Exemplo n.º 1
 def set_classifier(self, classifier):
     """Specify a classifier to be used for further testing."""
     self.classifier = classifier
     self.tester = Tester.Test()
     self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
     self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.falsepos = set()
     self.falseneg = set()
     self.unsure = set()
     self.global_ham_hist = Hist()
     self.global_spam_hist = Hist()
     self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0
     from spambayes import CostCounter
     self.cc = CostCounter.default()
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.falsepos = set()
     self.falseneg = set()
     self.unsure = set()
     self.global_ham_hist = Hist()
     self.global_spam_hist = Hist()
     self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0
     from spambayes import CostCounter
     self.cc = CostCounter.default()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def pol_test(self, ham, spam, update=False, all_opt=False):
        c = self.classifier
        t = self.tester
        local_ham_hist = Hist()
        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."
        t.train_predict(ham, 3, update=update, all_opt=all_opt)
        t.train_predict(spam, 2, update=update, all_opt=all_opt)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def dict_test(self, ham, spam):
        c = self.classifier
        t = self.tester
        local_ham_hist = Hist()
        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."
        t.train_predict(ham, 3)
        t.train_predict(spam, 2)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def finishtest(self):
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("all in this training set:", self.trained_ham_hist,
        self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist
        self.global_spam_hist += self.trained_spam_hist
        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called += 1
        if options["TestDriver", "save_trained_pickles"]:
            fname = "%s%d.pik" % (options["TestDriver", "pickle_basename"],
            print "    saving pickle to", fname
            pickle_write(fname, self.classifier, 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: chi2.py Projeto: ArildF/rogie
def main():
    from spambayes.Histogram import Hist
    import sys

    class WrappedRandom:
        # There's no way W-H is equidistributed in 50 dimensions, so use
        # Marsaglia-wrapping to shuffle it more.

        def __init__(self, baserandom=random.random, tabsize=513):
            self.baserandom = baserandom
            self.n = tabsize
            self.tab = [baserandom() for i in range(tabsize)]
            self.next = baserandom()

        def random(self):
            result = self.next
            i = int(result * self.n)
            self.next = self.tab[i]
            self.tab[i] = self.baserandom()
            return result

    random = WrappedRandom().random
    #from uni import uni as random
    #print random

    def judge(ps, ln=_math.log, ln2=_math.log(2), frexp=_math.frexp):
        H = S = 1.0
        Hexp = Sexp = 0
        for p in ps:
            S *= 1.0 - p
            H *= p
            if S < 1e-200:
                S, e = frexp(S)
                Sexp += e
            if H < 1e-200:
                H, e = frexp(H)
                Hexp += e
        S = ln(S) + Sexp * ln2
        H = ln(H) + Hexp * ln2
        n = len(ps)
        S = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * S, 2*n)
        H = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * H, 2*n)
        return S, H, (S-H + 1.0) / 2.0

    warp = 0
    bias = 0.99
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        warp = int(sys.argv[1])
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        bias = float(sys.argv[2])

    h = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)
    s = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)
    score = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)

    for i in range(5000):
        ps = [random() for j in range(50)]
        s1, h1, score1 = judge(ps + [bias] * warp)

    print "Result for random vectors of 50 probs, +", warp, "forced to", bias

    # Should be uniformly distributed on all-random data.
    print 'H',

    # Should be uniformly distributed on all-random data.
    print 'S',

    # Distribution doesn't really matter.
    print '(S-H+1)/2',
Exemplo n.º 8
 def main():

    from spambayes.Histogram import Hist

    import sys

    class WrappedRandom:

        def __init__(self, baserandom=random.random, tabsize=513):

            self.baserandom = baserandom

            self.n = tabsize

            self.tab = [baserandom() for i in range(tabsize)]

            self.next = baserandom()

        def random(self):

            result = self.next

            i = int(result * self.n)

            self.next = self.tab[i]

            self.tab[i] = self.baserandom()

            return result

    random = WrappedRandom().random

    def judge(ps, ln=_math.log, ln2=_math.log(2), frexp=_math.frexp):

