x, y + y_offset), dims)

    #next row is some inventory stuff
    inventory = {
        "main_shadow": ((0, 112), (16, 16)),
        "small_shadow": ((16, 112), (16, 16)),
        "book": ((32, 112), (16, 16)),
        "bush": ((48, 112), (16, 16)),
        "pendant": ((64, 112), (16, 16)),
        "crystal": ((80, 112), (16, 16))
    #add some inventory stuff
    for key in inventory:
        origin, dims = inventory[key]
        icon_specs[key] = coord_calc(origin, dims)

    shields = [("fighter", 0), ("fire", 16), ("mirror", 32)]
    #cycle through x-coordinates
    for i in range(4):
        #cycle through shields and y-offsets
        for j in range(len(shields)):
            level, y_offset = shields[j]
            origin = (i * 16, 128 + y_offset)
            icon_specs[level + "_shield" + str(i)] = coord_calc(
                origin, (16, 16))

    inventory = {
        "cane0": ((0, 176), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "cane1": ((8, 176), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "cane2": ((16, 176), (16, 8)),  #horizontal
        "cane3": ((32, 176), (16, 16)),  #diagonal ltr
        "cane4": ((48, 176), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "somaria_block": ((64, 176), (16, 16)),
        "rod0": ((0, 192), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "rod1": ((8, 192), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "rod2": ((16, 192), (16, 8)),  #horizontal
        "rod3": ((16, 200), (8, 8)),  #fourth-wall NtS
        "rod4": ((32, 192), (16, 16)),  #diagonal ltr
        "rod5": ((48, 192), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "hammer0": ((0, 208), (8, 16)),  #vertical ltr
        "hammer1": ((8, 208), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "hammer2": ((16, 208), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "hammer3": ((24, 208), (8, 16)),  #vertical
        "hammer4": ((32, 208), (16, 8)),  #horizontal
        "hammer5": ((32, 216), (8, 8)),  #vertical
        "hammer6": ((48, 208), (16, 16)),  #diagonal ltr
        "hook0": ((0, 224), (8, 8)),  #horizontal
        "hook1": ((8, 224), (8, 8)),  #vertical
        "hook2": ((0, 232), (16, 8)),  #vertical
        "hook3": ((16, 232), (8, 8)),  #chainlink
        "hook4": ((24, 224), (8, 16)),  #horizontal
        "boomerang": ((32, 224), (16, 16)),  #NE
        "bow0": ((0, 256), (8, 16)),
        "bow1": ((16, 256), (16, 8)),
        "bow2": ((32, 256), (16, 16)),
        "shovel0": ((0, 272), (8, 8)),  #down
        "shovel1": ((16, 272), (8, 8)),  #up
        "swagduck0": ((32, 272), (16, 16)),
        "swagduck1": ((48, 272), (16, 16)),  #flap
        "bed0": ((0, 288), (32, 32)),
        "bed1": ((32, 288), (32, 32)),
        "tall_grass0": ((0, 320), (16, 8)),
        "tall_grass1": ((0, 328), (16, 8)),
        "tall_grass2": ((16, 320), (16, 8))
    #add more inventory stuff
    for key in inventory:
        origin, dims = inventory[key]
        icon_specs[key] = coord_calc(origin, dims)

    #add bugnet
    for i in range(7):
        icon_specs["bugnet" + str(i)] = coord_calc((i * 16, 240), (16, 16))

    #cycle through collected icons and write to disk
    for icon in icon_specs:
        icon_coords = icon_specs.get(icon)
        cropped_image = equipment_image.crop(icon_coords)
        equipment[icon] = cropped_image
        if save:
                os.path.join(".", "resources", "user", "snes", "zelda3",
                             "link", "sheets") + icon + ".png")

    return equipment