Exemplo n.º 1
def solve_for_label(j=0,lmbda=0.001,opt=opt):
    Y_j = Y_opt[:, [j]]
    # Initialise and run BPDN object for best lmbda
    b = bpdn.BPDN(V_m, Y_j, lmbda, opt)
    A_j = b.solve()
    #     print("BPDN solve time: %.2fs" % b.timer.elapsed('solve'))
    return A_j
Exemplo n.º 2
 def xstep(self):
     """Randomly choose max_slices number of slices to update."""
     signal = self.Y - self.U
     signal = signal.transpose((1, 0, 2))
     # [K, n, N] -> [n, K, N] -> [n, K*N]
     signal = signal.reshape(signal.shape[0], -1)
     selected = self.get_next_batch()
     if not hasattr(self, '_X_bpdn_cache'):
         self._X_bpdn_cache = np.zeros(
             (self.D.shape[1], signal.shape[-1]), dtype=self.dtype
     signal = signal[:, selected]
     opt = copy.deepcopy(self.opt['BPDN'])
     opt['Y0'] = self._X_bpdn_cache[:, selected]
     solver = bpdn.BPDN(self.D, signal, lmbda=self.lmbda/self.rho, opt=opt)
     X = solver.solve()
     self._X_bpdn_cache[:, selected] = X
     self.X = self.X.transpose(1, 0, 2)
     self.X = self.X.reshape(self.X.shape[0], -1)
     self.X[:, selected] = X
     self.X = self.X.reshape(
         self.X.shape[0], self.Y.shape[0], self.Y.shape[2]
     ).transpose(1, 0, 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_18(self):
     N = 64
     M = 2 * N
     L = 8
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     x0 = np.zeros((M, 1))
     si = np.random.permutation(list(range(0, M - 1)))
     x0[si[0:L]] = np.random.randn(L, 1)
     s = D.dot(x0)
     lmbda = 5e-2
     opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
         'Verbose': False,
         'MaxMainIter': 300,
         'RelStopTol': 1e-5,
         'AutoRho': {
             'Enabled': False
     bp = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=lmbda, opt=opt)
     Xp = bp.solve()
     epsilon = np.linalg.norm(D.dot(Xp) - s)
     opt = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball.Options({
         'Verbose': False,
         'MaxMainIter': 300,
         'RelStopTol': 1e-5,
         'rho': 2e1,
         'AutoRho': {
             'Enabled': False
     bc = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball(D, s, epsilon=epsilon, opt=opt)
     Xc = bc.solve()
     assert np.linalg.norm(Xp - Xc) / np.linalg.norm(Xp) < 1e-3
     assert np.abs(np.linalg.norm(Xp, 1) - np.linalg.norm(Xc, 1)) < 1e-3
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, D0, S, lmbda=None, opt=None):
        Initialise a BPDNDictLearn object with problem size and options.

        D0 : array_like, shape (N, M)
          Initial dictionary matrix
        S : array_like, shape (N, K)
          Signal vector or matrix
        lmbda : float
          Regularisation parameter
        opt : :class:`BPDNDictLearn.Options` object
          Algorithm options

        if opt is None:
            opt = BPDNDictLearn.Options()
        self.opt = opt

        # Normalise dictionary according to D update options
        D0 = cmod.getPcn(opt['CMOD', 'ZeroMean'])(D0)

        # Modify D update options to include initial values for Y and U
        Nc = D0.shape[1]
        opt['CMOD'].update({'Y0' : D0, 'U0' : np.zeros((S.shape[0], Nc))})

