Exemplo n.º 1
    numInstances = 0

    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1

    def printNumInstances():
        print("Number of instances created: %s" % Spam.numInstances)

# py -2
from spam import Spam
a = Spam()  # 2.X에서는 언바운드 클래스 메서드를 호출할 수 없음
b = Spam()  # 기본적으로 메서드는 self 객체를 기대함
c = Spam()

# TypeError: unbound method printNumInstances() must be called with Spam instance as first argument (got nothing instead)
# TypeError: printNumInstances() takes no arguments (1 given)

# py -3
from spam import Spam
a = Spam()  # 3.X에서는 클래스에서 함수를 호출할 수 있음
b = Spam()  # 인스턴스를 통한 호출은 여전히 self를 전달함
c = Spam()

Spam.printNumInstances()  # 3.X에서는 다름
# Number of instances created: 3
# TypeError: printNumInstances() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
Exemplo n.º 2
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1

# py -3
import spam
a = spam.Spam()
b = spam.Spam()
c = spam.Spam()
spam.printNumInstances()            # 하지만 함수는 극단적으로 제거될 수 있음
# Number of instances created: 3    # 그리고 상속에 의해 변경될 수 없음
# 3

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1
    def printNumInstances(self):
        print("Number of instances created: %s" % Spam.numInstances)

# py -3
from spam import Spam
a, b, c = Spam(), Spam(), Spam()
# Number of instances created: 3
# Number of instances created: 3
Spam().printNumInstances()      # 하지만 카운터를 가져오는 것은 카운터를 변경시킴!
# Number of instances created: 4
Exemplo n.º 3
 def printNumInstances():                 # Override a static method
     print("Extra stuff...")              # But call back to original
Exemplo n.º 4
 def printNumInstances(cls):              # Override a class method
     print("Extra stuff...", cls)         # But call back to original
Exemplo n.º 5
>>> class E:
...     __slots__ = ['c', 'd']            # Superclass has slots
>>> class D(E):                                 
...     __slots__ = ['a', '__dict__']     # So does its subclass
>>> X = D()
>>> X.a = 1; X.b = 2; X.c = 3             # The instance is the union
>>> X.a, X.c
(1, 3)

>>> E.__slots__                           # But slots are not concatenated
['c', 'd']
>>> D.__slots__
['a', '__dict__']
>>> X.__slots__                           # Instance inherits *lowest* __slots__
['a', '__dict__']
>>> X.__dict__                            # And has its own an attr dict
{'b': 2}

>>> for attr in list(getattr(X, '__dict__', [])) + getattr(X, '__slots__', []):
...     print(attr, '=>', getattr(X, attr))
b => 2                                    # Superclass slots missed!
a => 1
__dict__ => {'b': 2}

>>> dir(X)                                # dir() includes all slot names
[...many names omitted... 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

>>> class classic:
...     def __getattr__(self, name):
...         if name == 'age':
...             return 40
...         else:
...             raise AttributeError
>>> x = classic()
>>> x.age                                 # Runs __getattr__
>>> x.name                                # Runs __getattr__

>>> class newprops(object):
...     def getage(self):
...         return 40
...     age = property(getage, None, None, None)  # get, set, del, docs
>>> x = newprops()
>>> x.age                                         # Runs getage
>>> x.name                                        # Normal fetch
AttributeError: newprops instance has no attribute 'name'

>>> class newprops(object):
...     def getage(self):
...         return 40
...     def setage(self, value):
...         print('set age:', value)
...         self._age = value
...     age = property(getage, setage, None, None)
>>> x = newprops()
>>> x.age                                         # Runs getage
>>> x.age = 42                                    # Runs setage
set age: 42
>>> x._age                                        # Normal fetch; no getage call
>>> x.job = 'trainer'                             # Normal assign; no setage call
>>> x.job                                         # Normal fetch; no getage call

>>> class classic:
...     def __getattr__(self, name):              # On undefined reference
...         if name == 'age':
...             return 40
...         else:
...             raise AttributeError
...     def __setattr__(self, name, value):       # On all assignments
...         print('set:', name, value)
...         if name == 'age':
...             self.__dict__['_age'] = value
...         else:
...             self.__dict__[name] = value
>>> x = classic()
>>> x.age                                         # Runs __getattr__
>>> x.age = 41                                    # Runs __setattr__
set: age 41
>>> x._age                                        # Defined: no __getattr__ call
>>> x.job = 'trainer'                             # Runs __setattr__ again
>>> x.job                                         # Defined: no __getattr__ call

### file: spam.py

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1
    def printNumInstances():
        print("Number of instances created: ", Spam.numInstances)

C:\misc> c:\python26\python
>>> from spam import Spam
>>> a = Spam()                   # Cannot call unbound class methods in 2.6
>>> b = Spam()                   # Methods expect a self object by default
>>> c = Spam()

>>> Spam.printNumInstances()
TypeError: unbound method printNumInstances() must be called with Spam instance
as first argument (got nothing instead)
>>> a.printNumInstances()
TypeError: printNumInstances() takes no arguments (1 given)

