Exemplo n.º 1
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_prepend(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '1', 'prepend': 'Hello', 'append': 'Sphinx'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("Hello\n"
                       "# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines1(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '1-3'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
                       "foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lineno_start():
    options = {'lineno-start': 5}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == LITERAL_INC_PATH.text()
    assert lines == 14
    assert reader.lineno_start == 5
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lineno_start(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-start': 5}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == literal_inc_path.text()
    assert lines == 14
    assert reader.lineno_start == 5
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines2(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '1,4,6'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == (u"# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
                       u"foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n"
                       u"class Foo:\n")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_after(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'start-after': 'Foo', 'end-before': 'Bar'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("    pass\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 6
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_after(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'start-after': 'Foo', 'end-before': 'Bar'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("    pass\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 7
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lineno_start():
    options = {'lineno-start': 5}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == LITERAL_INC_PATH.text()
    assert lines == 14
    assert reader.lineno_start == 5
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == literal_inc_path.text()
    assert lines == 14
    assert reader.lineno_start == 1
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines2():
    options = {'lines': '1,4,6'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == (u"# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
                       u"foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n"
                       u"class Foo:\n")
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lineno_start(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-start': 4}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == literal_inc_path.read_text()
    assert lines == 13
    assert reader.lineno_start == 4
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_prepend(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '1', 'prepend': 'Hello', 'append': 'Sphinx'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("Hello\n"
                       "# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
Exemplo n.º 13
    def run(self) -> List[Node]:
        document = self.state.document

            location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
            rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])
            reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, self.config)
            text, lines = reader.read(location=location)
            lines = text.split("\n")

            if not 'php_opening_tag' in self.options:
                lines = self.removeOpeningTag(lines)

            if 'sections' in self.options:
                lines = self.filter(lines, self.options['sections'].split(','))

            lines = self.filterSections(lines)

            if 'dedent' in self.options:
                location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
                lines = dedent_lines(lines,

            text = "\n".join(lines)
            retnode = nodes.literal_block(
                text, text, source=filename,
                language=self.options['language'])  # type: Element

            return [retnode]
        except Exception as exc:
            return [document.reporter.warning(exc, line=self.lineno)]
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject1(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'pyobject': 'Foo'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Foo:\n"
                       "    pass\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 5
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject1(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'pyobject': 'Foo'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Foo:\n"
                       "    pass\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 6
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match1(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '4-6', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == (u"foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n"
                       u"class Foo:\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 4
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match1(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '3-5', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n"
                       "class Foo:\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 3
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match1():
    options = {'lines': '4-6', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == (u"foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n"
                       u"class Foo:\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 4
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines1():
    options = {'lines': '1-4'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == (u"# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
                       u"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
                       u"foo = \"Including Unicode characters: üöä\"\n")
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject2(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'pyobject': 'Bar'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Bar:\n"
                       "    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 1  # no lineno-match
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject2(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'pyobject': 'Bar'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Bar:\n"
                       "    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 1  # no lineno-match
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_at_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '2, 3, 5', 'start-at': 'foo', 'end-before': '#'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("\n"
                       "class Foo:\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 1
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_at_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lines': '2, 3, 5', 'start-at': 'foo', 'end-before': '#'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("\n"
                       "class Foo:\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 1
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_at():
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'start-at': 'Foo', 'end-at': 'Bar'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Foo:\n"
                       "    pass\n"
                       "class Bar:\n")
    assert reader.lineno_start == 6
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_after_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'lines': '6-',
               'start-after': 'Literally', 'end-before': 'comment'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("\n"
                       "class Bar:\n"
                       "    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 7
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_start_after_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'lineno-match': True, 'lines': '6-',
               'start-after': 'coding', 'end-before': 'comment'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("\n"
                       "class Bar:\n"
                       "    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n"
    assert reader.lineno_start == 8
Exemplo n.º 27
    def run(self):
        location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
        rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])

        reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, self.config)
        text, lines = reader.read(location=location)

        node = button_node()
        node['text'] = "Try online"
        node['link'] = "http://liquidity-lang.org/edit?source="+urllib.parse.quote_plus(text)
        return [node]
Exemplo n.º 28
    def run(self):
        document = self.state.document
        if not document.settings.file_insertion_enabled:
            return [
                document.reporter.warning("File insertion disabled",
        # convert options['diff'] to absolute path
        if "diff" in self.options:
            _, path = self.env.relfn2path(self.options["diff"])
            self.options["diff"] = path

