Exemplo n.º 1
def spectrum_linear_fit(spec: Spectrum,
                        wl_low: float = None,
                        wl_high: float = None) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    Applies a linear fit to a Specturm over the specified wavelength range.  If no wl_ values are passed,
    the entirely of the spectrum range is used.
    Returns a tuple of ( m, b ) for:
    Flux Density = m * Wavelength + b
    :param spec: Spectrum to slope fit
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :param wl_low: Low limit of wavelength range.  Defaults to None
    :type wl_low: float
    :param wl_high: Upper limit of wavelength range.  Defaults to None
    :type wl_high: float
    :return: ( m, b ) 
    :rtype: tuple
    wls = spec.getWavelengths()
    if wl_low is not None:
        wls = filter(lambda wl: wl >= wl_low, wls)
    if wl_high is not None:
        wls = filter(lambda wl: wl <= wl_high, wls)
    fluxdata = [
        spec.getFlux(wl) for wl in wls
    ]  # Can't use .getFluxlist here in clase wavelength limits used
    return generic_linear_fit(wls, fluxdata)
Exemplo n.º 2
def init_source_wl(spec: Spectrum) -> float:
    When binning a source spectrum with the intention of shifting it back to rest frame and avoid re-binning,
    this method what the desired first wavelength should be in the source frame.

    Operates under the assumption that the desired rest frame bins are integer wavelength values.

    ie. if first wl in spectrum is 3805.43 at a redshift of z = 0.55, the first rest frame wavelength is 2454.4709...
    Thus, the first (integer wavelength) bin begins at 2454.

    Returning to the source frame, this becomes 3805.12.
    This method would, in this case, return 3805.12.  Pass this to the source binning process and it will begin the
    binning process there.

    :param spec: Source frame spectrum
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :return: initial source bin wavelength
    :rtype: float
    z = shenCat.subkey(spec.getNS(), 'z')
    first_wl = spec.getWavelengths()[0] / (1 + z)
    first_wl = int(first_wl)
    first_wl *= (1 + z)
    return first_wl
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_spectrum_plotitem( spec: Spectrum, color: str = None ) -> Gnuplot.Data:
    Takes in a Spectrum class and returns Gnuplot.Data format for plotting using the data within the Spectrum object
    :param spec:
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :param color: 
    :type color: str
    :rtype: Gnuplot.Data
    if color is not None:
        _with = f' lc "{color}"'
    return make_line_plotitem( spec.getWavelengths(), spec.getFluxlist(), title=spec.getNS(), with_=_with )
Exemplo n.º 4
def binned_source_to_rest(spec: Spectrum, z: float = None) -> Spectrum:
    Takes in a binned source spectrum and shifts it to rest frame.

    WARNING:  Assumes desired wavelengths will be integer values and called (int) on them as a result.  If integer
    wavelengths are NOT desired, this method will need to be modified.

    :param spec: Binned source spectrum
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :param z: Original redshift.  If not passed, it will call spec.getRS() and use that value.
    :type z: float
    :return: Rest frame spectrum
    :rtype: Spectrum
    spec = spec.cpy()
    z = z or spec.getRS()
    wls = spec.getWavelengths()
    n = len(wls)
    for wl in wls:
        spec[int(wl / (1 + z))] = spec[wl]
        del spec[wl]
    return spec
Exemplo n.º 5
def source_bin(spec: Spectrum,
               step: float = None,
               init_wl: float = None) -> Spectrum:
    Bins a spectrum beginning given initial wavelength and desired bin spacing (step).  If step and init_wl are not
    passed, this method will detrmine them directly from the source spectrum such that the rest frame spectrum has
    integer wavelengths spaced by 1 Angstrom steps.

    Intended to be used to bin a source spectrum which will then be shifted back into rest frame (via
    binned_source_to_rest).  The rest frame spectrum will already be binned as a result.  
    :param step: Desired source frame bin spacing.  Will call source_frame_step( spec, 1 ) if this is not passed.
    :param init_wl: Desired inital bin wavelength.  Will call init_source_wl( spec ) if this is not passed.
    :type spec: Spectrum
    :type step: float
    :type init_wl: float
    :return: Binned source spectrum
    :rtype: Spectrum
    from numpy import std, mean

    step = step or source_frame_step(spec, 1)
    oldwls = spec.getWavelengths()
    if init_wl is None:
        init_wl = init_source_wl(spec)

    max_wl = oldwls[-1]

    newwls = [init_wl]

    flxlist = []
    errlist = []
    newi = 0
    oldi = 0

    neww = newwls[newi]
    oldw = oldwls[oldi]
    while neww + step < max_wl:  # Run until the last wavelength in spec is binned
        flux = []  # clear the current range of flux values
        while oldw < neww + step:  # while the old wl is in the current bin, get its flux and advance to the next
            oldi += 1
            oldw = oldwls[oldi]

        # see if the flux has more than one value (if so, take the mean and set the err as std deviation)
        # otherwise, assign it that value and error
        if len(flux) > 1:
            err = std(flux)
            flux = float(mean(flux))
        elif len(flux) == 1:
            err = spec.getErr(oldwls[oldi - 1])
            flux = flux[0]

        # if there were no values in this bin range (i.e. the flux variable is still a list, albiet an empty one)
        # then something's wrong.
        if type(flux) == float:
            while neww + step < oldw:
                neww += step
                "Well, this is awkward.  You're probably caught in an infinte loop."
                f"New WL:{new}, Last old wl:{oldw} on spectrun:{spec.getNS()}")

    spec = spec.cpy_info()
    spec.setDict(newwls[:-1], flxlist, errlist)

    return spec