Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_theta_dic():
    # Get the field count
    field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

    # Get the spin_lock_field points
    spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

    # Initialize data containers
    all_spin_ids = get_spin_ids()

    # Containers for only selected spins
    cur_spin_ids = []
    cur_spins = []
    for curspin_id in all_spin_ids:
        # Get the spin
        curspin = return_spin(spin_id=curspin_id)

        # Check if is selected
        if curspin.select == True:

    # The offset and R1 data.
    chemical_shifts, offsets, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=cur_spins, spin_ids=cur_spin_ids, field_count=field_count, fields=spin_lock_nu1)
    # Loop over the index of spins, then exp_type, frq, offset
    print("Printing the following")    
    print("exp_type curspin_id frq offset{ppm} offsets[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad/s} ei mi oi si di cur_spin.chemical_shift{ppm} chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi]{rad/s} spin_lock_nu1{Hz} tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad}")
    for si in range(len(cur_spin_ids)):
        theta_spin_dic = dict()
        curspin_id = cur_spin_ids[si]
        cur_spin = cur_spins[si]
        for exp_type, frq, offset, ei, mi, oi in loop_exp_frq_offset(return_indices=True):
            # Loop over the dispersion points.
            spin_lock_fields = spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi]
            for di in range(len(spin_lock_fields)):
                print("%-8s %-10s %11.1f %8.4f %12.5f %i  %i  %i  %i  %i %7.3f %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f"%(exp_type, curspin_id, frq, offset, offsets[ei][si][mi][oi], ei, mi, oi, si, di, cur_spin.chemical_shift, chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], spin_lock_fields[di], tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di]))
                dic_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=spin_lock_fields[di])
                theta_spin_dic["%s"%(dic_key)] = tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di]
        # Store the data
        cur_spin.theta = theta_spin_dic
    print("\nThe theta data now resides in")
    for curspin, mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        spin_index = find_index(selection=spin_id, global_index=False)
        print("%s cdp.mol[%i].res[%i].spin[%i].theta"%(spin_id, spin_index[0], spin_index[1], spin_index[2]))
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_theta_dic():
    # Get the field count
    field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

    # Get the spin_lock_field points
    spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

    # Initialize data containers
    all_spin_ids = get_spin_ids()

    # Containers for only selected spins
    cur_spin_ids = []
    cur_spins = []
    for curspin_id in all_spin_ids:
        # Get the spin
        curspin = return_spin(curspin_id)

        # Check if is selected
        if curspin.select == True:

    # The offset and R1 data.
    chemical_shifts, offsets, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=cur_spins, spin_ids=cur_spin_ids, field_count=field_count, fields=spin_lock_nu1)
    # Loop over the index of spins, then exp_type, frq, offset
    print("Printing the following")    
    print("exp_type curspin_id frq offset{ppm} offsets[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad/s} ei mi oi si di cur_spin.chemical_shift{ppm} chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi]{rad/s} spin_lock_nu1{Hz} tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad}")
    for si in range(len(cur_spin_ids)):
        theta_spin_dic = dict()
        curspin_id = cur_spin_ids[si]
        cur_spin = cur_spins[si]
        for exp_type, frq, offset, ei, mi, oi in loop_exp_frq_offset(return_indices=True):
            # Loop over the dispersion points.
            spin_lock_fields = spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi]
            for di in range(len(spin_lock_fields)):
                print("%-8s %-10s %11.1f %8.4f %12.5f %i  %i  %i  %i  %i %7.3f %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f"%(exp_type, curspin_id, frq, offset, offsets[ei][si][mi][oi], ei, mi, oi, si, di, cur_spin.chemical_shift, chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], spin_lock_fields[di], tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di]))
                dic_key = return_param_key_from_data(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, offset=offset, point=spin_lock_fields[di])
                theta_spin_dic["%s"%(dic_key)] = tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di]
        # Store the data
        cur_spin.theta = theta_spin_dic
    print("\nThe theta data now resides in")
    for curspin, mol_name, res_num, res_name, spin_id in spin_loop(full_info=True, return_id=True, skip_desel=True):
        spin_index = find_index(selection=spin_id, global_index=False)
        print("%s cdp.mol[%i].res[%i].spin[%i].theta"%(spin_id, spin_index[0], spin_index[1], spin_index[2]))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_return_offset_data(self):
        """Unit test of the return_offset_data() function for R1rho setup.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21344<https://gna.org/bugs/?21344>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep+'test_suite'+sep+'shared_data'+sep+'dispersion'+sep+'bug_21344_trunc.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Get the field count
        field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

