Exemplo n.º 1
    def parser_mesh(self, nxdata, scan):
        '''data parser for 2-D mesh and hklmesh'''
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/mesh.html
        # mesh motor1 start1 end1 intervals1 motor2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/hklmesh.html
        #  hklmesh Q1 start1 end1 intervals1 Q2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # mesh:    nexpy/examples/33id_spec.dat  scan 22
        # hklmesh: nexpy/examples/33bm_spec.dat  scan 17
        from spec2nexus import utils
        label1, start1, end1, intervals1, label2, start2, end2, intervals2, time = scan.scanCmd.split()[1:]
        if label1 not in scan.data:
            label1 = scan.L[0]      # mnemonic v. name
        if label2 not in scan.data:
            label2 = scan.L[1]      # mnemonic v. name
        axis1 = scan.data.get(label1)
        axis2 = scan.data.get(label2)
        intervals1, intervals2 = map(int, (intervals1, intervals2))
        start1, end1, start2, end2, time = map(float, (start1, end1, start2, end2, time))
        if len(axis1) < intervals1:     # stopped scan before second row started
            self.parser_1D_columns(nxdata, scan)        # fallback support
            axis1 = axis1[0:intervals1+1]
            axis2 = [axis2[row] for row in range(len(axis2)) if row % (intervals1+1) == 0]

            column_labels = scan.L
            column_labels.remove(label1)    # special handling
            column_labels.remove(label2)    # special handling
            if scan.scanCmd.startswith('hkl'):
                # find the reciprocal space axis held constant
                label3 = [key for key in ('H', 'K', 'L') if key not in (label1, label2)][0]
                axis3 = scan.data.get(label3)[0]
                nxdata[label3] = NXfield(axis3)
                column_labels.remove(label3)    # already handled

            nxdata[label1] = NXfield(axis1)    # 1-D array
            nxdata[label2] = NXfield(axis2)    # 1-D array

            # build 2-D data objects (do not build label1, label2, [or label3] as 2-D objects)
            data_shape = [len(axis2), len(axis1)]
            for label in column_labels:
                axis = np.array( scan.data.get(label) )
                clean_name = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, label)
                nxdata[clean_name] = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(axis, data_shape))
                nxdata[clean_name].original_name = label

            signal_axis_label = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, scan.column_last)
            nxdata.nxsignal = nxdata[signal_axis_label]
            nxdata.nxaxes = [nxdata[label2], nxdata[label1]]

        if '_mca_' in scan.data:    # 3-D array
            # TODO: ?merge with parser_mca_spectra()?
            num_channels = len(scan.data['_mca_'][0])
            mca = np.array(scan.data['_mca_'])
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_ = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(mca, data_shape))
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_channel = NXfield(range(1, num_channels+1))
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_channel.units = 'channel'
            axes = (label1, label2, 'mca__spectrum_channel')
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_.axes = ':'.join( axes )
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_reshape_data(self):
        arr = numpy.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        expected = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
        spec = utils.reshape_data(arr, (3, 2))
        self.assertTrue((spec == expected).all())

        expected = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]
        spec = utils.reshape_data(arr, (2, 3))
        self.assertTrue((spec == expected).all())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def parser_mesh(self, nxdata, scan):
        '''data parser for 2-D mesh and hklmesh'''
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/mesh.html
        #  mesh motor1 start1 end1 intervals1 motor2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/hklmesh.html
        #  hklmesh Q1 start1 end1 intervals1 Q2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # mesh:    nexpy/examples/33id_spec.dat  scan 22  (also has MCA, thus 3-D data)
        # hklmesh: nexpy/examples/33bm_spec.dat  scan 17  (no MCA data)
        from spec2nexus import utils
        label1, start1, end1, intervals1, label2, start2, end2, intervals2, time = scan.scanCmd.split(
        if label1 not in scan.data:
            label1 = scan.L[0]  # mnemonic v. name
        if label2 not in scan.data:
            label2 = scan.L[1]  # mnemonic v. name
        axis1 = scan.data.get(label1)
        axis2 = scan.data.get(label2)
        intervals1, intervals2 = int(intervals1), int(intervals2)
        start1, end1 = float(start1), float(end1)
        start2, end2 = float(start2), float(end2)
        time = float(time)
        if len(axis1) < intervals1:  # stopped scan before second row started
            self.parser_1D_columns(nxdata, scan)  # fallback support
            # TODO: what about the MCA data in this case?
            axis1 = axis1[0:intervals1 + 1]
            axis2 = [
                axis2[row] for row in range(len(axis2))
                if row % (intervals1 + 1) == 0

            column_labels = scan.L
            column_labels.remove(label1)  # special handling
            column_labels.remove(label2)  # special handling
            if scan.scanCmd.startswith('hkl'):
                # find the reciprocal space axis held constant
                label3 = [
                    key for key in ('H', 'K', 'L')
                    if key not in (label1, label2)
                axis3 = scan.data.get(label3)[0]
                nxdata[label3] = NXfield(axis3)
                column_labels.remove(label3)  # already handled

            nxdata[label1] = NXfield(axis1)  # 1-D array
            nxdata[label2] = NXfield(axis2)  # 1-D array

