Exemplo n.º 1
	def runSpearmint(self, name):
		options, expt_dir = self.get_options([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.scratchPath,name))])

		resources = main.parse_resources_from_config(options)

		# Load up the chooser.
		chooser_module = importlib.import_module('spearmint.choosers.' + options['chooser'])
		chooser = chooser_module.init(options)
		experiment_name = options.get("experiment-name", 'unnamed-experiment')

		# Connect to the database
		db_address = options['database']['address']
		sys.stderr.write('Using database at %s.\n' % db_address)
		db = MongoDB(database_address=db_address)

		threshold = 1e-2
		look_back = 3
		stopping = False
		while not stopping:
			for resource_name, resource in resources.iteritems():
				jobs = main.load_jobs(db, experiment_name)
				# resource.printStatus(jobs)
				# If the resource is currently accepting more jobs
				# TODO: here cost will eventually also be considered: even if the
				#	   resource is not full, we might wait because of cost incurred
				# Note: I chose to fill up one resource and them move on to the next
				# You could also do it the other way, by changing "while" to "if" here

				while resource.acceptingJobs(jobs):
					# Load jobs from DB
					# (move out of one or both loops?) would need to pass into load_tasks
					jobs = main.load_jobs(db, experiment_name)
					#pprint.pprint(main.load_hypers(db, experiment_name))

					# Remove any broken jobs from pending.
					main.remove_broken_jobs(db, jobs, experiment_name, resources)

					# Get a suggestion for the next job
					suggested_job = main.get_suggestion(chooser, resource.tasks, db, expt_dir, options, resource_name)

					# Submit the job to the appropriate resource
					process_id = resource.attemptDispatch(experiment_name, suggested_job, db_address, expt_dir)

					# Set the status of the job appropriately (successfully submitted or not)
					if process_id is None:
						suggested_job['status'] = 'broken'
						main.save_job(suggested_job, db, experiment_name)
						suggested_job['status'] = 'pending'
						suggested_job['proc_id'] = process_id
						main.save_job(suggested_job, db, experiment_name)

					jobs = main.load_jobs(db, experiment_name)

					# Print out the status of the resources
					# resource.printStatus(jobs)
					print_resources_status(resources.values(), jobs)

					stalled = []
					for task in main.load_task_group(db, options, resource.tasks).tasks.values():
						performance = task.valid_normalized_data_dict["values"][::-1]
						if len(performance) > look_back:
							print performance[0:look_back]
							print "Diffs: ",
							within_thresh = True
							for i,run in enumerate(performance[0:look_back]):
								diff = abs(run - performance[i+1])
								print str(round(diff,2))+", ",
								if diff > threshold:
									within_thresh = False
									print "...No stall"
							if within_thresh:
								stalled[len(stalled)-1] = 1
					if all(stalled):
			# If no resources are accepting jobs, sleep
			# (they might be accepting if suggest takes a while and so some jobs already finished by the time this point is reached)
			if main.tired(db, experiment_name, resources):
				time.sleep(options.get('polling-time', 5))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(filter=None):
    Usage: python make_plots.py PATH_TO_DIRECTORY
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help='remove broken jobs')
    parser.add_argument('--table', action='store_true', help='print table')
    parser.add_argument('--csv', action='store_true', help='save table as csv')
    parser.add_argument('--d', type=int, help='sort by distance from dth smallest result')
    parser.add_argument('--name', help='experiment name', default=None)
    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    options, expt_dir = get_options(unknown)
    # print "options:"
    # print_dict(options)

    # reduce the grid size
    options["grid_size"] = 400

    resources = parse_resources_from_config(options)

    # Load up the chooser.
    chooser_module = importlib.import_module('spearmint.choosers.' + options['chooser'])
    chooser = chooser_module.init(options)
    # print "chooser", chooser
    if args.name:
        experiment_name = args.name
        experiment_name     = options.get("experiment-name", 'unnamed-experiment')

    # Connect to the database
    db_address = options['database']['address']
    # sys.stderr.write('Using database at %s.\n' % db_address)
    db         = MongoDB(database_address=db_address)

    # testing below here
    jobs = load_jobs(db, experiment_name)
    print len(jobs), 'jobs found'
    # print jobs

    # remove_broken_jobs
    if args.clean:
        for job in jobs:
            if job['status'] == 'pending':
                sys.stderr.write('Broken job %s detected.\n' % job['id'])
                job['status'] = 'broken'
                db.save(job, experiment_name, 'jobs', {'id' : job['id']})

