Exemplo n.º 1
def resample1d(data,coeffs,axis,const=0.0,offset=0.):

	Resamples 2d spectra in x or y direction.

	  data   - input data array
	  coeffs - polynomial that describes output
	  axis   - axis to resample ("x" or "y")
	  const  - padding constant for the interpolation
	  offset - amount by which to offset the coefficient solution

	  resampled data
	from special_functions import genfunc
	coords = array_coords(data.shape)
	y = coords[0].flatten()
	x = coords[1].flatten()
	if axis=="Y" or axis=="y" or axis==1:
		y += offset
		coords[0] = genfunc(x,y,coeffs).reshape(data.shape)-offset
		x += offset
		coords[1] = genfunc(x,y,coeffs).reshape(data.shape)-offset
	del x,y
	return scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data,coords,cval=const,output=scipy.float64,order=5)
Exemplo n.º 2
def getYsoln(star, nstars, low, high):
    # Find solution as function of y position if there are enough star traces
    print ""
    print "Finding y solution"
    star = star.repeat(2, 0).repeat(2, 1)
    star = rotate2(star)
    starTMP = star[low * 2:high * 2].copy()
    if nstars > 3:
        ytrue2, ymap2 = ycorrect.ycorrect(starTMP, False, order=2)
        coords = numpy.indices(starTMP.shape).astype(numpy.float32)
        x = coords[1].flatten()
        y = coords[0].flatten()
        del coords
        yforw2 = sf.genfunc(x, y, ytrue2).reshape(starTMP.shape)
        yback2 = sf.genfunc(x, y, ymap2).reshape(starTMP.shape)
    # Not enough star traces; assume the distortion is constant over y
        yforw2, yback2 = ycor(starTMP)
    # Repeat for non-oversampled case
    star = iT.resamp(star, 2)[low:high]
    if nstars > 3:
        ytrue, ymap = ycorrect.ycorrect(star, False, order=2)
        coords = numpy.indices(star.shape).astype(numpy.float32)
        x = coords[1].flatten()
        y = coords[0].flatten()
        del coords
        yforw = sf.genfunc(x, y, ytrue).reshape(star.shape)
        yback = sf.genfunc(x, y, ymap).reshape(star.shape)
        yforw, yback = ycor(star)
    return yforw, yback, yforw2, yback2  #,ytrue2,ymap2
Exemplo n.º 3
    def dofit(self):
        print("Press Enter to input order")
        order = raw_input("Order: ")
        order = int(order)
        lines = scipy.empty(len(self.lines))
        wave = scipy.empty(len(self.ids))

        for i in range(lines.size):
            lines[i] = self.lines[i]
            wave[i] = self.ids[i]

        fit = scipy.empty((lines.size, 2))
        fit[:, 0] = lines.copy()
        fit[:, 1] = wave.copy()
        self.solution = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', order)
        fit[:, 0] = wave.copy()
        fit[:, 1] = lines.copy()
        self.inverse = sf.lsqfit(fit, 'chebyshev', order)

        self.wave = sf.genfunc(self.points, 0., self.solution)
        for i in self.markers:
            wave = sf.genfunc(i, 0., self.solution)
            verts = self.markers[i].get_verts()
            bottom = verts[0][1]
            top = verts[1][1]
            wave = wave[0]
            mark = mpl.patches.Polygon([(wave, bottom), (wave, top)])
            self.markers[wave] = mark
            del self.markers[i]
Exemplo n.º 4
def matchlines(peaks, solution, linefile, tol=30., order=3, offset=False):
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(peaks, 0., solution)
        lines = getlines(linefile)
        lines = linefile

    gooddata = []
    goodlines = []
    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for j in lines:
            if abs(j - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(j - wave[i])
                match = j
        if delta < tol:

    fitdata = scipy.empty((len(gooddata), 2))
    fitdata[:, 0] = scipy.asarray(gooddata)
    fitdata[:, 1] = scipy.asarray(goodlines)

    if offset:
        a = special_functions.genfunc(fitdata[:, 0], 0., solution)
        return fitdata[:, 1] - a

