Exemplo n.º 1
def test_kcorrect_stellar_mass():

    from astropy import units
    from skypy.galaxies.spectrum import kcorrect
    from speclite.filters import FilterResponse

    # Gaussian bandpass
    filt_lam = np.logspace(3, 4, 1000) * units.AA
    filt_mean = 5000 * units.AA
    filt_width = 100 * units.AA
    filt_tx = np.exp(-((filt_lam - filt_mean) / filt_width)**2)
    filt_tx[[0, -1]] = 0
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt'))

    # Using the identity matrix for the coefficients yields trivial test cases
    coeff = np.eye(5)
    Mt = kcorrect.absolute_magnitudes(coeff, 'test-filt')

    # Using the absolute magnitudes of the templates as reference magnitudes
    # should return one solar mass for each template.
    stellar_mass = kcorrect.stellar_mass(coeff, Mt, 'test-filt')
    truth = 1
    np.testing.assert_allclose(stellar_mass, truth)

    # Solution for given magnitudes without template mixing
    Mb = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
    stellar_mass = kcorrect.stellar_mass(coeff, Mb, 'test-filt')
    truth = np.power(10, -0.4 * (Mb - Mt))
    np.testing.assert_allclose(stellar_mass, truth)
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_speclite_filters(group_name, filter_names, wavelength_list,
                              response_list, wavelength_unit):
    Convenience function to create a new set of ``speclite`` filters, if bandpasses
    other than those provided in the module already are required. Currently, this
    generates a temporary ``speclite.filters.FilterResponse`` object that can be
    loaded using the standard ``speclite`` syntax of ``group_name-band_name``.

    group_name : string
        The overall name to be given to the set of filters being generated. For
        example, ``speclite`` currently provide ``sdss2010``.
    filter_names : list of string
        The individual names of each filter to be generated. For the above example
        of ``sdss2010``, ``filter_names`` would be ``[u, g, r, i, z]``.
    wavelength_list : list of numpy.ndarray
        The wavelengths of the filter response curves being loaded, corresponding
        to each entry in ``filter_names``.
    response_list : list of numpy.ndarray
        The response curve values of the filters, for each ``wavelength_list`` item.
        Each element in the list should also match an entry in ``filter_names``.
    wavelength_unit : ``astropy.units.Unit`` object
        The relevant ``astropy`` unit (e.g., ``u.micron``, ``u.angstrom``) for the
        units all ``wavelength_list`` entries are given in. All response curves
        currently have to be in common units.
    for filt_name, wavelength, response in zip(filter_names, wavelength_list,
        FilterResponse(wavelength=wavelength * wavelength_unit,
                       meta=dict(group_name=group_name, band_name=filt_name))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_mag_ab_redshift_dependence():

    from astropy import units
    from speclite.filters import FilterResponse
    from skypy.utils.photometry import mag_ab

    # make a wide tophat bandpass
    filt_lam = [1.0e-10, 1.1e-10, 1.0e0, 0.9e10, 1.0e10]
    filt_tx = [0., 1., 1., 1., 0.]
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt'))

    # create a narrow gaussian source
    lam = np.logspace(-11, 11, 1000) * units.AA
    flam = np.exp(-((lam - 100 * units.AA) /
                    (10 * units.AA))**2) * units.Unit('erg s-1 cm-2 AA-1')

    # array of redshifts
    z = np.linspace(0, 1, 11)

    # compute the AB magnitude at different redshifts
    m = mag_ab(lam, flam, 'test-filt', redshift=z)

    # compare with expected redshift dependence
    np.testing.assert_allclose(m, m[0] - 2.5 * np.log10(1 + z))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_template_spectra():

    from astropy import units
    from skypy.utils.photometry import mag_ab, SpectrumTemplates
    from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
    from speclite.filters import FilterResponse

    class TestTemplates(SpectrumTemplates):
        '''Three flat templates'''
        def __init__(self):
            self.wavelength = np.logspace(-1, 4, 1000) * units.AA
            A = np.array([[2], [3], [4]]) * 0.10885464149979998
            self.templates = A * units.Unit(
                'erg s-1 cm-2 AA') / self.wavelength**2

    test_templates = TestTemplates()
    lam, flam = test_templates.wavelength, test_templates.templates

    # Gaussian bandpass
    filt_lam = np.logspace(0, 4, 1000) * units.AA
    filt_tx = np.exp(-((filt_lam - 1000 * units.AA) / (100 * units.AA))**2)
    filt_tx[[0, -1]] = 0
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt'))

    # Each test galaxy is exactly one of the templates
    coefficients = np.eye(3)

    # Test absolute magnitudes
    mt = test_templates.absolute_magnitudes(coefficients, 'test-filt')
    m = mag_ab(lam, flam, 'test-filt')
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mt, m)

    # Test apparent magnitudes
    redshift = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    dm = Planck15.distmod(redshift).value
    mt = test_templates.apparent_magnitudes(coefficients, redshift,
                                            'test-filt', Planck15)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mt, m - 2.5 * np.log10(1 + redshift) + dm)

    # Redshift interpolation test; linear interpolation sufficient over a small
    # redshift range at low relative tolerance
    z = np.linspace(0.1, 0.2, 3)
    m_true = test_templates.apparent_magnitudes(coefficients,
    m_interp = test_templates.apparent_magnitudes(coefficients,
    np.testing.assert_allclose(m_true, m_interp, rtol=1e-5)
    assert not np.all(m_true == m_interp)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_mag_ab_multi():

    from astropy import units
    from skypy.utils.photometry import mag_ab
    from speclite.filters import FilterResponse

    # 5 redshifts
    z = np.linspace(0, 1, 5)

    # 2 Gaussian bandpasses
    filt_lam = np.logspace(0, 4, 1000) * units.AA
    filt_mean = np.array([[1000], [2000]]) * units.AA
    filt_width = np.array([[100], [10]]) * units.AA
    filt_tx = np.exp(-((filt_lam - filt_mean) / filt_width)**2)
    filt_tx[:, [0, -1]] = 0
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt0'))
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt1'))

    # 3 Flat Spectra
    # to prevent issues with interpolation, collect all redshifted filt_lam
    lam = []
    for z_ in z:
        lam = np.union1d(lam, filt_lam.value / (1 + z_))
    lam = lam * filt_lam.unit
    A = np.array([[2], [3], [4]])
    flam = A * 0.10885464149979998 * units.Unit('erg s-1 cm-2 AA') / lam**2

    # Compare calculated magnitudes with truth
    magnitudes = mag_ab(lam, flam, ['test-filt0', 'test-filt1'], redshift=z)
    truth = -2.5 * np.log10(A * (1 + z)).T[:, :, np.newaxis]
    assert magnitudes.shape == (5, 3, 2)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(*np.broadcast_arrays(magnitudes, truth),
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_mag_ab_standard_source():

    from astropy import units
    from speclite.filters import FilterResponse
    from skypy.utils.photometry import mag_ab

    # create a filter
    filt_lam = np.logspace(0, 4, 1000) * units.AA
    filt_tx = np.exp(-((filt_lam - 1000 * units.AA) / (100 * units.AA))**2)
    filt_tx[[0, -1]] = 0
                   meta=dict(group_name='test', band_name='filt'))

    # test that the AB standard source has zero magnitude
    lam = filt_lam  # same grid to prevent interpolation issues
    flam = 0.10885464149979998 * units.Unit('erg s-1 cm-2 AA') / lam**2

    m = mag_ab(lam, flam, 'test-filt')

    assert np.isclose(m, 0)