        # Get the spin_lock_field points
        spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

        # Initialize data containers
        all_spin_ids = get_spin_ids()

        # Containers for only selected spins
        cur_spin_ids = []
        cur_spins = []
        for curspin_id in all_spin_ids:
            # Get the spin
            curspin = return_spin(curspin_id)

            # Check if is selected
            if curspin.select == True:

        # Get the spectometer frequency
        sfrq = cdp.spectrometer_frq_list[0]

        # Gyromagnetic ratios
        g1H = 26.7522212 * 1e7
        g15N = -2.7126 * 1e7

        # The offset and R1 data.
        offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, chemical_shifts, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=cur_spins, spin_ids=cur_spin_ids, field_count=field_count, fields=spin_lock_nu1)
        # Loop over the index of spins, then exp_type, frq, offset
        print("Printing the following")    
        print("exp_type curspin_id frq offset{ppm} offsets[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad/s} ei mi oi si di cur_spin.chemical_shift{ppm} chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi]{rad/s} spin_lock_nu1{Hz} tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad}")
        for si in range(len(cur_spin_ids)):
            curspin_id = cur_spin_ids[si]
            cur_spin = cur_spins[si]
            for exp_type, frq, offset, ei, mi, oi in loop_exp_frq_offset(return_indices=True):
                # Loop over the dispersion points.
                spin_lock_fields = spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi]
                for di in range(len(spin_lock_fields)):
                    print("%-8s %-10s %11.1f %8.4f %12.5f %i  %i  %i  %i  %i %7.3f %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f"%(exp_type, curspin_id, frq, offset, offsets[ei][si][mi][oi], ei, mi, oi, si, di, cur_spin.chemical_shift, chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], spin_lock_fields[di], tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di]))
                    # Test chemical shift conversion
                    self.assertEqual(chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], cur_spin.chemical_shift * 2.0 * pi * sfrq / g1H * g15N * 1e-6)
                    # Test the offset conversion
                    self.assertEqual(offsets[ei][si][mi][oi], offset * 2.0 * pi * sfrq / g1H * g15N * 1e-6)
                    # Test the tiltangle
                    c_omega1 = spin_lock_fields[di] * 2.0 * pi
                    c_Delta_omega = chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi] - offsets[ei][si][mi][oi]
                    if c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega > 0:
                        c_theta = atan(c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega)
                        c_theta = pi + atan(c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega)
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi][di], c_theta, 15)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_return_offset_data(self):
        """Unit test of the return_offset_data() function for R1rho setup.

        This uses the data of the saved state attached to U{bug #21344<https://web.archive.org/web/https://gna.org/bugs/?21344>}.

        # Load the state.
        statefile = status.install_path + sep + 'test_suite' + sep + 'shared_data' + sep + 'dispersion' + sep + 'bug_21344_trunc.bz2'
        state.load_state(statefile, force=True)

        # Get the field count
        field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

        # Get the spin_lock_field points
        spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

        # Initialize data containers
        all_spin_ids = get_spin_ids()

        # Containers for only selected spins
        cur_spin_ids = []
        cur_spins = []
        for curspin_id in all_spin_ids:
            # Get the spin
            curspin = return_spin(spin_id=curspin_id)

            # Check if is selected
            if curspin.select == True:

        # Get the spectometer frequency
        sfrq = cdp.spectrometer_frq_list[0]

        # Gyromagnetic ratios
        g1H = 26.7522212 * 1e7
        g15N = -2.7126 * 1e7

        # The offset and R1 data.
        offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, chemical_shifts, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(