    return special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'chebyshev', order)
Exemplo n.º 5
def fullSolution(shape,ysoln,orders,wideorders,wsoln):
    import indexTricks as iT
    coords = iT.coords(shape)
    y = coords[0].copy()
    x = coords[1].copy()
    soln = []
    if shape[1]>3000:
        disp = 1.65e-5
        disp = 2*1.65e-5
    owave = numpy.arange(3.585,4.038,disp)
    for i in range(len(ysoln)):
        low,high = orders[i]
        wlow,whigh = wideorders[i]
        ytrue,ymap = ysoln[i]
        win,wout = wsoln[i]
        tmpw = genfunc(x[0],0.,win)
        ow = owave[(owave>=tmpw[0])&(owave<=tmpw[-1])].copy()
        if ow.size>x.shape[1]:
            diff = ow.size-x.shape[1]
            if diff%2==0:
                ow = ow[int(diff/2):int(diff/-2)]
                ow = ow[int(diff/2):int((diff+1)/-2)]
        xc = genfunc(ow,0.,wout)
        xc = xc.repeat(high-low).reshape((xc.size,high-low)).T
        yc = genfunc(xc.ravel(),y[low:high,:xc.shape[1]].ravel(),ytrue)
        yc = yc.reshape((high-low,xc.shape[1]))-wlow

        corr = numpy.linspace(-0.2,0.2,high-low)
        xc = (xc.T+corr).T
        #xc = xc.repeat(high-low).reshape(yc.shape[::-1]).T
    return soln
Exemplo n.º 6
def combine_xyw(coords, xsoln, ysoln, wsoln, xord, yord):
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()

    newy = ysoln.flatten()
    from scipy import random
    k = random.random(x.size)
    args = k.argsort()
    x = x[args[:y.size / 10]]
    newy = newy[args[:y.size / 10]]
    y = y[args[:y.size / 10]]

    newx = sf.genfunc(x, y, xsoln['back'])
    wave = sf.genfunc(newx, 0., wsoln)

    data = scipy.empty((x.size, 3))
    data[:, 0] = wave.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = x.copy()
    output_to_ccdx = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    data[:, 2] = newy.copy()
    output_to_ccdy = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    data[:, 0] = x.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = wave.copy()
    ccdx_ycor_to_wave = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {
        'sky2x': output_to_ccdx,
        'sky2y': output_to_ccdy,
        'ccd2wave': ccdx_ycor_to_wave
Exemplo n.º 7
def doublematch(peaks,
    lines = scipy.asarray(skyin)

    p = peaks[0]
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(p, 0., w)
    goodmatches = []
    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for j in lines:
            if abs(j - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(j - wave[i] + shift)
                match = j
        if delta < tol:
            goodmatches.append([p[i], match])

    p = peaks[1]
    wave = special_functions.genfunc(p, 0., w)
    lines = scipy.asarray(linefile)
    #	lines = getlines(linefile)

    for i in range(wave.size):
        delta = 1e9
        match = None
        for arc in lines:
            if abs(arc - wave[i]) < delta:
                delta = abs(arc - wave[i] + shift)
                match = arc
        if delta < tol:
            goodmatches.append([p[i], match])

    fitdata = scipy.asarray(goodmatches)
    fit = special_functions.lsqfit(fitdata, 'chebyshev', order)
    match = special_functions.genfunc(fitdata[:, 0], 0., fit)
    diff = match - fitdata[:, 1]
    error = stats.stats.std(diff)
    if logfile is not None:
        logentry = "\tWavelength solution error: %5.3f angstroms from %d lines\n" % (
            error, diff.size)
        for i in range(diff.size):
            logentry += "\t\t%7.2f   %7.2f   %5.2f\n" % (fitdata[i, 1],
                                                         match[i], diff[i])
        keeplog(logfile, logentry)
    return fit, error
Exemplo n.º 8
def getWsoln(sky, x, wsolution, wmodel):
    def refine(p, x, d, sky, model):
        pars = {'coeff': numpy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., pars)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], model)
        mod /= mod.mean()
        return (d[c] - mod) / abs(sky[c] + mod)**0.5

    # For `by hand' fitting
    if wsolution is None:
        import id_spec
        wsolution = id_spec.id_spec(sky, wmodel)
        x0 = numpy.arange(sky.size)
        w = sf.genfunc(x0, 0., wsolution)
        wsolution = sf.lsqfit(numpy.array([x, w]).T, 'polynomial', 3)
        import pylab
        tmpD = sky.copy()
        tmpD /= sky.mean()
        sky /= sky.mean()**2

