Exemplo n.º 1
    def create_index(self, builder, group_entries=True,
                     _fixre=re.compile(r'(.*) ([(][^()]*[)])')):
        # type: (Builder, bool, Pattern) -> List[Tuple[unicode, List[Tuple[unicode, List[unicode]]]]]  # NOQA
        """Create the real index from the collected index entries."""
        from sphinx.environment import NoUri

        new = {}  # type: Dict[unicode, List]

        def add_entry(word, subword, main, link=True, dic=new, key=None):
            # Force the word to be unicode if it's a ASCII bytestring.
            # This will solve problems with unicode normalization later.
            # For instance the RFC role will add bytestrings at the moment
            word = text_type(word)
            entry = dic.get(word)
            if not entry:
                dic[word] = entry = [[], {}, key]
            if subword:
                add_entry(subword, '', main, link=link, dic=entry[1], key=key)
            elif link:
                    uri = builder.get_relative_uri('genindex', fn) + '#' + tid
                except NoUri:
                    # maintain links in sorted/deterministic order
                    bisect.insort(entry[0], (main, uri))

        for fn, entries in iteritems(self.data):
            # new entry types must be listed in directives/other.py!
            for type, value, tid, main, index_key in entries:
                    if type == 'single':
                            entry, subentry = split_into(2, 'single', value)
                        except ValueError:
                            entry, = split_into(1, 'single', value)
                            subentry = ''
                        add_entry(entry, subentry, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'pair':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'pair', value)
                        add_entry(first, second, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(second, first, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'triple':
                        first, second, third = split_into(3, 'triple', value)
                        add_entry(first, second + ' ' + third, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(second, third + ', ' + first, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(third, first + ' ' + second, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'see':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                        add_entry(first, _('see %s') % second, None,
                                  link=False, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'seealso':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                        add_entry(first, _('see also %s') % second, None,
                                  link=False, key=index_key)
                        self.env.warn(fn, 'unknown index entry type %r' % type)
                except ValueError as err:
                    self.env.warn(fn, str(err))

        # sort the index entries; put all symbols at the front, even those
        # following the letters in ASCII, this is where the chr(127) comes from
        def keyfunc(entry, lcletters=string.ascii_lowercase + '_'):
            lckey = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', entry[0].lower())
            if lckey[0:1] in lcletters:
                lckey = chr(127) + lckey
            # ensure a determinstic order *within* letters by also sorting on
            # the entry itself
            return (lckey, entry[0])
        newlist = sorted(new.items(), key=keyfunc)

        if group_entries:
            # fixup entries: transform
            #   func() (in module foo)
            #   func() (in module bar)
            # into
            #   func()
            #     (in module foo)
            #     (in module bar)
            oldkey = ''  # type: unicode
            oldsubitems = None  # type: Dict[unicode, List]
            i = 0
            while i < len(newlist):
                key, (targets, subitems, _key) = newlist[i]
                # cannot move if it has subitems; structure gets too complex
                if not subitems:
                    m = _fixre.match(key)
                    if m:
                        if oldkey == m.group(1):
                            # prefixes match: add entry as subitem of the
                            # previous entry
                            oldsubitems.setdefault(m.group(2), [[], {}, _key])[0].\
                            del newlist[i]
                        oldkey = m.group(1)
                        oldkey = key
                oldsubitems = subitems
                i += 1

        # group the entries by letter
        def keyfunc2(item, letters=string.ascii_uppercase + '_'):
            # hack: mutating the subitems dicts to a list in the keyfunc
            k, v = item
            v[1] = sorted((si, se) for (si, (se, void, void)) in iteritems(v[1]))
            if v[2] is None:
                # now calculate the key
                letter = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', k[0])[0].upper()
                if letter in letters:
                    return letter
                    # get all other symbols under one heading
                    return _('Symbols')
                return v[2]
        return [(key_, list(group))
                for (key_, group) in groupby(newlist, keyfunc2)]
    def create_index(self, builder: Builder, group_entries: bool = True,
                     _fixre: Pattern = re.compile(r'(.*) ([(][^()]*[)])')
                     ) -> List[Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, Any]]]]:
        """Create the real index from the collected index entries."""
        new = {}  # type: Dict[str, List]