        H = S = 1.0

        Hexp = Sexp = 0

        for p in ps:

            S *= 1.0 - p

            H *= p

            if S < 1e-200:

                S, e = frexp(S)

                Sexp += e

            if H < 1e-200:

                H, e = frexp(H)

                Hexp += e

        S = ln(S) + Sexp * ln2

        H = ln(H) + Hexp * ln2

        n = len(ps)

        S = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * S, 2*n)

        H = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * H, 2*n)

        return S, H, (S-H + 1.0) / 2.0

    warp = 0

    bias = 0.99

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:

        warp = int(sys.argv[1])

    if len(sys.argv) > 2:

        bias = float(sys.argv[2])

    h = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)

    s = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)

    score = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)

    for i in range(5000):

        ps = [random() for j in range(50)]

        s1, h1, score1 = judge(ps + [bias] * warp)




    print "Result for random vectors of 50 probs, +", warp, "forced to", bias


    print 'H',



    print 'S',



    print '(S-H+1)/2',

Exemplo n.º 9
    def test(self, ham, spam):
        c = self.classifier
        t = self.tester
        local_ham_hist = Hist()
        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        def new_ham(msg,
                    lo=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_lo"],
                    hi=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_hi"]):
            local_ham_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Ham with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        def new_spam(msg,
                     lo=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_lo"],
                     hi=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_hi"]):
            local_spam_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Spam with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."
        t.predict(spam, True, new_spam)
        t.predict(ham, False, new_ham)
        print "-> <stat> tested", t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, \
              "spams against", c.nham, "hams &", c.nspam, "spams"

        print "-> <stat> false positive %:", t.false_positive_rate()
        print "-> <stat> false negative %:", t.false_negative_rate()
        print "-> <stat> unsure %:", t.unsure_rate()
        print "-> <stat> cost: $%.2f" % (
            t.nham_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
            t.nspam_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
            (t.nham_unsure + t.nspam_unsure) *
            options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        newfpos = set(t.false_positives()) - self.falsepos
        self.falsepos |= newfpos
        print "-> <stat> %d new false positives" % len(newfpos)
        if newfpos:
            print "    new fp:", [e.tag for e in newfpos]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_positives"]:
            newfpos = ()
        for e in newfpos:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newfneg = set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg
        self.falseneg |= newfneg
        print "-> <stat> %d new false negatives" % len(newfneg)
        if newfneg:
            print "    new fn:", [e.tag for e in newfneg]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_negatives"]:
            newfneg = ()
        for e in newfneg:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newunsure = set(t.unsures()) - self.unsure
        self.unsure |= newunsure
        print "-> <stat> %d new unsure" % len(newunsure)
        if newunsure:
            print "    new unsure:", [e.tag for e in newunsure]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_unsure"]:
            newunsure = ()
        for e in newunsure:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
        self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
        self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
Exemplo n.º 10
class Driver:
    def __init__(self):
        self.falsepos = set()
        self.falseneg = set()
        self.unsure = set()
        self.global_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.global_spam_hist = Hist()
        self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0
        from spambayes import CostCounter
        self.cc = CostCounter.default()

    def new_classifier(self):
        """Create and use a new, virgin classifier."""

    def set_classifier(self, classifier):
        """Specify a classifier to be used for further testing."""
        self.classifier = classifier
        self.tester = Tester.Test(classifier)
        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

    def train(self, ham, spam):
        print "-> Training on", ham, "&", spam, "...",
        c = self.classifier
        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam
        self.tester.train(ham, spam)
        print c.nham - nham, "hams &", c.nspam - nspam, "spams"

    def untrain(self, ham, spam):
        print "-> Forgetting", ham, "&", spam, "...",
        c = self.classifier
        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam
        self.tester.untrain(ham, spam)
        print nham - c.nham, "hams &", nspam - c.nspam, "spams"