        T = FFTFilter(tmpD, 100)
        Dlines = spf.get_lines(x, T, nstd=7.)
        Dwlines = sf.genfunc(Dlines, 0., wsolution)
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], wmodel['model'])
        Slines = spf.get_lines(w[c], mod, nstd=7.)
        matches = []
        for j in range(Dwlines.size):
            diff = abs(Dwlines[j] - Slines)
            if diff.min() < 5. * wmodel['scale']:
                matches.append([Dlines[j], Slines[diff.argmin()]])
        wsolution = sf.lsqfit(numpy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', 3)

        start = wsolution['coeff'].flatten()
        coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(refine,
                                      start, (x, tmpD, sky, wmodel['model']),
        wsolution = {'coeff': numpy.atleast_2d(coeff).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
        c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
        mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], wmodel['model'])
        mod /= mod.mean()
        pylab.plot(w[c], mod)
        pylab.plot(w[c], tmpD[c])
    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., wsolution)
    rwsoln = sf.lsqfit(numpy.array([w, x]).T, 'polynomial', 3)
    return wsolution, rwsoln
Exemplo n.º 9
def wave_arclines(arc, arcmodel, sky, solution):
    from scipy import interpolate
    STD_LINES = scipy.sort(arcmodel['lines'])
    SKYLINES = [5577.338, 6300.304, 6363.78, 6553.617]  #,6912.62]
    x = scipy.arange(arc.size).astype(scipy.float32)
    lines = get_lines(x, arc)
    skycoords = get_lines(x, sky)

    arccoords = lines.copy()
    scale = arcmodel['scale']

    if scale > 1.5:
        SKYLINES.insert(1, 5891.)

    order = solution['coeff'].size - 1
    fit = solution
    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for line in STD_LINES:
        diff = abs(w - line)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            pos = diff.argmin()
            matches.append([lines[pos], line])
    print matches, order
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    order = 1

    for i in range(7):
        matched = [m for m in matches]
        if skycoords.size == 0:
            offset = 0.
        skyline = sf.genfunc(skycoords, 0., fit)
        offsets = []
        for line in SKYLINES[:i * 2 + 2]:
            diff = abs(line - skyline)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                offsets.append(line - skyline[diff.argmin()])
        if len(offsets) == 0:
            offset = 0.
        offset = scipy.median(scipy.asarray(offsets))

        for line in SKYLINES[:i * 2 + 2]:
            diff = abs(line - skyline)
            if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                matched.append([skycoords[pos], line - offset])
        fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matched), 'polynomial', order)

    fit['coeff'][0] += offset

    return fit
Exemplo n.º 10
def resample1d(data,coeffs,axis,const=0.0,offset=0.):
	from special_functions import genfunc
	coords = array_coords(data.shape)
	y = coords[0].flatten()
	x = coords[1].flatten()
	if axis=="Y" or axis=="y" or axis==1:
		y += offset
		coords[0] = genfunc(x,y,coeffs).reshape(data.shape)-offset
		x += offset
		coords[1] = genfunc(x,y,coeffs).reshape(data.shape)-offset
	del x,y
	return scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(data,coords,cval=const,output=scipy.float64,order=5)
Exemplo n.º 11
def skyfit(p, x, data, model, tmp):
    par = special_functions.build_coeff(p[:-2], tmp)
    """ Test for increasing function... """
    tmp = special_functions.genfunc(x, 0., par).astype(scipy.float32)
    diff = signal.convolve(tmp, [1., -1.], mode='same')[10:-10].copy()
    if diff[diff < 0].size > 0:
        return scipy.ones(x.size) * 1.e9

    data = data.astype(scipy.float64)

    z = special_functions.genfunc(x, 0, par).astype(scipy.float64)
    sky = interpolate.splev(z, model).astype(scipy.float64)
    sky *= p[-2]

    return (sky - data) / scipy.sqrt(abs(sky))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def refine(p, x, d, sky, model):
     pars = {'coeff': numpy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., pars)
     c = (w > wmodel['blue']) & (w < wmodel['red'])
     mod = interpolate.splev(w[c], model)
     mod /= mod.mean()
     return (d[c] - mod) / abs(sky[c] + mod)**0.5
Exemplo n.º 13
 def arcfit(p, x, arc, mod):
     fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
     cond = (w > bcutoff) & (w < rcutoff)
     m = interpolate.splev(w[cond], mod)
     chi = (m - arc[cond]) / abs(arc[cond])**0.5
     return chi
Exemplo n.º 14
def resampley(data,ycoords,yoffset=0.,cval=0.,mode="constant",slice=None):

	Resamples 2d spectra in the spatial direction to remove the grating
	  smile. Allows a coordinate array or polynomial to be passed.