        # Create X update object
        xstep = bpdn.BPDN(D0, S, lmbda, opt['BPDN'])

        # Create D update object
        Nm = S.shape[1]
        dstep = cmod.CnstrMOD(xstep.Y, S, (Nc, Nm), opt['CMOD'])

        # Configure iteration statistics reporting
        isc = dictlrn.IterStatsConfig(
            isfld = ['Iter', 'ObjFun', 'DFid', 'RegL1', 'Cnstr', 'XPrRsdl',
                     'XDlRsdl', 'XRho', 'DPrRsdl', 'DDlRsdl', 'DRho', 'Time'],
            isxmap = {'ObjFun' : 'ObjFun', 'DFid' : 'DFid', 'RegL1' : 'RegL1',
                      'XPrRsdl' : 'PrimalRsdl', 'XDlRsdl' : 'DualRsdl',
                      'XRho' : 'Rho'},
            isdmap = {'Cnstr' :  'Cnstr', 'DPrRsdl' : 'PrimalRsdl',
                      'DDlRsdl' : 'DualRsdl', 'DRho' : 'Rho'},
            evlmap = {},
            hdrtxt = ['Itn', 'Fnc', 'DFid', u('ℓ1'), 'Cnstr', 'r_X', 's_X',
                      u('ρ_X'), 'r_D', 's_D', u('ρ_D')],
            hdrmap = {'Itn' : 'Iter', 'Fnc' : 'ObjFun', 'DFid' : 'DFid',
                      u('ℓ1') : 'RegL1', 'Cnstr' : 'Cnstr', 'r_X' : 'XPrRsdl',
                      's_X' : 'XDlRsdl', u('ρ_X') : 'XRho', 'r_D' : 'DPrRsdl',
                      's_D' : 'DDlRsdl', u('ρ_D') : 'DRho'}

        # Call parent constructor
        super(BPDNDictLearn, self).__init__(xstep, dstep, opt, isc)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_02(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
         b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s)
     except Exception as e:
         assert (0)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_01(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
     lmbda = 1e-1
         b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda)
     except Exception as e:
         assert (0)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_17(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
     lmbda = 1e-1
     opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 10})
     b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)
     bp = pickle.dumps(b)
     c = pickle.loads(bp)
     Xb = b.solve()
     Xc = c.solve()
     assert (linalg.norm(Xb - Xc) == 0.0)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_03(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
         opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
             'Verbose': True,
             'MaxMainIter': 20,
             'AutoRho': {
                 'StdResiduals': True
         b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=1.0, opt=opt)
     except Exception as e:
         assert (0)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_04(self):
     N = 8
     M = 8
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
         opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
             'FastSolve': True,
             'Verbose': False,
             'MaxMainIter': 10,
             'AutoRho': {
                 'Enabled': False
         b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=1.0, opt=opt)
     except Exception as e:
         assert (0)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_05(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
     dt = np.float16
     opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
         'Verbose': False,
         'MaxMainIter': 20,
         'AutoRho': {
             'Enabled': True
         'DataType': dt
     b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=1.0, opt=opt)
     assert (b.X.dtype == dt)
     assert (b.Y.dtype == dt)
     assert (b.U.dtype == dt)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_03(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
         opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
             'Verbose': False,
             'MaxMainIter': 20,
             'LinSolveCheck': True,
             'AutoRho': {
                 'StdResiduals': True
         b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda=1.0, opt=opt)
     except Exception as e:
         assert (0)
     assert (np.array(b.getitstat().XSlvRelRes).max() < 1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_20(self):
     N = 8
     M = 16
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     s = np.random.randn(N, 1)
     lmbda = 1e-1
     opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
         'Verbose': False,
         'MaxMainIter': 10,
         'Callback': CallbackTest,
         'RelaxParam': 1.0
     b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt=opt)
     assert (b.getitstat() is None)
     assert (b.runtime > 0.0)
     assert (b.k == 7)
     assert (b.var_x() is not None)
     assert (b.var_y() is not None)
     assert (b.var_u() is not None)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_08(self):
     N = 64
     M = 2 * N
     L = 4
     D = np.random.randn(N, M)
     x0 = np.zeros((M, 1))
     si = np.random.permutation(list(range(0, M - 1)))
     x0[si[0:L]] = np.random.randn(L, 1)
     s0 = D.dot(x0)
     lmbda = 5e-3
     opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
         'Verbose': False,
         'MaxMainIter': 500,
         'RelStopTol': 5e-4
     b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s0, lmbda, opt)
     x1 = b.Y
     assert (np.abs(b.itstat[-1].ObjFun - 0.012009) < 1e-5)
     assert (np.abs(b.itstat[-1].DFid - 1.9636082e-06) < 1e-5)
     assert (np.abs(b.itstat[-1].RegL1 - 2.401446) < 1e-5)
     assert (linalg.norm(x1 - x0) < 1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def xstep(self):
        r"""Minimize with respect to :math:`x`.  This has the form:

        .. math::
            f(x)=\sum_i\left(\lambda\|x_i\|_1+\frac{\rho}{2}\|D_l x_i - y_i
            + u_i\|_2^2\right).

