Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_argmax_2d(self):
   for axis in [1]: #[None, 0, 1]:
     x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int)
     nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int).reshape((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
     y = x.argmax(axis=axis)
     val = expr.glom(y)
     Assert.all_eq(val, nx.argmax(axis=axis))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_reshape3(self):
   a = expr.arange((100, 100))
   b = expr.reshape(a, (10000,))
   c = expr.reshape(b, (10000, 1))
   d = expr.reshape(c, (1, 10000))
   e = expr.arange((1, 10000))
   Assert.all_eq(d.glom(), e.glom())
Exemplo n.º 3
  def test_slices_from_slices(self):
    slices1 = (slice(0, 50), slice(0, 50))
    slices2 = (slice(0, 50), slice(50, 100))
    slices3 = (slice(50, 100), slice(0, 50))
    slices4 = (slice(50, 100), slice(50, 100))
    t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
    t2 = expr.randn(100, 100)
    t3 = expr.write(t2, slices1, t1, slices1)
    t4 = expr.write(t3, slices2, t1, slices2)
    t5 = expr.write(t4, slices3, t1, slices3)
    t6 = expr.write(t5, slices4, t1, slices4)
    Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), t6.glom())

    dst = np.arange(0, 2500).reshape(50, 50)
    t11 = expr.write(t1, slices1, dst, slices1)
    t12 = expr.write(t11, slices2, dst, slices1)
    t13 = expr.write(t12, slices3, dst, slices1)
    t14 = expr.write(t13, slices4, dst, slices1)

    tmp = expr.write(expr.randn(100, 100), slices4, dst, slices1)
    t21 = expr.write(t2, slices1, tmp, slices4)
    t22 = expr.write(t21, slices2, tmp, slices4)
    t23 = expr.write(t22, slices3, tmp, slices4)
    t24 = expr.write(t23, slices4, tmp, slices4)
    Assert.all_eq(t14.glom(), t24.glom())
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_fio_path(self):
   t1 = expr.randn(100, 100).evaluate()
   expr.save(t1, "fiotest1", self.test_dir2, False)
   expr.pickle(t1, "fiotest2", self.test_dir2, False)
   Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), expr.load("fiotest1", self.test_dir2, False).glom())
   Assert.all_eq(t1.glom(), expr.unpickle("fiotest2", self.test_dir2, False).glom())
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_creation(self):
     A = spartan.eye(100, 10)
     nA = np.eye(100, 10)
     B = spartan.identity(100)
     nB = np.identity(100)
     Assert.all_eq(A.glom(), nA)
     Assert.all_eq(B.glom(), nB)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_sum_2d(self):
   x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int)
   nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int).reshape((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
   for axis in [None, 0, 1]:  
     y = x.sum(axis)
     val = y.glom()
     Assert.all_eq(val, nx.sum(axis))
Exemplo n.º 7
  def _test_optimization_ordered(self):
    na = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
    nb = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
    a = expr.from_numpy(na)
    b = expr.from_numpy(nb)

    c = a - b
    d = a + c
    f = c[200:900, 200:900]
    g = d[200:900, 200:900]
    h = f - g
    i = f + h
    j = h[100:500, 100:500]
    k = i[100:500, 100:500]
    l = expr.dot(j, k)
    m = j + k
    n = k - l
    o = n - m
    q = o[100:200, 100:200]

    nc = na - nb
    nd = na + nc
    nf = nc[200:900, 200:900]
    ng = nd[200:900, 200:900]
    nh = nf - ng
    ni = nf + nh
    nj = nh[100:500, 100:500]
    nk = ni[100:500, 100:500]
    nl = np.dot(nj, nk)
    nm = nj + nk
    nn = nk - nl
    no = nn - nm
    nq = no[100:200, 100:200]