C:\misc> c:\python30\python
>>> from spam import Spam
>>> a = Spam()                       # Can call functions in class in 3.0
>>> b = Spam()                       # Calls through instances still pass a self 
>>> c = Spam()

>>> Spam.printNumInstances()         # Differs in 3.0
Number of instances created:  3
>>> a.printNumInstances()
TypeError: printNumInstances() takes no arguments (1 given)

Spam.printNumInstances()             # Fails in 2.6, works in 3.0
instance.printNumInstances()         # Fails in both 2.6 and 3.0

### file spam.py (changed)

def printNumInstances():
    print("Number of instances created: ", Spam.numInstances)

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1

>>> import spam
>>> a = spam.Spam()
>>> b = spam.Spam()
>>> c = spam.Spam() 
>>> spam.printNumInstances()           # But function may be too far removed
Number of instances created:  3        # And cannot be changed via inheritance
>>> spam.Spam.numInstances

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1
    def printNumInstances(self):
        print("Number of instances created: ", Spam.numInstances)

>>> from spam import Spam
>>> a, b, c = Spam(), Spam(), Spam()
>>> a.printNumInstances()
Number of instances created:  3
>>> Spam.printNumInstances(a)
Number of instances created:  3
>>> Spam().printNumInstances()         # But fetching counter changes counter!
Number of instances created:  4

class Methods:
    def imeth(self, x):            # Normal instance method: passed a self
        print(self, x)

    def smeth(x):                  # Static: no instance passed

    def cmeth(cls, x):             # Class: gets class, not instance
        print(cls, x)

    smeth = staticmethod(smeth)    # Make smeth a static method
    cmeth = classmethod(cmeth)     # Make cmeth a class method

>>> obj = Methods()                # Make an instance

>>> obj.imeth(1)                   # Normal method, call through instance
<__main__.Methods object...> 1     # Becomes imeth(obj, 1)

>>> Methods.imeth(obj, 2)          # Normal method, call through class
<__main__.Methods object...> 2     # Instance passed explicitly

>>> Methods.smeth(3)               # Static method, call through class
3                                  # No instance passed or expected

>>> obj.smeth(4)                   # Static method, call through instance
4                                  # Instance not passed

>>> Methods.cmeth(5)               # Class method, call through class
<class '__main__.Methods'> 5       # Becomes cmeth(Methods, 5)

>>> obj.cmeth(6)                   # Class method, call through instance
<class '__main__.Methods'> 6       # Becomes cmeth(Methods, 6)

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0                         # Use static method for class data
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances += 1
    def printNumInstances():
        print("Number of instances:", Spam.numInstances)
    printNumInstances = staticmethod(printNumInstances)

>>> a = Spam()
>>> b = Spam()
>>> c = Spam()
>>> Spam.printNumInstances()                 # Call as simple function
Number of instances: 3
>>> a.printNumInstances()                    # Instance argument not passed
Number of instances: 3

class Sub(Spam):
    def printNumInstances():                 # Override a static method
        print("Extra stuff...")              # But call back to original
    printNumInstances = staticmethod(printNumInstances)

>>> a = Sub()
>>> b = Sub()
>>> a.printNumInstances()                    # Call from subclass instance
Extra stuff...
Number of instances: 2
>>> Sub.printNumInstances()                  # Call from subclass itself
Extra stuff...
Number of instances: 2
>>> Spam.printNumInstances()
Number of instances: 2

>>> class Other(Spam): pass                  # Inherit static method verbatim

>>> c = Other()
>>> c.printNumInstances()
Number of instances: 3

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0                         # Use class method instead of static
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances += 1
    def printNumInstances(cls):
        print("Number of instances:", cls.numInstances)
    printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances)

>>> a, b = Spam(), Spam()
>>> a.printNumInstances()                    # Passes class to first argument
Number of instances: 2
>>> Spam.printNumInstances()                 # Also passes class to first argument
Number of instances: 2

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0                         # Trace class passed in
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances += 1
    def printNumInstances(cls):
        print("Number of instances:", cls.numInstances, cls)
    printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances)

class Sub(Spam):
    def printNumInstances(cls):              # Override a class method
        print("Extra stuff...", cls)         # But call back to original
    printNumInstances = classmethod(printNumInstances)

class Other(Spam): pass                      # Inherit class method verbatim

>>> x, y = Sub(), Spam()
>>> x.printNumInstances()                    # Call from subclass instance
Extra stuff... <class 'test.Sub'>
Number of instances: 2 <class 'test.Spam'>
>>> Sub.printNumInstances()                  # Call from subclass itself
Extra stuff... <class 'test.Sub'>
Number of instances: 2 <class 'test.Spam'>
>>> y.printNumInstances()
Number of instances: 2 <class 'test.Spam'>

>>> z = Other()
>>> z.printNumInstances()
Number of instances: 3 <class 'test.Other'>