        This could be solved in parallel over all slice indices i and all
        batch indices k (implicit in the above form).
        signal = self.Y - self.U
        signal = signal.transpose((1, 0, 2))
        # [K, n, N] -> [n, K, N] -> [n, K*N]
        signal = signal.reshape(signal.shape[0], -1)
        opt = copy.deepcopy(self.opt['BPDN'])
        opt['Y0'] = getattr(self, '_X_bpdn_cache', None)
        solver = bpdn.BPDN(self.D, signal, lmbda=self.lmbda/self.rho, opt=opt)
        self.X = solver.solve()
        self._X_bpdn_cache = copy.deepcopy(self.X)
        self.X = self.X.reshape(
            self.X.shape[0], self.Y.shape[0], self.Y.shape[2]
        ).transpose((1, 0, 2))
    d = bpdndl.BPDNDictLearn(D0,
                             train_dataset.squeeze(1).T, config.lambda_l, opt)
    D1 = d.getdict()

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5 * config.embed_size))
    for i in range(config.embed_size):
        plt.subplot(config.embed_size, 1, i + 1)
        plt.plot(D1[:, i], label="basis function n".format(i))
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(results_folder, "basis_functions.jpg"))

    r = bpdn.BPDN(D1, val_dataset.squeeze(1).T, config.lambda_r)
    reconstruction = (D1 @ r.solve()).T

    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5 * 32))
    for i in range(32):
        plt.subplot(32, 1, i + 1)
        j = np.random.choice(len(val_dataset))
        plt.plot(val_dataset[j, 0, :], label="true")
        plt.plot(reconstruction[j, :], label="pred")
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(results_folder, "reconstruction.jpg"))

    mse = np.linalg.norm(
        (val_dataset.squeeze(1) - reconstruction), ord=2)**2 / len(val_dataset)
Exemplo n.º 16
Set options for ADMM solver.

opt_admm = abpdn.BPDN.Options({
    'Verbose': False,
    'MaxMainIter': 500,
    'RelStopTol': 1e-3,
    'AutoRho': {
        'RsdlTarget': 1.0
Initialise and run ADMM solver object.

ba = abpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt_admm)
xa = ba.solve()

print("ADMM BPDN solve time: %.2fs" % ba.timer.elapsed('solve'))
Set options for PGM solver.

opt_pgm = pbpdn.BPDN.Options({
    'Verbose': True,
    'MaxMainIter': 50,
    'L': 9e2,
    'Backtrack': BacktrackRobust()
Initialise and run PGM solver.
Exemplo n.º 17
def gengraphs(pth):
    Generate call graph images when necessary. Parameter pth is the path
    to the directory in which images are to be created.

    srcmodflt = '^sporco.admm'
    srcqnmflt = r'^((?!<locals>|__new|_name_nested).)*$'
    dstqnmflt = r'^((?!<locals>|__new|_name_nested).)*$'

    fnmsub = ('^sporco.admm.', '')
    grpflt = r'^[^\.]*.[^\.]*'
    lnkpfx = '../../modules/'
    lnksub = (r'^([^\.]*).([^\.]*)(?:(.__init__|.__call__)|(.[^\.]*))',
              lnkpfx + r'sporco.admm.\1.html#sporco.admm.\1.\2\4')

    fntsz = 9
    fntfm = 'Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans'
    kwargs = {'fntsz': fntsz, 'fntfm': fntfm, 'rmsz': True}

    ct = jonga.CallTracer(srcmodflt=srcmodflt,

    # Make destination directory if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(pth):
        os.makedirs(pth, exist_ok=True)

    import numpy as np

    #### bpdn module
    from sporco.admm import bpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.bpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 1)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## BPDN class
    opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## BPDNJoint class
    opt = bpdn.BPDNJoint.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    mu = 0.01

