Exemplo n.º 1
def test_event_containment_union():
    assert (X << (Interval(0, 1) | Interval(2, 3))) \
        == (((0 <= X) <= 1) | ((2 <= X) <= 3))
    assert (X << (FiniteReal(0, 1) | Interval(2, 3))) \
        == ((X << {0, 1}) | ((2 <= X) <= 3))
    assert (X << FiniteNominal('a', b=True)) \
        == EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a', b=True))
    assert X << EmptySet == EventFiniteReal(X, EmptySet)
    # Ordering is not guaranteed.
    a = X << (Interval(0,1) | (FiniteReal(1.5) | FiniteNominal('a')))
    assert len(a.subexprs) == 3
    assert EventInterval(X, Interval(0,1)) in a.subexprs
    assert EventFiniteReal(X, FiniteReal(1.5)) in a.subexprs
    assert EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a')) in a.subexprs
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_sum_normal_nominal():
    X = Id('X')
    children = [
        X >> norm(loc=0, scale=1),
        X >> choice({
            'low': Fraction(3, 10),
            'high': Fraction(7, 10)
    weights = [log(Fraction(4, 7)), log(Fraction(3, 7))]

    spe = SumSPE(children, weights)

    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X < 0),
                    log(Fraction(4, 7)) + log(Fraction(1, 2)))

    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X << {'low'}),
                    log(Fraction(3, 7)) + log(Fraction(3, 10)))

    # The semantics of ~(X<<{'low'}) are (X << String and X != 'low')
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(~(X << {'low'})), spe.logprob((X << {'high'})))
    assert allclose(
        spe.logprob((X << FiniteNominal(b=True)) & ~(X << {'low'})),
        spe.logprob((X << FiniteNominal(b=True)) & (X << {'high'})))

    assert isinf_neg(spe.logprob((X < 0) & (X << {'low'})))

    assert allclose(spe.logprob((X < 0) | (X << {'low'})),
                    logsumexp([spe.logprob(X < 0),
                               spe.logprob(X << {'low'})]))

    assert isinf_neg(spe.logprob(X << {'a'}))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(~(X << {'a'})),
                    spe.logprob(X << {'low', 'high'}))

    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X**2 < 9),
                    log(Fraction(4, 7)) + spe.children[0].logprob(X**2 < 9))

    spe_condition = spe.condition(X**2 < 9)
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, ContinuousLeaf)
    assert spe_condition.support == Interval.open(-3, 3)

    spe_condition = spe.condition((X**2 < 9) | X << {'low'})
    assert isinstance(spe_condition, SumSPE)
    assert spe_condition.children[0].support == Interval.open(-3, 3)
    assert spe_condition.children[1].support == FiniteNominal('low', 'high')
    assert isinf_neg(spe_condition.children[1].logprob(X << {'high'}))

    assert spe_condition == spe.condition((X**2 < 9) | ~(X << {'high'}))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob((X < oo) | ~(X << {'1'})), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_solver_finite_symbolic():
    # Transform can never be symbolic.
    event = Y << {'a', 'b'}
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('a', 'b')
    # Complement the Identity.
    event = ~(Y << {'a', 'b'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('a', 'b', b=True)
    # Transform can never be symbolic.
    event = Y**2 << {'a', 'b'}
    assert event.solve() is EmptySet
    # Complement the Identity.
    event = ~(Y**2 << {'a', 'b'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal(b=True)
    # Solve Identity mixed.
    event = Y << {9, 'a', '7'}
    assert event.solve() == Union(
        FiniteNominal('a', '7'))
    # Solve Transform mixed.
    event = Y**2 << {9, 'a', 'b'}
    assert event.solve() == FiniteReal(-3, 3)
    # Solve a disjunction.
    event = (Y << {'a', 'b'}) | (Y << {'c'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('a', 'b', 'c')
    # Solve a conjunction with intersection.
    event = (Y << {'a', 'b'}) & (Y << {'b', 'c'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('b')
    # Solve a conjunction with no intersection.
    event = (Y << {'a', 'b'}) & (Y << {'c'})
    assert event.solve() is EmptySet
    # Solve a disjunction with complement.
    event = (Y << {'a', 'b'}) & ~(Y << {'c'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('a', 'b')
    # Solve a disjunction with complement.
    event = (Y << {'a', 'b'}) | ~(Y << {'c'})
    assert event.solve() == FiniteNominal('c', b=True)
    # Union of interval and symbolic.
    event = (Y**2 <= 9) | (Y << {'a'})
    assert event.solve() == Interval(-3, 3) | FiniteNominal('a')
    # Union of interval and not symbolic.
    event = (Y**2 <= 9) | ~(Y << {'a'})
    assert event.solve() == Interval(-3, 3) | FiniteNominal('a', b=True)
    # Intersection of interval and symbolic.
    event = (Y**2 <= 9) & (Y << {'a'})
    assert event.solve() is EmptySet
    # Intersection of interval and not symbolic.
    event = (Y**2 <= 9) & ~(Y << {'a'})
    assert event.solve() == EmptySet
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_simple_parse_nominal():
    assert isinstance(.7 * choice({'a': .1, 'b': .9}), DistributionMix)
    a = .3 * bernoulli(p=.1) | .7 * choice({'a': .1, 'b': .9})
    spe = a(X)
    assert isinstance(spe, SumSPE)
    assert allclose(spe.weights, [log(.3), log(.7)])
    assert isinstance(spe.children[0], DiscreteLeaf)
    assert isinstance(spe.children[1], NominalLeaf)
    assert spe.children[0].support == Interval(0, 1)
    assert spe.children[1].support == FiniteNominal('a', 'b')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_nominal_distribution():
    X = Id('X')
    spe = X >> choice({
        'a': Fraction(1, 5),
        'b': Fraction(1, 5),
        'c': Fraction(3, 5),
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X << {'a'}), log(Fraction(1, 5)))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X << {'b'}), log(Fraction(1, 5)))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob(X << {'a', 'c'}), log(Fraction(4, 5)))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob((X << {'a'}) & ~(X << {'b'})),
                    log(Fraction(1, 5)))
    assert allclose(spe.logprob((X << {'a', 'b'}) & ~(X << {'b'})),
                    log(Fraction(1, 5)))
    assert spe.logprob((X << {'d'})) == -float('inf')
    assert spe.logprob((X << ())) == -float('inf')