	  data    - data to be resampled
	  ycoords - output y-coordinates or a polynomial to describe output
	  yoffset - optional offset wrt the polynomial or coordinate array
	  cval    - interpolation boundary constant
	  mode    - method for interpolating boundaries
	  slice   - sub-slice to resample to (ie if the output shape is not the
	               same as the input shape)

	from scipy import ndimage
		coords = array_coords(ycoords.shape)
		from special_functions import genfunc
		coords = array_coords(data.shape)
		x = coords[1].flatten()
		y = coords[0].flatten()+yoffset
		ycoords = genfunc(x,y,ycoords).reshape(coords[0].shape)
		if slice is not None:
			ycoords = ycoords[slice].copy()
		coords = array_coords(ycoords.shape)
		del x,y
	coords[0] = ycoords.astype(scipy.float64)-yoffset
	return ndimage.map_coordinates(data,coords,output=scipy.float64,mode=mode,cval=cval,order=5)
Exemplo n.º 15
def resampleData(data, owgrid, low, high, ysoln, xsoln, rwsoln):
    dy = (high - low) * 2
    ygrid = iT.coords((dy, owgrid.size))[0]
    xgrid = sf.genfunc(owgrid, 0., rwsoln).repeat(dy)
    xgrid = xgrid.reshape((owgrid.size, dy)).T
    xgrid = sf.genfunc(xgrid.flatten(), ygrid.flatten(), xsoln['forw'])
    xgrid = xgrid.reshape(ygrid.shape)
    c = numpy.array([ygrid, xgrid])
    ygrid = ndimage.map_coordinates(ysoln[2], c)
    c = numpy.array([ygrid + low * 2, xgrid])
    X = ndimage.map_coordinates(rotcoords2[1], c)
    Y = ndimage.map_coordinates(rotcoords2[0], c)
    c = numpy.array([Y, X])
    d = data.repeat(2, 0).repeat(2, 1)
    img = ndimage.map_coordinates(d, c, order=5)
    return iT.resamp(img, 2)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def findoffset(p, x, data, model, coeff):
     xvals = x + p[0]
     w = special_functions.genfunc(xvals, 0., coeff)
     mod = interpolate.splev(w, model)
     mod = mod * data.max() / mod.max()
     diff = (mod - data) / scipy.sqrt(abs(mod))
     return diff
Exemplo n.º 17
def debug(wave,fitdata,finemodel,skycoeff=None):
	if skycoeff is not None:
		wave = special_functions.genfunc(wave,0.,skycoeff)
	mod = interpolate.splev(wave,finemodel)
	import pylab
Exemplo n.º 18
 def opt(p):
     p = numpy.array(p)
     n = p[-1]
     coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(p[:-1]).T
     m = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0., m)
     mod = n * interpolate.splev(w, skymodel)
     return (data - mod) / abs(data)**0.5
Exemplo n.º 19
def doarcfitfunc(p,xdata,ydata,scidata,model,coeff):
	par = special_functions.build_coeff(p,coeff)
	scidata = scidata.astype(scipy.float64)
	z = special_functions.genfunc(xdata,ydata,par).astype(scipy.float64)
	z = z.reshape((1,scidata.size))
	resample = ndimage.map_coordinates(model,z,output=scipy.float64,cval=-1)
	diff = (scidata - resample)/scipy.sqrt(abs(resample))
	return diff
Exemplo n.º 20
def update_xsoln(data, soln, xord=3, yord=3, skip=False):
    data = data.copy()

    height, width = data.shape

    if skip:
        slice = data.mean(1)
        indx = slice.argsort()[slice.size / 4]
        mid = data[indx]
        badrow = scipy.where(slice > slice[indx] + 5. * (slice[indx])**0.5)[0]
        if badrow.size == 0:
            badrow = scipy.array([-1])
        indx = height / 2
        mid = data[indx]
        badrow = scipy.array([-1])

    xvals = scipy.arange(mid.size)
    middle_lines = get_lines(xvals, mid, False)
    straight = sf.genfunc(middle_lines, indx, soln['back'])
    ref = []
    lines = []

