Exemplo n.º 1
class FixtureDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
	Sphinx autodoc :class:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter` for documenting pytest fixtures.

    objtype = "fixture"
    directivetype = "fixture"
    priority = 20
    object: Union[FunctionType, MethodType]  # noqa: A003  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive, name, indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())

    def can_document_member(
        member: Any,
        membername: str,
        isattr: bool,
        parent: Any,
    ) -> bool:
		Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.

		:param member: The member being checked.
		:param membername: The name of the member.
		:param isattr:
		:param parent: The parent of the member.

        if isinstance(member, FunctionType):
            return is_fixture(member)[0]
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            return False

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str = '') -> None:
		Add the directive's header.

		:param sig: Unused -- fixtures have no useful signature.
		:no-default sig:

        # doc_lines = (self.object.__doc__ or '').splitlines()
        # docstring = StringList([dedent(doc_lines[0]) + dedent("\n".join(doc_lines))[1:]])
        # print(docstring)
        # input(">>>")


        self.add_line('', self.get_sourcename())
            f"   **Scope:** |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| |nbsp| {is_fixture(self.object)[1]}",
class TypedDictDocumenter(ClassDocumenter):
	Sphinx autodoc :class:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter`
	for documenting :class:`typing.TypedDict`\s.
	"""  # noqa: D400

    objtype = "typeddict"
    directivetype = "typeddict"
    priority = 20
    option_spec: Dict[str, Callable] = {
        "noindex": flag,
        "alphabetical": flag,
        "show-inheritance": flag,

    def __init__(self, *args: Any) -> None:

        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())

        alphabetical = self.options.get("alphabetical", False)
        if alphabetical:
            self.options["member-order"] = "alphabetical"
            self.options["member-order"] = "bysource"

        for key in {"inherited-members",
                    "special-members"}:  # pragma: no cover
            if key in self.options:
                del self.options[key]

    def can_document_member(
        member: Any,
        membername: str,
        isattr: bool,
        parent: Any,
    ) -> bool:
		Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.

		:param member: The member being checked.
		:param membername: The name of the member.
		:param isattr:
		:param parent: The parent of the member.

        for attr in {"__optional_keys__", "__required_keys__", "__total__"}:
            if not hasattr(member, attr):
                return False

        return True

    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
		Typed Dicts do not have a signature.

        return ''

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False):
		Add the autodocumenter content.

		:param more_content:
		:param no_docstring:

        if self.doc_as_attr:  # pragma: no cover (verbatim from Sphinx)
            classname = safe_getattr(self.object, "__qualname__", None)
            if not classname:
                classname = safe_getattr(self.object, "__name__", None)
            if classname:
                module = safe_getattr(self.object, "__module__", None)
                parentmodule = safe_getattr(self.parent, "__module__", None)
                if module and module != parentmodule:
                    classname = str(module) + '.' + str(classname)
                more_content = docutils.statemachine.StringList(
                    [_("alias of :class:`%s`") % classname], source='')
                no_docstring = True

        # set sourcename and add content from attribute documentation
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()
        if self.analyzer:
            attr_docs = self.analyzer.find_attr_docs()
            if self.objpath:
                key = ('.'.join(self.objpath[:-1]), self.objpath[-1])
                if key in attr_docs:
                    no_docstring = True
                    # make a copy of docstring for attributes to avoid cache
                    # the change of autodoc-process-docstring event.
                    docstrings = [list(attr_docs[key])]

                    for i, line in enumerate(self.process_doc(docstrings)):
                        self.add_line(line, sourcename, i)

        # add content from docstrings
        if not no_docstring:
            docstrings = self.get_doc() or []
            if not docstrings:
                # append at least a dummy docstring, so that the event
                # autodoc-process-docstring is fired and can add some
                # content if desired
                docstrings.append([":class:`typing.TypedDict`.", ''])
            for i, line in enumerate(self.process_doc(docstrings)):
                self.add_line(line, sourcename, i)

        # add additional content (e.g. from document), if present
        if more_content:  # pragma: no cover (verbatim from Sphinx)
            for line, src in zip(more_content.data, more_content.items):
                self.add_line(line, src[0], src[1])

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
		Generate reST for member documentation. All members are always documented.


    def sort_members(
        documenters: List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]],
        order: str,
    ) -> List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]]:
		Sort the TypedDict's members.