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnjnt_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDNJoint(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnjnt_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ElasticNet class
    opt = bpdn.ElasticNet.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'elnet_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.ElasticNet(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'elnet_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    # BPDNProjL1 class
    opt = bpdn.BPDNProjL1.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    gamma = 2.0

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnprjl1_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDNProjL1(D, s, gamma, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnprjl1_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## MinL1InL2Ball class
    opt = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    epsilon = 1.0

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnml1l2_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball(D, s, epsilon, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnml1l2_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdn module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDN class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNJoint class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNJoint.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    mu = 0.01

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnjnt_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNJoint(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnjnt_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvElasticNet class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvElasticNet.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'celnet_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvElasticNet(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'celnet_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNGradReg class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNGradReg.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdngrd_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNGradReg(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdngrd_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNProjL1 class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNProjL1.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    gamma = 0.5

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnprjl1_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNProjL1(D, s, gamma, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnprjl1_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvMinL1InL2Ball class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    epsilon = 0.5

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnml1l2_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball(D, s, epsilon, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnml1l2_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNMaskDcpl class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNMaskDcpl.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    W = np.ones(s.shape)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmd_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNMaskDcpl(D, s, lmbda, W, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmd_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvL1L1Grd class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvL1L1Grd.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    mu = 1e-2

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cl1l1grd_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvL1L1Grd(D, s, lmbda, mu, W, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cl1l1grd_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdntv module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdntv
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdntv'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1
    mu = 0.01

    ## ConvBPDNScalarTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNScalarTV.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnstv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNScalarTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnstv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNVectorTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNVectorTV.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnvtv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNVectorTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnvtv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNRecTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNRecTV.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnrtv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNRecTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnrtv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdnin module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdnin
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdnin'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 32)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1
    mu = 0.01
    Wg = np.append(np.eye(16), np.eye(16), axis=-1)

    ## ConvBPDNInhib class
    opt = cbpdnin.ConvBPDNInhib.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnin_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdnin.ConvBPDNInhib(D,

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnin_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cmod module
    from sporco.admm import cmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 16)

    ## CnstrMOD class
    opt = cmod.CnstrMOD.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cmod_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cmod.CnstrMOD(X, S, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cmod_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### ccmod module
    from sporco.admm import ccmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.ccmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodism_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodism_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_CG class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_CG.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'CG': {
            'MaxIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcg_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_CG(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcg_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcnsns_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcnsns_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### ccmodmd module
    from sporco.admm import ccmodmd
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.ccmodmd'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    W = np.array([1.0])
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdism_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdism_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'CG': {
            'MaxIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcg_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcg_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcnsns_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### tvl1 module
    from sporco.admm import tvl1
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.tvl1'

    s = np.random.randn(16, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## TVL1Denoise class
    opt = tvl1.TVL1Denoise.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1den_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl1.TVL1Denoise(s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1den_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## TVL1Deconv class
    opt = tvl1.TVL1Deconv.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    h = np.random.randn(3, 3)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1dcn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl1.TVL1Deconv(h, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1dcn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### tvl2 module
    from sporco.admm import tvl2
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.tvl2'

    s = np.random.randn(16, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## TVL2Denoise class
    opt = tvl2.TVL2Denoise.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2den_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl2.TVL2Denoise(s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2den_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## TVL2Deconv class
    opt = tvl2.TVL2Deconv.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    h = np.random.randn(3, 3)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2dcn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl2.TVL2Deconv(h, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2dcn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    srcmodflt = '^sporco.fista'
    fnmsub = ('^sporco.fista.', '')
    lnksub = (r'^([^\.]*).([^\.]*)(?:(.__init__|.__call__)|(.[^\.]*))',
              lnkpfx + r'sporco.fista.\1.html#sporco.fista.\1.\2\4')
    ct = jonga.CallTracer(srcmodflt=srcmodflt,

