Exemplo n.º 1
def plotCrossCorrelation(events1, events2, **kwargs):
    if (len(events1['ts']) == 0) or (len(events2['ts']) == 0):
    # use other library functions to do spatiotemporal cropping
    # If this is called from plotautocorrelation then this has already been done,
    # But do it here as well so that this function can be independent.
    events1 = cropSpace(events1, **kwargs)
    events1 = cropTime(events1, zeroTime=False, **kwargs)
    events2 = cropSpace(events2, **kwargs)
    events2 = cropTime(events2, zeroTime=False, **kwargs)
    boundaries, densities, centres, widths = defineBoundariesAndDensities(
    # Spatial cropping has happened; now iterate through defacto spatial range
    minX = min(np.min(events1['x']), np.min(events2['x']))
    maxX = max(np.max(events1['x']), np.max(events2['x']))
    minY = min(np.min(events1['y']), np.min(events2['y']))
    maxY = max(np.max(events1['y']), np.max(events2['y']))
    hist = np.zeros((len(densities)), dtype=np.float64)
    # TODO: This loop could be much more efficient, following the pattern in plotInterSpikeInterval, above
    for currX in trange(minX, maxX + 1, leave=True, position=0):
        for currY in range(minY, maxY + 1):
            ts1 = events1['ts'][np.logical_and(events1['x'] == currX,
                                               events1['y'] == currY)]
            ts2 = events2['ts'][np.logical_and(events2['x'] == currX,
                                               events2['y'] == currY)]
            if np.any(ts1) and np.any(ts2):
                hist = hist + crossCorrelation(ts1, ts2, boundaries, densities,
    # Normalise
    weightedSum = np.sum(hist / densities)
    if weightedSum > 0:
        hist = hist / np.sum(weightedSum)
    axes = kwargs.get('axes')
    if axes is None:
        fig, axes = plt.subplots()
        kwargs['axes'] = axes

    axes.bar(centres, hist, widths, antialiased=False)
    #axes.set_ylim(minX + minY*numX - 1, maxX + maxY*numX + 1)
    #plt.xticks(theRange, labels)
    title = kwargs.get('title', '')
    if kwargs.get('minX', False) or kwargs.get('maxX', False):
        title = title + ' ' + str(minX) + '<=X<=' + str(maxX)
    if kwargs.get('minY', False) or kwargs.get('maxY', False):
        title = title + ' ' + str(minY) + '<=Y<=' + str(maxY)

    callback = kwargs.get('callback')
    if callback is not None:
Exemplo n.º 2
def plotInterSpikeInterval(inDict, **kwargs):
    # Boilerplate for descending container hierarchy
    if isinstance(inDict, list):
        for inDictInst in inDict:
            plotInterSpikeInterval(inDictInst, **kwargs)
    if 'info' in inDict:  # Top level container
        fileName = inDict['info'].get('filePathOrName', '')
        print('plotInterSpikeInterval was called for file ' + fileName)
        if not inDict['data']:
            print('The import contains no data.')
        for channelName in inDict['data']:
            channelData = inDict['data'][channelName]
            if 'dvs' in channelData and len(channelData['dvs']['ts']) > 0:
                kwargs['title'] = ' '.join([fileName, str(channelName)])
                plotInterSpikeInterval(channelData['dvs'], **kwargs)
                print('Channel ' + channelName +
                      ' skipped because it contains no polarity data')
    print('plotInterSpikeInterval working: ' + kwargs.get('title', 'unnamed'))
    # use other library functions to do spatiotemporal cropping
    inDict = cropSpace(inDict, **kwargs)
    inDict = cropTime(inDict, zeroTime=False, **kwargs)
    if kwargs.get('splitByPol', False):
        splitDict = splitByPolarity(inDict)
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3)

        kwargs['axes'] = axes[0]
        kwargs['title'] = 'on + off'
        plotInterSpikeIntervalSingle(inDict, **kwargs)

        kwargs['axes'] = axes[1]
        kwargs['title'] = 'off'
        plotInterSpikeIntervalSingle(splitDict['0'], **kwargs)

        kwargs['axes'] = axes[2]
        kwargs['title'] = 'on'
        plotInterSpikeIntervalSingle(splitDict['1'], **kwargs)

