Exemplo n.º 1
    def trplot(self, end, start=None, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param end: the final pose SO(3) or SE(3) to display as a coordinate frame
        :type end: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
        :param start: the initial pose SO(3) or SE(3) to display as a coordinate frame, defaults to null
        :type start: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)
        :param start: an 

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        # stash the final value
        if tr.isrot(end):
            self.end = tr.r2t(end)
            self.end = end

        if start is None:
            self.start = np.identity(4)
            if tr.isrot(start):
                self.start = tr.r2t(start)
                self.start = start

        # draw axes at the origin
        tr.trplot(self.start, axes=self, block=None, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def SO3(cls, R, check=True):
     if isinstance(R, SO3):
         R = R.A
     elif base.isrot(R, check=check):
         raise ValueError('expecting SO3 or rotation matrix')
     return cls(base.r2t(R))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def trplot(self, end, start=None, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param end: the final pose SE(3) or SO(3) to display as a coordinate frame
        :type end: ndarray(4,4) or ndarray(3,3)
        :param start: the initial pose SE(3) or SO(3) to display as a coordinate frame, defaults to null
        :type start: ndarray(4,4) or ndarray(3,3)
        :param start: an

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        if not isinstance(end, (np.ndarray, np.generic)) and isinstance(
                end, Iterable):
                if len(end) == 1:
                    end = end[0]
                elif len(end) >= 2:
                    self.trajectory = end
            except TypeError:
                # a generator has no len()
                self.trajectory = end

        # stash the final value
        if base.isrot(end):
            self.end = base.r2t(end)
            self.end = end

        if start is None:
            self.start = np.identity(4)
            if base.isrot(start):
                self.start = base.r2t(start)
                self.start = start

        # draw axes at the origin
        base.trplot(self.start, axes=self, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def isvalid(x, check=True):
        Test if matrix is valid SO(3)

        :param x: matrix to test
        :type x: numpy.ndarray
        :return: ``True`` if the matrix is a valid element of SO(3), ie. it is a 3x3
            orthonormal matrix with determinant of +1.
        :rtype: bool

        :seealso: :func:`~spatialmath.base.transform3d.isrot`
        return base.isrot(x, check=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def trplot(self, T, **kwargs):
        Define the transform to animate

        :param T: an SO(3) or SE(3) pose to be displayed as coordinate frame
        :type: numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,3) or (4,4)

        Is polymorphic with ``base.trplot`` and accepts the same parameters.
        This sets up the animation but doesn't execute it.

        :seealso: :func:`run`

        # stash the final value
        if tr.isrot(T):
            self.T = tr.r2t(T)
            self.T = T
        # draw axes at the origin
        tr.trplot(np.eye(4), axes=self, **kwargs)
    def Rt(cls, R, t, check=True):
        Create an SE(3) from rotation and translation

        :param R: rotation
        :type R: SO3 or ndarray(3,3)
        :param t: translation
        :type t: array_like(3)
        :param check: check rotation validity, defaults to True
        :type check: bool, optional
        :raises ValueError: bad rotation matrix
        :return: SE(3) matrix
        :rtype: SE3 instance
        if isinstance(R, SO3):
            R = R.A
        elif base.isrot(R, check=check):
            raise ValueError('expecting SO3 or rotation matrix')

        return cls(base.rt2tr(R, t))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, s=None, v=None, norm=True, check=True):
     Construct a UnitQuaternion object
     :arg norm: explicitly normalize the quaternion [default True]
     :type norm: bool
     :arg check: explicitly check dimension of passed lists [default True]
     :type check: bool
     :return: new unit uaternion
     :rtype: UnitQuaternion
     :raises: ValueError
     Single element quaternion:
     - ``UnitQuaternion()`` constructs the identity quaternion 1<0,0,0>
     - ``UnitQuaternion(s, v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified
       real ``s`` and ``v`` vector parts. ``v`` is a 3-vector given as a 
       list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
     - ``UnitQuaternion(v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified 
       elements from ``v`` which is a 4-vector given as a list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
     - ``UnitQuaternion(R)`` constructs a unit quaternion from an orthonormal
       rotation matrix given as a 3x3 numpy.ndarray. If ``check`` is True
       test the matrix for orthogonality.
     Multi-element quaternion:
     - ``UnitQuaternion(V)`` constructs a unit quaternion list with specified 
       elements from ``V`` which is an Nx4 numpy.ndarray, each row is a
       quaternion.  If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize each row.
     - ``UnitQuaternion(L)`` constructs a unit quaternion list from a list
       of 4-element numpy.ndarrays.  If ``check`` is True test each element
       of the list is a 4-vector. If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize 
       each vector.
     if s is None and v is None:
         self.data = [ quat.eye() ]
     elif argcheck.isscalar(s) and argcheck.isvector(v,3):
         q = np.r_[ s, argcheck.getvector(v) ]
         if norm:
             q = quat.unit(q)
         self.data = [q]
     elif argcheck.isvector(s,4):
         print('uq constructor 4vec')
         q = argcheck.getvector(s)
         # if norm:
         #     q = quat.unit(q)
         self.data = [q]
     elif type(s) is list:
         if check:
             assert argcheck.isvectorlist(s,4), 'list must comprise 4-vectors'
         if norm:
             s = [quat.unit(q) for q in s]
         self.data = s
     elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and s.shape[1] == 4:
         if norm:
             self.data = [quat.norm(x) for x in s]
             self.data = [x for x in s]
     elif tr.isrot(s, check=check):
         self.data = [ quat.r2q(s) ]
         raise ValueError('bad argument to UnitQuaternion constructor')
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, s: Any = None, v=None, norm=True, check=True):
        Construct a UnitQuaternion object

