Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_or(self):
     for or_ in [
             Or((self.table.c1, self.table.c2)),
             self.table.c1 | self.table.c2
         self.assertEqual(str(or_), '("c1" OR "c2")')
         self.assertEqual(or_.params, ())
Exemplo n.º 2
 def convert_domain_child_mptt(self, domain, tables):
     cursor = Transaction().cursor
     table, _ = tables[None]
     name, operator, ids = domain
     red_sql = reduce_ids(table.id, ids)
     Target = self.get_target()
     left = getattr(Target, self.left).sql_column(table)
     right = getattr(Target, self.right).sql_column(table)
     cursor.execute(*table.select(left, right, where=red_sql))
     where = Or()
     for l, r in cursor.fetchall():
         where.append((left >= l) & (right <= r))
     expression = table.id.in_(table.select(table.id, where=where))
     if operator == 'not child_of':
         return ~expression
     return expression
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_operator_operators(self):
        and_ = And((Literal(True), self.table.c1))
        and2 = and_ & And((Literal(True), self.table.c2))
        self.assertEqual(str(and2), '((%s AND "c1") AND %s AND "c2")')
        self.assertEqual(and2.params, (True, True))

        and3 = and_ & Literal(True)
        self.assertEqual(str(and3), '((%s AND "c1") AND %s)')
        self.assertEqual(and3.params, (True, True))

        or_ = Or((Literal(True), self.table.c1))
        or2 = or_ | Or((Literal(True), self.table.c2))
        self.assertEqual(str(or2), '((%s OR "c1") OR %s OR "c2")')
        self.assertEqual(or2.params, (True, True))

        or3 = or_ | Literal(True)
        self.assertEqual(str(or3), '((%s OR "c1") OR %s)')
        self.assertEqual(or3.params, (True, True))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def convert_domain_path(self, domain, tables):
     cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
     table, _ = tables[None]
     name, operator, ids = domain
     red_sql = reduce_ids(table.id, (i for i in ids if i is not None))
     Target = self.get_target()
     path_column = getattr(Target, self.path).sql_column(table)
     cursor.execute(*table.select(path_column, where=red_sql))
     if operator.endswith('child_of'):
         where = Or()
         for path, in cursor:
             where.append(path_column.like(path + '%'))
         ids = [int(x) for path, in cursor for x in path.split('/')[:-1]]
         where = reduce_ids(table.id, ids)
     if not where:
         where = Literal(False)
     if operator.startswith('not'):
         return ~where
     return where
Exemplo n.º 5
def reduce_ids(field, ids):
    Return a small SQL expression for the list of ids and the sql column
    ids = list(ids)
    if not ids:
        return Literal(False)
    assert all(x.is_integer() for x in ids if isinstance(x, float)), \
        'ids must be integer'
    ids = list(map(int, ids))
    prev = ids.pop(0)
    continue_list = [prev, prev]
    discontinue_list = array('l')
    sql = Or()
    for i in ids:
        if i == prev:
        if i != prev + 1:
            if continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] < 5:
                    continue_list[0] + x
                    for x in range(continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] + 1)
                sql.append((field >= continue_list[0])
                           & (field <= continue_list[-1]))
            continue_list = []
        prev = i
    if continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] < 5:
            continue_list[0] + x
            for x in range(continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] + 1)
        sql.append((field >= continue_list[0]) & (field <= continue_list[-1]))
    if discontinue_list:
    return sql
Exemplo n.º 6
 def convert_domain_mptt(self, domain, tables):
     cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
     table, _ = tables[None]
     name, operator, ids = domain
     red_sql = reduce_ids(table.id, (i for i in ids if i is not None))
     Target = self.get_target()
     left = getattr(Target, self.left).sql_column(table)
     right = getattr(Target, self.right).sql_column(table)
     cursor.execute(*table.select(left, right, where=red_sql))
     where = Or()
     for l, r in cursor.fetchall():
         if operator.endswith('child_of'):
             where.append((left >= l) & (right <= r))
             where.append((left <= l) & (right >= r))
     if not where:
         where = Literal(False)
     if operator.startswith('not'):
         return ~where
     return where
Exemplo n.º 7
 def convert_domain_mptt(self, domain, tables):
     cursor = Transaction().cursor
     table, _ = tables[None]
     name, operator, ids = domain
     red_sql = reduce_ids(table.id, ids)
     Target = self.get_target()
     left = getattr(Target, self.left).sql_column(table)
     right = getattr(Target, self.right).sql_column(table)
     cursor.execute(*table.select(left, right, where=red_sql))
     where = Or()
     for l, r in cursor.fetchall():
         if operator.endswith('child_of'):
             where.append((left >= l) & (right <= r))
             where.append((left <= l) & (right >= r))
     if not where:
         where = Literal(False)
     if operator.startswith('not'):
         return ~where
     return where
Exemplo n.º 8
def reduce_ids(field, ids):
    Return a small SQL expression for the list of ids and the sql column
    ids = list(ids)
    if not ids:
        return Literal(False)
    assert all(x.is_integer() for x in ids if isinstance(x, float)), \
        'ids must be integer'
    ids = map(int, ids)
    prev = ids.pop(0)
    continue_list = [prev, prev]
    discontinue_list = array('l')
    sql = Or()
    for i in ids:
        if i == prev:
        if i != prev + 1:
            if continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] < 5:
                discontinue_list.extend([continue_list[0] + x for x in
                    range(continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] + 1)])
                sql.append((field >= continue_list[0])
                    & (field <= continue_list[-1]))
            continue_list = []
        prev = i
    if continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] < 5:
        discontinue_list.extend([continue_list[0] + x for x in
            range(continue_list[-1] - continue_list[0] + 1)])
        sql.append((field >= continue_list[0]) & (field <= continue_list[-1]))
    if discontinue_list:
    return sql
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __or__(self, other):
     from sql.operators import Or
     return Or((self, other))