        # Loop over the index of spins, then exp_type, frq, offset
        print("Printing the following")
            "exp_type curspin_id frq offset{ppm} offsets[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad/s} ei mi oi si di cur_spin.chemical_shift{ppm} chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi]{rad/s} spin_lock_nu1{Hz} tilt_angles[ei][si][mi][oi]{rad}"
        for si in range(len(cur_spin_ids)):
            curspin_id = cur_spin_ids[si]
            cur_spin = cur_spins[si]
            for exp_type, frq, offset, ei, mi, oi in loop_exp_frq_offset(
                # Loop over the dispersion points.
                spin_lock_fields = spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi]
                for di in range(len(spin_lock_fields)):
                        "%-8s %-10s %11.1f %8.4f %12.5f %i  %i  %i  %i  %i %7.3f %12.5f %12.5f %12.5f"
                        % (exp_type, curspin_id, frq, offset,
                           offsets[ei][si][mi][oi], ei, mi, oi, si, di,
                           chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], spin_lock_fields[di],
                    # Test chemical shift conversion
                        chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi], cur_spin.chemical_shift *
                        2.0 * pi * sfrq / g1H * g15N * 1e-6)
                    # Test the offset conversion
                        offset * 2.0 * pi * sfrq / g1H * g15N * 1e-6)
                    # Test the tiltangle
                    c_omega1 = spin_lock_fields[di] * 2.0 * pi
                    c_Delta_omega = chemical_shifts[ei][si][mi] - offsets[ei][
                    if c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega > 0:
                        c_theta = atan(c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega)
                        c_theta = pi + atan(c_omega1 / c_Delta_omega)
                                           c_theta, 15)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, spins=None, spin_ids=None, sim_index=None, scaling_matrix=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=False, verbosity=0, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, fields=None, param_names=None):
        """Initialise the base class, storing all the master data to be sent to the slave processor.

        This method is run on the master processor whereas the run() method is run on the slave processor.

        @keyword spins:             The list of spin data container for the cluster.  If this argument is supplied, then the spin_id argument will be ignored.
        @type spins:                list of SpinContainer instances
        @keyword spin_ids:          The list of spin ID strings corresponding to the spins argument.
        @type spin_ids:             list of str
        @keyword sim_index:         The index of the simulation to optimise.  This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.
        @type sim_index:            None or int
        @keyword scaling_matrix:    The diagonal, square scaling matrix.
        @type scaling_matrix:       numpy diagonal matrix
        @keyword min_algor:         The minimisation algorithm to use.
        @type min_algor:            str
        @keyword min_options:       An array of options to be used by the minimisation algorithm.
        @type min_options:          array of str
        @keyword func_tol:          The function tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation.  Setting this to None turns of the check.
        @type func_tol:             None or float
        @keyword grad_tol:          The gradient tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation.  Setting this to None turns of the check.
        @type grad_tol:             None or float
        @keyword max_iterations:    The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm.
        @type max_iterations:       int
        @keyword constraints:       If True, constraints are used during optimisation.
        @type constraints:          bool
        @keyword verbosity:         The amount of information to print.  The higher the value, the greater the verbosity.
        @type verbosity:            int
        @keyword lower:             The lower bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type lower:                array of numbers
        @keyword upper:             The upper bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type upper:                array of numbers
        @keyword inc:               The increments for each dimension of the space for the grid search. The number of elements in the array must equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type inc:                  array of int
        @keyword fields:            The list of unique of spectrometer field strengths.
        @type fields:               int
        @keyword param_names:       The list of parameter names to use in printouts.
        @type param_names:          str

        # Execute the base class __init__() method.
        super(Disp_minimise_command, self).__init__()

        # Store the arguments needed by the run() method.
        self.spins = spins
        self.spin_ids = spin_ids
        self.sim_index = sim_index
        self.scaling_matrix = scaling_matrix
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.min_algor = min_algor
        self.min_options = min_options
        self.func_tol = func_tol
        self.grad_tol = grad_tol
        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper
        self.inc = inc
        self.fields = fields
        self.param_names = param_names

        # Create the initial parameter vector.
        self.param_vector = assemble_param_vector(spins=self.spins)
        if len(scaling_matrix):
            self.param_vector = dot(inv(scaling_matrix), self.param_vector)

        # Linear constraints.
        self.A, self.b = None, None
        if constraints:
            self.A, self.b = linear_constraints(spins=spins, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix)

        # Test if the spectrometer frequencies have been set.
        if spins[0].model in [MODEL_LM63, MODEL_CR72, MODEL_CR72_FULL, MODEL_M61, MODEL_TP02, MODEL_TAP03, MODEL_MP05] and not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrometer_frq'):
            raise RelaxError("The spectrometer frequency information has not been specified.")

        # The R2eff/R1rho data.
        self.values, self.errors, self.missing, self.frqs, self.frqs_H, self.exp_types, self.relax_times = return_r2eff_arrays(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, fields=fields, field_count=len(fields), sim_index=sim_index)

        # The offset and R1 data.
        self.offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, self.chemical_shifts, self.tilt_angles, self.Delta_omega, self.w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=len(fields))
        self.r1 = return_r1_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=len(fields), sim_index=sim_index)
        self.r1_fit = is_r1_optimised(spins[0].model)

        # Parameter number.
        self.param_num = param_num(spins=spins)

        # The dispersion data.
        self.dispersion_points = cdp.dispersion_points
        self.cpmg_frqs = return_cpmg_frqs(ref_flag=False)
        self.spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)
Exemplo n.º 6
def back_calc_r2eff(spins=None, spin_ids=None, cpmg_frqs=None, spin_lock_offset=None, spin_lock_nu1=None, relax_times_new=None, store_chi2=False):
    """Back-calculation of R2eff/R1rho values for the given spin.