    #### fista.cbpdn module
    from sporco.fista import cbpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.fista.cbpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDN class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'fista_cbpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'fista_cbpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### fista.ccmod module
    from sporco.fista import ccmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.fista.ccmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMOD class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodfista_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodfista_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMask class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMODMask.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdfista_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMODMask(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdfista_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    srcmodflt = '^sporco.dictlrn'
    fnmsub = ('^sporco.dictlrn.', '')
    lnksub = (r'^([^\.]*).([^\.]*)(?:(.__init__|.__call__)|(.[^\.]*))',
              lnkpfx + r'sporco.dictlrn.\1.html#sporco.dictlrn.\1.\2\4')
    ct = jonga.CallTracer(srcmodflt=srcmodflt,

    #### bpdndl module
    from sporco.dictlrn import bpdndl
    mdnm = 'sporco.dictlrn.bpdndl'

    D0 = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## BPDNDictLearn class
    opt = bpdndl.BPDNDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdndl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdndl.BPDNDictLearn(D0, S, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdndl_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdndl module
    from sporco.dictlrn import cbpdndl
    mdnm = 'sporco.dictlrn.cbpdndl'

    D0 = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8, 10)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDNDictLearn class
    opt = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdndl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn(D0, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdndl_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdndlmd module
    from sporco.dictlrn import cbpdndlmd
    mdnm = 'sporco.dictlrn.cbpdndlmd'

    ## ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn class
    W = np.array([1.0])
    opt = cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmddl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdndlmd.ConvBPDNMaskDictLearn(D0, s, lmbda, W, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmddl_solve.svg', **kwargs):
Exemplo n.º 18
    'rho': 50.0 * lmbda + 0.5
optd = cmod.CnstrMOD.Options({
    'Verbose': False,
    'MaxMainIter': 1,
    'rho': S.shape[1] / 200.0

# Normalise dictionary according to D update options
D0 = cmod.getPcn(optd['ZeroMean'])(D0)

# Update D update options to include initial values for Y and U
optd.update({'Y0': D0, 'U0': np.zeros((S.shape[0], D0.shape[1]))})

# Create X update object
xstep = bpdn.BPDN(D0, S, lmbda, optx)

# Create D update object
dstep = cmod.CnstrMOD(None, S, (D0.shape[1], S.shape[1]), optd)

# Create DictLearn object
opt = dictlrn.DictLearn.Options({'Verbose': True, 'MaxMainIter': 100})
d = dictlrn.DictLearn(xstep, dstep, opt)
Dmx = d.solve()
print("DictLearn solve time: %.2fs" % d.timer.elapsed('solve'))

# Display dictionaries
D1 = Dmx.reshape((8, 8, D0.shape[1]))
D0 = D0.reshape(8, 8, D0.shape[-1])
fig1 = plot.figure(1, figsize=(14, 7))
plot.subplot(1, 2, 1)
Exemplo n.º 19
def gengraphs(pth, nopyfftw):
    Generate call graph images when necessary. Parameter pth is the path
    to the directory in which images are to be created. Parameter nopyfftw
    is a flag indicating whether it is necessary to avoid using pyfftw.

    srcmodflt = '^sporco.admm'
    srcqnmflt = r'^((?!<locals>|__new|_name_nested).)*$'
    dstqnmflt = r'^((?!<locals>|__new|_name_nested).)*$'

    fnmsub = ('^sporco.admm.', '')
    grpflt = r'^[^\.]*.[^\.]*'
    lnksub = (r'^([^\.]*).(.*)',

    fntsz = 9
    fntfm = 'Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans'
    kwargs = {'fntsz': fntsz, 'fntfm': fntfm, 'rmsz': True}

    ct = jonga.CallTracer(srcmodflt=srcmodflt,

    # Make destination directory if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(pth):
        os.makedirs(pth, exist_ok=True)