    def finishtest(self):
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("all in this training set:", self.trained_ham_hist,
        self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist
        self.global_spam_hist += self.trained_spam_hist
        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called += 1
        if options["TestDriver", "save_trained_pickles"]:
            fname = "%s%d.pik" % (options["TestDriver", "pickle_basename"],
            print "    saving pickle to", fname
            pickle_write(fname, self.classifier, 1)

    def alldone(self):
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            besthamcut, bestspamcut = printhist("all runs:",
            besthamcut = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]
            bestspamcut = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]
        nham = self.global_ham_hist.n
        nspam = self.global_spam_hist.n
        nfp = len(self.falsepos)
        nfn = len(self.falseneg)
        nun = len(self.unsure)
        print "-> <stat> all runs false positives:", nfp
        print "-> <stat> all runs false negatives:", nfn
        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure:", nun
        print "-> <stat> all runs false positive %:", (nfp * 1e2 / nham)
        print "-> <stat> all runs false negative %:", (nfn * 1e2 / nspam)
        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure %:", (nun * 1e2 / (nham + nspam))
        print "-> <stat> all runs cost: $%.2f" % (
            nfp * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
            nfn * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
            nun * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])
        # Set back the options for the delayed calculations in self.cc
        options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"] = besthamcut
        options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"] = bestspamcut
        print self.cc

        if options["TestDriver", "save_histogram_pickles"]:
            for f, h in (('ham', self.global_ham_hist),
                         ('spam', self.global_spam_hist)):
                fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options["TestDriver",
                                                   "pickle_basename"], f)
                print "    saving %s histogram pickle to %s" % (f, fname)
                pickle_write(fname, h, 1)

    def test(self, ham, spam):
        c = self.classifier
        t = self.tester
        local_ham_hist = Hist()
        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        def new_ham(msg,
                    lo=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_lo"],
                    hi=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_hi"]):
            local_ham_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Ham with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        def new_spam(msg,
                     lo=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_lo"],
                     hi=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_hi"]):
            local_spam_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Spam with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."
        t.predict(spam, True, new_spam)
        t.predict(ham, False, new_ham)
        print "-> <stat> tested", t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, \
              "spams against", c.nham, "hams &", c.nspam, "spams"

