Exemplo n.º 1
# setup deterministic operators
M, degree = 3, 1
K, FS = prepare_deterministic_operators(pde, coeff_field, M, mesh, degree)
print "K", len(K)

K0inv = pde.assemble_solve_operator(basis=FS, coeff=f).as_scipy_operator()

# setup stochastic operators
p1 = 2
D = prepare_stochastic_operators(M, p1, 'L')
print "D", len(D), D[0].domain.dim
print D[0].as_matrix()

# construct combined tensor operator
A = TensorOperator(K, D)
I, J, M = A.dim
print "TensorOperator A dim", A.dim

# setup tensor vector
u = prepare_vectors(J, FS)
u = FullTensor.from_list(u)
print "FullTensor u", u.dim()
print "u as matrix shape", u.as_matrix().shape, u.flatten().as_array().shape

# test tensor operator
# ====================

# test application of operator
w = A * u
Exemplo n.º 2
    # prepare "stochastic" matrices
    D = [sps.csr_matrix(np.random.rand(d,d)) for _ in range(m)]
    # convert to efficient sparse format
    D = [ScipyOperator(D_.asformat('csr'), domain=CanonicalBasis(D_.shape[0]), codomain=CanonicalBasis(D_.shape[1])) for D_ in D]

    # prepare vector
    u = [np.random.rand(k) for _ in range(d)]
    return K, D, u

# test tensor operator application
# ================================
I, J = 100, 15
for M in [1,2,5]:
    # prepare data
    K, D, u = construct_data(I, J, M)
    A = TensorOperator(K, D)
    u = FullTensor.from_list(u)
    # print matricisation of tensor operator
    Amat = A.as_matrix()
    print Amat.shape

    # compare with numpy kronecker product
    M2 = [sps.kron(K_.matrix, D_.matrix) for K_, D_ in zip(K, D)]
    M2 = np.sum(M2)

    print "error norm: ", norm(Amat-M2.todense()), " == ", norm(Amat-M2)

    # test application of operator
    w = A * u