		:param documenters:
		:param order:

        # The documenters for the keys, in the desired order
        documenters = super().sort_members(documenters, order)

        # Mapping of key names to docstrings (as list of strings)
        docstrings = {
            k[1]: v
            for k, v in ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(

        required_keys = []
        optional_keys = []
        types = get_type_hints(self.object)

        for d in documenters:
            name = d[0].name.split('.')[-1]
            if name in self.object.__required_keys__:
            elif name in self.object.__optional_keys__:
            # else: warn user. This shouldn't ever happen, though.

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        if required_keys:
            self.add_line('', sourcename)
            self.add_line(":Required Keys:", sourcename)
            self.document_keys(required_keys, types, docstrings)
            self.add_line('', sourcename)

        if optional_keys:
            self.add_line('', sourcename)
            self.add_line(":Optional Keys:", sourcename)
            self.document_keys(optional_keys, types, docstrings)
            self.add_line('', sourcename)

        return []

    def document_keys(self, keys: List[str], types: Dict[str, Type],
                      docstrings: Dict[str, List[str]]):
		Document keys in a :class:`typing.TypedDict`.

		:param keys: List of key names to document.
		:param types: Mapping of key names to types.
		:param docstrings: Mapping of key names to docstrings.

        content = StringList()

        for key in keys:
            if key in types:
                key_type = f"({format_annotation(types[key])}) "
                key_type = ''

            if key in docstrings:
                    f"    * **{key}** {key_type}-- {' '.join(docstrings.get(key, ''))}"
                content.append(f"    * **{key}** {key_type}")

        for line in content:
            self.add_line(line, self.get_sourcename())

    def filter_members(
        members: ObjectMembers,
        want_all: bool,
    ) -> List[Tuple[str, Any, bool]]:
		Filter the given member list.

		:param members:
		:param want_all:

        ret = []

        # process members and determine which to skip
        for (membername, member) in members:
            # if isattr is True, the member is documented as an attribute

            if safe_getattr(member, "__sphinx_mock__", False):
                # mocked module or object
                keep = False
            elif membername.startswith('_'):
                keep = False
                keep = True

            # give the user a chance to decide whether this member
            # should be skipped
            if self.env.app:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                    skip_user = self.env.app.emit_firstresult(
                        not keep,

                    if skip_user is not None:
                        keep = not skip_user

                except Exception as exc:
                    filter_members_warning(member, exc)
                    keep = False

            if keep:
                ret.append((membername, member, member is INSTANCEATTR))

        return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
class TypedAttributeDocumenter(DocstringStripSignatureMixin,
	Alternative version of :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter`
	with better type hint rendering.

	Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes.

	.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
	.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0  Now uses the type of the variable if it is not explicitly annotated.
	"""  # noqa: D400

    objtype = "attribute"
    member_order = 60
    option_spec = dict(ModuleLevelDocumenter.option_spec)
    option_spec["annotation"] = annotation_option

    # must be higher than the MethodDocumenter, else it will recognize
    # some non-data descriptors as methods
    priority = 10

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive=directive, name=name, indent=indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())
        self._datadescriptor = True

    def is_function_or_method(obj: Any) -> bool:  # noqa: D102
        return inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.isbuiltin(
            obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj)

    def can_document_member(cls, member: Any, membername: str, isattr: bool,
                            parent: Any) -> bool:
		Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.

        if inspect.isattributedescriptor(member):
            return True
        elif (not isinstance(parent, ModuleDocumenter)
              and not inspect.isroutine(member)
              and not isinstance(member, type)):
            return True
            return False

    def document_members(self,
                         all_members: bool = False) -> None:  # noqa: D102

    def isinstanceattribute(self) -> bool:
		Check the subject is an instance attribute.

            analyzer = ModuleAnalyzer.for_module(self.modname)
            attr_docs = analyzer.find_attr_docs()
            if self.objpath:
                key = ('.'.join(self.objpath[:-1]), self.objpath[-1])
                if key in attr_docs:
                    return True

            return False
        except PycodeError:
            return False

    def import_object(self, raiseerror: bool = False) -> bool:
		Import the object given by *self.modname* and *self.objpath* and set it as ``self.object``.

