Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_custom_strftime(self):
        s = ProtocolBase.strftime(datetime.date(1800, 9, 23),
                                        "%Y has the same days as 1980 and 2008")
        if s != "1800 has the same days as 1980 and 2008":
            raise AssertionError(s)

        print("Testing all day names from 0001/01/01 until 2000/08/01")
        # Get the weekdays.  Can't hard code them; they could be
        # localized.
        days = []
        for i in range(1, 10):
            days.append(datetime.date(2000, 1, i).strftime("%A"))
        nextday = {}
        for i in range(8):
            nextday[days[i]] = days[i + 1]

        startdate = datetime.date(1, 1, 1)
        enddate = datetime.date(2000, 8, 1)
        prevday = ProtocolBase.strftime(startdate, "%A")
        one_day = datetime.timedelta(1)

        testdate = startdate + one_day
        while testdate < enddate:
            if (testdate.day == 1 and testdate.month == 1 and
                                                    (testdate.year % 100 == 0)):
                print("Testing century", testdate.year)
            day = ProtocolBase.strftime(testdate, "%A")
            if nextday[prevday] != day:
                raise AssertionError(str(testdate))
            prevday = day
            testdate = testdate + one_day