        def add_entry(word: str, subword: str, main: str, link: bool = True,
                      dic: Dict = new, key: str = None) -> None:
            # Force the word to be unicode if it's a ASCII bytestring.
            # This will solve problems with unicode normalization later.
            # For instance the RFC role will add bytestrings at the moment
            word = str(word)
            entry = dic.get(word)
            if not entry:
                dic[word] = entry = [[], {}, key]
            if subword:
                add_entry(subword, '', main, link=link, dic=entry[1], key=key)
            elif link:
                    uri = builder.get_relative_uri('genindex', fn) + '#' + tid
                except NoUri:
                    entry[0].append((main, uri))

        domain = cast(IndexDomain, self.env.get_domain('index'))
        for fn, entries in domain.entries.items():
            # new entry types must be listed in directives/other.py!
            for type, value, tid, main, index_key in entries:
                    if type == 'single':
                            entry, subentry = split_into(2, 'single', value)
                        except ValueError:
                            entry, = split_into(1, 'single', value)
                            subentry = ''
                        add_entry(entry, subentry, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'pair':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'pair', value)
                        add_entry(first, second, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(second, first, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'triple':
                        first, second, third = split_into(3, 'triple', value)
                        add_entry(first, second + ' ' + third, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(second, third + ', ' + first, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(third, first + ' ' + second, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'see':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                        add_entry(first, _('see %s') % second, None,
                                  link=False, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'seealso':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                        add_entry(first, _('see also %s') % second, None,
                                  link=False, key=index_key)
                        logger.warning(__('unknown index entry type %r'), type, location=fn)
                except ValueError as err:
                    logger.warning(str(err), location=fn)

        # sort the index entries for same keyword.
        def keyfunc0(entry: Tuple[str, str]) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
            main, uri = entry
            return (not main, uri)  # show main entries at first

        for indexentry in new.values():
            for subentry in indexentry[1].values():
                subentry[0].sort(key=keyfunc0)  # type: ignore

        # sort the index entries
        def keyfunc(entry: Tuple[str, List]) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]:
            key, (void, void, category_key) = entry
            if category_key:
                # using specified category key to sort
                key = category_key
            lckey = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', key.lower())
            if lckey.startswith('\N{RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK}'):
                lckey = lckey[1:]

            if lckey[0:1].isalpha() or lckey.startswith('_'):
                # put non-symbol characters at the folloing group (1)
                sortkey = (1, lckey)
                # put symbols at the front of the index (0)
                sortkey = (0, lckey)
            # ensure a determinstic order *within* letters by also sorting on
            # the entry itself
            return (sortkey, entry[0])
        newlist = sorted(new.items(), key=keyfunc)

        if group_entries:
            # fixup entries: transform
            #   func() (in module foo)
            #   func() (in module bar)
            # into
            #   func()
            #     (in module foo)
            #     (in module bar)
            oldkey = ''
            oldsubitems = None  # type: Dict[str, List]
            i = 0
            while i < len(newlist):
                key, (targets, subitems, _key) = newlist[i]
                # cannot move if it has subitems; structure gets too complex
                if not subitems:
                    m = _fixre.match(key)
                    if m:
                        if oldkey == m.group(1):
                            # prefixes match: add entry as subitem of the
                            # previous entry
                            oldsubitems.setdefault(m.group(2), [[], {}, _key])[0].\
                            del newlist[i]
                        oldkey = m.group(1)
                        oldkey = key
                oldsubitems = subitems
                i += 1

        # sort the sub-index entries
        def keyfunc2(entry: Tuple[str, List]) -> str:
            key = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', entry[0].lower())
            if key.startswith('\N{RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK}'):
                key = key[1:]
            if key[0:1].isalpha() or key.startswith('_'):
                key = chr(127) + key
            return key

        # group the entries by letter
        def keyfunc3(item: Tuple[str, List]) -> str:
            # hack: mutating the subitems dicts to a list in the keyfunc
            k, v = item
            v[1] = sorted(((si, se) for (si, (se, void, void)) in v[1].items()),
            if v[2] is None:
                # now calculate the key
                if k.startswith('\N{RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK}'):
                    k = k[1:]
                letter = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', k[0])[0].upper()
                if letter.isalpha() or letter == '_':
                    return letter
                    # get all other symbols under one heading
                    return _('Symbols')
                return v[2]
        return [(key_, list(group))
                for (key_, group) in groupby(newlist, keyfunc3)]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_index(self,
                     _fixre=re.compile(r'(.*) ([(][^()]*[)])')):
        # type: (Builder, bool, Pattern) -> List[Tuple[unicode, List[Tuple[unicode, Any]]]]  # NOQA
        """Create the real index from the collected index entries."""
        from sphinx.environment import NoUri

