Exemplo n.º 1
    def recompose_base(self, obj: dict) -> Base:
        """Steps through a base object dictionary and recomposes the base object

            obj {dict} -- the dictionary representation of the object

            Base -- the base object with all its children attached
        # make sure an obj was passed and create dict if string was somehow passed
        if not obj:
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            obj = safe_json_loads(obj)

        if "speckle_type" in obj and obj["speckle_type"] == "reference":
            obj = self.get_child(obj=obj)

        speckle_type = obj.get("speckle_type")
        # if speckle type is not in the object definition, it is treated as a dict
        if not speckle_type:
            return obj

        # get the registered type from base register.
        object_type = Base.get_registered_type(speckle_type)

        # initialise the base object using `speckle_type` fall back to base if needed
        base = object_type() if object_type else Base.of_type(
        # get total children count
        if "__closure" in obj:
            if not self.read_transport:
                raise SpeckleException(
                    "Cannot resolve reference - no read transport is defined")
            closure = obj.pop("__closure")
            base.totalChildrenCount = len(closure)

        for prop, value in obj.items():
            # 1. handle primitives (ints, floats, strings, and bools) or None
            if isinstance(value, PRIMITIVES) or value is None:
                base.__setattr__(prop, value)

            # 2. handle referenced child objects
            elif "referencedId" in value:
                ref_hash = value["referencedId"]
                ref_obj_str = self.read_transport.get_object(id=ref_hash)
                if not ref_obj_str:
                    raise SpeckleException(
                        f"Could not find the referenced child object of id `{ref_hash}` in the given read transport: {self.read_transport.name}"
                ref_obj = safe_json_loads(ref_obj_str, ref_hash)
                base.__setattr__(prop, self.recompose_base(obj=ref_obj))

            # 3. handle all other cases (base objects, lists, and dicts)
                base.__setattr__(prop, self.handle_value(value))

        return base
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_new_type_registration() -> None:
    """Test if a new subclass is registered into the type register."""
    assert Base.get_registered_type("FakeModel") == FakeModel
    assert Base.get_registered_type("🐺️") is None