    # Handle environment in which pyfftw is unavailable
    if nopyfftw:
        import numpy.fft as npfft
        import sporco.linalg as spl

        def empty(shape, dtype, order='C', n=None):
            return np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)

        spl.pyfftw_empty_aligned = empty

        def rfftn_empty(shape, axes, dtype, order='C', n=None):
            ashp = list(shape)
            raxis = axes[-1]
            ashp[raxis] = ashp[raxis] // 2 + 1
            cdtype = spl.complex_dtype(dtype)
            return np.zeros(ashp, dtype=cdtype)

        spl.pyfftw_rfftn_empty_aligned = rfftn_empty

        spl.fftn = npfft.fftn
        spl.ifftn = npfft.ifftn
        spl.rfftn = npfft.rfftn
        spl.irfftn = npfft.irfftn

    import numpy as np

    #### bpdn module
    from sporco.admm import bpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.bpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 1)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## BPDN class
    opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## BPDNJoint class
    opt = bpdn.BPDNJoint.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    mu = 0.01

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnjnt_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDNJoint(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnjnt_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ElasticNet class
    opt = bpdn.ElasticNet.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'elnet_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.ElasticNet(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'elnet_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    # BPDNProjL1 class
    opt = bpdn.BPDNProjL1.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    gamma = 2.0

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnprjl1_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.BPDNProjL1(D, s, gamma, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnprjl1_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## MinL1InL2Ball class
    opt = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    epsilon = 1.0

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnml1l2_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdn.MinL1InL2Ball(D, s, epsilon, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdnml1l2_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdn module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDN class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNJoint class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNJoint.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    mu = 0.01

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnjnt_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNJoint(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnjnt_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvElasticNet class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvElasticNet.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'celnet_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvElasticNet(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'celnet_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNGradReg class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNGradReg.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdngrd_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNGradReg(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdngrd_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNProjL1 class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNProjL1.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    gamma = 0.5

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnprjl1_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNProjL1(D, s, gamma, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnprjl1_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvMinL1InL2Ball class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    epsilon = 0.5

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnml1l2_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvMinL1InL2Ball(D, s, epsilon, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnml1l2_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNMaskDcpl class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDNMaskDcpl.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    W = np.ones(s.shape)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmd_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDNMaskDcpl(D, s, lmbda, W, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmd_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdntv module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdntv
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdntv'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1
    mu = 0.01

    ## ConvBPDNScalarTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNScalarTV.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnstv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNScalarTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnstv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNVectorTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNVectorTV.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnvtv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNVectorTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnvtv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNRecTV class
    opt = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNRecTV.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnrtv_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdntv.ConvBPDNRecTV(D, s, lmbda, mu, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnrtv_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cmod module
    from sporco.admm import cmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 16)

    ## CnstrMOD class
    opt = cmod.CnstrMOD.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cmod_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cmod.CnstrMOD(X, S, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cmod_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### ccmod module
    from sporco.admm import ccmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.ccmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodism_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_IterSM(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodism_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_CG class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_CG.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'CG': {
            'MaxIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcg_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_CG(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcg_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcnsns_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD_Consensus(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodcnsns_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### ccmodmd module
    from sporco.admm import ccmodmd
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.ccmodmd'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    W = np.array([1.0])
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdism_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_IterSM(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdism_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'CG': {
            'MaxIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcg_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_CG(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcg_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus class
    opt = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcnsns_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmodmd.ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl_Consensus(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdcnsns_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### bpdndl module
    from sporco.admm import bpdndl
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.bpdndl'

    D0 = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## BPDNDictLearn class
    opt = bpdndl.BPDNDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdndl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = bpdndl.BPDNDictLearn(D0, S, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'bpdndl_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### cbpdndl module
    from sporco.admm import cbpdndl
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.cbpdndl'

    D0 = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8, 10)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDNDictLearn class
    opt = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdndl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNDictLearn(D0, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdndl_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn class
    W = np.array([1.0])
    opt = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn.Options({
        'Verbose': False,
        'MaxMainIter': 1,
        'AccurateDFid': True