            location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
            rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])

            reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, self.config)
            text, lines = reader.read(location=location)

            retnode = nodes.literal_block(text, text, source=filename)
            set_source_info(self, retnode)
            if self.options.get("diff"):  # if diff is set, set udiff
                retnode["language"] = "udiff"
            elif "language" in self.options:
                retnode["language"] = self.options["language"]
            retnode["linenos"] = ("linenos" in self.options
                                  or "lineno-start" in self.options
                                  or "lineno-match" in self.options)
            retnode["classes"] += self.options.get("class", [])
            extra_args = retnode["highlight_args"] = {}
            if "emphasize-lines" in self.options:
                hl_lines = parselinenos(self.options["emphasize-lines"], lines)
                if any(i >= lines for i in hl_lines):
                        "line number spec is out of range(1-%d): %r", lines,
                extra_args["hl_lines"] = [x + 1 for x in hl_lines if x < lines]
            extra_args["linenostart"] = reader.lineno_start

            container_node = nodes.container("",
            container_node += example_header(filename=filename)
            container_node += retnode
            retnode = container_node

            return [retnode]
        except Exception as exc:
            return [
                document.reporter.warning(text_type(exc), line=self.lineno)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_dedent_and_append_and_prepend(literal_inc_path):
    # dedent: 2
    options = {
        'lines': '9-11',
        'dedent': 2,
        'prepend': 'class Foo:',
        'append': '# comment'
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Foo:\n"
                       "  def baz():\n"
                       "      pass\n"
                       "# comment\n")
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_tabwidth(testroot):
    # tab-width: 4
    options = {'tab-width': 4, 'pyobject': 'Qux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Qux:\n"
                       "    def quux(self):\n"
                       "        pass\n")

    # tab-width: 8
    options = {'tab-width': 8, 'pyobject': 'Qux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Qux:\n"
                       "        def quux(self):\n"
                       "                pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_diff():
    options = {'diff': TESTROOT_PATH / 'literal-diff.inc'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("--- " + TESTROOT_PATH + "/literal-diff.inc\n"
                       "+++ " + TESTROOT_PATH + "/literal.inc\n"
                       "@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@\n"
                       "     pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       " class Bar:\n"
                       "-    def baz(self):\n"
                       "+    def baz():\n"
                       "         pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       "-# comment after Bar class\n"
                       "+# comment after Bar class definition\n"
                       " def bar(): pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_diff(testroot, literal_inc_path):
    options = {'diff': testroot / 'literal-diff.inc'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("--- " + testroot + "/literal-diff.inc\n"
                       "+++ " + testroot + "/literal.inc\n"
                       "@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@\n"
                       "     pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       " class Bar:\n"
                       "-    def baz(self):\n"
                       "+    def baz():\n"
                       "         pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       "-# comment after Bar class\n"
                       "+# comment after Bar class definition\n"
                       " def bar(): pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_diff(testroot, literal_inc_path):
    options = {'diff': testroot / 'literal-diff.inc'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("--- " + testroot + "/literal-diff.inc\n"
                       "+++ " + testroot + "/literal.inc\n"
                       "@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@\n"
                       "     pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       " class Bar:\n"
                       "-    def baz(self):\n"
                       "+    def baz():\n"
                       "         pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       "-# comment after Bar class\n"
                       "+# comment after Bar class definition\n"
                       " def bar(): pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_diff():
    options = {'diff': TESTROOT_PATH / 'literal-diff.inc'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("--- " + TESTROOT_PATH + "/literal-diff.inc\n"
                       "+++ " + TESTROOT_PATH + "/literal.inc\n"
                       "@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@\n"
                       "     pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       " class Bar:\n"
                       "-    def baz(self):\n"
                       "+    def baz():\n"
                       "         pass\n"
                       " \n"
                       "-# comment after Bar class\n"
                       "+# comment after Bar class definition\n"
                       " def bar(): pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 35
    def run(self) -> List[Node]:
        document = self.state.document

            location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
            rel_filename, filename = self.env.relfn2path(self.arguments[0])
            reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options, self.config)
            text, lines = reader.read(location=location)
            text = text.split("\n---\n")[int(self.options['section'])]

            retnode = nodes.literal_block(
                text, text, source=filename,
                language=self.options['language'])  # type: Element

            return [retnode]
        except Exception as exc:
            return [document.reporter.warning(exc, line=self.lineno)]
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_dedent():
    # dedent: 2
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 2}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("  def baz():\n" "      pass\n" "\n")