        print "-> <stat> false positive %:", t.false_positive_rate()
        print "-> <stat> false negative %:", t.false_negative_rate()
        print "-> <stat> unsure %:", t.unsure_rate()
        print "-> <stat> cost: $%.2f" % (
            t.nham_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
            t.nspam_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
            (t.nham_unsure + t.nspam_unsure) *
            options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        newfpos = set(t.false_positives()) - self.falsepos
        self.falsepos |= newfpos
        print "-> <stat> %d new false positives" % len(newfpos)
        if newfpos:
            print "    new fp:", [e.tag for e in newfpos]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_positives"]:
            newfpos = ()
        for e in newfpos:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newfneg = set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg
        self.falseneg |= newfneg
        print "-> <stat> %d new false negatives" % len(newfneg)
        if newfneg:
            print "    new fn:", [e.tag for e in newfneg]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_negatives"]:
            newfneg = ()
        for e in newfneg:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newunsure = set(t.unsures()) - self.unsure
        self.unsure |= newunsure
        print "-> <stat> %d new unsure" % len(newunsure)
        if newunsure:
            print "    new unsure:", [e.tag for e in newunsure]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_unsure"]:
            newunsure = ()
        for e in newunsure:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
        self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
        self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
Exemplo n.º 11
class Driver:
    def __init__(self):
        self.falsepos = set()
        self.falseneg = set()
        self.unsure = set()
        self.global_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.global_spam_hist = Hist()
        self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0
        from spambayes import CostCounter
        self.cc = CostCounter.default()
    def new_classifier(self):
        """Create and use a new, virgin classifier."""
    def set_classifier(self, classifier):
        """Specify a classifier to be used for further testing."""
        self.classifier = classifier
        self.tester = Tester.Test(classifier)
        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()
    def train(self, ham, spam):
        print "-> Training on", ham, "&", spam, "...",
        c = self.classifier
        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam
        self.tester.train(ham, spam)
        print c.nham - nham, "hams &", c.nspam- nspam, "spams"
    def untrain(self, ham, spam):
        print "-> Forgetting", ham, "&", spam, "...",
        c = self.classifier
        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam
        self.tester.untrain(ham, spam)
        print nham - c.nham, "hams &", nspam - c.nspam, "spams"
    def finishtest(self):
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("all in this training set:",
                      self.trained_ham_hist, self.trained_spam_hist)
        self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist
        self.global_spam_hist += self.trained_spam_hist
        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()
        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()
        self.ntimes_finishtest_called += 1
        if options["TestDriver", "save_trained_pickles"]:
            fname = "%s%d.pik" % (options["TestDriver", "pickle_basename"],
            print "    saving pickle to", fname
            pickle_write(fname, self.classifier, 1)
    def alldone(self):
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            besthamcut, bestspamcut = printhist("all runs:",
            besthamcut = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]
            bestspamcut = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]
        nham = self.global_ham_hist.n
        nspam = self.global_spam_hist.n
        nfp = len(self.falsepos)
        nfn = len(self.falseneg)
        nun = len(self.unsure)
        print "-> <stat> all runs false positives:", nfp
        print "-> <stat> all runs false negatives:", nfn
        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure:", nun
        print "-> <stat> all runs false positive %:", (nfp * 1e2 / nham)
        print "-> <stat> all runs false negative %:", (nfn * 1e2 / nspam)
        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure %:", (nun * 1e2 / (nham + nspam))
        print "-> <stat> all runs cost: $%.2f" % (
              nfp * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
              nfn * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
              nun * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])
        options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"] = besthamcut
        options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"] = bestspamcut
        print self.cc
        if options["TestDriver", "save_histogram_pickles"]:
            for f, h in (('ham', self.global_ham_hist),
                         ('spam', self.global_spam_hist)):
                fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options["TestDriver",
                                                   "pickle_basename"], f)
                print "    saving %s histogram pickle to %s" % (f, fname)
                pickle_write(fname, h, 1)
    def test(self, ham, spam):
        c = self.classifier
        t = self.tester
        local_ham_hist = Hist()
        local_spam_hist = Hist()
        def new_ham(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_lo"],
                               hi=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_hi"]):
            local_ham_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Ham with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)
        def new_spam(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_lo"],
                                hi=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_hi"]):
            local_spam_hist.add(prob * 100.0)
            if lo <= prob <= hi:
                print "Spam with prob =", prob
                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)
                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)
        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."
        t.predict(spam, True, new_spam)
        t.predict(ham, False, new_ham)
        print "-> <stat> tested", t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, \
              "spams against", c.nham, "hams &", c.nspam, "spams"
        print "-> <stat> false positive %:", t.false_positive_rate()
        print "-> <stat> false negative %:", t.false_negative_rate()
        print "-> <stat> unsure %:", t.unsure_rate()
        print "-> <stat> cost: $%.2f" % (
               t.nham_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
               t.nspam_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
               (t.nham_unsure + t.nspam_unsure) *
               options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])
        newfpos = set(t.false_positives()) - self.falsepos
        self.falsepos |= newfpos
        print "-> <stat> %d new false positives" % len(newfpos)
        if newfpos:
            print "    new fp:", [e.tag for e in newfpos]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_positives"]:
            newfpos = ()
        for e in newfpos:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)
        newfneg = set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg
        self.falseneg |= newfneg
        print "-> <stat> %d new false negatives" % len(newfneg)
        if newfneg:
            print "    new fn:", [e.tag for e in newfneg]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_negatives"]:
            newfneg = ()
        for e in newfneg:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)
        newunsure = set(t.unsures()) - self.unsure
        self.unsure |= newunsure
        print "-> <stat> %d new unsure" % len(newunsure)
        if newunsure:
            print "    new unsure:", [e.tag for e in newunsure]
        if not options["TestDriver", "show_unsure"]:
            newunsure = ()
        for e in newunsure:
            print '*' * 78
            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)
            printmsg(e, prob, clues)
        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:
            printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)
        self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist
        self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist
Exemplo n.º 12
def main():
    from spambayes.Histogram import Hist
    import sys

    class WrappedRandom:
        # There's no way W-H is equidistributed in 50 dimensions, so use
        # Marsaglia-wrapping to shuffle it more.