        new = {}  # type: Dict[unicode, List]

        def add_entry(word, subword, main, link=True, dic=new, key=None):
            # type: (unicode, unicode, unicode, bool, Dict, unicode) -> None
            # Force the word to be unicode if it's a ASCII bytestring.
            # This will solve problems with unicode normalization later.
            # For instance the RFC role will add bytestrings at the moment
            word = text_type(word)
            entry = dic.get(word)
            if not entry:
                dic[word] = entry = [[], {}, key]
            if subword:
                add_entry(subword, '', main, link=link, dic=entry[1], key=key)
            elif link:
                    uri = builder.get_relative_uri('genindex', fn) + '#' + tid
                except NoUri:
                    # maintain links in sorted/deterministic order
                    bisect.insort(entry[0], (main, uri))

        for fn, entries in iteritems(self.env.indexentries):
            # new entry types must be listed in directives/other.py!
            for type, value, tid, main, index_key in entries:
                    if type == 'single':
                            entry, subentry = split_into(2, 'single', value)
                        except ValueError:
                            entry, = split_into(1, 'single', value)
                            subentry = ''
                        add_entry(entry, subentry, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'pair':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'pair', value)
                        add_entry(first, second, main, key=index_key)
                        add_entry(second, first, main, key=index_key)
                    elif type == 'triple':
                        first, second, third = split_into(3, 'triple', value)
                                  second + ' ' + third,
                                  third + ', ' + first,
                                  first + ' ' + second,
                    elif type == 'see':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                                  _('see %s') % second,
                    elif type == 'seealso':
                        first, second = split_into(2, 'see', value)
                                  _('see also %s') % second,
                        logger.warning('unknown index entry type %r',
                except ValueError as err:
                    logger.warning(str(err), location=fn)

        # sort the index entries; put all symbols at the front, even those
        # following the letters in ASCII, this is where the chr(127) comes from
        def keyfunc(entry):
            # type: (Tuple[unicode, List]) -> Tuple[unicode, unicode]
            key, (void, void, category_key) = entry
            if category_key:
                # using specified category key to sort
                key = category_key
            lckey = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', key.lower())
            if lckey.startswith(u'\N{RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK}'):
                lckey = lckey[1:]
            if lckey[0:1].isalpha() or lckey.startswith('_'):
                lckey = chr(127) + lckey
            # ensure a determinstic order *within* letters by also sorting on
            # the entry itself
            return (lckey, entry[0])

        newlist = sorted(new.items(), key=keyfunc)

        if group_entries:
            # fixup entries: transform
            #   func() (in module foo)
            #   func() (in module bar)
            # into
            #   func()
            #     (in module foo)
            #     (in module bar)
            oldkey = ''  # type: unicode
            oldsubitems = None  # type: Dict[unicode, List]
            i = 0
            while i < len(newlist):
                key, (targets, subitems, _key) = newlist[i]
                # cannot move if it has subitems; structure gets too complex
                if not subitems:
                    m = _fixre.match(key)
                    if m:
                        if oldkey == m.group(1):
                            # prefixes match: add entry as subitem of the
                            # previous entry
                            oldsubitems.setdefault(m.group(2), [[], {}, _key])[0].\
                            del newlist[i]
                        oldkey = m.group(1)
                        oldkey = key
                oldsubitems = subitems
                i += 1

        # group the entries by letter
        def keyfunc2(item):
            # type: (Tuple[unicode, List]) -> unicode
            # hack: mutating the subitems dicts to a list in the keyfunc
            k, v = item
            v[1] = sorted(
                (si, se) for (si, (se, void, void)) in iteritems(v[1]))
            if v[2] is None:
                # now calculate the key
                if k.startswith(u'\N{RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK}'):
                    k = k[1:]
                letter = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', k[0])[0].upper()
                if letter.isalpha() or letter == '_':
                    return letter
                    # get all other symbols under one heading
                    return _('Symbols')
                return v[2]

        return [(key_, list(group))
                for (key_, group) in groupby(newlist, keyfunc2)]