        :arg norm: explicitly normalize the quaternion [default True]
        :type norm: bool
        :arg check: explicitly check dimension of passed lists [default True]
        :type check: bool
        :return: new unit uaternion
        :rtype: UnitQuaternion
        :raises: ValueError

        Single element quaternion:

        - ``UnitQuaternion()`` constructs the identity quaternion 1<0,0,0>
        - ``UnitQuaternion(s, v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified
          real ``s`` and ``v`` vector parts. ``v`` is a 3-vector given as a
          list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
        - ``UnitQuaternion(v)`` constructs a unit quaternion with specified
          elements from ``v`` which is a 4-vector given as a list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
        - ``UnitQuaternion(R)`` constructs a unit quaternion from an orthonormal
          rotation matrix given as a 3x3 numpy.ndarray. If ``check`` is True
          test the matrix for orthogonality.
        - ``UnitQuaternion(X)`` constructs a unit quaternion from the rotational
          part of ``X`` which is SO3 or SE3 instance.  If len(X) > 1 then
          the resulting unit quaternion is of the same length.

        Multi-element quaternion:

        - ``UnitQuaternion(V)`` constructs a unit quaternion list with specified
          elements from ``V`` which is an Nx4 numpy.ndarray, each row is a
          quaternion.  If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize each row.
        - ``UnitQuaternion(L)`` constructs a unit quaternion list from a list
          of 4-element numpy.ndarrays.  If ``check`` is True test each element
          of the list is a 4-vector. If ``norm`` is True explicitly normalize
          each vector.

        if s is None and v is None:
            self.data = [quat.eye()]

        elif argcheck.isscalar(s) and argcheck.isvector(v, 3):
            # UnitQuaternion(s, v)   s is scalar, v is 3-vector
            q = np.r_[s, argcheck.getvector(v)]
            if norm:
                q = quat.unit(q)
            self.data = [q]

        elif argcheck.isvector(s, 4):
            # UnitQuaternion(q)   q is 4-vector
            q = argcheck.getvector(s)
            if norm:
                s = quat.unit(s)
            self.data = [s]

        elif isinstance(s, list):
            # UnitQuaternion(list)
            if isinstance(s[0], np.ndarray):
                # list of 4-vectors
                if check:
                    assert argcheck.isvectorlist(
                        s, 4), 'list must comprise 4-vectors'
                self.data = s
            elif isinstance(s[0], p3d.SO3):
                # list of SO3/SE3
                self.data = [quat.r2q(x.R) for x in s]

            elif isinstance(s[0], self.__class__):
                # possibly a list of objects of same type
                assert all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, type(self)),
                               s)), 'all elements of list must have same type'
                self.data = [x._A for x in s]
                raise ValueError('incorrect list')

        elif isinstance(s, p3d.SO3):
            # UnitQuaternion(x) x is SO3 or SE3
            self.data = [quat.r2q(x.R) for x in s]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and tr.isrot(s, check=check):
            # UnitQuaternion(R) R is 3x3 rotation matrix
            self.data = [quat.r2q(s)]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and tr.ishom(s, check=check):
            # UnitQuaternion(T) T is 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix
            self.data = [quat.r2q(tr.t2r(s))]

        elif isinstance(s, np.ndarray) and s.shape[1] == 4:
            if norm:
                self.data = [quat.qnorm(x) for x in s]
                self.data = [x for x in s]

        elif isinstance(s, UnitQuaternion):
            # UnitQuaternion(Q) Q is a UnitQuaternion instance, clone it
            self.data = s.data

            raise ValueError('bad argument to UnitQuaternion constructor')
Exemplo n.º 9
def r2q(R, check=False, tol=100):
    Convert SO(3) rotation matrix to unit-quaternion

    :arg R: SO(3) rotation matrix
    :type R: ndarray(3,3)
    :param check: check validity of rotation matrix, default False
    :type check: bool
    :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
    :type tol: float
    :return: unit-quaternion
    :rtype: ndarray(4)
    :raises ValueError: for non SO(3) argument

    Returns a unit-quaternion corresponding to the input SO(3) rotation matrix.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import r2q, qprint, rotx
        >>> R = rotx(90, 'deg') # rotation of 90deg about x-axis
        >>> print(R)
        >>> qprint(r2q(R))

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed matrix is a valid rotation matrix.