    for row in range(height):
        if abs(row - badrow).min() == 0:
        current = get_lines(xvals, data[row], False)
        if current.size == 0:
        guess = sf.genfunc(current, row, soln['back'])
        for l in straight:
            diff = abs(l - guess)
            if diff.min() < 2:
                pos = diff.argmin()
                lines.append([current[pos], row, l])
    lines = scipy.asarray(lines)
    newsoln = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = lines[:, 0].copy()
    lines[:, 0] = lines[:, 2].copy()
    lines[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    del tmp
    newsoln2 = sf.lsqfit(lines, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': newsoln, 'forw': newsoln2}
Exemplo n.º 21
def arcfitfunc(p, x, data, model, tmp, model2=None, mask=None):
    par = special_functions.build_coeff(p, tmp)
    """ Test for increasing function... """
    tmp = special_functions.genfunc(x, 0., par).astype(scipy.float32)
    diff = signal.convolve(tmp, [1., -1.], mode='same')[10:-10].copy()
    if diff[diff < 0].size > 0:
        return scipy.ones(x.size) * 1.e9

    data = data.astype(scipy.float64)
    z = special_functions.genfunc(x, 0, par).astype(scipy.float64)

    mod = interpolate.splev(z, model).astype(scipy.float64)
    if model2 is not None:
        mod += interpolate.splev(z, model2).astype(scipy.float64)

    mod = mod * data.max() / mod.max() + scipy.median(data)
    diff = (data - mod) / scipy.sqrt(abs(mod))
    return diff
Exemplo n.º 22
def wave_skylines(sky, solution):
    STD_LINES = [
        5197.928, 5200.286, 5202.977, 5460.735, 5577.345, 5867.5522, 5915.308,
        5932.864, 6257.970, 6300.320, 6363.810, 6533.040, 6553.610, 6863.971,
        6912.620, 6923.210, 6939.520, 7303.716, 7329.148, 7340.885, 7358.659,
        7392.198, 7586.093, 7808.467, 7821.510, 7841.266, 7993.332, 8310.719,
        8344.613, 8399.160, 8415.231, 8430.170, 8791.186, 8885.830, 8943.395,
        8988.384, 9038.059, 9337.854, 9375.977, 9419.746, 9439.670, 9458.524
    x = scipy.arange(sky.size).astype(scipy.float32)
    lines = get_lines(x, sky)

    scale = solution['coeff'][1]
    order = solution['coeff'].size - 1

    if scale > 1.5:
        STD_LINES.insert(6, 5891.)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., solution)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 5. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    lines = get_lines(x, sky, nstd=7.)
    w = sf.genfunc(lines, 0., fit)
    matches = []
    for i in range(w.size):
        diff = abs(w[i] - STD_LINES)
        if diff.min() < 3. * scale:
            matches.append([lines[i], STD_LINES[diff.argmin()]])
    fit = sf.lsqfit(scipy.asarray(matches), 'polynomial', order)

    return fit
Exemplo n.º 23
def combine_xw(coords, xsoln, wsoln, xord, yord):
    x = coords[1].flatten()
    y = coords[0].flatten()

    newx = sf.genfunc(x, y, xsoln['back'])
    wave = sf.genfunc(newx, 0., wsoln)

    data = scipy.empty((x.size, 3))
    data[:, 0] = x.copy()
    data[:, 1] = y.copy()
    data[:, 2] = wave.copy()
    soln = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    tmp = data[:, 0].copy()
    data[:, 0] = data[:, 2].copy()
    data[:, 2] = tmp.copy()
    soln2 = sf.lsqfit(data, 'chebyshev', xord, yord)

    return {'back': soln, 'forw': soln2}
Exemplo n.º 24
 def skycorrect(p, arc, sky, arcmodel, skymodel):
     fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p[:-1]).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
     arcm = interpolate.splev(w + p[-1], arcmodel)
     chi_arc = (arcm - arc)
     s = sky[w > 5100.]
     skym = interpolate.splev(w[w > 5100.], skymodel)
     skym *= scipy.median(s / skym)
     chi_sky = 5. * (skym - s)  #/abs(m)**0.5
     chi = scipy.concatenate((chi_arc, chi_sky))
     return chi
Exemplo n.º 25
    def fitline(self, xpos):
        # Find local maximum to start fitting
        if self.solution == None:
            point = round(xpos)
            point = sf.genfunc(xpos, 0., self.inverse)
            point = point[0].round()
        center = self.data[point - 5:point + 6].argmax() + point - 5
        print(self.data[point - 5:point + 6])
        print(self.data[point - 5:point + 6].argmax())

        max = self.data[center]
        fit = scipy.empty(4)
        fit[0] = 0.
        fit[1] = max
        fit[2] = 7.
        fit[3] = 2.