        def __init__(self, baserandom=random.random, tabsize=513):
            self.baserandom = baserandom
            self.n = tabsize
            self.tab = [baserandom() for i in range(tabsize)]
            self.next = baserandom()

        def random(self):
            result = self.next
            i = int(result * self.n)
            self.next = self.tab[i]
            self.tab[i] = self.baserandom()
            return result

    random = WrappedRandom().random

    #from uni import uni as random
    #print random

    def judge(ps, ln=_math.log, ln2=_math.log(2), frexp=_math.frexp):
        H = S = 1.0
        Hexp = Sexp = 0
        for p in ps:
            S *= 1.0 - p
            H *= p
            if S < 1e-200:
                S, e = frexp(S)
                Sexp += e
            if H < 1e-200:
                H, e = frexp(H)
                Hexp += e
        S = ln(S) + Sexp * ln2
        H = ln(H) + Hexp * ln2
        n = len(ps)
        S = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * S, 2 * n)
        H = 1.0 - chi2Q(-2.0 * H, 2 * n)
        return S, H, (S - H + 1.0) / 2.0

    warp = 0
    bias = 0.99
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        warp = int(sys.argv[1])
    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        bias = float(sys.argv[2])

    h = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)
    s = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)
    score = Hist(20, lo=0.0, hi=1.0)

    for i in range(5000):
        ps = [random() for j in range(50)]
        s1, h1, score1 = judge(ps + [bias] * warp)

    print "Result for random vectors of 50 probs, +", warp, "forced to", bias

    # Should be uniformly distributed on all-random data.
    print 'H',

    # Should be uniformly distributed on all-random data.
    print 'S',

    # Distribution doesn't really matter.
    print '(S-H+1)/2',
Exemplo n.º 13
 class  Driver :
	def __init__(self):

        self.falsepos = Set()

        self.falseneg = Set()

        self.unsure = Set()

        self.global_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.global_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0


        from spambayes import CostCounter


     def new_classifier(self):

        """Create and use a new, virgin classifier."""


     def set_classifier(self, classifier):

        """Specify a classifier to be used for further testing."""

        self.classifier = classifier

        self.tester = Tester.Test(classifier)

        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

     def train(self, ham, spam):

        print "-> Training on", ham, "&", spam, "...",

        c = self.classifier

        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam

        self.tester.train(ham, spam)

        print c.nham - nham, "hams &", c.nspam- nspam, "spams"

     def untrain(self, ham, spam):

        print "-> Forgetting", ham, "&", spam, "...",

        c = self.classifier

        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam

        self.tester.untrain(ham, spam)

        print nham - c.nham, "hams &", nspam - c.nspam, "spams"

     def finishtest(self):

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            printhist("all in this training set:",
                      self.trained_ham_hist, self.trained_spam_hist)

        self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist

        self.global_spam_hist += self.trained_spam_hist

        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called += 1

        if options["TestDriver", "save_trained_pickles"]:

            fname = "%s%d.pik" % (options["TestDriver", "pickle_basename"],

            print "    saving pickle to", fname

            fp = file(fname, 'wb')

            pickle.dump(self.classifier, fp, 1)


     def alldone(self):