    .. note:: Scalar part is always positive.

    :seealso: :func:`q2r`
    if not base.isrot(R, check=check, tol=tol):
        raise ValueError("Argument must be a valid SO(3) matrix")

    qs = math.sqrt(max(0, np.trace(R) + 1)) / 2.0  # scalar part
    kx = R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]  # Oz - Ay
    ky = R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]  # Ax - Nz
    kz = R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]  # Ny - Ox

    if (R[0, 0] >= R[1, 1]) and (R[0, 0] >= R[2, 2]):
        kx1 = R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1  # Nx - Oy - Az + 1
        ky1 = R[1, 0] + R[0, 1]  # Ny + Ox
        kz1 = R[2, 0] + R[0, 2]  # Nz + Ax
        add = (kx >= 0)
    elif R[1, 1] >= R[2, 2]:
        kx1 = R[1, 0] + R[0, 1]  # Ny + Ox
        ky1 = R[1, 1] - R[0, 0] - R[2, 2] + 1  # Oy - Nx - Az + 1
        kz1 = R[2, 1] + R[1, 2]  # Oz + Ay
        add = (ky >= 0)
        kx1 = R[2, 0] + R[0, 2]  # Nz + Ax
        ky1 = R[2, 1] + R[1, 2]  # Oz + Ay
        kz1 = R[2, 2] - R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + 1  # Az - Nx - Oy + 1
        add = (kz >= 0)

    if add:
        kx = kx + kx1
        ky = ky + ky1
        kz = kz + kz1
        kx = kx - kx1
        ky = ky - ky1
        kz = kz - kz1

    kv = np.r_[kx, ky, kz]
    nm = np.linalg.norm(kv)
    if abs(nm) < tol * _eps:
        return eye()
        return np.r_[qs, (math.sqrt(1.0 - qs**2) / nm) * kv]
Exemplo n.º 10
def r2q(R, check=False, tol=100, order='sxyz'):
    Convert SO(3) rotation matrix to unit-quaternion

    :arg R: SO(3) rotation matrix
    :type R: ndarray(3,3)
    :param check: check validity of rotation matrix, default False
    :type check: bool
    :param tol: tolerance in units of eps
    :type tol: float
    :param order: the order of the returned quaternion. Must be 'sxyz' or
        'xyzs'. Defaults to 'sxyz'.
    :type order: str
    :return: unit-quaternion as Euler parameters
    :rtype: ndarray(4)
    :raises ValueError: for non SO(3) argument

    Returns a unit-quaternion corresponding to the input SO(3) rotation matrix.

    .. runblock:: pycon

        >>> from spatialmath.base import r2q, qprint, rotx
        >>> R = rotx(90, 'deg') # rotation of 90deg about x-axis
        >>> print(R)
        >>> qprint(r2q(R))

    .. warning:: There is no check that the passed matrix is a valid rotation matrix.

    .. note:: 
        - Scalar part is always positive
        - implements Cayley's method

        - Sarabandi, S., and Thomas, F. (March 1, 2019). 
          "A Survey on the Computation of Quaternions From Rotation Matrices." 
          ASME. J. Mechanisms Robotics. April 2019; 11(2): 021006. 
          `doi.org/10.1115/1.4041889 <https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4041889>`_

    :seealso: :func:`q2r`
    if not base.isrot(R, check=check, tol=tol):
        raise ValueError("Argument must be a valid SO(3) matrix")

    t12p = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0])**2
    t13p = (R[0, 2] + R[2, 0])**2
    t23p = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1])**2

    t12m = (R[0, 1] - R[1, 0])**2
    t13m = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0])**2
    t23m = (R[1, 2] - R[2, 1])**2

    d1 = (R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1)**2
    d2 = (R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1)**2
    d3 = (-R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2] + 1)**2
    d4 = (-R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2] + 1)**2

    e0 = math.sqrt(d1 + t23m + t13m + t12m) / 4.0
    e1 = math.sqrt(t23m + d2 + t12p + t13p) / 4.0
    e2 = math.sqrt(t13m + t12p + d3 + t23p) / 4.0
    e3 = math.sqrt(t12m + t13p + t23p + d4) / 4.0

    # transfer sign from rotation element differences
    if R[2, 1] < R[1, 2]:
        e1 = -e1
    if R[0, 2] < R[2, 0]:
        e2 = -e2
    if R[1, 0] < R[0, 1]:
        e3 = -e3

    if order == 'sxyz':
        return np.r_[e0, e1, e2, e3]
    elif order == 'xyzs':
        return np.r_[e1, e2, e3, e0]
        raise ValueError("order is invalid, must be 'sxyz' or 'xyzs'")