    @keyword spins:             The list of specific spin data container for cluster.
    @type spins:                List of SpinContainer instances
    @keyword spin_ids:          The list of spin ID strings for the spin containers in cluster.
    @type spin_ids:             list of str
    @keyword cpmg_frqs:         The CPMG frequencies to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type cpmg_frqs:            list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword spin_lock_offset:  The spin-lock offsets to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type spin_lock_offset:     list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword spin_lock_nu1:     The spin-lock field strengths to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type spin_lock_nu1:        list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword relax_times_new:   The interpolated experiment specific fixed time period for relaxation (in seconds).  The dimensions are {Ei, Mi, Oi, Di, Ti}.
    @type relax_times_new:      rank-4 list of floats
    @keyword store_chi2:        A flag which if True will cause the spin specific chi-squared value to be stored in the spin container.
    @type store_chi2:           bool
    @return:                    The back-calculated R2eff/R1rho value for the given spin.
    @rtype:                     numpy rank-1 float array

    # Create the initial parameter vector.
    param_vector = assemble_param_vector(spins=spins)

    # Number of spectrometer fields.
    fields = [None]
    field_count = 1
    if hasattr(cdp, 'spectrometer_frq_count'):
        fields = cdp.spectrometer_frq_list
        field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

    # Initialise the data structures for the target function.
    values, errors, missing, frqs, frqs_H, exp_types, relax_times = return_r2eff_arrays(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, fields=fields, field_count=field_count)

    # The offset and R1 data.
    offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, chemical_shifts, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=field_count, spin_lock_offset=spin_lock_offset, fields=spin_lock_nu1)
    r1 = return_r1_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=field_count)
    r1_fit = is_r1_optimised(spins[0].model)

    # The relaxation times.
    if relax_times_new != None:
        relax_times = relax_times_new

    # The dispersion data.
    recalc_tau = True
    if cpmg_frqs == None and spin_lock_nu1 == None and spin_lock_offset == None:
        cpmg_frqs = return_cpmg_frqs(ref_flag=False)
        spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

    # Reset the cpmg_frqs if interpolating R1rho models.
    elif cpmg_frqs == None and spin_lock_offset != None:
        cpmg_frqs = None
        spin_lock_nu1 = spin_lock_fields_inter

        recalc_tau = False
        values = []
        errors = []
        missing = []
        for exp_type, ei in loop_exp(return_indices=True):
            for si in range(len(spins)):
                for frq, mi in loop_frq(return_indices=True):
                    for oi, offset in enumerate(offsets[ei][si][mi]):
                        num = len(spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi])

                        values[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, float64))
                        errors[ei][si][mi].append(ones(num, float64))
                        missing[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, int32))

    # Reconstruct the structures for interpolation.
        recalc_tau = False
        values = []
        errors = []
        missing = []
        for exp_type, ei in loop_exp(return_indices=True):
            for si in range(len(spins)):
                for frq, mi in loop_frq(return_indices=True):
                    for offset, oi in loop_offset(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, return_indices=True):
                        if exp_type in EXP_TYPE_LIST_CPMG:
                            num = len(cpmg_frqs[ei][mi][oi])
                            num = len(spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi])
                        values[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, float64))
                        errors[ei][si][mi].append(ones(num, float64))
                        missing[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, int32))

    # Initialise the relaxation dispersion fit functions.
    model = Dispersion(model=spins[0].model, num_params=param_num(spins=spins), num_spins=len(spins), num_frq=field_count, exp_types=exp_types, values=values, errors=errors, missing=missing, frqs=frqs, frqs_H=frqs_H, cpmg_frqs=cpmg_frqs, spin_lock_nu1=spin_lock_nu1, chemical_shifts=chemical_shifts, offset=offsets, tilt_angles=tilt_angles, r1=r1, relax_times=relax_times, recalc_tau=recalc_tau, r1_fit=r1_fit)

    # Make a single function call.  This will cause back calculation and the data will be stored in the class instance.
    chi2 = model.func(param_vector)

    # Store the chi-squared value.
    if store_chi2:
        for spin in spins:
            spin.chi2 = chi2

    # Return the structure.
    return model.get_back_calc()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, spins=None, spin_ids=None, sim_index=None, scaling_matrix=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=False, verbosity=0, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, fields=None, param_names=None):
        """Initialise the base class, storing all the master data to be sent to the slave processor.

