Exemplo n.º 1
def getRenderedOuting(outing):
    Renders and returns an outing in html.

    outing: the outing whose html to generate

    returns: string
    return jtr.getRenderedTemplate(pathToOutingTemplates, outingTemplateName, { 'outing': outing })
Exemplo n.º 2
def getOutingButtonsTop(handler):
    Renders and returns the buttons for the top of an outings page.

    handler: the current page handler

    returns: string
    # Determine if the user can add an outing
    loggedInUser = uau.getLoggedInUser(handler)
    canAddOuting = False
    if loggedInUser != None and uau.doesUserHavePermission(loggedInUser.accountLevel, uau.poster):
        canAddOuting = True

    # Get the rendered buttons
    return jtr.getRenderedTemplate(pathToOutingTemplates, buttonsTopTemplateName, { 'can_add_outing': canAddOuting })
Exemplo n.º 3
def getRenderedOutingsContainer(outings, showShowcase = True, showUpcoming = True, showPast = True):
    Renders and returns the outings container with the given outings.

    outings: the list of outings whose html to generate
    showShowcase: whether to show the showcase outings
    showUpcoming: whether to show the upcoming outings
    showPast: whether to show the past outings

    returns: string
    # Showcase Outings
    showcaseOutings = []
    for outing in outings:
        if outing.showcase:

    showcaseOutings.sort(key=lambda o: o.departureTime, reverse=True)
    showcaseHtml = getRenderedOutings(showcaseOutings)

    # Upcoming and Past Outings
    upcomingOutings = []
    pastOutings = []
    for outing in outings:
        if outing.departureTime > datetime.datetime.now():

    upcomingOutings.sort(key=lambda o: o.departureTime)
    pastOutings.sort(key=lambda o: o.departureTime, reverse=True)
    upcomingHtml = getRenderedOutings(upcomingOutings)
    pastHtml = getRenderedOutings(pastOutings)

    # Render the container
    templateValues = {
        'show_past': showPast,
        'show_showcase': showShowcase,
        'show_upcoming': showUpcoming,
        'past_outings': pastHtml,
        'showcase_outings': showcaseHtml,
        'upcoming_outings': upcomingHtml

    return jtr.getRenderedTemplate(pathToOutingTemplates, outingsContainerTemplateName, templateValues)