    # dedent: 4
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 4}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("def baz():\n" "    pass\n" "\n")

    # dedent: 6
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 6}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("f baz():\n" "  pass\n" "\n")
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_dedent(literal_inc_path):
    # dedent: 2
    options = {'lines': '9-11', 'dedent': 2}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("  def baz():\n" "      pass\n" "\n")

    # dedent: 4
    options = {'lines': '9-11', 'dedent': 4}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("def baz():\n" "    pass\n" "\n")

    # dedent: 6
    options = {'lines': '9-11', 'dedent': 6}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("f baz():\n" "  pass\n" "\n")
Exemplo n.º 38
        def attach_literal_node(path):
            from sphinx.directives.code import LiteralIncludeReader
            from sphinx.util.nodes import set_source_info
            nonlocal protocol

            if path.suffix == '.txt':
                # <literal_block highlight_args="{'linenostart': 1}"
                # linenos="False"
                # source="/home/kale/research/projects/201904_bind_dna/notebook/20190604_dnase_pick_qpcr_primers/20190604_pcr.txt"
                # xml:space="preserve">
                #     ...

                # From `sphinx/directives/code.py`:
                env = self.state.document.settings.env
                location = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno)
                rel_filename, filename = env.relfn2path(str(path))

                reader = LiteralIncludeReader(filename, self.options,
                text, lines = reader.read(location=location)

                literal_node = nodes.literal_block(text, text, source=filename)
                set_source_info(self, literal_node)

                protocol += [literal_node]

                from sphinx.roles import specific_docroles
                protocol += specific_docroles['download'](
Exemplo n.º 39
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_missing_start_and_end(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'start-at': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'end-at': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'start-after': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'end-before': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_tabwidth(testroot):
    # tab-width: 4
    options = {'tab-width': 4, 'pyobject': 'Qux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Qux:\n"
                       "    def quux(self):\n"
                       "        pass\n")

    # tab-width: 8
    options = {'tab-width': 8, 'pyobject': 'Qux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("class Qux:\n"
                       "        def quux(self):\n"
                       "                pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_dedent(literal_inc_path):
    # dedent: 2
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 2}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("  def baz():\n"
                       "      pass\n"

    # dedent: 4
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 4}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("def baz():\n"
                       "    pass\n"

    # dedent: 6
    options = {'lines': '10-12', 'dedent': 6}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("f baz():\n"
                       "  pass\n"
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'pyobject': 'Bar', 'lines': '2-'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject3():
    options = {'pyobject': 'Bar.baz'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_tabwidth_dedent(testroot):
    options = {'tab-width': 4, 'dedent': 4, 'pyobject': 'Qux.quux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("def quux(self):\n"
                       "    pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match3(literal_inc_path, app, status, warning):
    options = {'lines': '100-', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_end_before(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'end-before': 'nclud'}  # *nclud* matches first and third lines.
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("# Literally included file using Python highlighting\n"
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_missing_start_and_end(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'start-at': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'end-at': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'start-after': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()

    options = {'end-before': 'NOTHING'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match2(app, status, warning):
    options = {'lines': '1,4,6', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(LITERAL_INC_PATH, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_tabwidth_dedent(testroot):
    options = {'tab-width': 4, 'dedent': 4, 'pyobject': 'Qux.quux'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(testroot / 'target.py', options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("def quux(self):\n"
                       "    pass\n")
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_lines_and_lineno_match3(literal_inc_path, app, status, warning):
    options = {'lines': '100-', 'lineno-match': True}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        content, lines = reader.read()
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_LiteralIncludeReader_pyobject_and_lines(literal_inc_path):
    options = {'pyobject': 'Bar', 'lines': '2-'}
    reader = LiteralIncludeReader(literal_inc_path, options, DUMMY_CONFIG)
    content, lines = reader.read()
    assert content == ("    def baz():\n"
                       "        pass\n")