        This method is run on the master processor whereas the run() method is run on the slave processor.

        @keyword spins:             The list of spin data container for the cluster.  If this argument is supplied, then the spin_id argument will be ignored.
        @type spins:                list of SpinContainer instances
        @keyword spin_ids:          The list of spin ID strings corresponding to the spins argument.
        @type spin_ids:             list of str
        @keyword sim_index:         The index of the simulation to optimise.  This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.
        @type sim_index:            None or int
        @keyword scaling_matrix:    The diagonal, square scaling matrix.
        @type scaling_matrix:       numpy diagonal matrix
        @keyword min_algor:         The minimisation algorithm to use.
        @type min_algor:            str
        @keyword min_options:       An array of options to be used by the minimisation algorithm.
        @type min_options:          array of str
        @keyword func_tol:          The function tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation.  Setting this to None turns of the check.
        @type func_tol:             None or float
        @keyword grad_tol:          The gradient tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation.  Setting this to None turns of the check.
        @type grad_tol:             None or float
        @keyword max_iterations:    The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm.
        @type max_iterations:       int
        @keyword constraints:       If True, constraints are used during optimisation.
        @type constraints:          bool
        @keyword verbosity:         The amount of information to print.  The higher the value, the greater the verbosity.
        @type verbosity:            int
        @keyword lower:             The lower bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type lower:                array of numbers
        @keyword upper:             The upper bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type upper:                array of numbers
        @keyword inc:               The increments for each dimension of the space for the grid search. The number of elements in the array must equal to the number of parameters in the model.  This argument is only used when doing a grid search.
        @type inc:                  array of int
        @keyword fields:            The list of unique of spectrometer field strengths.
        @type fields:               int
        @keyword param_names:       The list of parameter names to use in printouts.
        @type param_names:          str

        # Execute the base class __init__() method.
        super(Disp_minimise_command, self).__init__()

        # Store the arguments needed by the run() method.
        self.spins = spins
        self.spin_ids = spin_ids
        self.sim_index = sim_index
        self.scaling_matrix = scaling_matrix
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.min_algor = min_algor
        self.min_options = min_options
        self.func_tol = func_tol
        self.grad_tol = grad_tol
        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper
        self.inc = inc
        self.fields = fields
        self.param_names = param_names

        # Create the initial parameter vector.
        self.param_vector = assemble_param_vector(spins=self.spins)
        if len(scaling_matrix):
            self.param_vector = dot(inv(scaling_matrix), self.param_vector)

        # Linear constraints.
        self.A, self.b = None, None
        if constraints:
            self.A, self.b = linear_constraints(spins=spins, scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix)

        # Test if the spectrometer frequencies have been set.
        if spins[0].model in [MODEL_LM63, MODEL_CR72, MODEL_CR72_FULL, MODEL_M61, MODEL_TP02, MODEL_TAP03, MODEL_MP05] and not hasattr(cdp, 'spectrometer_frq'):
            raise RelaxError("The spectrometer frequency information has not been specified.")

        # The R2eff/R1rho data.
        self.values, self.errors, self.missing, self.frqs, self.frqs_H, self.exp_types, self.relax_times = return_r2eff_arrays(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, fields=fields, field_count=len(fields), sim_index=sim_index)

        # The offset and R1 data.
        self.offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, self.chemical_shifts, self.tilt_angles, self.Delta_omega, self.w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=len(fields))
        self.r1 = return_r1_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=len(fields), sim_index=sim_index)
        self.r1_fit = is_r1_optimised(spins[0].model)

        # Parameter number.
        self.param_num = param_num(spins=spins)

        # The dispersion data.
        self.dispersion_points = cdp.dispersion_points
        self.cpmg_frqs = return_cpmg_frqs(ref_flag=False)
        self.spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)
Exemplo n.º 8
def back_calc_r2eff(spins=None, spin_ids=None, cpmg_frqs=None, spin_lock_offset=None, spin_lock_nu1=None, relax_times_new=None, store_chi2=False):
    """Back-calculation of R2eff/R1rho values for the given spin.

