Exemplo n.º 1
def threshold_isi_violations(
    Computes and thresholds the isi violations in the sorted dataset with the given sign and value.

    sorting: SortingExtractor
        The sorting result to be evaluated.
    threshold: int or float
        The threshold for the given metric.
    threshold_sign: str
        If 'less', will threshold any metric less than the given threshold
        If 'less_or_equal', will threshold any metric less than or equal to the given threshold
        If 'greater', will threshold any metric greater than the given threshold
        If 'greater_or_equal', will threshold any metric greater than or equal to the given threshold
    isi_threshold: float
        The isi threshold for calculating isi violations.
    min_isi: float
        The minimum expected isi value.
        The sampling frequency of the result. If None, will check to see if sampling frequency is in sorting extractor.
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments among the following:
            save_property_or_features: bool
                If True, the metric is saved as sorting property
            verbose: bool
                If True, will be verbose in metric computation

    threshold sorting extractor
    params_dict = update_all_param_dicts_with_kwargs(kwargs)

    md = MetricData(sorting=sorting,

    iv = ISIViolation(metric_data=md)
    threshold_sorting = iv.threshold_metric(threshold, threshold_sign,
                                            isi_threshold, min_isi, **kwargs)
    return threshold_sorting
Exemplo n.º 2
def threshold_presence_ratios(sorting,
    Computes and thresholds the presence ratios in the sorted dataset with the given sign and value.

    sorting: SortingExtractor
        The sorting result to be evaluated
    threshold: int or float
        The threshold for the given metric
    threshold_sign: str
        If 'less', will threshold any metric less than the given threshold
        If 'less_or_equal', will threshold any metric less than or equal to the given threshold
        If 'greater', will threshold any metric greater than the given threshold
        If 'greater_or_equal', will threshold any metric greater than or equal to the given threshold
        The sampling frequency of the result. If None, will check to see if sampling frequency is in sorting extractor
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments among the following:
            save_property_or_features: bool
                If True, the metric is saved as sorting property
            verbose: bool
                If True, will be verbose in metric computation

    threshold sorting extractor
    params_dict = update_all_param_dicts_with_kwargs(kwargs)

    md = MetricData(sorting=sorting,

    pr = PresenceRatio(metric_data=md)
    threshold_sorting = pr.threshold_metric(threshold, threshold_sign,
    return threshold_sorting
Exemplo n.º 3
def threshold_drift_metrics(
    Computes and thresholds the specified drift metric for the sorted dataset with the given sign and value.

    sorting: SortingExtractor
        The sorting result to be evaluated.
    recording: RecordingExtractor
        The given recording extractor
    threshold: int or float
        The threshold for the given metric.
    threshold_sign: str
        If 'less', will threshold any metric less than the given threshold.
        If 'less_or_equal', will threshold any metric less than or equal to the given threshold.
        If 'greater', will threshold any metric greater than the given threshold.
        If 'greater_or_equal', will threshold any metric greater than or equal to the given threshold.
    metric_name: str
        The name of the drift metric to be thresholded (either "max_drift" or "cumulative_drift").
    drift_metrics_interval_s: float
        Time period for evaluating drift.
    drift_metrics_min_spikes_per_interval: int
        Minimum number of spikes for evaluating drift metrics per interval.
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments among the following:
            method: str
                If 'absolute' (default), amplitudes are absolute amplitudes in uV are returned.
                If 'relative', amplitudes are returned as ratios between waveform amplitudes and template amplitudes
            peak: str
                If maximum channel has to be found among negative peaks ('neg'), positive ('pos') or
                both ('both' - default)
            frames_before: int
                Frames before peak to compute amplitude
            frames_after: int
                Frames after peak to compute amplitude
            apply_filter: bool
                If True, recording is bandpass-filtered
            freq_min: float
                High-pass frequency for optional filter (default 300 Hz)
            freq_max: float
                Low-pass frequency for optional filter (default 6000 Hz)
            grouping_property: str
                Property to group channels. E.g. if the recording extractor has the 'group' property and
                'grouping_property' is 'group', then waveforms are computed group-wise.
            ms_before: float
                Time period in ms to cut waveforms before the spike events
            ms_after: float
                Time period in ms to cut waveforms after the spike events
            dtype: dtype
                The numpy dtype of the waveforms
            compute_property_from_recording: bool
                If True and 'grouping_property' is given, the property of each unit is assigned as the corresponding
                property of the recording extractor channel on which the average waveform is the largest
            max_channels_per_waveforms: int or None
                Maximum channels per waveforms to return. If None, all channels are returned
            n_jobs: int
                Number of parallel jobs (default 1)
            memmap: bool
                If True, waveforms are saved as memmap object (recommended for long recordings with many channels)
            save_property_or_features: bool
                If true, it will save features in the sorting extractor
            recompute_info: bool
                    If True, waveforms are recomputed
            max_spikes_per_unit: int
                The maximum number of spikes to extract per unit
            seed: int
                Random seed for reproducibility
            verbose: bool
                If True, will be verbose in metric computation

    threshold sorting extractor
    params_dict = update_all_param_dicts_with_kwargs(kwargs)

    md = MetricData(sorting=sorting, sampling_frequency=recording.get_sampling_frequency(), recording=recording,
                    apply_filter=params_dict["apply_filter"], freq_min=params_dict["freq_min"],
                    duration_in_frames=None, freq_max=params_dict["freq_max"], unit_ids=None, verbose=params_dict['verbose'])


    dm = DriftMetric(metric_data=md)
    threshold_sorting = dm.threshold_metric(threshold, threshold_sign, metric_name, drift_metrics_interval_s,
                                            drift_metrics_min_spikes_per_interval, **kwargs)
    return threshold_sorting
Exemplo n.º 4
def threshold_snrs(
    Computes and thresholds the snrs in the sorted dataset with the given sign and value.

