Exemplo n.º 1
def migrate(ctx):
    context = ctx.obj['context']
    store = context.get('store')

    commands.prepare(context, store.internal)
    commands.migrate(context, store)
    commands.prepare(context, store)
    commands.migrate(context, store)
Exemplo n.º 2
def context(mocker, config, postgresql, mongo):
    mocker.patch.dict(os.environ, {

    Context = config.get('components', 'core', 'context', cast=importstr)
    Context = type('ContextForTests', (ContextForTests, Context), {})
    context = Context()

    context.set('config', components.Config())
    store = context.set('store', Store())

    load_commands(config.get('commands', 'modules', cast=list))
    load(context, context.get('config'), config)
    check(context, context.get('config'))
    load(context, store, config)
    check(context, store)
    prepare(context, store.internal)
    migrate(context, store)
    prepare(context, store)
    migrate(context, store)

    context.bind('auth.server', AuthorizationServer, context)
    context.bind('auth.resource_protector', ResourceProtector, context,

    yield context

    with context.enter():
        # FIXME: quick and dirty workaround on `context.wipe` missing a connection,
        # when exception is thrown in spinta's logic.
        context.set('auth.token', AdminToken())

        # Remove all data after each test run.
        graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for model in store.manifests['default'].objects['model'].values():
            if model.name not in graph:
                graph[model.name] = set()
            for prop in model.properties.values():
                if prop.type.name == 'ref':

        for models in toposort(graph):
            for name in models:

        # Datasets does not have foreign kei constraints, so there is no need to
        # topologically sort them. At least for now.
        for dataset in store.manifests['default'].objects['dataset'].values():
            for model in dataset.objects.values():

Exemplo n.º 3
def push(context: Context, model: Model, backend: PostgreSQL, data: dict, *, action: str):
    authorize(context, action, model, data=data)

    # load and check if data is a valid for it's model
    data = load(context, model, data)
    check(context, model, data)
    data = prepare(context, model, data)

    transaction = context.get('transaction')
    connection = transaction.connection
    table = backend.tables[model.manifest.name][model.name]

    data = {
        k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in table.main.columns

    if action == INSERT_ACTION:
        result = connection.execute(
        row_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0]

    elif action == UPDATE_ACTION:
        data['id'] = int(data['id'])
        result = connection.execute(
            where(table.main.c.id == data['id']).
        if result.rowcount == 1:
            row_id = data['id']
        elif result.rowcount == 0:
            raise Exception("Update failed, {self.obj} with {data['id']} not found.")
            raise Exception("Update failed, {self.obj} with {data['id']} has found and update {result.rowcount} rows.")

    elif action == DELETE_ACTION:
        raise NotImplementedError

        raise Exception(f"Unknown action {action!r}.")

    # Track changes.
            change={k: v for k, v in data.items() if k not in {'id'}},

    return prepare(context, action, model, backend, {'id': str(row_id)})
Exemplo n.º 4
def pull(ctx, source, model, push, export):
    context = ctx.obj['context']
    store = context.get('store')

    commands.prepare(context, store.internal)
    commands.prepare(context, store)

    dataset = store.manifests['default'].objects['dataset'][source]

    with context.enter():

        result = commands.pull(context, dataset, models=model)
        result = commands.push(context, store, result) if push else result

        if export is None and push is False:
            export = 'stdout'

        if export:
            formats = {
                'csv': 'csv',
                'json': 'json',
                'jsonl': 'jsonl',
                'ascii': 'ascii',

            path = None

            if export == 'stdout':
                fmt = 'ascii'
            elif export.startswith('stdout:'):
                fmt = export.split(':', 1)[1]
                path = pathlib.Path(export)
                fmt = export.suffix.strip('.')

            if fmt not in formats:
                raise click.UsageError(f"unknown export file type {fmt!r}")

            chunks = store.export(result, fmt)

            if path is None:
                for chunk in chunks:
                    print(chunk, end='')
                with export.open('wb') as f:
                    for chunk in chunks:
Exemplo n.º 5
def prepare(context: Context, backend: PostgreSQL, manifest: Manifest):
    if manifest.name not in backend.tables:
        backend.tables[manifest.name] = {}

    # Prepare backend for models.
    for model in manifest.objects['model'].values():
        if model.backend.name == backend.name:
            prepare(context, backend, model)

    # Prepare backend for datasets.
    for dataset in manifest.objects.get('dataset', {}).values():
        for model in dataset.objects.values():
            if model.backend.name == backend.name:
                prepare(context, backend, model)
Exemplo n.º 6
def getall(context: Context, model: Model, backend: PostgreSQL, **kwargs):
    authorize(context, 'getall', model)
    connection = context.get('transaction').connection
    table = backend.tables[model.manifest.name][model.name].main
    result = connection.execute(sa.select([table]))
    for row in result:
        yield prepare(context, 'getall', model, backend, row)
Exemplo n.º 7
def getall(context: Context, model: Model, backend: Mongo, **kwargs):
    authorize(context, 'getall', model)

    transaction = context.get('transaction')
    # Yield all available entries.
    model_collection = backend.db[model.get_type_value()]
    for row in model_collection.find({}):
        yield prepare(context, 'getall', model, backend, row)
Exemplo n.º 8
def get(context: Context, model: Model, backend: Mongo, id: str):
    authorize(context, 'getone', model)

    transaction = context.get('transaction')
    model_collection = backend.db[model.get_type_value()]
    row = model_collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(id)})

    return prepare(context, 'getone', model, backend, row)
Exemplo n.º 9
def push(context: Context, model: Model, backend: Mongo, data: dict, *,
         action: str):
    authorize(context, action, model, data=data)

