Exemplo n.º 1
def cb2text(vmi):
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--cb2stdout")
    text = act.run(vmi, cmd)
    utils.info(vmi, "Get from clipboard: %s", text)
    return text
Exemplo n.º 2
def clear_cb(vmi):
    """Use the script to clear clipboard.
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--clear")
    utils.info(vmi, "Clear clipboard.")
    act.run(vmi, cmd)
Exemplo n.º 3
def img2cb(vmi, img):
    """Use the clipboard script to copy an image into the clipboard.
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--img2cb", img)
    utils.info(vmi, "Put image %s in clipboard.", img)
    act.run(vmi, cmd, timeout=60)
Exemplo n.º 4
def imggen(vmi, img, size):
    """Generate an image file.
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--genimg", size, img)
    utils.info(vmi, "Generate an %s image of %s size %s.", img, size)
    act.run(vmi, cmd)
Exemplo n.º 5
def text2cb(vmi, text):
    """Use the clipboard script to copy an image into the clipboard.
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    params = "--txt2cb"
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--txt2cb", text)
    utils.info(vmi, "Put in clipboard: %s", text)
    act.run(vmi, cmd)
Exemplo n.º 6
def cb2img(vmi, img):

    img : str
        Where to save img.

    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--cb2img", img)
    utils.info(vmi, "Dump clipboard to image %s.", img)
    act.run(vmi, cmd, timeout=60)
Exemplo n.º 7
def cb2file(vmi, fname):
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--cb2txtf", fname)
    utils.info(vmi, "Dump clipboard to file.", fname)
    act.run(vmi, cmd, timeout=300)
Exemplo n.º 8
def gen_text2cb(vmi, kbytes):
    script = vmi.cfg.helper_cb
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi, script)
    cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, "--kbytes2cb", size)
    utils.info(vmi, "Put %s kbytes of text to clipboard.", kbytes)
    act.run(vmi, cmd)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(vt_test, test_params, env):
    """Run remote-viewer at client VM.

    vt_test : avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTest
        QEMU test object.
    test_params : virttest.utils_params.Params
        Dictionary with the test parameters.
    env : virttest.utils_env.Env
        Dictionary with test environment.

    test = stest.ClientGuestTest(vt_test, test_params, env)
    cfg = test.cfg
    vmi_c = test.vmi_c
    vmi_g = test.vmi_g
    homedir_g = act.home_dir(vmi_g)
    success = False
    if utils.vm_is_rhel6(test.vm_c):
        # Activate accessibility for rhel6, BZ#1340160 for rhel7
    ssn = act.new_ssn(vmi_c)
    act.rv_connect(vmi_c, ssn)
    # Nautilus cannot be docked to side when default resolution
    act.set_resolution(vmi_c, "1280x1024")
    if not utils.vm_is_rhel8(test.vm_c):
        act.install_rpm(vmi_c, vmi_c.cfg.dogtail_rpm)
    dst_script = act.chk_deps(vmi_c, cfg.helper_c)
    if cfg.locked:
        # enable screen lock
        cmd = utils.Cmd('rm', '-I', '/etc/dconf/db/local.d/screensaver')
        act.run(vmi_g, cmd, admin=True)
        cmd = utils.Cmd('dconf', 'update')
        act.run(vmi_g, cmd, admin=True)
        cmd = utils.Cmd('loginctl', 'lock-sessions')
        act.run(vmi_g, cmd, admin=True)
        logging.info('Locking gnome session on guest')
    if 'generate' in cfg.test_xfer_file:
        if cfg.copy_img:
            test_xfer_file = 'test.png'
            act.imggen(vmi_c, test_xfer_file, cfg.test_image_size)
            test_xfer_file = 'test.txt'
            act.gen_rnd_file(vmi_c, test_xfer_file, cfg.xfer_kbytes)
    elif 'http' in cfg.test_xfer_file:
        cmd = utils.Cmd('wget', cfg.test_xfer_file)
        act.run(vmi_c, cmd)
        test_xfer_file = os.path.basename(cfg.test_xfer_file)
        logger.info('Downloading %s', test_xfer_file)
    act.run(vmi_c, "nautilus 2>/dev/null &")
    if cfg.xfer_args:
        cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, cfg.xfer_args, test_xfer_file)
        cmd = utils.Cmd(dst_script, test_xfer_file)
    logger.info('Sending command to client: %s', cmd)
        act.run(vmi_c, cmd)
    except aexpect.exceptions.ShellCmdError:
        logger.info('Cannot transfer a file.')
        utils.SpiceTestFail(test, "Test failed.")
    md5src = act.md5sum(vmi_c, test_xfer_file)
        md5dst = act.md5sum(
            vmi_g, os.path.join(homedir_g, 'Downloads', test_xfer_file))
    except aexpect.exceptions.ShellCmdError:
        logger.info('File is not transferred.')
        md5dst = None
    if md5src == md5dst:
        logger.info('%s transferred to guest VM', test_xfer_file)
        cmd1 = utils.Cmd('lsof')
        cmd2 = utils.Cmd('grep', '-q', '-s', test_xfer_file)
        cmd = utils.combine(cmd1, '|', cmd2)
        status, _ = act.rstatus(vmi_g, cmd)
        if status:
            logger.info('Transferred file %s is closed.', test_xfer_file)
            success = True
    elif cfg.xfer_args == '--negative':
        logger.info('File %s was not transferred.', test_xfer_file)
        success = True
    if not success:
        raise utils.SpiceTestFail(test, "Test failed.")