        axes = kwargs.get('axes')
        if axes is None:
            fig, axes = plt.subplots()
            kwargs['axes'] = axes
        kwargs['title'] = 'auto'
        plotInterSpikeIntervalSingle(inDict, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def plotInterSpikeIntervalSingle(events, **kwargs):
    if (len(events['ts']) == 0):
    # use other library functions to do spatiotemporal cropping
    # If this is called from plotInterSpikeInterval then this has already been done,
    # But do it here as well so that this function can be independent.
    events = cropSpace(events, **kwargs)
    events = cropTime(events, zeroTime=False, **kwargs)
    kwargs['mirrored'] = False
    boundaries, densities, centres, widths = defineBoundariesAndDensities(
    # Spatial cropping has happened; now iterate through defacto spatial range
    minX = np.min(events['x'])
    maxX = np.max(events['x'])
    minY = np.min(events['y'])
    maxY = np.max(events['y'])
    hist = np.zeros((len(densities)), dtype=np.float64)
    for currX in trange(minX, maxX + 1, leave=True, position=0):
        currXLogical = events['x'] == currX
        tsForCurrX = events['ts'][currXLogical]
        yForCurrX = events['y'][currXLogical]
        for currY in range(minY, maxY + 1):
            tsXY = tsForCurrX[yForCurrX == currY]
            if np.any(tsXY):
                hist = hist + interSpikeInterval(tsXY, boundaries, densities,
    # Normalise
    weightedSum = np.sum(hist / densities)
    if weightedSum > 0:
        hist = hist / np.sum(weightedSum)
    axes = kwargs.get('axes')
    if axes is None:
        fig, axes = plt.subplots()
        kwargs['axes'] = axes

    axes.bar(centres, hist, widths, antialiased=False)
    #axes.set_ylim(minX + minY*numX - 1, maxX + maxY*numX + 1)
    #plt.xticks(theRange, labels)
    title = kwargs.get('title', '')
    if kwargs.get('minX', False) or kwargs.get('maxX', False):
        title = title + ' ' + str(minX) + '<=X<=' + str(maxX)
    if kwargs.get('minY', False) or kwargs.get('maxY', False):
        title = title + ' ' + str(minY) + '<=Y<=' + str(maxY)

    callback = kwargs.get('callback')
    if callback is not None:
Exemplo n.º 4
def plotPose(inDicts, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(inDicts, list):
        for inDict in inDicts:
            plotPose(inDict, **kwargs)
        inDict = inDicts
    if not isinstance(inDict, dict):
    if 'ts' not in inDict:
        title = kwargs.pop('title', '')
        if 'info' in inDict and isinstance(inDict, dict):
            fileName = inDict['info'].get('filePathOrName')
            if fileName is not None:
                print('plotPose was called for file ' + fileName)
                title = (title + ' ' + fileName).lstrip()
        for key in inDict.keys():
            kwargs['title'] = (title + ' ' + key).lstrip()
            plotPose(inDict[key], **kwargs)
    # From this point onwards, it's a data-type container
    if 'point' not in inDict:
    # From this point onwards, it's a pose or point data-type container

    ts = inDict['ts']
    minTime = kwargs.get(
        'minTime', kwargs.get('startTime', kwargs.get('beginTime', ts.min())))
    maxTime = kwargs.get(
        'maxTime', kwargs.get('stopTime', kwargs.get('endTime', ts.max())))
    if minTime > ts.min() or maxTime < ts.max():
        inDict = cropTime(inDict,
        ts = inDict['ts']

    if 'rotation' in inDict:
        fig, allAxes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
        fig.suptitle(kwargs.get('title', ''))
        axesT = allAxes[0]
        axesR = allAxes[1]
        rotation = inDict['rotation']
        axesR.plot(ts, rotation[:, 0], 'k')
        axesR.plot(ts, rotation[:, 1], 'r')
        axesR.plot(ts, rotation[:, 2], 'g')
        axesR.plot(ts, rotation[:, 3], 'b')
        axesR.legend(['r_w', 'r_x', 'r_y', 'r_z'])
        axesR.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
        axesR.set_ylabel('Quaternion components')
        axesR.set_ylim([-1, 1])
    if 'point' in inDict:
        if not 'axesT' in locals():
            fig, axesT = plt.subplots()
        if kwargs.get('zeroT', False):
            point = np.copy(inDict['point'])
            firstPoint = inDict['point'][0, :]
            point = point - firstPoint
            point = inDict['point']
        axesT.plot(ts, point[:, 0], 'r')
        axesT.plot(ts, point[:, 1], 'g')
        axesT.plot(ts, point[:, 2], 'b')
        axesT.legend(['x', 'y', 'z'])
        axesT.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
        axesT.set_ylabel('Coords (m)')
    callback = kwargs.get('callback')
    if callback is not None:
        kwargs['axesT'] = axesT
        kwargs['axesR'] = axesR
        kwargs['minTime'] = minTime
        kwargs['maxTime'] = maxTime
Exemplo n.º 5
#%% Import realsense

from importIntelRealsense import importIntelRealsense

filePathOrName = os.path.join(prefix,

imported = importIntelRealsense(filePathOrName=filePathOrName)


#%% Cropping a dataset to a desired time range

from split import cropTime

cropped = cropTime(imported, minTime=35, maxTime=38.5)

#%% Cropping a dataset to a desired spatial range
# works for dvs and derived data types 2020_01 doesn't yet work for frame datatype

from split import cropSpace

# This example takes all events with x in 9-19 inclusive, and with y in 0-9 inclusive
cropped = cropSpace(imported, minX=9, maxX=19, maxY=9)

#%% Splitting a dataset by labels

from split import splitByLabel, selectByLabel

# select your labelled data from an import (alternatively label it using some processing)
labelledData = imported['data']['right']['dvslbl']