    Assert.all_eq(nq, q.optimized().glom(), tolerance = 1e-10)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_slice_reduce(self):
   x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int)
   nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int).reshape((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
   y = x[:, :, 0].sum()
   val = y.glom()
   Assert.all_eq(val, nx[:, :, 0].sum())
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_reshape5(self):
   a = expr.arange((35511, ))
   b = expr.reshape(a, (133, 267))
   c = expr.reshape(b, (267, 133))
   d = expr.reshape(c, (1, 35511))
   e = expr.arange((1, 35511))
   Assert.all_eq(d.glom(), e.glom())
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_assign_array_like(self):
   a = np.zeros((20, 10))
   b = np.ones((10, ))
   region = np.s_[10, ]
   sp_a = assign(from_numpy(a), region, b).glom()
   a[region] = b
   Assert.all_eq(sp_a, a)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_transpose3(self):
   t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((107, 401)).evaluate()
   t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((401, 107)).evaluate()
   a = expr.transpose(t1)
   b = expr.transpose(t2)
   Assert.all_eq(a.glom().todense(), sp.eye(107, 401).transpose().todense())
   Assert.all_eq(b.glom().todense(), sp.eye(401, 107).transpose().todense())
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_reshape6(self):
   a = expr.arange((12319, ))
   b = expr.reshape(a, (127, 97))
   c = expr.reshape(b, (97, 127))
   d = expr.reshape(c, (1, 12319))
   e = expr.arange((1, 12319))
   Assert.all_eq(d.glom(), e.glom())
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_reshape8(self):
   t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((137, 113))
   t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((113, 137))
   a = expr.reshape(t1, (113, 137))
   b = expr.reshape(t2, (137, 113))
   Assert.all_eq(a.glom().todense(), sp.eye(137, 113).tolil().reshape((113, 137)).todense())
   Assert.all_eq(b.glom().todense(), sp.eye(113, 137).tolil().reshape((137, 113)).todense())
Exemplo n.º 14
  def test_optimization_map_with_location(self):
    FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 1
    def mapper(tile, ex):
      return tile + 10

    a = expr.map_with_location(expr.ones((5, 5)), mapper) + expr.ones((5, 5))
    Assert.isinstance(a.optimized().op, expr.local.ParakeetExpr)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_argmin_2d(self):
     for axis in [1]:  #[None, 0, 1]:
         x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int)
         nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int).reshape(
             (TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
         y = x.argmin(axis=axis)
         val = expr.glom(y)
         Assert.all_eq(val, nx.argmin(axis=axis))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_sum_2d(self):
     x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int)
     nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int).reshape(
         (TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
     for axis in [None, 0, 1]:
         y = x.sum(axis)
         val = y.glom()
         Assert.all_eq(val, nx.sum(axis))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_argmax_3d(self):
   x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int64)
   nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int64).reshape((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
   for axis in [None, 0, 1, 2]:  
     y = x.argmax(axis)
     val = y.glom()
     Assert.all_eq(val, nx.argmax(axis))
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _step():
   yp = expr.dot(x, w)
   Assert.all_eq(yp.shape, y.shape)
   diff = x * (yp - y)
   grad = expr.sum(diff, axis=0).glom().reshape((N_DIM, 1))
   wprime = w - grad * 1e-6
Exemplo n.º 19
  def test_numpy_vec_vec(self):
    av = expr.arange(stop=100)
    bv = np.arange(100)
    na = np.arange(100)
    nb = np.arange(100)

    Assert.all_eq(expr.dot(av, bv).glom(),
                  np.dot(na, nb))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_slice_shuffle(self):
   x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
   z = x[5:8, 5:8]
   z = expr.shuffle(z, add_one_extent) 
   val = z.force()
   nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE*TEST_SIZE).reshape(TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE)
   Assert.all_eq(val.glom(), nx[5:8, 5:8] + 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
  def test_numpy_2d_vec(self):
    av = expr.arange((77, 100))
    bv = np.arange(100)
    na = np.arange(7700).reshape(77, 100)
    nb = np.arange(100)

    Assert.all_eq(expr.dot(av, bv).glom(),
                  np.dot(na, nb))
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_update_sparse_to_sparse(self):
   t = tile.from_shape(ARRAY_SIZE, dtype=np.float32, tile_type=tile.TYPE_SPARSE)
   update = sp.lil_matrix(ARRAY_SIZE, dtype=np.float32)
   for i in range(UPDATE_SHAPE[0]):
     update[i,i] = 1
   t.update(UPDATE_SUBSLICE, update, None)
   Assert.eq(sp.issparse(t.data), True)
   print t.data.todense()
Exemplo n.º 23
  def test_numpy_vec_2d(self):
    av = expr.arange(stop = 100)
    bv = np.arange(7700).reshape(100, 77)
    na = np.arange(100)
    nb = np.arange(7700).reshape(100, 77)

