Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, buildername,
                 confoverrides=None, status=sys.stdout, warning=sys.stderr,
                 freshenv=False, warningiserror=False, tags=None, verbosity=0,
        # type: (unicode, unicode, unicode, unicode, unicode, Dict, IO, IO, bool, bool, List[unicode], int, int) -> None  # NOQA
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.extensions = {}                    # type: Dict[unicode, Extension]
        self._setting_up_extension = ['?']      # type: List[unicode]
        self.builder = None                     # type: Builder
        self.env = None                         # type: BuildEnvironment
        self.registry = SphinxComponentRegistry()
        self.enumerable_nodes = {}              # type: Dict[nodes.Node, Tuple[unicode, Callable]]  # NOQA
        self.post_transforms = []               # type: List[Transform]
        self.html_themes = {}                   # type: Dict[unicode, unicode]

        self.srcdir = srcdir
        self.confdir = confdir
        self.outdir = outdir
        self.doctreedir = doctreedir

        self.parallel = parallel

        if status is None:
            self._status = cStringIO()      # type: IO
            self.quiet = True
            self._status = status
            self.quiet = False

        if warning is None:
            self._warning = cStringIO()     # type: IO
            self._warning = warning
        self._warncount = 0
        self.warningiserror = warningiserror
        logging.setup(self, self._status, self._warning)

        self.events = EventManager()

        # keep last few messages for traceback
        # This will be filled by sphinx.util.logging.LastMessagesWriter
        self.messagelog = deque(maxlen=10)  # type: deque

        # say hello to the world
        logger.info(bold('Running Sphinx v%s' % sphinx.__display_version__))

        # status code for command-line application
        self.statuscode = 0

        if not path.isdir(outdir):
            logger.info('making output directory...')

        # read config
        self.tags = Tags(tags)
        self.config = Config(confdir, CONFIG_FILENAME,
                             confoverrides or {}, self.tags)
        # defer checking types until i18n has been initialized

        # initialize some limited config variables before initialize i18n and loading
        # extensions

        # set up translation infrastructure

        # check the Sphinx version if requested
        if self.config.needs_sphinx and self.config.needs_sphinx > sphinx.__display_version__:
            raise VersionRequirementError(
                _('This project needs at least Sphinx v%s and therefore cannot '
                  'be built with this version.') % self.config.needs_sphinx)

        # set confdir to srcdir if -C given (!= no confdir); a few pieces
        # of code expect a confdir to be set
        if self.confdir is None:
            self.confdir = self.srcdir

        # load all built-in extension modules
        for extension in builtin_extensions:

        # load all user-given extension modules
        for extension in self.config.extensions:

        # preload builder module (before init config values)

        # the config file itself can be an extension
        if self.config.setup:
            self._setting_up_extension = ['conf.py']
            # py31 doesn't have 'callable' function for below check
            if hasattr(self.config.setup, '__call__'):
                raise ConfigError(
                    _("'setup' as currently defined in conf.py isn't a Python callable. "
                      "Please modify its definition to make it a callable function. This is "
                      "needed for conf.py to behave as a Sphinx extension.")

        # now that we know all config values, collect them from conf.py

        # check extension versions if requested
        verify_required_extensions(self, self.config.needs_extensions)

        # check primary_domain if requested
        primary_domain = self.config.primary_domain
        if primary_domain and not self.registry.has_domain(primary_domain):
            logger.warning(_('primary_domain %r not found, ignored.'), primary_domain)

        # create the builder
        self.builder = self.create_builder(buildername)
        # check all configuration values for permissible types
        # set up source_parsers
        # set up the build environment
        # set up the builder
        # set up the enumerable nodes
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, buildername,
                 confoverrides=None, status=sys.stdout, warning=sys.stderr,
                 freshenv=False, warningiserror=False, tags=None, verbosity=0,
        # type: (unicode, unicode, unicode, unicode, unicode, Dict, IO, IO, bool, bool, List[unicode], int, int) -> None  # NOQA
        self.verbosity = verbosity
        self.extensions = {}                    # type: Dict[unicode, Extension]
        self._setting_up_extension = ['?']      # type: List[unicode]
        self.builder = None                     # type: Builder
        self.env = None                         # type: BuildEnvironment
        self.registry = SphinxComponentRegistry()
        self.enumerable_nodes = {}              # type: Dict[nodes.Node, Tuple[unicode, Callable]]  # NOQA
        self.post_transforms = []               # type: List[Transform]
        self.html_themes = {}                   # type: Dict[unicode, unicode]

        self.srcdir = srcdir
        self.confdir = confdir
        self.outdir = outdir
        self.doctreedir = doctreedir

        self.parallel = parallel

        if status is None:
            self._status = cStringIO()      # type: IO
            self.quiet = True
            self._status = status
            self.quiet = False

        if warning is None:
            self._warning = cStringIO()     # type: IO
            self._warning = warning
        self._warncount = 0
        self.warningiserror = warningiserror
        logging.setup(self, self._status, self._warning)

        self.events = EventManager()

        # keep last few messages for traceback
        # This will be filled by sphinx.util.logging.LastMessagesWriter
        self.messagelog = deque(maxlen=10)  # type: deque

        # say hello to the world
        logger.info(bold('Running Sphinx v%s' % sphinx.__display_version__))

        # status code for command-line application
        self.statuscode = 0

        if not path.isdir(outdir):
            logger.info('making output directory...')

        # read config
        self.tags = Tags(tags)
        self.config = Config(confdir, CONFIG_FILENAME,
                             confoverrides or {}, self.tags)
        # defer checking types until i18n has been initialized

        # initialize some limited config variables before initialize i18n and loading
        # extensions

        # set up translation infrastructure

        # check the Sphinx version if requested
        if self.config.needs_sphinx and self.config.needs_sphinx > sphinx.__display_version__:
            raise VersionRequirementError(
                __('This project needs at least Sphinx v%s and therefore cannot '
                   'be built with this version.') % self.config.needs_sphinx)

        # set confdir to srcdir if -C given (!= no confdir); a few pieces
        # of code expect a confdir to be set
        if self.confdir is None:
            self.confdir = self.srcdir

        # load all built-in extension modules
        for extension in builtin_extensions:

        # load all user-given extension modules
        for extension in self.config.extensions:

        # preload builder module (before init config values)

        # the config file itself can be an extension
        if self.config.setup:
            self._setting_up_extension = ['conf.py']
            # py31 doesn't have 'callable' function for below check
            if hasattr(self.config.setup, '__call__'):
                raise ConfigError(
                    __("'setup' as currently defined in conf.py isn't a Python callable. "
                       "Please modify its definition to make it a callable function. This is "
                       "needed for conf.py to behave as a Sphinx extension.")

        # now that we know all config values, collect them from conf.py

        # check extension versions if requested
        verify_required_extensions(self, self.config.needs_extensions)

        # check primary_domain if requested
        primary_domain = self.config.primary_domain
        if primary_domain and not self.registry.has_domain(primary_domain):
            logger.warning(__('primary_domain %r not found, ignored.'), primary_domain)

        # create the builder
        self.builder = self.create_builder(buildername)
        # check all configuration values for permissible types
        # set up source_parsers
        # set up the build environment
        # set up the builder
        # set up the enumerable nodes