    # load and check if data is a valid for it's model
    data = load(context, model, data)
    check(context, model, data)
    data = prepare(context, model, data)

    # Push data to Mongo backend, this can be an insert, update or delete. If
    # `id` is not given, it is an insert if `id` is given, it is an update.
    # Deletes are not yet implemented, but for deletes `data` must equal to
    # `{'id': 1, _delete: True}`.
    # Also this must return inserted/updated/deleted id.
    # Also this command must write information to changelog after change is
    # done.
    transaction = context.get('transaction')
    model_collection = backend.db[model.get_type_value()]

    # Make a copy of data, because `pymongo` changes the reference `data`
    # object on `insert_one()` call.
    # We want to have our data intact from whatever specific mongo metadata
    # MongoDB may add to our object.
    raw_data = copy.deepcopy(data)

    # FIXME: before creating revision check if there's not collision clash
    revision_id = get_new_id('revision id')
    raw_data['revision'] = revision_id

    if 'id' in data:
        result = model_collection.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(raw_data['id'])},
                                             {'$set': raw_data})
        assert result.matched_count == 1 and result.modified_count == 1
        data_id = data['id']
        data_id = model_collection.insert_one(raw_data).inserted_id

    # parse `ObjectId` to string and add it to our object
    raw_data['id'] = str(data_id)

    return prepare(context, action, model, backend, raw_data)
Exemplo n.º 10
def prepare(context: Context, type: Object, backend: Backend,
            value: dict) -> dict:
    # prepare objects and it's properties for datastore
    new_loaded_obj = {}
    for k, v in type.properties.items():
        # only load value keys which are available in schema
        # FIXME: If k is not in value, then value should be NA. Do not skip a value
        if k in value:
            new_loaded_obj[k] = prepare(context, v.type, backend, value[k])
    return new_loaded_obj
Exemplo n.º 11
async def homepage(request: Request):
    global context

            'method': request.method,
            'url': str(request.url),
            'body': None,
            'headers': request.headers,
    context.set('auth.token', get_auth_token(context))

    config = context.get('config')

    UrlParams = config.components['urlparams']['component']
    params = prepare(context, UrlParams(), Version(), request)

    return await create_http_response(context, params, request)
Exemplo n.º 12
def prepare(context: Context, backend: PostgreSQL, model: Model):
    columns = []
    for prop in model.properties.values():
        column = prepare(context, backend, prop)
        if isinstance(column, list):
        elif column is not None:

    # Create main table.
    main_table_name = get_table_name(backend, model.manifest.name, model.name, MAIN_TABLE)
    main_table = sa.Table(
        main_table_name, backend.schema,
        sa.Column('_transaction_id', sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('transaction.id')),

    # Create changes table.
    changes_table_name = get_table_name(backend, model.manifest.name, model.name, CHANGES_TABLE)
    changes_table = get_changes_table(backend, changes_table_name, sa.Integer)

    backend.tables[model.manifest.name][model.name] = ModelTables(main_table, changes_table)
Exemplo n.º 13
def prepare(context: Context, project: Project):
    for model in project.objects.values():
        prepare(context, model)
Exemplo n.º 14
def prepare(context: Context, store: Store):
    for manifest in store.manifests.values():
        prepare(context, manifest)
Exemplo n.º 15
def prepare(context: Context, type: Array, backend: Backend,
            value: list) -> list:
    # prepare array and it's items for datastore
    return [prepare(context, type.items.type, backend, v) for v in value]
Exemplo n.º 16
def prepare(context: Context, manifest: Manifest):
    store = context.get('store')
    for backend in store.backends.values():
        prepare(context, backend, manifest)
Exemplo n.º 17
def prepare(context: Context, backend: PostgreSQL, prop: Property):
    return prepare(context, backend, prop.type)
Exemplo n.º 18
    format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s',

c = Config()

load_commands(c.get('commands', 'modules', cast=list))

Context = c.get('components', 'core', 'context', cast=importstr)
context = Context()
config = context.set('config', components.Config())
store = context.set('store', Store())

load(context, config, c)
check(context, config)
load(context, store, c)
check(context, store)

wait(context, store, c)

prepare(context, store.internal)
prepare(context, store)

context.set('auth.server', AuthorizationServer(context))
            ResourceProtector(context, BearerTokenValidator))


app.debug = config.debug
Exemplo n.º 19
def get(context: Context, model: Model, backend: PostgreSQL, id: str):
    authorize(context, 'getone', model)
    connection = context.get('transaction').connection
    table = backend.tables[model.manifest.name][model.name].main
    result = backend.get(connection, table, table.c.id == int(id))
    return prepare(context, 'getone', model, backend, result)
Exemplo n.º 20
def prepare(context: Context, dataset: Dataset):
    for model in dataset.objects.values():
        prepare(context, model)