    sorting: SortingExtractor
        The sorting result to be evaluated.
    recording: RecordingExtractor
        The given recording extractor
    threshold: int or float
        The threshold for the given metric.
    threshold_sign: str
        If 'less', will threshold any metric less than the given threshold.
        If 'less_or_equal', will threshold any metric less than or equal to the given threshold.
        If 'greater', will threshold any metric greater than the given threshold.
        If 'greater_or_equal', will threshold any metric greater than or equal to the given threshold.
    snr_mode: str
            Mode to compute noise SNR ('mad' | 'std' - default 'mad')
    snr_noise_duration: float
        Number of seconds to compute noise level from (default 10.0)
    max_spikes_per_unit_for_snr: int
        Maximum number of spikes to compute templates from (default 1000)
    template_mode: str
        Use 'mean' or 'median' to compute templates
    max_channel_peak: str
        If maximum channel has to be found among negative peaks ('neg'), positive ('pos') or both ('both' - default)
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments among the following:
            method: str
                If 'absolute' (default), amplitudes are absolute amplitudes in uV are returned.
                If 'relative', amplitudes are returned as ratios between waveform amplitudes and template amplitudes
            peak: str
                If maximum channel has to be found among negative peaks ('neg'), positive ('pos') or
                both ('both' - default)
            frames_before: int
                Frames before peak to compute amplitude
            frames_after: int
                Frames after peak to compute amplitude
            apply_filter: bool
                If True, recording is bandpass-filtered
            freq_min: float
                High-pass frequency for optional filter (default 300 Hz)
            freq_max: float
                Low-pass frequency for optional filter (default 6000 Hz)
            grouping_property: str
                Property to group channels. E.g. if the recording extractor has the 'group' property and
                'grouping_property' is 'group', then waveforms are computed group-wise.
            ms_before: float
                Time period in ms to cut waveforms before the spike events
            ms_after: float
                Time period in ms to cut waveforms after the spike events
            dtype: dtype
                The numpy dtype of the waveforms
            compute_property_from_recording: bool
                If True and 'grouping_property' is given, the property of each unit is assigned as the corresponding
                property of the recording extractor channel on which the average waveform is the largest
            max_channels_per_waveforms: int or None
                Maximum channels per waveforms to return. If None, all channels are returned
            n_jobs: int
                Number of parallel jobs (default 1)
            memmap: bool
                If True, waveforms are saved as memmap object (recommended for long recordings with many channels)
            save_property_or_features: bool
                If true, it will save features in the sorting extractor
            recompute_info: bool
                    If True, waveforms are recomputed
            max_spikes_per_unit: int
                The maximum number of spikes to extract per unit
            seed: int
                Random seed for reproducibility
            verbose: bool
                If True, will be verbose in metric computation

    threshold sorting extractor
    params_dict = update_all_param_dicts_with_kwargs(kwargs)

    md = MetricData(sorting=sorting, sampling_frequency=recording.get_sampling_frequency(), recording=recording,
                    apply_filter=params_dict["apply_filter"], freq_min=params_dict["freq_min"],
                    duration_in_frames=None, freq_max=params_dict["freq_max"], unit_ids=None, verbose=params_dict['verbose'])

    snr = SNR(metric_data=md)
    threshold_sorting = snr.threshold_metric(threshold, threshold_sign, snr_mode, snr_noise_duration,
                                             max_spikes_per_unit_for_snr, template_mode, max_channel_peak, **kwargs)
    return threshold_sorting
Exemplo n.º 5
def threshold_amplitude_cutoffs(
    Computes and thresholds the amplitude cutoffs in the sorted dataset with the given sign and value.

    sorting: SortingExtractor
        The sorting result to be evaluated
    recording: RecordingExtractor
        The given recording extractor
    threshold: int or float
        The threshold for the given metric
    threshold_sign: str
        If 'less', will threshold any metric less than the given threshold
        If 'less_or_equal', will threshold any metric less than or equal to the given threshold
        If 'greater', will threshold any metric greater than the given threshold
        If 'greater_or_equal', will threshold any metric greater than or equal to the given threshold
    **kwargs: keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments among the following:
            method: str
                If 'absolute' (default), amplitudes are absolute amplitudes in uV are returned
                If 'relative', amplitudes are returned as ratios between waveform amplitudes and template amplitudes
            peak: str
                If maximum channel has to be found among negative peaks ('neg'), positive ('pos') or
                both ('both' - default)
            frames_before: int
                Frames before peak to compute amplitude
            frames_after: int
                Frames after peak to compute amplitude
            apply_filter: bool
                If True, recording is bandpass-filtered
            freq_min: float
                High-pass frequency for optional filter (default 300 Hz)
            freq_max: float
                Low-pass frequency for optional filter (default 6000 Hz)
            save_property_or_features: bool
                If true, it will save features in the sorting extractor
            recompute_info: bool
                    If True, waveforms are recomputed
            max_spikes_per_unit: int
                The maximum number of spikes to extract per unit

    threshold sorting extractor
    params_dict = update_all_param_dicts_with_kwargs(kwargs)

    md = MetricData(sorting=sorting, sampling_frequency=recording.get_sampling_frequency(), recording=recording,
                    apply_filter=params_dict["apply_filter"], freq_min=params_dict["freq_min"],
                    duration_in_frames=None, freq_max=params_dict["freq_max"], unit_ids=None, verbose=params_dict['verbose'])

    ac = AmplitudeCutoff(metric_data=md)
    threshold_sorting = ac.threshold_metric(threshold, threshold_sign, **kwargs)
    return threshold_sorting