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            besthamcut,bestspamcut = printhist("all runs:",


            besthamcut = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]

            bestspamcut = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]



        nham = self.global_ham_hist.n

        nspam = self.global_spam_hist.n

        nfp = len(self.falsepos)

        nfn = len(self.falseneg)

        nun = len(self.unsure)

        print "-> <stat> all runs false positives:", nfp

        print "-> <stat> all runs false negatives:", nfn

        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure:", nun

        print "-> <stat> all runs false positive %:", (nfp * 1e2 / nham)

        print "-> <stat> all runs false negative %:", (nfn * 1e2 / nspam)

        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure %:", (nun * 1e2 / (nham + nspam))

        print "-> <stat> all runs cost: $%.2f" % (
              nfp * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
              nfn * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
              nun * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"] = besthamcut

        options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"] = bestspamcut

        print self.cc

        if options["TestDriver", "save_histogram_pickles"]:

            for f, h in (('ham', self.global_ham_hist),
                         ('spam', self.global_spam_hist)):

                fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options["TestDriver",
                                                   "pickle_basename"], f)

                print "    saving %s histogram pickle to %s" %(f, fname)

                fp = file(fname, 'wb')

                pickle.dump(h, fp, 1)


     def test(self, ham, spam):

        c = self.classifier

        t = self.tester

        local_ham_hist = Hist()

        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        def new_ham(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_lo"],
                               hi=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_hi"]):

            local_ham_hist.add(prob * 100.0)


            if lo <= prob <= hi:


                print "Ham with prob =", prob

                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)

                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        def new_spam(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_lo"],
                                hi=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_hi"]):

            local_spam_hist.add(prob * 100.0)


            if lo <= prob <= hi:


                print "Spam with prob =", prob

                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)

                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)


        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."

        t.predict(spam, True, new_spam)

        t.predict(ham, False, new_ham)

        print "-> <stat> tested", t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, \
              "spams against", c.nham, "hams &", c.nspam, "spams"

        print "-> <stat> false positive %:", t.false_positive_rate()

        print "-> <stat> false negative %:", t.false_negative_rate()

        print "-> <stat> unsure %:", t.unsure_rate()

        print "-> <stat> cost: $%.2f" % (
               t.nham_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
               t.nspam_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
               (t.nham_unsure + t.nspam_unsure) *
               options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        newfpos = Set(t.false_positives()) - self.falsepos

        self.falsepos |= newfpos

        print "-> <stat> %d new false positives" % len(newfpos)

        if newfpos:

            print "    new fp:", [e.tag for e in newfpos]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_positives"]:

            newfpos = ()

        for e in newfpos:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newfneg = Set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg

        self.falseneg |= newfneg

        print "-> <stat> %d new false negatives" % len(newfneg)

        if newfneg:

            print "    new fn:", [e.tag for e in newfneg]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_negatives"]:

            newfneg = ()

        for e in newfneg:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newunsure = Set(t.unsures()) - self.unsure

        self.unsure |= newunsure

        print "-> <stat> %d new unsure" % len(newunsure)

        if newunsure:

            print "    new unsure:", [e.tag for e in newunsure]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_unsure"]:

            newunsure = ()

        for e in newunsure:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)

        self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist

        self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist


    Set = set

except NameError:


        from sets import Set

    except ImportError:

        from spambayes.compatsets import Set


    from heapq import heapreplace

except ImportError:

    from spambayes.compatheapq import heapreplace


    True, False

except NameError:

    True, False = 1, 0

 def printhist(tag, ham, spam, nbuckets=options["TestDriver", "nbuckets"]):


    print "-> <stat> Ham scores for", tag,



    print "-> <stat> Spam scores for", tag,


    if not options["TestDriver", "compute_best_cutoffs_from_histograms"]:


    if ham.n == 0 or spam.n == 0:


    assert ham.nbuckets == spam.nbuckets

    n = ham.nbuckets

    FPW = options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"]

    FNW = options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"]