    Assert.all_eq(expr.dot(av, bv).glom(),
                  np.dot(na, nb))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_slice_map(self):
   x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
   z = x[5:8, 5:8]
   z = expr.map(z, add_one_tile)
   print z
   nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE*TEST_SIZE).reshape(TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE)
   Assert.all_eq(z.glom(), nx[5:8, 5:8] + 1)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_diag(self):
        import random

        dim = random.randint(0, 99)
        np_array = np.random.randn(dim, dim)
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.diag(spartan.from_numpy(np_array)).glom(), np.diag(np_array))

        np_array2 = np.random.randn(dim, dim)
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.diag(spartan.diag(spartan.from_numpy(np_array2))).glom(), np.diag(np.diag(np_array2)))
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_reshape8(self):
     t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((137, 113))
     t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((113, 137))
     a = expr.reshape(t1, (113, 137))
     b = expr.reshape(t2, (137, 113))
                   sp.eye(137, 113).tolil().reshape((113, 137)).todense())
                   sp.eye(113, 137).tolil().reshape((137, 113)).todense())
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_reshape4(self):
     a = expr.arange((10000, ))
     b = expr.reshape(a, (10, 1000))
     c = expr.reshape(b, (1000, 10))
     d = expr.reshape(c, (20, 500))
     e = expr.reshape(d, (500, 20))
     f = expr.reshape(e, (1, 10000))
     g = expr.arange((1, 10000))
     Assert.all_eq(f.glom(), g.glom())
Exemplo n.º 28
  def test_add_many(self):
    a = expr.ones((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
    b = expr.ones((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))

    add_many = (a + b + a + b + a + b + a + b + a + b)
    #print add_many
    #print add_many.dag()
                  np.ones((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE)) * 10)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_optimization_map_with_location(self):
        FLAGS.opt_parakeet_gen = 1

        def mapper(tile, ex):
            return tile + 10

        a = expr.map_with_location(expr.ones((5, 5)), mapper) + expr.ones(
            (5, 5))
        Assert.isinstance(a.optimized().op, expr.operator.local.ParakeetExpr)
Exemplo n.º 30
  def test_optimization_region_map(self):
    def mapper(tile, ex):
      return tile + 10

    ex = array.extent.create((0, 0), (1, 5), (5, 5))
    a = expr.region_map(expr.ones((5, 5)), ex, mapper) + expr.ones((5, 5))*10

    for child in a.optimized().op.deps:
      Assert.true(not isinstance(child, expr.local.LocalInput))
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_reshape4(self):
   a = expr.arange((10000, ))
   b = expr.reshape(a, (10, 1000))
   c = expr.reshape(b, (1000, 10))
   d = expr.reshape(c, (20, 500))
   e = expr.reshape(d, (500, 20))
   f = expr.reshape(e, (1, 10000))
   g = expr.arange((1, 10000))
   Assert.all_eq(f.glom(), g.glom())
Exemplo n.º 32
 def test_slice_map2(self):
   x = expr.arange((10, 10, 10), dtype=np.int)
   nx = np.arange(10 * 10 * 10, dtype=np.int).reshape((10, 10, 10))
   y = x[:, :, 0]
   z = expr.map(y, lambda tile: tile + 13)
   val = z.glom()
   Assert.all_eq(val.reshape(10, 10), nx[:, :, 0] + 13)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_min(self):
   src = np.asarray([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 10])
   src = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
       spartan.min(spartan.from_numpy(src), axis=1).glom(),
       np.min(src, axis=1))
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_transpose3(self):
     t1 = expr.sparse_diagonal((107, 401)).evaluate()
     t2 = expr.sparse_diagonal((401, 107)).evaluate()
     a = expr.transpose(t1)
     b = expr.transpose(t2)
                   sp.eye(107, 401).transpose().todense())
                   sp.eye(401, 107).transpose().todense())
Exemplo n.º 35
  def test_slice_sub(self):
    a = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE,), dtype=np.int)
    v = (a[1:] - a[:-1])
    print optimize.optimize(v)
    v = v.glom()
    print v

    na = np.arange(TEST_SIZE, dtype=np.int)
    nv = na[1:] - na[:-1]
    Assert.all_eq(v, nv)
Exemplo n.º 36
  def test_index(self):
    a = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
    b = expr.ones((10,), dtype=np.int)
    z = a[b]
    val = expr.evaluate(z)

    nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE).reshape(TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE)
    ny = np.ones((10,), dtype=np.int)