		:returns: :py:obj:`True` if successful, :py:obj:`False` if an error occurred.

            ret = super().import_object(raiseerror=True)
            if inspect.isenumattribute(self.object):
                self.object = self.object.value
            if inspect.isattributedescriptor(self.object):
                self._datadescriptor = True
                # if it's not a data descriptor
                self._datadescriptor = False
        except ImportError as exc:
            if self.isinstanceattribute():
                self.object = INSTANCEATTR
                self._datadescriptor = False
                ret = True
            elif raiseerror:
                ret = False

        return ret

    def get_real_modname(self) -> str:
		Get the real module name of an object to document.

		It can differ from the name of the module through which the object was imported.

        return self.get_attr(self.parent or self.object, "__module__",
                             None) or self.modname

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str):
		Add the directive's header.

		:param sig:

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        no_value = self.options.get("no-value", False)
        no_type = self.options.get("no-type", False)

        if not self.options.get("annotation", ''):
            ClassLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)

            # data descriptors do not have useful values
            if not no_value and not self._datadescriptor:
                if "value" in self.options:
                    self.add_line("   :value: " + self.options["value"],
                    with suppress(ValueError):
                        if self.object is not INSTANCEATTR:
                            objrepr = object_description(self.object)
                            self.add_line("   :value: " + objrepr, sourcename)

            self.add_line('', sourcename)

            if not no_type:
                if "type" in self.options:
                    self.add_line(type_template % self.options["type"],
                    # obtain type annotation for this attribute
                    the_type = get_variable_type(self)
                    if not the_type.strip():
                        obj_type = type(self.object)

                        if obj_type is object:

                            the_type = format_annotation(obj_type)
                        except Exception:

                    line = type_template % the_type
                    self.add_line(line, sourcename)


    def get_doc(  # type: ignore
        encoding: Optional[str] = None,
        ignore: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> List[List[str]]:
		Decode and return lines of the docstring(s) for the object.

		:param encoding:
		:param ignore:

            # Disable `autodoc_inherit_docstring` temporarily to avoid to obtain
            # a docstring from the value which descriptor returns unexpectedly.
            # ref: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/7805
            orig = self.env.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings
            self.env.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings = False  # type: ignore

            # Sphinx's signature is wrong wrt Optional
            if sphinx.version_info >= (4, 0):
                if encoding is not None:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "The 'encoding' argument to get_doc was removed in Sphinx 4"
                    return super().get_doc(ignore=cast(int, ignore)) or []
                return super().get_doc(cast(str, encoding), cast(
                    int, ignore)) or []  # type: ignore
            self.env.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings = orig  # type: ignore

    def add_content(self,
                    more_content: Any,
                    no_docstring: bool = False) -> None:
		Add content from docstrings, attribute documentation and user.

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # TODO: work out what to do about this
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RemovedInSphinx50Warning)

            if not self._datadescriptor:
                # if it's not a data descriptor, its docstring is very probably the
                # wrong thing to display
                no_docstring = True
            super().add_content(more_content, no_docstring)
Exemplo n.º 4
class VariableDocumenter(DataDocumenter):
	Specialized Documenter subclass for data items.

    directivetype = "data"
    objtype = "variable"
    priority: float = DataDocumenter.priority + 0.5  # type: ignore  # keeps it below TypeVarDocumenter
    option_spec = {
        "no-value": flag,
        "no-type": flag,
        "type": str,
        "value": str,

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive=directive, name=name, indent=indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str):
		Add the directive's header.

