print('%s ' % ('-'*78)) print('Sample the Pareto frontier at 100 points: ') print(' ') print(' phi(tau) = minimize ||Ax-b||_2 subject to ||x|| <= tau') print(' ') print('%s%s ' % ('-'*78, '\n')) print('Computing sample') # % Set up vector b, and run solver b = x = np.zeros(n) tau = np.linspace(0,1.05 * np.linalg.norm(x0,1),100) phi = np.zeros(tau.size) opts = spgSetParms({'iterations':1000}) for i in range(tau.size): x,r,grad,info = spgl1(A,b,tau[i],0,x,opts) phi[i] = np.linalg.norm(r) if np.mod(i,10)==0: print('...%i'%i) figure() plot(tau,phi) title('(d) Pareto frontier') xlabel('||x||_1') ylabel('||Ax-b||_2') print('%s%s%s' % ('-'*35,' Solution ','-'*35)) print('See figure 1(d)') print('%s%s ' % ('-'*78, '\n'))
while (dmisAll.eval(mwav) / survey.nD) > 0.5 and it < nits: problem.unpair() problem.pair(survey_r) def JS(x, mode): if mode == 1: return problem.Jvec(mwav, iwavmap * x) else: return wavmap * problem.Jtvec(mwav, x) b = survey_r.dpred(mwav) - survey_r.dpred(mtrue) print "# of data: ", b.shape opts = spgl1.spgSetParms({'iterations': 100, 'verbosity': 2}) sigtol = np.linalg.norm(b) / np.maximum(ratio[it], min_progress) #tautol = 20000. tic = time.clock() x, resid, grad, info = spgl1.spg_bpdn(JS, b, sigma=sigtol, options=opts) toc = time.clock() print 'SPGL1 chronometer: ', toc - tic timespgl1.append(toc - tic) #x,resid,grad,info = spgl1.spg_lasso(JS,b,tautol,opts) #assert dmis.eval(mwav) > dmis.eval(mwav - iwavmap*x) mwav = mwav - iwavmap * x xlist.append(x)