    Assert.all_eq(val.glom(), nx[ny])
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_argmax_3d(self):
        x = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE), dtype=np.int64)
        nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE,
                           (TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))

        for axis in [None, 0, 1, 2]:
            y = x.argmax(axis)
            val = y.glom()
            Assert.all_eq(val, nx.argmax(axis))
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_update_sparse_to_sparse(self):
     t = tile.from_shape(ARRAY_SIZE,
     update = sp.lil_matrix(ARRAY_SIZE, dtype=np.float32)
     for i in range(UPDATE_SHAPE[0]):
         update[i, i] = 1
     t.update(UPDATE_SUBSLICE, update, None)
     Assert.eq(sp.issparse(t.data), True)
     print t.data.todense()
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_unravel():
    for i in range(100):
        shp = (20, 77)
        ul = (random.randint(0, 19), random.randint(0, 76))
        lr = (random.randint(ul[0] + 1, 20), random.randint(ul[1] + 1, 77))

        a = extent.create(ul, lr, shp)
        ravelled = a.ravelled_pos()
        unravelled = extent.unravelled_pos(ravelled, a.array_shape)
        Assert.eq(a.ul, unravelled)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_index(self):
        a = expr.arange((TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE))
        b = expr.ones((10, ), dtype=np.int)
        z = a[b]
        val = expr.evaluate(z)

        nx = np.arange(TEST_SIZE * TEST_SIZE).reshape(TEST_SIZE, TEST_SIZE)
        ny = np.ones((10, ), dtype=np.int)

        Assert.all_eq(val.glom(), nx[ny])
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_optimization_region_map(self):
        def mapper(tile, ex):
            return tile + 10

        ex = array.extent.create((0, 0), (1, 5), (5, 5))
        a = expr.region_map(expr.ones((5, 5)), ex, mapper) + expr.ones(
            (5, 5)) * 10

        for child in a.optimized().op.deps:
            Assert.true(not isinstance(child, expr.operator.local.LocalInput))
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_arange_stop(self):
        # Arange with stop.
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.arange(stop=10).glom(), np.arange(10))

        # Arange with start, stop
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.arange(-1, 10).glom(), np.arange(-1, 10))
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.arange(1, 10).glom(), np.arange(1, 10))

        # Arange with start, stop, step
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.arange(-1, 19, 2).glom(), np.arange(-1, 19, 2))
        Assert.all_eq(spartan.arange(1, 21, 2).glom(), np.arange(1, 21, 2))
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_slices_from_np(self):
   npa = np.random.random(10000).reshape(100, 100)
   slices1 = (slice(0, 50), slice(0, 50))
   slices2 = (slice(0, 50), slice(50, 100))
   slices3 = (slice(50, 100), slice(0, 50))
   slices4 = (slice(50, 100), slice(50, 100))
   t1 = expr.randn(100, 100)
   t2 = expr.write(t1, slices1, npa, slices1)
   t3 = expr.write(t2, slices2, npa, slices2)
   t4 = expr.write(t3, slices3, npa, slices3)
   t5 = expr.write(t4, slices4, npa, slices4)
   Assert.all_eq(t5.glom(), npa)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_broadcast(self):
        a = expr.ones((100, 1, 100, 100)).force()
        b = expr.ones((10, 100, 1)).force()
        a, b = broadcast.broadcast((a, b))
        c = expr.add(a, b).force()
        d = expr.sub(a, b).force()

        n = np.ones((100, 10, 100, 100))
        n1 = n + n
        n2 = n - n
        Assert.all_eq(n1, c.glom())
        Assert.all_eq(n2, d.glom())
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_diag(self):
        import random
        dim = random.randint(0, 99)
        np_array = np.random.randn(dim, dim)

        np_array2 = np.random.randn(dim, dim)
Exemplo n.º 46
 def test_distarray(self):
     A = spartan.arange(40000, dtype=np.int32).reshape(100, 400).evaluate()
     nA = np.arange(40000).reshape(100, 400)
     B = A.transpose().evaluate()
     nB = nA.transpose()
     C = B.T.evaluate()
     nC = nB.T
     D = (C / 100).evaluate()
     nD = nC / 100
     E = D.all()
     nE = nD.all()
     Assert.all_eq(E.glom(), nE)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_matmul(self):
        x = expr.arange(XDIM, dtype=np.int).astype(np.float64)
        y = expr.arange(YDIM, dtype=np.int).astype(np.float64)
        z = expr.dot(x, y)

        nx = np.arange(np.prod(XDIM),
        ny = np.arange(np.prod(YDIM),
        nz = np.dot(nx, ny)