            # build 2-D data objects (do not build label1, label2, [or label3] as 2-D objects)
            data_shape = [len(axis2), len(axis1)]
            for label in column_labels:
                axis = np.array(scan.data.get(label))
                clean_name = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, label)
                nxdata[clean_name] = NXfield(
                    utils.reshape_data(axis, data_shape))
                nxdata[clean_name].original_name = label

            signal_axis_label = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, scan.column_last)
            nxdata.nxsignal = nxdata[signal_axis_label]
            nxdata.nxaxes = [nxdata[label2], nxdata[label1]]

        if '_mca_' in scan.data:  # 3-D array
            # TODO: ?merge with parser_mca_spectra()?
            for mca_key, mca_data in scan.data['_mca_'].items():
                key = "__" + mca_key

                spectra_lengths = list(map(len, mca_data))
                num_channels = max(spectra_lengths)
                if num_channels != min(spectra_lengths):
                    msg = 'MCA spectra have different lengths'
                    msg += ' in scan #' + str(scan.scanNum)
                    msg += ' in file ' + str(scan.specFile)
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                data_shape += [
                mca = np.array(mca_data)
                nxdata[key] = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(mca, data_shape))
                nxdata[key].units = "counts"

                    # use MCA channel numbers as known at time of scan
                    chan1 = scan.MCA['first_saved']
                    chanN = scan.MCA['last_saved']
                    channel_range = range(chan1, chanN + 1)
                    # basic indices
                    channel_range = range(1, num_channels + 1)

                ch_key = key + "_channel"
                nxdata[ch_key] = NXfield(channel_range)
                nxdata[ch_key].units = 'channel'
                axes = (label1, label2, ch_key)
                nxdata[key].axes = ':'.join(axes)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def parser_mesh(self, nxdata, scan):
        """data parser for 2-D mesh and hklmesh"""
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/mesh.html
        #  mesh motor1 start1 end1 intervals1 motor2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/hklmesh.html
        #  hklmesh Q1 start1 end1 intervals1 Q2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # mesh:    nexpy/examples/33id_spec.dat  scan 22  (also has MCA, thus 3-D data)
        # hklmesh: nexpy/examples/33bm_spec.dat  scan 17  (no MCA data)
        from spec2nexus import utils

        label1, start1, end1, intervals1, label2, start2, end2, intervals2, time = scan.scanCmd.split()[1:]
        if label1 not in scan.data:
            label1 = scan.L[0]  # mnemonic v. name
        if label2 not in scan.data:
            label2 = scan.L[1]  # mnemonic v. name
        axis1 = scan.data.get(label1)
        axis2 = scan.data.get(label2)
        intervals1, intervals2 = map(int, (intervals1, intervals2))
        start1, end1, start2, end2, time = map(float, (start1, end1, start2, end2, time))
        if len(axis1) < intervals1:  # stopped scan before second row started
            self.parser_1D_columns(nxdata, scan)  # fallback support
            # TODO: what about the MCA data in this case?
            axis1 = axis1[0 : intervals1 + 1]
            axis2 = [axis2[row] for row in range(len(axis2)) if row % (intervals1 + 1) == 0]

            column_labels = scan.L
            column_labels.remove(label1)  # special handling
            column_labels.remove(label2)  # special handling
            if scan.scanCmd.startswith("hkl"):
                # find the reciprocal space axis held constant
                label3 = [key for key in ("H", "K", "L") if key not in (label1, label2)][0]
                axis3 = scan.data.get(label3)[0]
                nxdata[label3] = NXfield(axis3)
                column_labels.remove(label3)  # already handled

            nxdata[label1] = NXfield(axis1)  # 1-D array
            nxdata[label2] = NXfield(axis2)  # 1-D array