    samples = spe.sample(100)
    assert all(s[X] in spe.support for s in samples)

    samples = spe.sample_subset([X], 100)
    assert all(len(s) == 1 and s[X] in spe.support for s in samples)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        spe.sample_subset(['f'], 100)

    predicate = lambda X: (X in {'a', 'b'}) or X in {'c'}
    samples = spe.sample_func(predicate, 100)
    assert all(samples)

    predicate = lambda X: (not (X in {'a', 'b'})) and (not (X in {'c'}))
    samples = spe.sample_func(predicate, 100)
    assert not any(samples)

    func = lambda X: 1 if X in {'a'} else None
    samples = spe.sample_func(func, 100, prng=numpy.random.RandomState(1))
    assert sum(1 for s in samples if s == 1) > 12
    assert sum(1 for s in samples if s is None) > 70

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spe.sample_func(lambda Y: Y, 100)

    spe_condition = spe.condition(X << {'a', 'b'})
    assert spe_condition.support == FiniteNominal('a', 'b', 'c')
    assert allclose(spe_condition.logprob(X << {'a'}), -log(2))
    assert allclose(spe_condition.logprob(X << {'b'}), -log(2))
    assert spe_condition.logprob(X << {'c'}) == -float('inf')

    assert isinf_neg(spe_condition.logprob(X**2 << {1}))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spe.condition(X << {'python'})
    assert spe.condition(~(X << {'python'})) == spe
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_event_containment_mixed():
    assert X << {1, 2, 'a'} \
        == (X << {1,2}) | (X << {'a'}) \
        == EventOr([
        EventFiniteReal(X, {1, 2}),
        EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a'))
    assert (~(X << {1, 2, 'a'})) == ~(X << {1,2}) & ~(X << {'a'})

    # https://github.com/probcomp/sum-product-dsl/issues/22
    # Taking the And of EventBasic does not perform simplifications.
    assert ~(~(X << {1, 2, 'a'})) == EventOr([
        ((1 <= X) & ((X <= 1) | (2 <= X)) & (X <= 2)),
        X << {'a'}
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_xor():
    A = X << {'a'}
    B = ~(X << {'b'})
    assert (A ^ B) \
        == ((A & ~B) | (~A & B)) \
        == EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a', 'b', b=True))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_event_complex_simplification():
    # De Morgan's case in EventFinteNominal.__or__.
    assert ~(X << {'a'}) | ~(X << {'b'}) == EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal(b=True))
    assert ~(X << {'a'}) | ~(X << {'a', 'b'}) == ~(X << {'a'})
    assert (X << {'1'}) | ~(X << {'1', '2'}) == ~(X << {'2'})
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_event_containment_nominal():
    assert X << {'a'} == EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a'))
    assert ~(X << {'a'}) == EventFiniteNominal(X, FiniteNominal('a',b=True))
    assert ~(~(X << {'a'})) == X << {'a'}