        Assert.all_eq(z.glom(), nz)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def test_logic(self):
     # Arange with no parameters.
     A = spartan.arange(40000, dtype=np.int32).reshape(100, 400)
     nA = np.arange(40000).reshape(100, 400)
     B = A.T
     nB = nA.T
     C = B / 1000
     nC = nB / 1000
     D = spartan.all(C)
     nD = np.all(nC)
     E = spartan.any(C)
     nE = np.any(nC)
     Assert.all_eq(D.glom(), nD)
     Assert.all_eq(E.glom(), nE)
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_assign_1d(self):
        b = np.random.randn(100)
        sp_b = from_numpy(b)

        #a[:] = b[:] copy entire array
        a = np.random.randn(100)
        region_a = np.s_[0:100]
        region_b = np.s_[0:100]
        sp_a = assign(from_numpy(a), region_a, sp_b[region_b]).glom()
        a[region_a] = b[region_b]
        Assert.all_eq(sp_a, a)

        # a[0] = b[1] copy one value
        a = np.random.randn(100)
        region_a = np.s_[0]
        region_b = np.s_[1]
        sp_a = assign(from_numpy(a), region_a, sp_b[region_b]).glom()
        a[region_a] = b[region_b]
        Assert.all_eq(sp_a, a)

        # a[0:10] = b[20:30] copy range of values
        a = np.random.randn(100)
        region_a = np.s_[0:10]
        region_b = np.s_[20:30]
        sp_a = assign(from_numpy(a), region_a, sp_b[region_b]).glom()
        a[region_a] = b[region_b]
        Assert.all_eq(sp_a, a)

        # a[30:60] = b[:30] copy range of values, not starting from 0.
        a = np.random.randn(100)
        region_a = np.s_[0:10]
        region_b = np.s_[20:30]
        sp_a = assign(from_numpy(a), region_a, sp_b[region_b]).glom()
        a[region_a] = b[region_b]
        Assert.all_eq(sp_a, a)
Exemplo n.º 50
    def test_newaxis(self):
        na = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        a = expr.from_numpy(na)

        Assert.all_eq(na[np.newaxis, 2:7, 4:8].shape, a[expr.newaxis, 2:7,

        Assert.all_eq(na[np.newaxis, 2:7, np.newaxis, 4:8].shape,
                      a[expr.newaxis, 2:7, expr.newaxis, 4:8].shape)

            na[np.newaxis, 2:7, np.newaxis, 4:8, np.newaxis].shape,
            a[expr.newaxis, 2:7, expr.newaxis, 4:8, expr.newaxis].shape)

        #Extreme case
            na[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, 2:7, np.newaxis,
               np.newaxis, np.newaxis, 4:8, np.newaxis, np.newaxis,
            a[expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis, 2:7,
              expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis, 4:8, expr.newaxis,
              expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis].shape)

            '\na.shape:  %s  \nna.shape: %s',
            a[expr.newaxis, 2:7, expr.newaxis, 4:8, expr.newaxis, expr.newaxis,
              expr.newaxis].shape, na[np.newaxis, 2:7, np.newaxis, 4:8,
                                      np.newaxis, np.newaxis,
Exemplo n.º 51
  def test_ndimension(self):
    for case in xrange(5):
      dim = np.random.randint(low=2, high=6)
      shape = np.random.randint(low=5, high=11, size=dim)
      util.log_info('Test Case #%s: DIM(%s) shape%s', case + 1, dim, shape)

      na = new_ndarray(shape)
      a = expr.from_numpy(na)

      for axis in xrange(dim):
        Assert.all_eq(expr.sort(a, axis).glom(),
                      np.sort(na, axis))
        Assert.all_eq(expr.argsort(a, axis).glom(),
                      np.argsort(na, axis))
Exemplo n.º 52
  def test_maximum(self):
    # Test arrays of equal length.
    np_a = np.random.randn(10, 10)
    np_b = np.random.randn(10, 10)
    sp_a = spartan.from_numpy(np_a)
    sp_b = spartan.from_numpy(np_b)
        spartan.maximum(sp_a, sp_b).glom(),
        np.maximum(np_a, np_b))