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmddl_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdndl.ConvBPDNMaskDcplDictLearn(D0, s, lmbda, W, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'cbpdnmddl_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### tvl1 module
    from sporco.admm import tvl1
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.tvl1'

    s = np.random.randn(16, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## TVL1Denoise class
    opt = tvl1.TVL1Denoise.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1den_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl1.TVL1Denoise(s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1den_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## TVL1Deconv class
    opt = tvl1.TVL1Deconv.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    h = np.random.randn(3, 3)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1dcn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl1.TVL1Deconv(h, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl1dcn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### tvl2 module
    from sporco.admm import tvl2
    mdnm = 'sporco.admm.tvl2'

    s = np.random.randn(16, 16)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## TVL2Denoise class
    opt = tvl2.TVL2Denoise.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2den_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl2.TVL2Denoise(s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2den_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## TVL2Deconv class
    opt = tvl2.TVL2Deconv.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})
    h = np.random.randn(3, 3)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2dcn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = tvl2.TVL2Deconv(h, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'tvl2dcn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    srcmodflt = '^sporco.fista'
    fnmsub = ('^sporco.fista.', '')
    lnksub = (r'^([^\.]*).(.*)',
    ct = jonga.CallTracer(srcmodflt=srcmodflt,

    #### fista.cbpdn module
    from sporco.fista import cbpdn
    mdnm = 'sporco.fista.cbpdn'

    D = np.random.randn(4, 4, 16)
    s = np.random.randn(8, 8)
    lmbda = 0.1

    ## ConvBPDN class
    opt = cbpdn.ConvBPDN.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'fista_cbpdn_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = cbpdn.ConvBPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'fista_cbpdn_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    #### fista.ccmod module
    from sporco.fista import ccmod
    mdnm = 'sporco.fista.ccmod'

    X = np.random.randn(8, 8, 1, 2, 1)
    S = np.random.randn(8, 8, 2)
    dsz = (4, 4, 1)

    ## ConvCnstrMOD class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodfista_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMOD(X, S, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodfista_solve.svg', **kwargs):

    ## ConvCnstrMODMaskDcpl class
    opt = ccmod.ConvCnstrMODMask.Options({'Verbose': False, 'MaxMainIter': 1})

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdfista_init.svg', **kwargs):
        b = ccmod.ConvCnstrMODMask(X, S, W, dsz=dsz, opt=opt)

    with CallGraph(ct, mdnm, pth, 'ccmodmdfista_solve.svg', **kwargs):
Exemplo n.º 20
    def train(self):
        noisyPatches, gtPatches = mutils.get_training_patches(
            self.data_dir, self.dataset, self.patch_size, self.overlap_size)

        # subtract the mean from bothdata
        SL = np.reshape(noisyPatches,
                        [noisyPatches.shape[0], self.patch_size**2])
        mSL = np.expand_dims(np.mean(SL, axis=1), axis=1)
        rmSL = np.tile(mSL, [1, SL.shape[1]])
        SL = SL - rmSL

        SH = np.reshape(gtPatches, [gtPatches.shape[0], self.patch_size**2])
        mSH = np.expand_dims(np.mean(SH, axis=1), axis=1)
        rmSH = np.tile(mSH, [1, SH.shape[1]])
        SH = SH - rmSH

        # make sure patch is stored in column vector
        SL = np.transpose(SL, [1, 0])
        SH = np.transpose(SH, [1, 0])

        hDim = SH.shape[0]
        lDim = SL.shape[0]

        # normalize signals
        SL = cmod.normalise(SL)
        SH = cmod.normalise(SH)

        # Joint training
        S = np.concatenate((SL, SH), axis=0)
        # S = cmod.normalise(S)

        # initialize dictionary
        DL = np.random.randn(SL.shape[0], self.dict_size)
        DH = np.random.randn(SH.shape[0], self.dict_size)

        # join learning dict
        D0 = np.concatenate((DL, DH), axis=0)

        # X and D update options
        lmbda = 0.1
        optx = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
            'Verbose': False,
            'MaxMainIter': 1,
            'rho': 50.0 * lmbda + 0.5
        optd = cmod.CnstrMOD.Options({
            'Verbose': False,
            'MaxMainIter': 1,
            'rho': S.shape[1] / 200.0
        # update D update options
        optd.update({'Y0': D0, 'U0': np.zeros((S.shape[0], D0.shape[1]))})

