# Inits Soya and sets the data directory.
	soya.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "data"))
	# Sets the file format soya uses for saving file.
	# The default configuration is to use cPickle for saving files, and to support loading
	# files saved either by cPickle or Cerealizer (if available).
	# The complete syntax is set_file_format(saving_format, loading_format), where loading_format
	# is optional and can be either a single format, or a list of format.
	# There are currently 2 supported formats: cPickle and Cerealizer.
	# See set_file_format's __doc__ for more information.

	# Creates the scene.

	scene = soya.World()

	# Loads the sword model.

	sword_model = soya.Model.get("sword")

	# Creates a rotating body in the scene, using the sword model.

	sword = RotatingBody(scene, sword_model)

	# Creates a light.
Exemplo n.º 2
CODE_OBJ           = "R"
CODE_ACTION        = "A"
CODE_STATE         = "S"
CODE_ACK_STATE     = "!"
CODE_MESSAGE       = "M"
CODE_NOOP          = " "

PORT     = 6902
HOST     = ""
LOGIN    = "******"
PASSWORD = "******"

soya.set_file_format(cerealizer, cerealizer)

class NetworkError(StandardError): pass

class PacketSocket(object):
  def __init__(self, sock):
    self.sock                     = sock
    self.current_packet           = ""
    self.current_packet_size      = -1
    self.current_packet_size_part = ""
    self.closed                   = 0
    self.current_writing          = ""
  def fileno(self):
    try: return self.sock.fileno()
    except: self.closed = 1
Exemplo n.º 3
	def export(self):
		Blender.Redraw() # Needed for GetRawFromObject
		print "setting file format to %s..." % self.file_format
		if   self.file_format == "pickle":
			import cPickle as pickle
		elif self.file_format == "cerealizer":
			import cerealizer, soya.cerealizer4soya as cerealizer4soya
			raise ValueError("Unsupported file format %s" % self.file_format)
		objs = Blender.Object.Get()
		if self.animation:
			for obj in objs:
				data = obj.getData()
				if (type(data) is Blender.Types.ArmatureType):
					scene     = Blender.Scene.getCurrent()
					#armature  = Blender.Armature.Get()[0]
					armature  = obj
					animation = Blender.Armature.NLA.GetActions()[self.animation]

		materials           = []
		already_warned      = []
		nb_points_and_lines = 0
		soya.path.insert(0, self.path) # insert at index 0 => save in this path.
		root_world = soya.World()
		root_world.filename = self.filename

		for obj in objs:
			data = obj.getData()
			if (type(data) is Blender.Types.NMeshType) and data.faces:
				nmesh = Blender.NMesh.GetRawFromObject(obj.getName())
				matrix = [[obj.mat[0][0], obj.mat[0][1], obj.mat[0][2], obj.mat[0][3]],
									[obj.mat[1][0], obj.mat[1][1], obj.mat[1][2], obj.mat[1][3]],
									[obj.mat[2][0], obj.mat[2][1], obj.mat[2][2], obj.mat[2][3]],
									[obj.mat[3][0], obj.mat[3][1], obj.mat[3][2], obj.mat[3][3]]]
				for face in nmesh.faces:
					if (not self.keep_points_and_lines) and (len(face.v) <= 2):
						nb_points_and_lines += 1

					f = soya.Face(root_world)
					# face option
					if(face.smooth != 0): f.smooth_lit = 1
					if(face.mode & Blender.NMesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE): f.double_sided = 1
					# vertices
					index = 0
					for vertex in face.v:
						# vertex coordinates
						co = pointbymatrix(vertex.co, matrix)
						v = soya.Vertex(root_world, co[0], co[1], co[2])
						# vertex color
						if (face.col != None) and (len(face.col) > 0):
							color = face.col[index]
							v.color = (color.r / 255.0, color.g / 255.0, color.b / 255.0, color.a / 255.0)
						# vertex texture coordinates
						if len(face.uv) > 0:
							uv = face.uv[index]
							v.tex_x = uv[0]
							v.tex_y = 1.0 - uv[1]
						index = index + 1
					# material
					# check for a material with the same name that the image UV texture file
					# (without extension).
					if(face.image != None):
						image_filename    = face.image.name
						if "." in image_filename:
							material_filename = image_filename[:image_filename.rfind(".")]
						material_filename = self.materials_map.get(material_filename, material_filename)
						f.material = get_material(material_filename)
		if nb_points_and_lines:
			print "blender2soya.py: removing %s points and lines..." % nb_points_and_lines
		# Soya has different axis conventions  

		# Ensure quad's vertices are coplanar, and split any bugous quads
		nb_non_coplanar_quads = facecutter.check_quads(root_world)
		if nb_non_coplanar_quads:
			print "blender2soya.py: splitting %s non coplanar quads..." % nb_non_coplanar_quads
		if self.scale != 1.0:
			root_world.scale(self.scale, self.scale, self.scale)
		if self.cellshading:
			root_world.model_builder = soya.CellShadingModelBuilder(
				shader              = (self.cellshading_shader and get_material(self.cellshading_shader)) or None,
				outline_color       = self.cellshading_outline_color,
				outline_width       = self.cellshading_outline_width,
				outline_attenuation = self.cellshading_outline_attenuation,
		if self.shadow:
			if not root_world.model_builder: root_world.model_builder = soya.SimpleModelBuilder()
			root_world.model_builder.shadow = 1
		if self.max_face_angle != 80.0:
			if not root_world.model_builder: root_world.model_builder = soya.SimpleModelBuilder()
			root_world.model_builder.max_face_angle = self.max_face_angle
		if self.launch_editor: self.edit(root_world, *materials)
			for material in materials:
				print "blender2soya.py: exporting material %s..." % material.filename
			print "blender2soya.py: exporting world %s..." % root_world.filename