    UNW = options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"]

    htotal = [0] * (n+1)

    stotal = [0] * (n+1)

    for i in range(1, n+1):

        htotal[i] = htotal[i-1] + ham.buckets[i-1]

        stotal[i] = stotal[i-1] + spam.buckets[i-1]

    assert htotal[-1] == ham.n

    assert stotal[-1] == spam.n

    best_cost = 1e200   

    bests = []          

    for h in range(n+1):

        num_fn = stotal[h]

        fn_cost = num_fn * FNW

        for s in xrange(h, n+1):

            num_fp = htotal[-1] - htotal[s]

            num_un = htotal[s] - htotal[h] + stotal[s] - stotal[h]

            cost = num_fp * FPW + fn_cost + num_un * UNW

            if cost <= best_cost:

                if cost < best_cost:

                    best_cost = cost

                    bests = []

                bests.append((h, s))

    print '-> best cost for %s $%.2f' % (tag, best_cost)

    print '-> per-fp cost $%.2f; per-fn cost $%.2f; per-unsure cost $%.2f' % (
          FPW, FNW, UNW)

    if len(bests) > 1:

        print '-> achieved at', len(bests), 'cutoff pairs'

        info = [('smallest ham & spam cutoffs', bests[0]),
                ('largest ham & spam cutoffs', bests[-1])]


        info = [('achieved at ham & spam cutoffs', bests[0])]

    for tag, (h, s) in info:

        print '-> %s %g & %g' % (tag, float(h)/n, float(s)/n)

        num_fn = stotal[h]

        num_fp = htotal[-1] - htotal[s]

        num_unh = htotal[s] - htotal[h]

        num_uns = stotal[s] - stotal[h]

        print '->     fp %d; fn %d; unsure ham %d; unsure spam %d' % (
              num_fp, num_fn, num_unh, num_uns)

        print '->     fp rate %.3g%%; fn rate %.3g%%; unsure rate %.3g%%' % (
              num_fp*1e2 / ham.n, num_fn*1e2 / spam.n,
              (num_unh + num_uns)*1e2 / (ham.n + spam.n))

    return float(bests[0][0])/n,float(bests[0][1])/n

 def printmsg(msg, prob, clues):

    print msg.tag

    print "prob =", prob

    for clue in clues:

        print "prob(%r) = %g" % clue


    guts = str(msg)

    if options["TestDriver", "show_charlimit"] > 0:

        guts = guts[:options["TestDriver", "show_charlimit"]]

    print guts

 class  Driver :
	def __init__(self):

        self.falsepos = Set()

        self.falseneg = Set()

        self.unsure = Set()

        self.global_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.global_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called = 0


        from spambayes import CostCounter


     def new_classifier(self):

        """Create and use a new, virgin classifier."""


     def set_classifier(self, classifier):

        """Specify a classifier to be used for further testing."""

        self.classifier = classifier

        self.tester = Tester.Test(classifier)

        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

     def train(self, ham, spam):

        print "-> Training on", ham, "&", spam, "...",

        c = self.classifier

        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam

        self.tester.train(ham, spam)

        print c.nham - nham, "hams &", c.nspam- nspam, "spams"

     def untrain(self, ham, spam):

        print "-> Forgetting", ham, "&", spam, "...",

        c = self.classifier

        nham, nspam = c.nham, c.nspam

        self.tester.untrain(ham, spam)

        print nham - c.nham, "hams &", nspam - c.nspam, "spams"

     def finishtest(self):

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            printhist("all in this training set:",
                      self.trained_ham_hist, self.trained_spam_hist)

        self.global_ham_hist += self.trained_ham_hist

        self.global_spam_hist += self.trained_spam_hist

        self.trained_ham_hist = Hist()

        self.trained_spam_hist = Hist()

        self.ntimes_finishtest_called += 1

        if options["TestDriver", "save_trained_pickles"]:

            fname = "%s%d.pik" % (options["TestDriver", "pickle_basename"],

            print "    saving pickle to", fname

            fp = file(fname, 'wb')

            pickle.dump(self.classifier, fp, 1)


     def alldone(self):