        # create X update object
        xstep = bpdn.BPDN(D0, S, lmbda, optx)
        # create D update object
        dstep = cmod.CnstrMOD(None, S, (D0.shape[1], S.shape[1]), optd)

        # create dict learn object
        opt = dictlrn.DictLearn.Options({'Verbose': True, 'MaxMainIter': 2})
        d = dictlrn.DictLearn(xstep=xstep, dstep=dstep, opt=opt)
        Dmx = d.solve()
        print("DictLearn solv time: %.2fs" % d.timer.elapsed('solve'))

        # get dictionary
        DL1 = Dmx[0:self.patch_size**2, :]
        DL1 = DL1.reshape(self.patch_size, self.patch_size, DL1.shape[1])
        DH1 = Dmx[self.patch_size**2:, :]
        DH1 = DH1.reshape(self.patch_size, self.patch_size, DH1.shape[1])

        itsx = xstep.getitstat()
        itsd = dstep.getitstat()
        # write logs
        mutils.write_logs(itsx, itsd, d.timer.elapsed('solve'),
                          self.output_dir, 'logs_%d_5' % self.dict_size)
        # write dictionary
        mutils.write_dicts(DL1, DH1, self.output_dir,
                           'dicts_%d_5' % self.dict_size)
Exemplo n.º 21
Set solver options.

lmbda = 1e-1
opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({'Verbose': True, 'MaxMainIter': 250,
                         'RelStopTol': 3e-3, 'AuxVarObj': False,
                         'AutoRho': {'Enabled': False}, 'rho':

Initialise the :class:`.admm.bpdn.BPDN` object and call the ``solve`` method.

b = bpdn.BPDN(D, blocks, lmbda, opt)
X = b.solve()

The denoised estimate of the image is by aggregating the block reconstructions from the coefficient maps.

imgd_mean = util.average_blocks(np.dot(D, X).reshape(blksz + (-1,))
                                + blockmeans, img.shape, stpsz)
imgd_median = util.combine_blocks(np.dot(D, X).reshape(blksz + (-1,))
                                  + blockmeans, img.shape, stpsz, np.median)

Display solve time and denoising performance.
Exemplo n.º 22
Load initial dictionary.

D0 = util.convdicts()['G:8x8x64']
D0 = np.reshape(D0, (np.prod(D0.shape[0:2]), D0.shape[2]))
Compute sparse representation on current dictionary.

lmbda = 0.1
opt = bpdn.BPDN.Options({
    'Verbose': True,
    'MaxMainIter': 200,
    'RelStopTol': 1e-3
b = bpdn.BPDN(D0, S, lmbda, opt)
X = b.solve()
Update dictionary for training image set.

opt = cmod.CnstrMOD.Options({
    'Verbose': True,
    'MaxMainIter': 100,
    'RelStopTol': 1e-3,
    'rho': 4e2
c = cmod.CnstrMOD(X, S, None, opt)
D1 = c.solve()
print("CMOD solve time: %.2fs" % c.timer.elapsed('solve'))
Exemplo n.º 23
    return np.sum(np.abs(x - x0))

# Parallel evalution of error function on lmbda grid
lrng = np.logspace(1, 2, 20)
sprm, sfvl, fvmx, sidx = util.grid_search(evalerr, (lrng, ))
lmbda = sprm[0]

print('Minimum ℓ1 error: %5.2f at 𝜆 = %.2e' % (sfvl, lmbda))
Once the best $\lambda$ has been determined, run BPDN with verbose display of ADMM iteration statistics.

# Initialise and run BPDN object for best lmbda
opt['Verbose'] = True
b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)
x = b.solve()

print("BPDN solve time: %.2fs" % b.timer.elapsed('solve'))
Plot comparison of reference and recovered representations.

plot.plot(np.hstack((x0, x)),
          title='Sparse representation',
          lgnd=['Reference', 'Reconstructed'])
Plot lmbda error curve, functional value, residuals, and rho

its = b.getitstat()
Exemplo n.º 24
def evalerr(prm):
    lmbda = prm[0]
    b = bpdn.BPDN(D, s, lmbda, opt)
    x = b.solve()
    return np.sum(np.abs(x - x0))