		:param sig:

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        no_value = self.options.get("no-value", False)
        no_type = self.options.get("no-type", False)

        if not self.options.get("annotation", ''):
            ModuleLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)

            if not no_value:
                if "value" in self.options:
                    self.add_line(f"   :value: {self.options['value']}",
                    with suppress(ValueError):
                        if self.object is not UNINITIALIZED_ATTR:
                            objrepr = object_description(self.object)
                            self.add_line(f"   :value: {objrepr}", sourcename)

            self.add_line('', sourcename)

            if not no_type:
                if "type" in self.options:
                    the_type = self.options["type"]
                    # obtain type annotation for this data
                    the_type = get_variable_type(self)
                    if not the_type.strip():
                        obj_type = type(self.object)

                        if obj_type is object:

                            the_type = format_annotation(obj_type)
                        except Exception:

                line = type_template % the_type
                self.add_line(line, sourcename)

Exemplo n.º 5
class TypedAttributeDocumenter(AttributeDocumenter):
	Alternative version of :class:`sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter`
	with better type hint rendering.

	Specialized Documenter subclass for attributes.

	.. versionadded:: 0.7.0

	.. versionchanged:: 1.0.0

		Now uses the type of the variable if it is not explicitly annotated.
	"""  # noqa D400

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive=directive, name=name, indent=indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())
        self._datadescriptor = True

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str):
		Add the directive's header.

		:param sig:

        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        no_value = self.options.get("no-value", False)
        no_type = self.options.get("no-type", False)

        if not self.options.get("annotation", ''):
            ClassLevelDocumenter.add_directive_header(self, sig)

            # data descriptors do not have useful values
            if not no_value and not self._datadescriptor:
                if "value" in self.options:
                    self.add_line("   :value: " + self.options["value"],
                        if self.object is not INSTANCEATTR:
                            objrepr = object_description(self.object)
                            self.add_line("   :value: " + objrepr, sourcename)
                    except ValueError:

            self.add_line('', sourcename)

            if not no_type:
                if "type" in self.options:
                    self.add_line(type_template % self.options["type"],
                    # obtain type annotation for this attribute
                    the_type = get_variable_type(self)
                    if not the_type.strip():
                            the_type = format_annotation(type(self.object))
                        except Exception:

                    line = type_template % the_type
                    self.add_line(line, sourcename)

class NamedTupleDocumenter(ClassDocumenter):
	Sphinx autodoc :class:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter`
	for documenting :class:`typing.NamedTuple`\s.

	.. versionadded:: 0.8.0

	.. versionchanged:: 0.1.0

		Will no longer attempt to find attribute docstrings from other namedtuple classes.
	"""  # noqa: D400

    objtype = "namedtuple"
    directivetype = "namedtuple"
    priority = 20
    object: Type  # noqa: A003  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive, name, indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())

    def can_document_member(
        member: Any,
        membername: str,
        isattr: bool,
        parent: Any,
    ) -> bool:
		Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.

		:param member: The member being checked.
		:param membername: The name of the member.
		:param isattr:
		:param parent: The parent of the member.

        return is_namedtuple(member)

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = True):
		Add extra content (from docstrings, attribute docs etc.),
		but not the :class:`typing.NamedTuple`\'s docstring.

		:param more_content:
		:param no_docstring:
		"""  # noqa: D400

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # TODO: work out what to do about this
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RemovedInSphinx50Warning)

            Documenter.add_content(self, more_content, True)

        # set sourcename and add content from attribute documentation
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        params, pre_output, post_output = self._get_docstring()

        for line in pre_output:
            self.add_line(line, sourcename)

    def _get_docstring(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Param], List[str], List[str]]:
		Returns params, pre_output, post_output.