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def count(cls):                    # Per-class instance counters
        cls.numInstances += 1          # cls is lowest class above instance
    def __init__(self):
        self.count()                   # Passes self.__class__ to count
    count = classmethod(count)

class Sub(Spam):
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):                # Redefines __init__

class Other(Spam):                     # Inherits __init__
    numInstances = 0

>>> x = Spam()
>>> y1, y2 = Sub(), Sub()
>>> z1, z2, z3 = Other(), Other(), Other()
>>> x.numInstances, y1.numInstances, z1.numInstances
(1, 2, 3)
>>> Spam.numInstances, Sub.numInstances, Other.numInstances
(1, 2, 3)

class C:
   @staticmethod                                 # Decoration syntax
   def meth():

class C:
   def meth():
   meth = staticmethod(meth)                     # Rebind name

class Spam:
    numInstances = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Spam.numInstances = Spam.numInstances + 1

    def printNumInstances():
        print("Number of instances created: ", Spam.numInstances)

a = Spam()
b = Spam()
c = Spam()
Spam.printNumInstances()      # Calls from both classes and instances work now!
a.printNumInstances()         # Both print "Number of instances created:  3"

class tracer:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.calls = 0
        self.func  = func
    def __call__(self, *args):
        self.calls += 1
        print('call %s to %s' % (self.calls, self.func.__name__))

@tracer                       # Same as spam = tracer(spam)
def spam(a, b, c):            # Wrap spam in a decorator object
    print(a, b, c)

spam(1, 2, 3)                 # Really calls the tracer wrapper object
spam('a', 'b', 'c')           # Invokes __call__ in class
spam(4, 5, 6)                 # __call__ adds logic and runs original object

def decorator(aClass): ...

class C: ...

def decorator(aClass): ...

class C: ...
C = decorator(C)

def count(aClass):
    aClass.numInstances = 0
    return aClass                  # Return class itself, instead of a wrapper

class Spam: ...                    # Same as Spam = count(Spam)

class Sub(Spam): ...               # numInstances = 0 not needed here

class Other(Spam): ...

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(meta, classname, supers, classdict): ...

class C(metaclass=Meta): ...

class C: 
    __metaclass__ = Meta

>>> class X:
...     a = 1       # Class attribute
>>> I = X()
>>> I.a             # Inherited by instance
>>> X.a

>>> X.a = 2         # May change more than X
>>> I.a             # I changes too
>>> J = X()         # J inherits from X's runtime values
>>> J.a             # (but assigning to J.a changes a in J, not X or I)

class X: pass                       # Make a few attribute namespaces
class Y: pass

X.a = 1                             # Use class attributes as variables
X.b = 2                             # No instances anywhere to be found
X.c = 3
Y.a = X.a + X.b + X.c

for X.i in range(Y.a): print(X.i)   # Prints 0..5

class Record: pass
X = Record()
X.name = 'bob'
X.job  = 'Pizza maker'

>>> class C:
...     shared = []                 # Class attribute
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.perobj = []        # Instance attribute
>>> x = C()                         # Two instances
>>> y = C()                         # Implicitly share class attrs
>>> y.shared, y.perobj
([], [])

>>> x.shared.append('spam')         # Impacts y's view too!
>>> x.perobj.append('spam')         # Impacts x's data only
>>> x.shared, x.perobj
(['spam'], ['spam'])

>>> y.shared, y.perobj              # y sees change made through x
(['spam'], [])
>>> C.shared                        # Stored on class and shared

x.shared.append('spam')    # Changes shared object attached to class in-place
x.shared = 'spam'          # Changed or creates instance attribute attached to x

class ListTree:
    def __str__(self): ...

class Super:
    def __str__(self): ...

class Sub(ListTree, Super):    # Get ListTree's __str__ by listing it first

x = Sub()                      # Inheritance searches ListTree before Super

class ListTree:
    def __str__(self): ...
    def other(self): ...

class Super:
    def __str__(self): ...
    def other(self): ...

class Sub(ListTree, Super):    # Get ListTree's __str__ by listing it first
    other = Super.other        # But explicitly pick Super's version of other
    def __init__(self):

x = Sub()                      # Inheritance searches Sub before ListTree/Super

class Sub(Super, ListTree):               # Get Super's other by order
    __str__ = Lister.__str__              # Explicitly pick Lister.__str__

def generate():                  # Fails prior to Python 2.2, works later
    class Spam:
        count = 1
        def method(self):        # Name Spam not visible:
            print(Spam.count)    # not local (def), global (module), built-in
    return Spam()


C:\python\examples> python nester.py
...error text omitted...
    Print(Spam.count)            # Not local (def), global (module), built-in
NameError: Spam

def generate():
    global Spam                 # Force Spam to module scope
    class Spam:
        count = 1
        def method(self):
            print(Spam.count)   # Works: in global (enclosing module)
    return Spam()

generate().method()             # Prints 1

def generate():
    return Spam()

class Spam:                    # Define at top level of module
    count = 1
    def method(self):
        print(Spam.count)      # Works: in global (enclosing module)


def generate():
    class Spam:
        count = 1
        def method(self):
            print(self.__class__.count)      # Works: qualify to get class
    return Spam()


### lab code

class Lunch:
    def __init__(self)               # Make/embed Customer and Employee
    def order(self, foodName)        # Start a Customer order simulation
    def result(self)                 # Ask the Customer what Food it has