        fit, chi = sf.ngaussfit(self.data[center - 7:center + 8], fit)
        centroid = fit[2] + center - 7
        print("Press enter to input wavelength")
        wave = float(input("Wavelength: "))
        max = self.data[centroid - 2:centroid + 3].max()
            indx = self.lines.index(centroid)
            self.ids[indx] = wave
            axis = self.ax.axis()
            fudge = 0.05 * (axis[3] - axis[2])
            if self.solution == None:
                wave = centroid
                wave = sf.genfunc(centroid, 0., self.solution)
            mark = mpl.patches.Polygon([(wave, max + fudge),
                                        (wave, max + 2 * fudge)])
            self.markers[centroid] = mark
Exemplo n.º 26
 def optFunc(p, x, spec, mod):
     if (numpy.isnan(p)).any() or p[0] < 0.5 or p[1] < 0.8 or p[1] > 1.2:
         return spec
     coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(p) * rescale).T
     fit = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
     m = interpolate.splev(w, mod)
     cond = (w < 9800.)
     m = m[cond]
     m /= m.mean()
     resid = (spec[cond] - m) / abs(spec[cond] + m)**0.5
     return resid / resid.size
Exemplo n.º 27
 def dofit(p, x, data, model):
     if scipy.isnan(p).any():
         return x * 0. + 1e7
     fit = {'coeff': scipy.atleast_2d(p[1:]).T, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
     m = interpolate.splev(w, model)
     m *= p[0]
     chi = (m - data) / abs(data)**0.5
     cond = ~scipy.isnan(chi)
     cond = cond & scipy.isfinite(chi)
     cond = cond & (w > cutoff) & (w < 10400.)
     return chi[cond] / chi[cond].size
Exemplo n.º 28
 def optfunc(pars, x, d, mod, sig):
     if numpy.isnan(pars).any():
         return -1e200
     coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(numpy.array(pars)).T
     fit = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
     x0 = sf.genfunc(x, 0., fit)
         model = interpolate.splev(x0, mod)
         return -1e200
     model /= model.mean()
     resid = (model - d) / sig
     return -0.5 * (resid**2).sum()
Exemplo n.º 29
def id_spec(spec, model):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.fmt_xdata = plt.FormatStrFormatter('%4.2f')
    ax.fmt_ydata = plt.FormatStrFormatter('%4.2f')
    from scipy import ndimage, interpolate

    skymodel = model['model']
    data = spec.copy()
    blue, red, scale = model['blue'], model['red'], model['scale']
    while (red - blue) / scale < data.size:
        red += scale
        blue -= scale
    wave = scipy.arange(blue, red, scale)
    blue, red = model['blue'], model['red']
    sky = interpolate.splev(wave, skymodel)

    sky /= sky.mean() / data.mean()
    plt.plot(wave, sky, c='gray')

    from scipy import optimize, signal
    corr = signal.correlate(sky, data, mode='valid')
    w0 = wave[corr.argmax()]
    p = [w0, scale, 0., 0., 1.]
    xvals = numpy.arange(data.size).astype(numpy.float32)

    def opt(p):
        p = numpy.array(p)
        n = p[-1]
        coeff = numpy.atleast_2d(p[:-1]).T
        m = {'coeff': coeff, 'type': 'polynomial'}
        w = sf.genfunc(xvals, 0., m)
        mod = n * interpolate.splev(w, skymodel)
        return (data - mod) / abs(data)**0.5

    #coeff,ier = optimize.leastsq(opt,p,maxfev=10000,epsfcn=1e-5)
    #fit = {'coeff':numpy.atleast_2d(coeff[:-1]).T,'type':'polynomial'}
    #dwave = sf.genfunc(xvals,0.,fit)
    dwave = numpy.linspace(blue, red, data.size)
    dr = IDSpectrum(data, sky, dwave, wave, skymodel)
    print "dr.keyid:", dr.keyid
    print "dr.soln:", dr.soln

    x = numpy.arange(sky.size)
    w = sf.genfunc(x, 0., dr.soln)

    if dr.soln is None:
    xdata = dr.data.get_xdata()
    ydata = dr.data.get_ydata()
    return dr.soln
Exemplo n.º 30
def skyopt(p, x, data, model):
    par = special_functions.unpack_coeff(p).tolist()

    wave = special_functions.genfunc(x, 0, p).astype(scipy.float64)
    sky = interpolate.splev(wave, model).astype(scipy.float64)
    ratio = scipy.median(data) / scipy.median(sky)
    offset = 0.

    coeff, ier = optimize.leastsq(skyfit,
                                  par, (x, data, model, p),
    return special_functions.build_coeff(coeff, p), coeff[-2], coeff[-1]