def readfile(self): # Open file try: with open(self.filename) as f: rows = sum(1 for _ in f) fil = open(self.filename, 'r') except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError('File not found...') line = fil.readline() row = 1 while line: progress = row / rows * 100 print('Progress: {:.1f}%'.format(progress), end="\r", flush=True) segment = [] if line.startswith('LINESTRING'): pts = line.strip('LINESTRING(')\ .strip(')\n')\ .split(',') for pt in pts: geom = pt.split(' ') geom = [float(coord) for coord in geom] geom.reverse() segment.append(tuple(geom)) self.segments.append(segment) # proceed row += 1 line = fil.readline() # CLOSE file fil.close()
def execute(self, query): try: self.cursor.execute(query) self.connection.commit() try: return self.cursor.fetchall() except: return except (Exception, pg.Error) as error: print('Error occured...', error) self.close_connection() # KILL CONNECTION! exit() # exit program
def readfile(self): # Open file try: with open(self.filename, "rb") as f: rows = sum(1 for _ in f) print(f'Total: {rows} lines') except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError('File not found...') # Process file in two passes # first pass: process ways # second pass: process nodes for mode in range(2): msg = 'Processing nodes...' if mode else 'Processing ways...' print(msg) if not mode: self.render_tag_menu() self.file = open(self.filename, 'r', encoding="utf8") line = self.file.readline() row = 1 while line: # progress if row % 100000 == 0: # progress bar slow... progress = row / rows * 100 print('Progress: {:.1f}%'.format(progress), end="\r", flush=True) # mode 0: process ways # mode 1: process nodes if mode: self.process_node(line) else: row = self.process_way(line, row) # proceed row += 1 line = self.file.readline() # CLOSE file self.file.close() msg = 'Result: {ways} ways, {nodes} nodes'.format(ways=len(self.ways), nodes=len( self.nodes)) print(msg)
def open_connection(self): try: self.connection = pg.connect(database=self.database, user=self.user, password=self.password,, port=self.port) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() print('Connection established...\n') except (Exception, pg.Error) as error: print('Connection failed...') print(error) exit()
def close_connection(self): self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() print('Connection closed...')
def create_network(self, segments): # start forming network print('Update pgRouting database...') # option to clear existent database resp = ask_input('- clear database') if resp: resp = ask_input('- are you sure') if resp: self.drop_table('ways') self.drop_table('ways_vertices_pgr') # create ways table self.create_ways() # count existent rows query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ways' count = self.execute(query)[0][0] # if network already exists # snap simplified to it if count > 0: # do not recover all the network! # only the part close to the new addition # recover bbox of simplified proj = Transformer.from_crs(self.epsg, 4326) bbox = extent(segments) if self.epsg != 4326: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox ymin, xmin = proj.transform(ymin, xmin) ymax, xmax = proj.transform(ymax, xmax) bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # recover network intersecting the bbox query = \ ''' SELECT ST_AsText(the_geom) FROM ways WHERE ST_Intersects( the_geom, (SELECT ST_MakeEnvelope(%f, %f, %f, %f, 4326)) ) ''' % bbox ways = self.execute(query) # convert to geometry # reference to snap the new addition reference = [] proj = Transformer.from_crs(4326, self.epsg) for way in ways: wkt = way[0] coords = wkt.strip('LINESTRING(')\ .strip(')') \ .replace(',', ' ') \ .split(' ') coords = [float(coord) for coord in coords] # lat, lon ordering edge = [] for i in range(0, len(coords) - 1, 2): point = proj.transform(coords[i + 1], coords[i]) edge.append(point) reference.append(edge) # if not reference, do not snap # the addition is irrelevant to existing network if len(reference) > 0: snapper = Snapper(segments, reference, self.threshold) snapper.snap() segments = snapper.segments # insert segments proj = Transformer.from_crs(self.epsg, 4326) for segment in segments: # row number count += 1 # form wkt wkt = 'LINESTRING(' for point in segment: # ALWAYS project to EPSG:4326 point = proj.transform(point[0], point[1]) lat, lon = point wkt += '{} {},'.format(lon, lat) wkt = wkt[:-1] + ')' # insert query query = """ INSERT INTO ways (id, source, target, cost, the_geom) VALUES ({count}, NULL, NULL, ST_Length(ST_GeomFromText('{wkt}', 4326)), ST_GeomFromText('{wkt}', 4326)) """.format(count=count, wkt=wkt) self.execute(query) # create topology query = """ SELECT pgr_createTopology('ways', 0.0001); """ self.execute(query)
def export(name): print('Simplification complete...') print('Network exported in desktop...\n') export_lines(path, name, simplify.segments, epsg)
filetypes=(("OSM", "*.osm"), (("CSV (Comma Separated Values"), "*.csv"), ("all files", "*.*"))) ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # OSM PARSER ############################################################################ # retrieve filename filename = root.filename if filename.endswith('.osm'): # parse file parser = OSMparser(filename) print('File: {}'.format(filename)) print('Parsing file...', end="\r", flush=True) parser.readfile() print('Parsing complete...\n') # recover network network = {} network['ways'] = parser.ways network['nodes'] = parser.nodes ############################################################################ ############################################################################ # SIMPLIFICATION ############################################################################ # define epsg