    # print "resources:", resources
    # print_dict(resources)
    resource = resources.itervalues().next()

    task_options = {task: options["tasks"][task] for task in resource.tasks}
    # print "task_options:"
    # print_dict(task_options) # {'main': {'likelihood': u'NOISELESS', 'type': 'OBJECTIVE'}}

    task_group = load_task_group(db, options, experiment_name, resource.tasks)
    hypers = load_hypers(db, experiment_name)
    chooser.fit(task_group, hypers, task_options)
    lp, x = chooser.best()

    if args.table:
        out_file = open('results.csv', 'w') if args.csv else sys.stdout

        # get the observed points
        task = task_group.tasks.itervalues().next()
        idata = task.valid_normalized_data_dict
        inputs = idata["inputs"]
        inputs = map(lambda i: [paramify(task_group, task_group.from_unit(i)).values(), i], inputs)
        vals = idata["values"]
        vals = [task.unstandardize_mean(task.unstandardize_variance(v)) for v in vals]

        out_file.write('\n%10s' % 'result')
        lengths = [10]
        for name, vdict in task.variables_meta.iteritems():
            name = '%10s' % name
            out_file.write(',' + name)

        line_template = '%' + str(lengths[0]) + '.4f,' + ','.join(['%' + str(l) +
            ('.4f' if 'enum' not in inputs[0][0][i]['type'] else 's') for i, l in enumerate(lengths[1:])])

        points = sorted(zip(vals, inputs), key=lambda r: r[0])
        if args.d is not None:
            target = x
            if args.d >= 0:
                target = points[args.d][1][1]
            points = sorted(points, key=lambda r: np.linalg.norm(r[1][1] - target))
        for i, point in enumerate(points):
            subs = [point[0]] + [d['values'][0] for d in point[1][0]]
            out_file.write(line_template % tuple(subs) + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    Usage: python make_plots.py PATH_TO_DIRECTORY

    TODO: Some aspects of this function are specific to the simple branin example
    We should clean this up so that interpretation of plots are more clear and
    so that it works in more general cases 
    (e.g. if objective likelihood is binomial then values should not be
    options, expt_dir = get_options()
    print "options:"
    # reduce the grid size
    options["grid_size"] = 400

    resources = parse_resources_from_config(options)

    # Load up the chooser.
    chooser_module = importlib.import_module('spearmint.choosers.' + options['chooser'])
    chooser = chooser_module.init(options)
    print "chooser", chooser
    experiment_name     = options.get("experiment-name", 'unnamed-experiment')

    # Connect to the database
    db_address = options['database']['address']
    sys.stderr.write('Using database at %s.\n' % db_address)        
    db         = MongoDB(database_address=db_address)
    # testing below here
    jobs = load_jobs(db, experiment_name)
    remove_broken_jobs(db, jobs, experiment_name, resources)

    print "resources:", resources
    resource = resources.itervalues().next()
    task_options = { task: options["tasks"][task] for task in resource.tasks }
    print "task_options:"
    print_dict(task_options) # {'main': {'likelihood': u'NOISELESS', 'type': 'OBJECTIVE'}}
    task_group = load_task_group(db, options, resource.tasks)
    print "task_group", task_group # TaskGroup
    print "tasks:"
    print_dict(task_group.tasks) # {'main': <spearmint.tasks.task.Task object at 0x10bf63290>}
    hypers = load_hypers(db, experiment_name)
    print "loaded hypers", hypers # from GP.to_dict()
    hypers = chooser.fit(task_group, hypers, task_options)
    print "\nfitted hypers:"

    lp, x = chooser.best()
    x = x.flatten()
    print "best", lp, x
    bestp = task_group.paramify(task_group.from_unit(x))
    print "expected best position", bestp
    # get the grid of points
    grid = chooser.grid
#     print "chooser objectives:", 
#     print_dict(chooser.objective)
    print "chooser models:", chooser.models
    obj_model = chooser.models[chooser.objective['name']]
    obj_mean, obj_var = obj_model.function_over_hypers(obj_model.predict, grid)

    # un-normalize the function values and variances
    obj_task = task_group.tasks['main']
    obj_mean = [obj_task.unstandardize_mean(obj_task.unstandardize_variance(v)) for v in obj_mean]
    obj_std = [obj_task.unstandardize_variance(np.sqrt(v)) for v in obj_var]