    # Test broadcasting.
        spartan.maximum(sp_a, 0).glom(),
        np.maximum(np_a, 0))
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_2d_vec(self):
        # Test with row > col
        av = expr.arange((100, 77))
        bv = expr.arange(stop=77)
        na = np.arange(7700).reshape(100, 77)
        nb = np.arange(77)

        Assert.all_eq(expr.dot(av, bv).glom(), np.dot(na, nb))

        # Test with col > row
        av = expr.arange((77, 100))
        bv = expr.arange(stop=100)
        na = np.arange(7700).reshape(77, 100)
        nb = np.arange(100)

        Assert.all_eq(expr.dot(av, bv).glom(), np.dot(na, nb))
Exemplo n.º 54
  def test1(self):
    a = expr.ones(ARRAY_SIZE)
    b = expr.ones(ARRAY_SIZE)
    c = expr.ones(ARRAY_SIZE)
    x = a + b + c
    y = x + x
    z = y + y
    z = expr.checkpoint(z, mode='disk')

    failed_worker_id = 0
    ctx = blob_ctx.get()

    res = z + z
    Assert.all_eq(res.glom(), np.ones(ARRAY_SIZE)*24)
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_ravelled_pos():
    a = extent.create((2, 2), (7, 7), (10, 10))
    for i in range(0, 10):
        for j in range(0, 10):
            assert extent.ravelled_pos((i, j), a.array_shape) == 10 * i + j

    Assert.eq(a.to_global(0, axis=None), 22)
    Assert.eq(a.to_global(10, axis=None), 42)
    Assert.eq(a.to_global(11, axis=None), 43)
    Assert.eq(a.to_global(20, axis=None), 62)
Exemplo n.º 56
    def test_del_dim(self):
        na = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        a = expr.from_numpy(na)

        Assert.all_eq(na[2:7, 8], a[2:7, 8].glom())
        Assert.all_eq(na[3:9, 4].shape, a[3:9, 4].shape)

        Assert.all_eq(na[2:7, -1], a[2:7, -1].glom())
        Assert.all_eq(na[-1, 3:9].shape, a[-1, 3:9].shape)

        util.log_info('\na.shape: %s \nna.shape %s', a[3:9, 4].shape,
                      na[3:9, 4].shape)
Exemplo n.º 57
    def test_sparse_scan(self):
        # np.cumsum does not support sparse matrices, so they must be converted
        #   to dense matrices first.
        np_sparse = sparse.eye(*ARRAY_SIZE).todense()
        sp_sparse = sparse_diagonal(ARRAY_SIZE, np.float32, tile_hint)
                 reduce_fn=lambda x, **kw: x.sum(axis=kw['axis']),
                 scan_fn=lambda x, **kw: x.cumsum(axis=kw['axis']),

        for axis in range(len(ARRAY_SIZE)):
                     reduce_fn=lambda x, **kw: x.sum(axis=kw['axis']),
                     scan_fn=lambda x, **kw: x.cumsum(axis=kw['axis']),
                np.cumsum(np_sparse, axis).reshape(ARRAY_SIZE))
Exemplo n.º 58
    def test_optimization_reduced(self):
        na = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
        nb = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
        a = expr.from_numpy(na)
        b = expr.from_numpy(nb)

        c = a - b
        d = a + c
        f = c[200:900, 200:900]
        g = d[200:900, 200:900]
        h = f - g
        i = f + h
        j = h[100:500, 100:500]
        k = i[100:500, 100:500]
        l = expr.dot(j, k)
        m = j + k
        n = k - l
        o = n - m
        q = n + o
        r = q - m
        s = expr.sum(r)

        nc = na - nb
        nd = na + nc
        nf = nc[200:900, 200:900]
        ng = nd[200:900, 200:900]
        nh = nf - ng
        ni = nf + nh
        nj = nh[100:500, 100:500]
        nk = ni[100:500, 100:500]
        nl = np.dot(nj, nk)
        nm = nj + nk
        nn = nk - nl
        no = nn - nm
        nq = nn + no
        nr = nq - nm
        ns = np.sum(nr)

        # Our sum seems to reduce precision
        Assert.all_eq(ns, s.optimized().glom(), tolerance=1e-6)