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            besthamcut,bestspamcut = printhist("all runs:",


            besthamcut = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]

            bestspamcut = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]



        nham = self.global_ham_hist.n

        nspam = self.global_spam_hist.n

        nfp = len(self.falsepos)

        nfn = len(self.falseneg)

        nun = len(self.unsure)

        print "-> <stat> all runs false positives:", nfp

        print "-> <stat> all runs false negatives:", nfn

        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure:", nun

        print "-> <stat> all runs false positive %:", (nfp * 1e2 / nham)

        print "-> <stat> all runs false negative %:", (nfn * 1e2 / nspam)

        print "-> <stat> all runs unsure %:", (nun * 1e2 / (nham + nspam))

        print "-> <stat> all runs cost: $%.2f" % (
              nfp * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
              nfn * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
              nun * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"] = besthamcut

        options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"] = bestspamcut

        print self.cc

        if options["TestDriver", "save_histogram_pickles"]:

            for f, h in (('ham', self.global_ham_hist),
                         ('spam', self.global_spam_hist)):

                fname = "%s_%shist.pik" % (options["TestDriver",
                                                   "pickle_basename"], f)

                print "    saving %s histogram pickle to %s" %(f, fname)

                fp = file(fname, 'wb')

                pickle.dump(h, fp, 1)


     def test(self, ham, spam):

        c = self.classifier

        t = self.tester

        local_ham_hist = Hist()

        local_spam_hist = Hist()

        def new_ham(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_lo"],
                               hi=options["TestDriver", "show_ham_hi"]):

            local_ham_hist.add(prob * 100.0)


            if lo <= prob <= hi:


                print "Ham with prob =", prob

                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)

                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)

        def new_spam(msg, prob, lo=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_lo"],
                                hi=options["TestDriver", "show_spam_hi"]):

            local_spam_hist.add(prob * 100.0)


            if lo <= prob <= hi:


                print "Spam with prob =", prob

                prob, clues = c.spamprob(msg, True)

                printmsg(msg, prob, clues)


        print "-> Predicting", ham, "&", spam, "..."

        t.predict(spam, True, new_spam)

        t.predict(ham, False, new_ham)

        print "-> <stat> tested", t.nham_tested, "hams &", t.nspam_tested, \
              "spams against", c.nham, "hams &", c.nspam, "spams"

        print "-> <stat> false positive %:", t.false_positive_rate()

        print "-> <stat> false negative %:", t.false_negative_rate()

        print "-> <stat> unsure %:", t.unsure_rate()

        print "-> <stat> cost: $%.2f" % (
               t.nham_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fp_weight"] +
               t.nspam_wrong * options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_fn_weight"] +
               (t.nham_unsure + t.nspam_unsure) *
               options["TestDriver", "best_cutoff_unsure_weight"])

        newfpos = Set(t.false_positives()) - self.falsepos

        self.falsepos |= newfpos

        print "-> <stat> %d new false positives" % len(newfpos)

        if newfpos:

            print "    new fp:", [e.tag for e in newfpos]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_positives"]:

            newfpos = ()

        for e in newfpos:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newfneg = Set(t.false_negatives()) - self.falseneg

        self.falseneg |= newfneg

        print "-> <stat> %d new false negatives" % len(newfneg)

        if newfneg:

            print "    new fn:", [e.tag for e in newfneg]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_false_negatives"]:

            newfneg = ()

        for e in newfneg:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        newunsure = Set(t.unsures()) - self.unsure

        self.unsure |= newunsure

        print "-> <stat> %d new unsure" % len(newunsure)

        if newunsure:

            print "    new unsure:", [e.tag for e in newunsure]

        if not options["TestDriver", "show_unsure"]:

            newunsure = ()

        for e in newunsure:

            print '*' * 78

            prob, clues = c.spamprob(e, True)

            printmsg(e, prob, clues)

        if options["TestDriver", "show_histograms"]:

            printhist("this pair:", local_ham_hist, local_spam_hist)

        self.trained_ham_hist += local_ham_hist

        self.trained_spam_hist += local_spam_hist