#     for xy, m, v in izip(grid, obj_mean, obj_var):
#         print xy, m, v

    grid = map(task_group.from_unit, grid)
#     return
    xymv = [(xy[0], xy[1], m, v) for xy, m, v in izip(grid, obj_mean, obj_std)]# if .2 < xy[0] < .25] 
    x = map(lambda x:x[0], xymv)
    y = map(lambda x:x[1], xymv)
    m = map(lambda x:x[2], xymv)
    sig = map(lambda x:x[3], xymv)
#     print y
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.plot(x, y, m, marker='.', linestyle="None")

    # plot errorbars
    for i in np.arange(0, len(x)):
        ax.plot([x[i], x[i]], [y[i], y[i]], [m[i]+sig[i], m[i]-sig[i]], marker="_", color='k')

    # get the observed points
    task = task_group.tasks['main']
    idata = task.valid_normalized_data_dict
    xy = idata["inputs"]
    xy = map(task_group.from_unit, xy)
    xy = np.array(xy)
    vals = idata["values"]
    vals = [obj_task.unstandardize_mean(obj_task.unstandardize_variance(v)) for v in vals]

    ax.plot(xy[:,0], xy[:,1], vals, marker='o', color="r", linestyle="None")
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    Usage: python make_plots.py PATH_TO_DIRECTORY

    TODO: Some aspects of this function are specific to the simple branin example
    We should clean this up so that interpretation of plots are more clear and
    so that it works in more general cases 
    (e.g. if objective likelihood is binomial then values should not be
    options, expt_dir = get_options()

    # reduce the grid size
    options["grid_size"] = 400

    resources = parse_resources_from_config(options)

    # Load up the chooser.
    chooser_module = importlib.import_module('spearmint.choosers.' +
    chooser = chooser_module.init(options)
    print("chooser", chooser)
    experiment_name = options.get("experiment-name", 'unnamed-experiment')

    # Connect to the database
    db_address = options['database']['address']
    sys.stderr.write('Using database at %s.\n' % db_address)
    db = MongoDB(database_address=db_address)

    # testing below here
    jobs = load_jobs(db, experiment_name)
    remove_broken_jobs(db, jobs, experiment_name, resources)

    print("resources:", resources)
    resource = resources.itervalues().next()

    task_options = {task: options["tasks"][task] for task in resource.tasks}
               )  # {'main': {'likelihood': u'NOISELESS', 'type': 'OBJECTIVE'}}

    task_group = load_task_group(db, options, resource.tasks)
    print("task_group", task_group)  # TaskGroup
               )  # {'main': <spearmint.tasks.task.Task object at 0x10bf63290>}

    hypers = load_hypers(db, experiment_name)
    print("loaded hypers", hypers)  # from GP.to_dict()

    hypers = chooser.fit(task_group, hypers, task_options)
    print("\nfitted hypers:")

    lp, x = chooser.best()
    x = x.flatten()
    print("best", lp, x)
    bestp = task_group.paramify(task_group.from_unit(x))
    print("expected best position", bestp)

    # get the grid of points
    grid = chooser.grid
    #     print("chooser objectives:", )
    #     print_dict(chooser.objective)
    print("chooser models:", chooser.models)
    obj_model = chooser.models[chooser.objective['name']]
    obj_mean, obj_var = obj_model.function_over_hypers(obj_model.predict, grid)

    # un-normalize the function values and variances
    obj_task = task_group.tasks['main']
    obj_mean = [
        for v in obj_mean
    obj_std = [obj_task.unstandardize_variance(np.sqrt(v)) for v in obj_var]

    #     for xy, m, v in izip(grid, obj_mean, obj_var):
    #         print(xy, m, v)

    grid = map(task_group.from_unit, grid)
    #     return

    xymv = [(xy[0], xy[1], m, v) for xy, m, v in izip(grid, obj_mean, obj_std)
            ]  # if .2 < xy[0] < .25]

    x = map(lambda x: x[0], xymv)
    y = map(lambda x: x[1], xymv)
    m = map(lambda x: x[2], xymv)
    sig = map(lambda x: x[3], xymv)
    #     print(y)

    fig = plt.figure(dpi=100)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.plot(x, y, m, marker='.', linestyle="None")

    # plot errorbars
    for i in np.arange(0, len(x)):
        ax.plot([x[i], x[i]], [y[i], y[i]], [m[i] + sig[i], m[i] - sig[i]],

    # get the observed points
    task = task_group.tasks['main']
    idata = task.valid_normalized_data_dict
    xy = idata["inputs"]
    xy = map(task_group.from_unit, xy)
    xy = np.array(xy)
    vals = idata["values"]
    vals = [
        for v in vals

    ax.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], vals, marker='o', color="r", linestyle="None")