    @keyword spins:             The list of specific spin data container for cluster.
    @type spins:                List of SpinContainer instances
    @keyword spin_ids:          The list of spin ID strings for the spin containers in cluster.
    @type spin_ids:             list of str
    @keyword cpmg_frqs:         The CPMG frequencies to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type cpmg_frqs:            list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword spin_lock_offset:  The spin-lock offsets to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type spin_lock_offset:     list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword spin_lock_nu1:     The spin-lock field strengths to use instead of the user loaded values - to enable interpolation.
    @type spin_lock_nu1:        list of lists of numpy rank-1 float arrays
    @keyword relax_times_new:   The interpolated experiment specific fixed time period for relaxation (in seconds).  The dimensions are {Ei, Mi, Oi, Di, Ti}.
    @type relax_times_new:      rank-4 list of floats
    @keyword store_chi2:        A flag which if True will cause the spin specific chi-squared value to be stored in the spin container.
    @type store_chi2:           bool
    @return:                    The back-calculated R2eff/R1rho value for the given spin.
    @rtype:                     numpy rank-1 float array

    # Create the initial parameter vector.
    param_vector = assemble_param_vector(spins=spins)

    # Number of spectrometer fields.
    fields = [None]
    field_count = 1
    if hasattr(cdp, 'spectrometer_frq_count'):
        fields = cdp.spectrometer_frq_list
        field_count = cdp.spectrometer_frq_count

    # Initialise the data structures for the target function.
    values, errors, missing, frqs, frqs_H, exp_types, relax_times = return_r2eff_arrays(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, fields=fields, field_count=field_count)

    # The offset and R1 data.
    offsets, spin_lock_fields_inter, chemical_shifts, tilt_angles, Delta_omega, w_eff = return_offset_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=field_count, spin_lock_offset=spin_lock_offset, fields=spin_lock_nu1)
    r1 = return_r1_data(spins=spins, spin_ids=spin_ids, field_count=field_count)
    r1_fit = is_r1_optimised(spins[0].model)

    # The relaxation times.
    if relax_times_new != None:
        relax_times = relax_times_new

    # The dispersion data.
    recalc_tau = True
    if cpmg_frqs == None and spin_lock_nu1 == None and spin_lock_offset == None:
        cpmg_frqs = return_cpmg_frqs(ref_flag=False)
        spin_lock_nu1 = return_spin_lock_nu1(ref_flag=False)

    # Reset the cpmg_frqs if interpolating R1rho models.
    elif cpmg_frqs == None and spin_lock_offset != None:
        cpmg_frqs = None
        spin_lock_nu1 = spin_lock_fields_inter

        recalc_tau = False
        values = []
        errors = []
        missing = []
        for exp_type, ei in loop_exp(return_indices=True):
            for si in range(len(spins)):
                for frq, mi in loop_frq(return_indices=True):
                    for oi, offset in enumerate(offsets[ei][si][mi]):
                        num = len(spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi])

                        values[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, float64))
                        errors[ei][si][mi].append(ones(num, float64))
                        missing[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, int32))

    # Reconstruct the structures for interpolation.
        recalc_tau = False
        values = []
        errors = []
        missing = []
        for exp_type, ei in loop_exp(return_indices=True):
            for si in range(len(spins)):
                for frq, mi in loop_frq(return_indices=True):
                    for offset, oi in loop_offset(exp_type=exp_type, frq=frq, return_indices=True):
                        if exp_type in EXP_TYPE_LIST_CPMG:
                            num = len(cpmg_frqs[ei][mi][oi])
                            num = len(spin_lock_nu1[ei][mi][oi])
                        values[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, float64))
                        errors[ei][si][mi].append(ones(num, float64))
                        missing[ei][si][mi].append(zeros(num, int32))

    # Initialise the relaxation dispersion fit functions.
    model = Dispersion(model=spins[0].model, num_params=param_num(spins=spins), num_spins=len(spins), num_frq=field_count, exp_types=exp_types, values=values, errors=errors, missing=missing, frqs=frqs, frqs_H=frqs_H, cpmg_frqs=cpmg_frqs, spin_lock_nu1=spin_lock_nu1, chemical_shifts=chemical_shifts, offset=offsets, tilt_angles=tilt_angles, r1=r1, relax_times=relax_times, recalc_tau=recalc_tau, r1_fit=r1_fit)

    # Make a single function call.  This will cause back calculation and the data will be stored in the class instance.
    chi2 = model.func(param_vector)

    # Store the chi-squared value.
    if store_chi2:
        for spin in spins:
            spin.chi2 = chi2

    # Return the structure.
    return model.get_back_calc()