            # build 2-D data objects (do not build label1, label2, [or label3] as 2-D objects)
            data_shape = [len(axis2), len(axis1)]
            for label in column_labels:
                axis = np.array(scan.data.get(label))
                clean_name = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, label)
                nxdata[clean_name] = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(axis, data_shape))
                nxdata[clean_name].original_name = label

            signal_axis_label = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, scan.column_last)
            nxdata.nxsignal = nxdata[signal_axis_label]
            nxdata.nxaxes = [nxdata[label2], nxdata[label1]]

        if "_mca_" in scan.data:  # 3-D array
            # TODO: ?merge with parser_mca_spectra()?
            _num_spectra = len(scan.data["_mca_"])
            spectra_lengths = map(len, scan.data["_mca_"])
            num_channels = max(spectra_lengths)
            if num_channels != min(spectra_lengths):
                msg = "MCA spectra have different lengths"
                msg += " in scan #" + str(scan.scanNum)
                msg += " in file " + str(scan.specFile)
                raise ValueError(msg)
            data_shape += [num_channels]
            mca = np.array(scan.data["_mca_"])
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_ = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(mca, data_shape))
                # use MCA channel numbers as known at time of scan
                chan1 = scan.MCA["first_saved"]
                chanN = scan.MCA["last_saved"]
                channel_range = range(chan1, chanN + 1)
                # basic indices
                channel_range = range(1, num_channels + 1)
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_channel = NXfield(channel_range)
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_channel.units = "channel"
            axes = (label1, label2, "mca__spectrum_channel")
            nxdata.mca__spectrum_.axes = ":".join(axes)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def parser_mesh(self, nxdata, scan):
        '''data parser for 2-D mesh and hklmesh'''
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/mesh.html
        #  mesh motor1 start1 end1 intervals1 motor2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # 2-D parser: http://www.certif.com/spec_help/hklmesh.html
        #  hklmesh Q1 start1 end1 intervals1 Q2 start2 end2 intervals2 time
        # mesh:    nexpy/examples/33id_spec.dat  scan 22  (also has MCA, thus 3-D data)
        # hklmesh: nexpy/examples/33bm_spec.dat  scan 17  (no MCA data)
        from spec2nexus import utils
        label1, start1, end1, intervals1, label2, start2, end2, intervals2, time = scan.scanCmd.split()[1:]
        if label1 not in scan.data:
            label1 = scan.L[0]      # mnemonic v. name
        if label2 not in scan.data:
            label2 = scan.L[1]      # mnemonic v. name
        axis1 = scan.data.get(label1)
        axis2 = scan.data.get(label2)
        intervals1, intervals2 = int(intervals1), int(intervals2)
        start1, end1 = float(start1), float(end1)
        start2, end2 = float(start2), float(end2)
        time = float(time)
        if len(axis1) < intervals1:     # stopped scan before second row started
            self.parser_1D_columns(nxdata, scan)        # fallback support
            # TODO: what about the MCA data in this case?
            axis1 = axis1[0:intervals1+1]
            axis2 = [axis2[row] for row in range(len(axis2)) if row % (intervals1+1) == 0]

            column_labels = scan.L
            column_labels.remove(label1)    # special handling
            column_labels.remove(label2)    # special handling
            if scan.scanCmd.startswith('hkl'):
                # find the reciprocal space axis held constant
                label3 = [key for key in ('H', 'K', 'L') if key not in (label1, label2)][0]
                axis3 = scan.data.get(label3)[0]
                nxdata[label3] = NXfield(axis3)
                column_labels.remove(label3)    # already handled

            nxdata[label1] = NXfield(axis1)    # 1-D array
            nxdata[label2] = NXfield(axis2)    # 1-D array

            # build 2-D data objects (do not build label1, label2, [or label3] as 2-D objects)
            data_shape = [len(axis2), len(axis1)]
            for label in column_labels:
                axis = np.array( scan.data.get(label) )
                clean_name = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, label)
                nxdata[clean_name] = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(axis, data_shape))
                nxdata[clean_name].original_name = label

            signal_axis_label = utils.sanitize_name(nxdata, scan.column_last)
            nxdata.nxsignal = nxdata[signal_axis_label]
            nxdata.nxaxes = [nxdata[label2], nxdata[label1]]

        if '_mca_' in scan.data:    # 3-D array
            # TODO: ?merge with parser_mca_spectra()?
            for mca_key, mca_data in scan.data['_mca_'].items():
                key = "__" + mca_key

                spectra_lengths = list(map(len, mca_data))
                num_channels = max(spectra_lengths)
                if num_channels != min(spectra_lengths):
                    msg = 'MCA spectra have different lengths'
                    msg += ' in scan #' + str(scan.scanNum)
                    msg += ' in file ' + str(scan.specFile)
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                data_shape += [num_channels, ]
                mca = np.array(mca_data)
                nxdata[key] = NXfield(utils.reshape_data(mca, data_shape))
                nxdata[key].units = "counts"

                    # use MCA channel numbers as known at time of scan
                    chan1 = scan.MCA['first_saved']
                    chanN = scan.MCA['last_saved']
                    channel_range = range(chan1, chanN+1)
                    # basic indices
                    channel_range = range(1, num_channels+1)

                ch_key = key + "_channel"
                nxdata[ch_key] = NXfield(channel_range)
                nxdata[ch_key].units = 'channel'
                axes = (label1, label2, ch_key)
                nxdata[key].axes = ':'.join( axes )