        # Size varies depending on docutils config
        tab_size = self.env.app.config.docutils_tab_width

        if self.object.__doc__:
            docstring = dedent(
        elif "show-inheritance" not in self.options:
            docstring = [":class:`typing.NamedTuple`."]
            docstring = ['']

        docstring = list(self.process_doc([docstring]))

        return parse_parameters(docstring, tab_size=tab_size)

    def add_directive_header(self, sig: str) -> None:
		Add the directive's header, and the inheritance information if the ``:show-inheritance:`` flag set.

		:param sig: The NamedTuple's signature.


        if "show-inheritance" not in self.options:

        acceptable_bases = {
            "   Bases: :class:`tuple`",
            "   Bases: :py:class:`tuple`",
            "   Bases: :class:`tuple`, :class:`typing.Generic`",
            "   Bases: :py:class:`tuple`, :py:class:`typing.Generic`",
            "   Bases: :class:`NamedTuple`",
            "   Bases: :py:class:`NamedTuple`",

        # TODO: support generic bases for multiple inheritance

        if self.directive.result[
                -1] in acceptable_bases or baseclass_is_private(self.object):
            # TODO: multiple inheritance

            if getattr(self.env.config, "generic_bases_fully_qualified",
                # Might not be present; extension might not be enabled
                prefix = ''
                prefix = '~'

            if hasattr(self.object, "__annotations__"):
                    -1] = f"   Bases: :class:`{prefix}typing.NamedTuple`"
                    -1] = f"   Bases: :func:`{prefix}collections.namedtuple`"

    def filter_members(
        members: ObjectMembers,
        want_all: bool,
    ) -> List[Tuple[str, Any, bool]]:
		Filter the list of members to always include ``__new__`` if it has a different signature to the tuple.

		:param members:
		:param want_all:

        all_hints = get_type_hints(self.object)
        class_hints = {
            k: all_hints[k]
            for k in self.object._fields if k in all_hints

        # TODO: need a better way to partially resolve type hints, and warn about failures
        new_hints = get_type_hints(

        # Stock NamedTuples don't have these, but customised collections.namedtuple or hand-rolled classes may
        if "cls" in new_hints:
        if "return" in new_hints:

        if class_hints and new_hints and class_hints != new_hints:
            #: __new__ has a different signature or different annotations

            def unskip_new(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
                if name == "__new__":
                    return False
                return None

            listener_id = self.env.app.connect("autodoc-skip-member",
            members_ = super().filter_members(members, want_all)
            return members_

            return super().filter_members(members, want_all)

    def sort_members(
        documenters: List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]],
        order: str,
    ) -> List[Tuple[Documenter, bool]]:
		Sort the :class:`typing.NamedTuple`\'s members.

		:param documenters:
		:param order:

        # The documenters for the fields and methods, in the desired order
        # The fields will be in bysource order regardless of the order option
        documenters = super().sort_members(documenters, order)

        # Size varies depending on docutils config
        a_tab = ' ' * self.env.app.config.docutils_tab_width

        # Mapping of member names to docstrings (as list of strings)
        member_docstrings: Dict[str, List[str]]

            namedtuple_source = textwrap.dedent(inspect.getsource(self.object))

            # Mapping of member names to docstrings (as list of strings)
            member_docstrings = {
                k[1]: v
                for k, v in ModuleAnalyzer.for_string(

        except (TypeError, OSError):
            member_docstrings = {}

        # set sourcename and add content from attribute documentation
        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        params, pre_output, post_output = self._get_docstring()

        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        self.add_line(":Fields:", sourcename)
        # TODO: Add xref targets for each field as an attribute
        # TODO: support for default_values
        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        fields = self.object._fields

        for pos, field in enumerate(fields):
            doc: List[str] = ['']
            arg_type: str = ''

            # Prefer doc from class docstring
            if field in params:
                doc, arg_type = params.pop(field).values()  # type: ignore

            # Otherwise use attribute docstring
            if not ''.join(doc).strip() and field in member_docstrings:
                doc = member_docstrings[field]

            # Fallback to namedtuple's default docstring
            if not ''.join(doc).strip():
                doc = [getattr(self.object, field).__doc__]

            # Prefer annotations over docstring types
            type_hints = get_type_hints(self.object)
            if type_hints:
                if field in type_hints:
                    arg_type = format_annotation(type_hints[field])

            field_entry = [f"{a_tab}{pos})", "|nbsp|", f"**{field}**"]
            if arg_type:

            if field_alias_re.match(getattr(self.object, field).__doc__ or ''):
                getattr(self.object, field).__doc__ = ' '.join(doc)

            self.add_line(' '.join(field_entry), sourcename)

        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        for line in post_output:
            self.add_line(line, sourcename)

        self.add_line('', sourcename)

        # Remove documenters corresponding to fields and return the rest
        return [
            d for d in documenters if d[0].name.split('.')[-1] not in fields
Exemplo n.º 7
class ProtocolDocumenter(ClassDocumenter):
	Sphinx autodoc :class:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc.Documenter`
	for documenting :class:`typing.Protocol`\s.

	.. versionadded:: 0.2.0
	"""  # noqa D400

    objtype = "protocol"
    directivetype = "protocol"
    priority = 20
    option_spec: Dict[str, Callable] = {
        "noindex": flag,
        "member-order": member_order_option,
        "show-inheritance": flag,
        "exclude-protocol-members": exclude_members_option,

    def __init__(self,
                 directive: DocumenterBridge,
                 name: str,
                 indent: str = '') -> None:
        super().__init__(directive, name, indent)
        self.options = Options(self.options.copy())

    def can_document_member(
        member: Any,
        membername: str,
        isattr: bool,
        parent: Any,
    ) -> bool:
		Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.

		:param member: The member being checked.
		:param membername: The name of the member.
		:param isattr:
		:param parent: The parent of the member.

        # _is_protocol = True
        return isinstance(member, _ProtocolMeta)

    def format_signature(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
		Protocols do not have a signature.

        return ''  # pragma: no cover

    def add_content(self, more_content: Any, no_docstring: bool = False):
		Add the autodocumenter content.

		:param more_content:
		:param no_docstring:


        sourcename = self.get_sourcename()

        if not getdoc(self.object) and "show-inheritance" not in self.options:
            self.add_line(":class:`typing.Protocol`.", sourcename)
            self.add_line('', sourcename)

        if hasattr(
                "_is_runtime_protocol") and self.object._is_runtime_protocol:
            self.add_line(runtime_message, sourcename)
            self.add_line('', sourcename)

            "Classes that implement this protocol must have the following methods / attributes:",
        self.add_line('', sourcename)

    def document_members(self, all_members: bool = False) -> None:
		Generate reST for member documentation.

		All members are always documented.


    def filter_members(
        members: List[Tuple[str, Any]],
        want_all: bool,
    ) -> List[Tuple[str, Any, bool]]:
		Filter the given member list.

		:param members:
		:param want_all:

        ret = []

        # process members and determine which to skip
        for (membername, member) in members:
            # if isattr is True, the member is documented as an attribute

            if safe_getattr(member, "__sphinx_mock__", False):
                # mocked module or object
                keep = False

            elif (self.options.get("exclude-protocol-members", [])
                  and membername in self.options["exclude-protocol-members"]):
                # remove members given by exclude-protocol-members
                keep = False

            elif membername.startswith('_') and not (
                    membername.startswith("__") and membername.endswith("__")):
                keep = False

            elif membername not in globally_excluded_methods:
                # Magic method you wouldn't overload, or private method.
                if membername in dir(self.object.__base__):
                    keep = member is not getattr(self.object.__base__,
                    keep = True

                keep = False

            # give the user a chance to decide whether this member
            # should be skipped
            if self.env.app:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                    skip_user = self.env.app.emit_firstresult(
                        not keep,

                    if skip_user is not None:
                        keep = not skip_user

                except Exception as exc:
                    filter_members_warning(member, exc)
                    keep = False

            if keep:
                ret.append((membername, member, member is INSTANCEATTR))

        return ret